VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #4

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I see what Rimer is doing, he is basically a tool, trying to get the potential juror pool all hopped up and drunk on Jesus for the big trial coming up.

If they actually have this trial in Farmville it will be borderline malpractice on Sam's attorney's part.

I dont like horrorcore, satanism or that dark stuff anymore than anyone else but there is no need to turn this in to a witch hunt and play on people's fear of that which they do not understand.
Raz's lil bro Mikey (aka Charlie Brudos) states on his my space profile that he is 22. If you look at the old pic of Raz with lil baby Mikey (on pg 47 of the other thread), she certainly looks older than 2--which would make her 24. But I'm not sure if she looks 6--which would make her 28. Closer to six than 2. Being older than Shirm & older than most all the people you see in these pics is significant IMO. She can use that edge to her advantage (ie-power and influence). If we finally get to the bottom of precisely who Raz is, I suspect it won't be quite as interesting as Shirm's story turned out to be. Charlie Chan thinks she prolly just needs to be stabbed in eyes with sharpened chopsticks--LOL.

I really honestly do not have any respect for any of them, they dont impress me in the slightest as anything more than a bunch of hacks, BUT at least they are doing what they love to do and are able to make a living doing it, I think that is the dream of each of us and not many of us can say we achieved it. I wish they would be a little more responsible when it comes to the younger fan base and even self impose their own 18 and over parental advisory for some of their concerts and CDs but they wont because those are really the only people dumb enough to buy their ****.
Hey for sure, don't put yourself down, we are all smart in different ways. I have to count on my fingers to add, for real. Can't do it my head. The calculator is my favorite invention. You do speak from your heart and I love that - and you aren't afraid to express yourself and that's good.

Hugs to you for the stuff you've been through. I too think we need to get into people's heads. I just have the hardest time trying to understand how immersing one's self in dark stuff makes one feel better. We all know that life is full of horrible things - I see it every day on here. I DON'T GO TO CHICK FLICKS...why??? Because they are full of sad, freaking tragic crap that I've dealt with in my life - sorrow, and so I already know first hand about how that feels and I never want to go see someone else go through it in a movie. I guess that's why embracing what is horrible makes you feel better about the horrible boggles my mind. I don't embrace sorrowful things because I don't want to have depressing thoughts. Life is fricking hard enough - I'm staying on the light side and wish I could rid the world of evil but I'm just me, darn it. I try.

lol,thanks ziggy I'm just the opposite,i try the light side and it doesn't work for me...i think though that's one of the reasons i got addicted to this thread ,we are all so different and I bet in real life we wouldn't come together and have conversations..
...maybe the "immersing in dark stuff" has to do with pain as a relief,danger and paximus talked about that earlier in the thread...and it really made me think,i used to cut when i was in my teens and headbanging really works too,I don't know...but back to sam i feel as though he had rage in him for a really long time,that x-box profile where he states that is from 2005....i think since parents aren't doing their job anymore,schools should..why aren't there classes on empathy and anger management and stuff like that starting in elementary?...who cares about math?...needing a calculator never killed anyone...
....I'm glad ziggy that you havn't been through any horror in your life it seems but a lot of us have....a family member that I loved very much killed himself when I was 10,I was raped by a married u.s. army sergeant when I was 13...and after that I found comfort in metal,in accepting "dark" stuff as part of life,I don't want to be a rain on anyone's parade but I'm in this because I also just like you believe we are in control of our own happiness and we have to control our emotions and rage and never let it out on others...but i think it's important to find out what is going on in people's head's that commit this stuff so it can be prevented,and it needs to start early,I'm not that smart and i don't have all that education a lot of you guys have and everything i post just comes from my heart even though it's a dark place at times...people just need to learn to be strong and deal with it...and if "dark" stuff helps,so be it...I love Marilyn Manson,btw,thanks danger for posting that video.....and i don't think it's fair for people to post how sorry they feel for the boy that was at that festival because they don't know what kind of experience he had there....if his parents love him it could have been positive,he could have had the time of his life....

Youre a lot smarter than you think you are, dont ever think that you dont have anything of importance to add to any discussion no matter who it is with because you feel they have more education or something than you do. We each have our own unique perspectives on things and when we are all able to set aside our egos and work together good things happen. It is much the reason I have enjoyed this thread so much, there has been no flaming, no trolling, no personal attacks, just a bunch of people who are basically strangers to eachother who have come together, each one of us sharing our own unique perspective and you have contributed as much to it as Ziggy the law student and DM the dabbler and Andreas the attorney etc. Its been a real eye opening experience for me, as a veteran of many, many, discussion forums I have never seen a group set aside all personal agenda and come together for a single cause, each person contributing something very special including yourself.
Hey for sure, don't put yourself down, we are all smart in different ways. I have to count on my fingers to add, for real. Can't do it my head. The calculator is my favorite invention. You do speak from your heart and I love that - and you aren't afraid to express yourself and that's good.

