VA - Johnny Depp's defamation case against ex Amber Heard, who countersued #2

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Sky News

'Disco Bloodbath'

We now look at a series of texts sent in December 2013. Johnny Depp is telling Amber Heard that he's seen a book titled "Disco Bloodbath". He says he was in a second hand book shop, and he saw it and thought that it sounded like a "bad slasher movie".

Heard replies: "We need that book... Is it about last Friday night by any chance".

Depp replies: "How can you make me smile about such a hideous moment".

Depp says this is a "light-hearted exchange" and he doesn't recall what happened on the Friday night.

In past questioning by Heard's team it has been alleged that 'Disco Bloodbath' was an argument in March 2013 when they say Depp hit Heard after an argument over a painting, and some blood from her lip went onto the wall. They have alleged the couple referred to it as a "disco bloodbath".
Angenette Levy

Judge Azcarate says "order in the court or I'll have you removed" after Depp fans laugh when he asks that a question be repeated. We have heard laughter in the past (not typical in court cases).
Humour in the court is not usually something that bothers me. I feel in very intense cases, it's often used as a way to relieve tension.

I object however, when it's at someone else's expense.

The defense lawyer is just doing his job, and it's irrelevant whether you like him or not.
Sky News

'Loves naked Hollywood'

Johnny Depp's lawyer is now asking the actor to look at images taken in his home in Australia, which show writing on mirrors drawn in blood and paint by the actor during an argument between the pair in March 2015.

The actor is alleged to have scrawled it using his damaged finger. One phrase seems to read: "Loves naked Hollywood".

Depp says this was referring to a discussion he and Heard had when she voiced to him that she did not want to be looked upon in a sexual way in the industry, and wanted to escape being objectified by the Hollywood system.

He says she asked him: "How can I avoid being stereotyped as the beautiful blonde who gets her breasts out and goes naked and has to 'stuuck' [have sex with] people in movies". He says he gave her his advice, but her "ambition was stronger than what she received from my advice".

He says his advice was "accurate" and he thought about it long and hard as he had "loved her". He says he too had to think about managing his own career and reputation early on his career, so "had experience something similar in being looked upon as something you're not in the early years... And it worked out for me. I was basically giving her the same advice".
As I am the mother of grown sons, I've been wondering IF the verdict in this case will arrive at the conclusion that...

Mothers should teach their kindhearted sons that if they should ever fall in love with a partner who belittles, slaps and chases them... never talk, yell nor shout back, never try to remove yourself from the situation by going to another room, never try to restrain that partner from hitting you, never attempt to defend yourself... as all of these things are "mutual abuse".

Sky News

'Why would I ruin the only good thing in my life?'

Johnny Depp is talking about text messages he sent to his private physician, Doctor Kipper, in which he refers to "chopping my finger off". He says he didn't literally mean he chopped it off himself, and that it was shorthand for what happened, which was too long winded to explain. He says it would be comparable to using the phrase "walked into a knife".

He says the Doctor Kipper knew how the accident really happened, and he told him on the day it took place that Amber Heard had caused the injury by throwing a vodka bottle at him. he says members of his security team were also aware of how it happened.

Depp also asks: "Why would I ruin the only good thing in my life?" He's talking about his love of guitar playing. He adds: "Thank god it wasn't the left had... That's the fret hand... I would have had to totally re-learn playing the guitar if it had been the left hand".

Depp says he lied to the emergency room staff in Australia at the time of his injury, as he didn't want to get Heard "into trouble" and so told doctors in the hospital that he had trapped his finger "in an accordion door" [a form of folding door].
JD was describing an incident on 'the island' while Paul Bettany and his family were visiting. He stated that AH was so cruel that she brought a son of Bettany's to tears. While he was speaking, we were able to watch AH on the screen. All I could see was Cruella Deville.

yeah, taken in conjunction with last week’s conversation about how AH abused Kevin Murphy for the dog pooing on the bed and JD pitching in at her about not disrespecting him, it seems pretty obvious that Amber is one of those people who, in my mother’s locution, ‘would rather be right than President’; and who doesn’t care how obnoxious and berating she is, as long as she gets her way.

Arguing with PB’s 18-year-old stepson until he cries, makes her into an immature bully.
Sky News

Court breaks for lunch

The court is now breaking for lunch, slightly later than normal due to the late start today.

Court will reconvene at 7.20pm UK time, which is 2.20 in Virginia.

While Johnny Depp is still in the witness box right now (being questioned by his own legal team) we are told that it is likely we will hear from "a remote witness" later this afternoon.

It's not clear who this will be, only that they will be talking to us via video link rather than in person in the court room.

We'll see you back here in just under an hour.
Where did you see that compact? I spent a bunch of time on Wayback looking from 2013 to the end of 2016 and I didn't see it.

