VA VA - Hazel Klug, 23, Richmond, 20 May 1986

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
there hasn't been any recent tips or leads with hazel's case the detective is still searching every lead and tip they get in the search for hazel mr. howdyshell has since been promoted and another detective is over the case now

Vital Statistics

Date Of Birth: August 22, 1962
Age at Time of Disappearance: 23 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'3; 117 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Blonde hair; blue eyes. Pierced Ears
Marks, Scars: She has a scar on the abdomen.
Dentals: Available

Circumstances Of Disappearance

Klug, a title researcher for a Richmond law firm, spoke to a coworker whom she was dating on the phone around 23:30 on May 20, 1986 from her home in the Crestview area of Richmond, VA. It was a normal conversation and Klug gave no indication that anything was wrong.
Klug did not report to her workplace the next day, May 21. The police searched her home and discovered that her dog was still at home, along with her car.
The only items missing were Ms. Klug's purse and a suitcase.
Police suspect foul play in Klug's disappearance.​

Even if the remains found are not Hazel's at least we will know and may help another family find answers.
I'm wondering if Hazel has ever been looked at in comparison to this Jane Doe:

There is not a lot to compare for this UID. But the age range is consistent, and the location (about an hour drive from Richmond) is reasonable.

The postmortem interval is listed as "Years", and there was only an 11 month interval from Hazel's Date LKA and the discovery. But postmortem intervals aren't always reliable.

It says "partial remains", and it appears to be only a skull (torso, limbs, and hands were all checked as "not found").

There is no DNA available on the UID, so there wouldn't be a CODIS rule-out by default.

Looking at the Google Map for the location of discovery (250 Ipswich Road), it looks like a very high-rent neighborhood.

They now have this UP case listed as male. It used to be Unsure.
we have recently posted her on many facebook sites and i've recently been contacted by someone telling me how much her case is similar to Tara Grinstead , I did send this info to the detective so maybe he can check into the similarities and see if there might be something there
I wonder if her case could be related somehow to that of Lisa Renee Triggs, who was last seen alive in Dale City, VA, about 7:30 pm, May 21, 1986, the day Hazel Klug was first noticed missing. Dale City is about 75 miles north of Richmond, and both places are on I-95.

that's an interesting theory , the family has often wondered if there might be more who disappeared like Hazel Alice did
most recent response from the detectives in charge of Hazel's case :

Thank you for bringing these potential leads to my attention. I have reviewed these three cases with both Detective Holsinger and Detective Schihl so that all three of us could review each case. I do not believe that the three cases are connected to the disappearance of Hazel Klug. We still have a strong person of interest in her disappearance, however, are still awaiting DNA evidence to be analyzed.

In regards to the three cases that you mentioned I wanted to give you some reasons as to why the three of us do not believe they are connected.

Serial rapist and murderer Lloyd Lee Welch (Maryland / Virginia)

During this crime the Lyons sisters (10 and 12) were abducted from a shopping center in a Maryland suburb of Washington DC. While at the shopping center they were observed speaking to a male, later possibly identified as Welch based on a noticeable scar on his face. Sometime that same year a relative helped Welch dispose of the possible bodies by setting them on fire on a mountain property in Thaxton, Virginia. Welch has been in and out of prison for sexual assault of at least two additional 10 year old girls. He goes to trial in Bedford County, Virginia in October 2016. Although the abduction and murder of the Lyons sisters are around the same time as Hazel’s disappearance there are some marked differences. I cannot go into all of the details but the main difference is a serial predator has a specific victim type and M.O. they operate on. Specific signatures that they will use is picking their victim, the way they abduct them, and then how they perpetuate their crime. Welch’s victim type has been that of a 10-12 year old white female. It is very unlikely that Welch would graduate to choosing Hazel as a victim due to her age, physical stature, and the ability to fight back.

Disappearance of Tara Grinstead (Ocilla, Geeorgia)

Tara Grinstead was 30 at the time of her disappearance, a beauty queen, and high school teacher who disappeared on October 22, 2005 in Ocilla, Georgia. She disappeared from her residence and only thing out of ordinary was her vehicle was unlocked and her purse was missing. A lone latex glove was located that contains male DNA at the scene. Even though this case does share some similarities with Hazel’s disappearance we also do not believe they are connected. Tara and Hazel do share a lot, to include appearances, however the biggest difference is the time between disappearances. Hazel’s attacker at the time would have most likely been between 20-40 years old in 1986 to have been able to abduct her and this would place the attacker between 40-60 years old at the time of this crime.

Murder of Lisa Renee Tiggs (Dale City - May 21, 1986 disappearance and May 24, 1986 body discovery)

Lisa Renee Tiggs (15 year old WF) was walking down a road in Dale City walking pass a traveling carnival when she disappeared. Her body was discovered face down in a creek a short distance away in a wooded area. Cause of Death was blunt force trauma to head. It appears that this incident may be a spur of the moment crime. Hazel was at her residence and on the phone shortly before her potential disappearance. There is information that we have that Hazel was not planning to leave the house that night which would have reduced the spur of the moment crime. The person who committed this murder did not care if Tiggs was discovered as there was no attempt to hide her body from discovery. However Hazel has not been discovered to this day, or at least DNA has not matched any potential remains, which suggests that her attacker is more methodical or the crime was preplanned.

