VA - Grateful Dead Fan - Unidentified male, 26 June 1995 - #2

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Endangered Missing Adult

If you believe you have any information regarding this case that will be helpful in this investigation please contact:
Omaha Police Department at (402) 444-4128

Name: Benjamin R. Cannon

Classification: Endangered Missing Adult
Date of Birth: 1974-10-11
Date Missing: 1995-03-31
From City/State: Omaha, NE
Missing From (Country): USA
Age at Time of Disappearance: 20
Gender: Male
Race: White
Height: 74 inches
Weight: 180 pounds
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Complexion: Light
Identifying Characteristics: Pierced ears.
Circumstances of Disappearance: Unknown. Benjamin was last seen during the month of March in 1995 at his residence in the 12600 block of Weir St. in Omaha, NE. It is believed he started traveling with the Rainbow family.
Investigative Agency: Omaha Police Department
Phone: (402) 444-4128
Investigative Case #: 11094E
NCIC #: M-724138044

what do you all think? The time frame is right, description right, age right, and him traveling with the rainbow kids--- which travel with the dead. Oh Please, please, let this be him!!! It would so great to finally let this young man have peace. I am also from Omaha so kinda trippy.
I just saw that he was ruled out-- I'm sorry that I didn't research his name before putting that one there-- but he is the closest match!!! I was so hoping that that was him- just like all of you who have really worked so hard to help him.... I am impressed and very grateful for people like you!
Hello, Salem, I thought that I read that his 2 ticket stubs were for 2 different dates? This thing is so weird. I'm going to go to facebook and see if I can find any Hagars (sp?) from sc who might have more info. Someone saw Jason's body and said they didn't know him, which is how the whole "hitchhiker" idea came up, but, that doesn't mean it is true. Also, whoever saw the body might have more info than what is posted on the official sites. Oh well, keep on truckin'......Maureen
Maureen - I have never heard that the two tickets were for different dates. There is a copy of them in one of these threads - I'll have to look for it. I remember looking at the stadium to try to find where he was sitting, but the seating chart was unavailable at the time.

Hello, It's me again, continuing to beat a dead horse- How can we get him listed in Namus? I just checked it again and he is still not listed there. I know VA has his fingerprints and DNA, isn't that what Namus compares? HELP_ I don't know what to do...Thanks, Maureen
It is my understanding both ticket stubs were for the same night.
did I read that "JASON" according to the letter they found on his person upon his demise, did Jason dye his hair red?

ok now..let's say he did as I read someplace?
Also don't Deadheads come from all over the world?
Could he possibly have drifted here to the USA from another country?

Also pray for another UP
he is deserving of a proper burial as well..
I found this web site while researching the Caylee case. Brian has dreams about missing people and maybe he could do the opposite and find out who this is. I tried to email him but it doesn't work on my computer. Could someone email Brian and ask him to add GDF to his list??

I hope someone reads this and tries, maybe need another way to look at this because the deadhead community is very large, all over, and most live a simple, non-computer life.
thanks for listening,

Murders get life for taking a life
Pedophiles/Rapist SHOULD get life for taking a soul!

Also, you should check out a new book that just came out called, The Franklin Scandal. True and real!
Hey SoulSister - Brian's site is an unapproved site here on Websleuths. Links to the site are not allowed. I'm going to edit your post to remove the link address. If, when you were writing your post above, you saw the link to Brian's site come up as *****.*** that was your clue that the site is not approved on WS. Anytime you try to post a link and see ******.*** in place of the link - that means it is an unapproved site.

If you wish to communicate with the site, please feel free to do so. However, you may not posts comments from that site here. If you want to say what you learned that is fine but you must put it in your own words, you can not copy and paste.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Hello, It's me again, continuing to beat a dead horse- How can we get him listed in Namus? I just checked it again and he is still not listed there. I know VA has his fingerprints and DNA, isn't that what Namus compares? HELP_ I don't know what to do...Thanks, Maureen

Maureen - send an email to the VA Med. Examiner's Office and request that he be put in Namus. For some reason I thought I had been told that he was in there already.

Let me know if you want help!