There’s a post further up on the thread where the manufacturer of the compact came out in a post, saying it wasn’t released to the market until a year after AH filed her TRO.

as for seeing it in person, Attorney Bredehoft brandished it as a visual aid in her opening statement.
As I am the mother of grown sons, I've been wondering IF the verdict in this case will arrive at the conclusion that...

Mothers should teach their kindhearted sons that if they should ever fall in love with a partner who belittles, slaps and chases them... never talk, yell nor shout back, never try to remove yourself from the situation by going to another room, never try to restrain that partner from hitting you, never attempt to defend yourself... as all of these things are "mutual abuse".


they had a domestic abuse counselor on CourtTV last week who said that part of her advice to the abused is in fact them removing themselves from the situation.

other than that, yes, currently we are being lectured that there is never any excuse for a man laying a pinky finger on a woman, even if it was a reflex reaction; or if it is in fact anything that the woman could in fact claim as abuse after the fact even if it was clearly an accident.

again, nothing about JD asking AH to burn or cut him has anything to do with saying he also burned and/or cut her. Anyone who looks up self mutilation will learn it’s a self-loathing crime, and not some S & M thing.

I've never heard that phrase before. I think I like your mother and I sure like her style! :D

lol, thanks. She’s got some good ones, that is for sure. Once she said ‘c’est la guerre’ instead of ‘c’est la vie’; and we always have to remind her that it’s not in fact ‘water over the bridge’ and/or ‘under the dam’.

she’s also got another in the family colloquial lexicon that might apply to AH, ‘thinks wonders who she is’.
Trial now resumes...Discussing finger injury
Sky News

Bahamas detox - sending Amber away

Johnny Depp is now discussing his trip to his private island in the Bahamas in August 2014. Amber Heard had been with Depp on the island, but Depp later sent her and her friends back to Beverly Hills to stay so he could continue the detox alone.

Depp is shown a text exchange between himself and Heard in which he says he misses her, but "this was the right thing to do do speed up the process".

He says this refers to sending her away from the island.

Heard replies in the text: "I can't live without you. You are my everything. There are no words... I just want you to be ok. And happy. I love you more every single day. Can't imagine my life without you."
Sky News

'You threw a cigarette at me'

We are now listening to another audio recording, in which we can hear Amber Heard saying the word "couch" repeatedly.

We can hear Johnny Depp replying, and then we hear Heard shouting "by the way you just threw a *advertiser censored***** cigarette on me".

Depp says he believes Heard was ordering him to sit on the couch, and that while it's possible he may have unintentionally flicked ash from a cigarette at her from a it's "ludicrous" to suggest "she's screaming in pain from a cigarette being put out on her".

We now move onto a text sent from Depp to Heard in May 2016, a month after the pair last saw each other, and after they had decided to split up. In it Depp says "Nothing I have to say to you should elicit anything but a sense of ease". Depp says he was trying to find "a peaceful, and private and calm resolution" to their troubled marriage.

He says no one should live in such a state of constant argument and turmoil, and he was looking for "a smooth exit, that was all".
Sky News

'You vomit in your sleep a lot'

Johnny Depp's lawyer now asks him if he remembers being questioned last week by Heard's lawyer, Ben Rottenborn about "vomiting in his sleep every night".

Depp says yes, he does remember. However, he says Amber Heard never told him that in person, he just heard it in the court. He says it was not the case that he vomited every night, and if he had he would have "sought medical help".

He says at times his pain medication would make him ill, and that also sometimes at the height of their arguments he would be sick. Depp says: "It still confounds me as to why she [Heard] would record that."
Sky News

Chucking his wedding ring to the floor

We are now played an audio recording in which Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are arguing. Heard tells Depp: "Your movie parties are more important to you [than me]". They seem to be arguing over him choosing to go out rather than stay in together.

After bickering for a while, Depp says "I don't want to be with you any more", to which Heard replies that if he means it he has to show it by taking off his ring. Depp can be heard throwing his wedding ring to the floor.

Heard replies: "Is that all that means to you?" and then goes on: "Don't go, don't *advertiser censored** this thing up. I'm not perfect, you're not perfect. We don't have to do this every time we disagree".

She then says "I love you" and seems to be following him and stopping him from leaving as she talks to him and he appears to walk away from her.

He also says "do you want to hit me in the ear again?" Depp agrees that he loves her, but says "not that much". He says "I will not be your frenzied dog... I don't want to be with you. If these are the *advertiser censored**ing rules, I don't want to be with you".

Depp's lawyer asks what he means by "hit me in the ear again" and Depp says Heard gave him "a good chop in the ear" around that time, "that left his ear ringing" and so he'd asked if she wanted to hit him again.
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