Sergeant Kevin Howdyshell
I know my last post was kind of long but I wanted to show that they are researching every possible lead or maybe connection someone gives them

thanks everyone for all the theories and thoughts of who could be involved or if her case could be connected to someone else , any thoughts or idea or help the family is greatly thankful for
Any new leads on this girl?

at this time it's an ongoing investigation , they are investigating any and all leads and people of interest , the detectives are checking out everything in hope of solving this case , they advised me to submit any and all possibilities to them in the search for Hazel or if i feel there may be a connection to another case ect..

please pray they solve her case it's been over 30 years since she had disappeared
she hasn't been found , but they are looking into any and all possible jane does and unidentified persons that could be her , anytime I think it could be her i'm sending the story or case to the detectives to look into , he's checked hundreds of jane does and unidentified remains to see if they may be her but so far none has been hazel alice klug , she remains missing to this day and the family is still searching and praying for answers
Hi Sandraella!

Did Hazel live alone? I'm wondering how likely it is that something happened in her home. If she lived with her parents and they saw her on the phone, I think it's less likely that she was abducted from there without anyone seeing or hearing anything.

I hope she can be found!
sorry it's taken so long to answer , She lived in an apartment by herself which she disappeared from in Richmond VA, her parents lived in Ohio when she disappeared , they're both sadly decease and departed this world never knowing what happened to her as did 2 of her sisters , her surviving family members are hoping to find her and find out what happened and to lay her to rest if decease and if she's alive to bring her home , The detectives handling her case checks out any tips , leads, jane doe ect.. that can help possibly find her , they've ruled out hundreds of jane doe as not being her if not thousands , so please if you think a jane doe could be her send it to the detective . or if you're someone who might know something or have a tip or lead kindly end it to them
most recent response from the detectives in charge of Hazel's case :

Thank you for bringing these potential leads to my attention. I have reviewed these three cases with both Detective Holsinger and Detective Schihl so that all three of us could review each case. I do not believe that the three cases are connected to the disappearance of Hazel Klug. We still have a strong person of interest in her disappearance, however, are still awaiting DNA evidence to be analyzed.

In regards to the three cases that you mentioned I wanted to give you some reasons as to why the three of us do not believe they are connected.

Serial rapist and murderer Lloyd Lee Welch (Maryland / Virginia)

During this crime the Lyons sisters (10 and 12) were abducted from a shopping center in a Maryland suburb of Washington DC. While at the shopping center they were observed speaking to a male, later possibly identified as Welch based on a noticeable scar on his face. Sometime that same year a relative helped Welch dispose of the possible bodies by setting them on fire on a mountain property in Thaxton, Virginia. Welch has been in and out of prison for sexual assault of at least two additional 10 year old girls. He goes to trial in Bedford County, Virginia in October 2016. Although the abduction and murder of the Lyons sisters are around the same time as Hazel’s disappearance there are some marked differences. I cannot go into all of the details but the main difference is a serial predator has a specific victim type and M.O. they operate on. Specific signatures that they will use is picking their victim, the way they abduct them, and then how they perpetuate their crime. Welch’s victim type has been that of a 10-12 year old white female. It is very unlikely that Welch would graduate to choosing Hazel as a victim due to her age, physical stature, and the ability to fight back.

Disappearance of Tara Grinstead (Ocilla, Geeorgia)

Tara Grinstead was 30 at the time of her disappearance, a beauty queen, and high school teacher who disappeared on October 22, 2005 in Ocilla, Georgia. She disappeared from her residence and only thing out of ordinary was her vehicle was unlocked and her purse was missing. A lone latex glove was located that contains male DNA at the scene. Even though this case does share some similarities with Hazel’s disappearance we also do not believe they are connected. Tara and Hazel do share a lot, to include appearances, however the biggest difference is the time between disappearances. Hazel’s attacker at the time would have most likely been between 20-40 years old in 1986 to have been able to abduct her and this would place the attacker between 40-60 years old at the time of this crime.

Murder of Lisa Renee Tiggs (Dale City - May 21, 1986 disappearance and May 24, 1986 body discovery)

Lisa Renee Tiggs (15 year old WF) was walking down a road in Dale City walking pass a traveling carnival when she disappeared. Her body was discovered face down in a creek a short distance away in a wooded area. Cause of Death was blunt force trauma to head. It appears that this incident may be a spur of the moment crime. Hazel was at her residence and on the phone shortly before her potential disappearance. There is information that we have that Hazel was not planning to leave the house that night which would have reduced the spur of the moment crime. The person who committed this murder did not care if Tiggs was discovered as there was no attempt to hide her body from discovery. However Hazel has not been discovered to this day, or at least DNA has not matched any potential remains, which suggests that her attacker is more methodical or the crime was preplanned.

Sergeant Kevin Howdyshell

What a impressive Sergeant to have looked into her case quite throughly, Wonder if he’s still there you could contact him again, maybe help get a cold case bumped up?
They have a poi, boyfriend?
What a impressive Sergeant to have looked into her case quite throughly, Wonder if he’s still there you could contact him again, maybe help get a cold case bumped up?
They have a poi, boyfriend?

yes he's still there but there's a new investigator over her case named Joe Schihl , but sadly there hasn't been anything new with hazel's case , i do submit any that i think could be her and they check and rule them out , some i've submitted and they ruled out as hazel , some of those cases have been solved such as the young lady who was found in the landfill her case was recently solved. the detectives check and go through any cases or jane does that have been submitted as possibly being her very throughly , we hope one day we find her as it's been 34 years since she went missing

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