Hugs to you for the stuff you've been through. I too think we need to get into people's heads. I just have the hardest time trying to understand how immersing one's self in dark stuff makes one feel better. We all know that life is full of horrible things - I see it every day on here. I DON'T GO TO CHICK FLICKS...why??? Because they are full of sad, freaking tragic crap that I've dealt with in my life - sorrow, and so I already know first hand about how that feels and I never want to go see someone else go through it in a movie. I guess that's why embracing what is horrible makes you feel better about the horrible boggles my mind. I don't embrace sorrowful things because I don't want to have depressing thoughts. Life is fricking hard enough - I'm staying on the light side and wish I could rid the world of evil but I'm just me, darn it. I try.

I pretty much feel the same, in real life I get accused of not taking things serious enough by those who know me best, but it is not that I am indifferent it is just that humor works best for me, I like to laugh at everything because really no matter what happens the sun is going to come up whether you decide to be happy, sad or depressed, its gonna be sunshine and roses tomorrow no matter what so you might as well laugh and enjoy life as it is way to short to do the alternative IMO.

In the end, to each their own, whatever works is ok with me!

As for ridding the world of evil, that is a noble endeavor and certainly something I would love to do also but I have spent most of my life trying to figure out where evil comes from, once I figure that out I will let you know and we will go tackle it and get rid of it for good.
...i wished something good could come out of it...there were a lot of personal attacks earlier in the threads though,especially towards dangr ,he took a lot of crap and always stayed calm,that was awesome,and i always appreciate his come backs,he knows a lot of stuff about a lot of things....pax,i know you are really against the death penalty and i'm curious to know what do you believe should happen to a guy like sam? i'm against the death penalty as well even though I think he would deserve much worse than it and i definetely believe he would kill again...
Claudicici--No--It's just about discovering who she REALLY is, not where she is. If it wasn't for my work, you might still be calling Shirm Shrim. That's not trolling. Please don't take my off beat sense of humor for anything more than it is. Yesterday I posted and defended Shirm"s actions in this matter. I'll do the same for her if it turns out that way. What brings me here is the sleuthing. I sleuth lots of things--not just crime. Guess I'm just a sleuther. Once again, please don't forget the off beat sense of humor element. It doesn't extend so far as to say "Jesus made me do it" after killing 4 people, but it's a part of who I am. Here's another one for you. Not sure who Raz is but I'm pretty sure she's not a food handler in an upscale restaurant.
....that is so true charlie,I just got suspicous and i actually thought you were charlie brudos,working for razakel,trying to find out how much we can find out...some of your posts i thought were offensive...
...maybe the "immersing in dark stuff" has to do with pain as a relief,danger and paximus talked about that earlier in the thread...and it really made me think,i used to cut when i was in my teens and headbanging really works too,I don't know...but back to sam i feel as though he had rage in him for a really long time,that x-box profile where he states that is from 2005....i think since parents aren't doing their job anymore,schools should..why aren't there classes on empathy and anger management and stuff like that starting in elementary?...who cares about math?...needing a calculator never killed anyone...

Its really not the pain per se nor the headbanging, its the FOCUSING on SOMETHING and that thing ONLY that allows the mind to enter that higher state of awareness where everything goes away and you find peace, even if it is just a brief moment. This is why I study Buddhism, it is all about training your mind to focus on the NOW, instead of wasting all your time with the regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, focus on the NOW and really live in the MOMENT and you will find yourself much more at peace and less divided. That is why things like pain can work in this manner, it immediately takes your mind off everything and redirects it to the pain to the now, to THIS MOMENT, its a quick way to a temporary enlightened state, the objective is to try and find a way to stay in that mental state all the time, not easy.

My fav hear don explain teenage dabbling.
I could only hope to be so enlightened.
...i wished something good could come out of it...there were a lot of personal attacks earlier in the threads though,especially towards dangr ,he took a lot of crap and always stayed calm,that was awesome,and i always appreciate his come backs,he knows a lot of stuff about a lot of things....pax,i know you are really against the death penalty and i'm curious to know what do you believe should happen to a guy like sam? i'm against the death penalty as well even though I think he would deserve much worse than it and i definetely believe he would kill again...

At heart I am an anarchist so it is very difficult for me to advocate in favor of locking people up. However, we dont live in la la land and this isnt a utopian fantasy, its the real world and things arent perfect and that being the case I have to agree that Sam needs to be removed from society so that he cannot harm others, as a libertarian and anarchist that is what I believe above all is that we should all be free to do as we choose as long as we dont harm others, when we bring harm to others for any reason beyond self defense or diminished mental capacity then people need to come together and deal with that person, but under NO circumstance am I willing to allow the STATE the authority and power to decide who should live and who should die. Put him in prison but no death penalty. I will gladly pay my share of taxes to feed him if it means not giving the ****ing government any more power than it already has.
My fav hear don explain teenage dabbling.
I could only hope to be so enlightened.