Just a thought, I wonder if any abandon cars were found on the highway the night of the concert. I wonder this because at least in this area you can not hitchhike on a major highway so maybe he had a car problem that lead him to be and if so maybe an unclaimed car is the answer to who he is.
Hello, everyone and particularly Salem! Well, I did it, I emailed the VA Medical Examiner and asked him/her to list Jason in Namus. I also asked if they had ANY additional info that would help identify him. I hope I did it OK, I was scared when I sent it.:blushing: Maureen
Hello, everyone and particularly Salem! Well, I did it, I emailed the VA Medical Examiner and asked him/her to list Jason in Namus. I also asked if they had ANY additional info that would help identify him. I hope I did it OK, I was scared when I sent it.:blushing: Maureen


Way to go! It gets less scary the more often you make contacts with LE. Let us know what response you get, if any.

I'm hoping they will put Jason in Namus and it will generate some leads. I can't believe this young man had no one to care about him, no one that wonders where he is 14 years after his death.

Good Job!!!!!

Just a thought, I wonder if any abandon cars were found on the highway the night of the concert. I wonder this because at least in this area you can not hitchhike on a major highway so maybe he had a car problem that lead him to be and if so maybe an unclaimed car is the answer to who he is.

sadnews - this is a very good thought. My son mentioned this idea several months ago. I just don't know how to follow up. My son thought maybe the car was found in the parking lot at the stadium?

Somehow, it would be necessary to have access to Washington DC's abandoned car database or something. I don't know if such a thing exists or if it would be possible to track.

Maybe we should google it? :)

Anyone else have any ideas on how we might track this? I think it is reasonable to think Jason might have had a car, if he was from out of the area. He got to WA D.C. somehow. Could have been with a friend, but.... how come no one's looking for him then? Plus, it appears he had a date. Where is she/he?

Hi everybody, Well, I heard from the ME-I'm very impressed by that,especially since it is a Holiday for some folks. But, now I am confused. She said that he IS listed in Namus, then why can't I see him there? She also says there are "good facial photos" of him so no need to do a reconstruction??? I would think that she might be thinking of another case, but, I gave her the case number, the date and the basic facts of the case-car crash, etc. And she mentioned that he is listed on the Grateful Dead website as well, so, she seems to know who I am talking about. I will email her back, I will also see if I can move her email over here for everyone to see (I think that is allowed-I'll read the rules to make sure.....Maureen
Maureen - I can't find him in Namus either. Tell the person you had someone else search and she couldn't find him either. Ask her what the search criteria might be?

My name is Sandra Williams-Amado, and I am the investigator that is currently handling the cases which have been unidentified for a number of years. The case that you are writing in reference to has actually been listed on the Namus website, NCIC, the grateful dead website, the news paper, and the internet. Namus does not actually compare DNA or fingerprints, but sort of guides people to the jurisdiction that will have to run a comparison between the missing and our unknowns. I am not sure if you are aware, but recently Henrico Co. did a reconstruction on a decedent and released it to the media, which has spawned numerous people to come forward to help in identifying their decedent. It may be beneficial to you as well to do the same, because your decedent has very good facial photos and would not need a reconstruction. We also have fingerprints, DNA, and post mortem dental records for the decedent. If there is anything that I may assist you with further regarding this case please feel free to contact me or any other investigator in the office at (804) 786-3174. My direct line is (804) 786-9841, but I work Sunday-weds. 2230-0800.
Sandra Williams-Amado

From: MAUREEN Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 12:13 AM
To: VDH-ocme centinv
Subject: Case #123526

Hello, I have been trying to help get this young man identified. His case id is 123526 and he was killed in a car crash on June 12, 1995 west of Emporia. I was wondering if you had ANY additional info on him that would help to get him ID'd. Soon, it will be 15 years since his death. I also wanted to know if you could enter his info into the Department of Justice's I understand that they compare DNA and fingerprints of everyone listed in their database as missing to the unidentified decedents. Thank you so much for your help and cooperation. Maureen
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Maureen - this is o/t because I am not sure you can read messages on your profile page yet :) Not sure you have enough posts - you need 50. So, go here:

And help everyone count down from One Million :) You might want to read a page or two to see what everyone is doing - then go for it. You will have 50 posts in no time :)

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