Your child may be dabbling in The Simpsons if he or she farts when you pull their finger.:dance:
Its really not the pain per se nor the headbanging, its the FOCUSING on SOMETHING and that thing ONLY that allows the mind to enter that higher state of awareness where everything goes away and you find peace, even if it is just a brief moment. This is why I study Buddhism, it is all about training your mind to focus on the NOW, instead of wasting all your time with the regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, focus on the NOW and really live in the MOMENT and you will find yourself much more at peace and less divided. That is why things like pain can work in this manner, it immediately takes your mind off everything and redirects it to the pain to the now, to THIS MOMENT, its a quick way to a temporary enlightened state, the objective is to try and find a way to stay in that mental state all the time, not easy.
...i went through a period where i wanted to be spiritual and i read the bible,the koran and about buddism and hinduism....i thought the koran is just a macho version of the bible,mohammed came and thought jesus is such a pussy....and i did like buddism but it requires a lot of self control,i guess which i don't have plus i do believe that the yesterday is as much part of you ar the tomorrow....maybe regrets of yesterday and worrys about tomorrow should be what shapes everyone's life and how you get the strength is what's imnportant NOT where you get it...
I like to think I would totally chat it up with all y'all IRL. Claudicici your perspective is really important and honestly everyone here has contributed much! Where the heck has Heroine been tho? Anyway, I wish parents would do their jobs, I really do. It seems the value of children has gone down the drain recently and people are too selfish and/or ignorant to take the job of forming another human being seriously. I'm not a fan of organized religion and I have no idea what I am in that sense, a Buddistian - can't be a real Buddist cuz I kill bugs and don't feel any remorse whatsoever ~ and also support the DP. But, I think the teachings have great merit.

At least churches used to be a place for people to learn good morals and values in a setting other than the home and people would come together to construct a mechanism for accountability to one another and their community. That doesn't happen anymore.

I know it's OT, but Sam's parents probably did a lousy freaking job and Emma's probably did much better, and Mel, who said on one of her VF profiles that she loved her parents more than anything and yet we've got three kids into the same painful and dark stuff. I find that fascinating too.

Edited to say the sentence structure SUCKS but I'm tired and burnt out from reading text books. :crosseyed:
My thought on the killing, is that a hammer was used for that, and then the maul was used to mutilate/rage on the bodies.
Any ball-peen hammer I've seen around a home is a pretty small thing ... such that, when I was a kid, that was 'my' hammer in the basement workshop. I think it would be pretty difficult to kill someone with one in the first few hits (unless hitting target spots, I suppose). I vote the maul.
Interesting you should say that. In my criminal law class the professor is a character of a woman, she's bawdy, funny and self-absorbed, but she mentioned in class that's her weapon of choice to keep under the mattress to render an intruder, basically dead. Hmm? Fun fact.
....i only kill mosquitos,lol,spiders and roaches and such I take outside....i try to be a vegan,but everything good has milk and eggs and stuff in it and meat tastes too damn good,but anyways I think sam and emma and mel where in it for completely different reasons,i think sam was full of rage and hate for a long time because of how he grew up,i think emma was just bored growing up in farmvilleand being homeschooled and stuff and i heard mel's mom was a writer and mel loved her parents and i assume they were liberal and very much into mel being an individual and finding her own path...i like her profiles aside from the naziism.....
I like to think I would totally chat it up with all y'all IRL. Claudicici your perspective is really important and honestly everyone here has contributed much! Where the heck has Heroine been tho? Anyway, I wish parents would do their jobs, I really do. It seems the value of children has gone down the drain recently and people are too selfish and/or ignorant to take the job of forming another human being seriously. I'm not a fan of organized religion and I have no idea what I am in that sense, a Buddistian - can't be a real Buddist cuz I kill bugs and don't feel any remorse whatsoever ~ and also support the DP. But, I think the teachings have great merit.

At least churches used to be a place for people to learn good morals and values in a setting other than the home and people would come together to construct a mechanism for accountability to one another and their community. That doesn't happen anymore.

I know it's OT, but Sam's parents probably did a lousy freaking job and Emma's probably did much better, and Mel, who said on one of her VF profiles that she loved her parents more than anything and yet we've got three kids into the same painful and dark stuff. I find that fascinating too.

Edited to say the sentence structure SUCKS but I'm tired and burnt out from reading text books. :crosseyed:

Well said, we dont agree on everything but where is the fun in it if we did?:dance:

Thats a Ball-peen hammer for those that dont know and indeed they do come in various sizes. The Ball-peen hammer is THE FAVORITE weapon of outlaw biker gangs like Hells Angels etc and has been for years, many of them even wear a patch depicting one on their leather jackets. They can do a lot of damage.

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