VA VA - Kelly Catalano, 40, Chesterfield, 15 Jan 2010 - #1

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Not really. She's a woman, we over-react sometimes... we let our emotions get the best of us and do things we think may hurt the person we are in the process of losing. As a woman who's over-reacted and gotten a bit over emotional a time or two (or 50 LOL) in my life I can totally see where changing the locks would help one feel like they still have some sort control over their situation.
I have changed my locks in the past after a break up. 1) because I did not want the other person to get in and take anything out while I wasn't there (so she gave me a key back...doesn't mean she didn't have one made prior to that) 2) I do know that you are supposed to give the person living with you or be it a renter, 30 days to move their things out BUT I decided it was going to be on my time 3) IF at any point you damage their property, furniture, clothes, etc., you are responsible for replacing it.
Hello again everyone, just putting my 2 cents in again. I also want to thank everyone for welcoming me, it is/was great(ly) appreciated. There are lots of things that are on several posts that I thought I would do my best to try and help possibly give some insight to, once again observations and opinions for the most part unless stated otherwise.

As for if there are windows in the shop Kelly worked in, there are, they are small in width and sparse. As stated by CiV, her workstation is closer to the door, but employees are encouraged to use certain doors and not all due to alarms. As for the lobby, there is a large portion of the front that is glass, however, there is not someone there at all times. They may be on break, called away, running errands, etc. You can see a majority of the parking lot, but there is a portion that is not as accessible unless you stand at the windows. With that said, you can see towards the river, but still hindered by trees. The cul-de-sac is not necessarily visible either due to the slight hill. And as for if she would be able to take calls on her cell, she could if she could hear, but being in the shop with many different forms of manufacturing equipment, it would be quite difficult.

To address her changing her locks, I do not find that surprising at all, amiblicable relationship split or not. People do it all the time and she had the knowledge and the ability to do so, actually we all do, just go to your neighborhood BIG BOX Warehouse Hardware store. I know she had contact with someone that worked for one of those companies (as did I) so I am certain she was quite knowledgable. (You know who you are = ) When I worked there, that is generally what people were buying them for, not for new construction or even purchasing a new to them home. I doubt she was fearful, just taking the next step in doing so, to her it may have been the period at the end of a sentance to signify and end to the relationship.

I can confirm that Kelly did have Lasik surgery several years ago, I was there at the time and she loved to show me the improvement she made daily. She had that lovely teltale sign of the blood blister on the side of her eyes. As for the goggles/glasses, I am not sure which ones they were. They are supplied unless you like a particular kind, but generally everyone marked their stuff for identification, in case you left in the canteen, bathroom, workout room, etc. The same goes for the gloves. If it was indeed goggles that were found and not safety glasses, that could have been the clue, Kelly did several types of welding and she had a helmet that I know, but may have had goggles too. Also, as a side note, welders can develope poisoning from the spraks/burns they get and each person reacts differently to that as well. If your curious, try a search engine.

Based on what CiV has said, it sounds like she became a "tenant" after their split and that is when the deed was changed. Once again, this is not unusual, been there, done that, seen it a million times in my line of work.

Thanks Shutterfly for mentioning Vulcan, I hadn't thought about that either. Makes since as well, and though the map makes it look far away, it really isn't that far or hard to get too from BPA. Still not sure though. Keep that brain working.

CiV, I know this is hard for you and I will state that I appreciate you putting your personal life out here for all of us to read. I am sorry that you have to go thru this and I am remorseful that I did not keep in better contact, but our seperate lives pull us in so many different directions.

Not sure if this long winded (once again) note helps at all, but I will try and give you what ever I have. It seems like the only real way I can help besides keep posting online, calling news crews and newspaper asking how come we are not hearing anymore. It gave me a chill when I heard about another 40 year old woman missing around here and once again, family and friends are positive that it is not suicide. Sick people in this world, in more ways than one.

Best regards to you all, God Bless Kelly, her family, her friends and to you as well.
Hello again everyone, just putting my 2 cents in again. I also want to thank everyone for welcoming me, it is/was great(ly) appreciated. There are lots of things that are on several posts that I thought I would do my best to try and help possibly give some insight to, once again observations and opinions for the most part unless stated otherwise ...

By something you wrote a day or so ago, I was under the impression that you had left this forum, perhaps forever. So I just want to thank you personally for hanging in there with us.

We have lots of questions to ask those who knew Kelly on a personal basis and/or knew details of her work life. Every little bit of information helps in moving this case forward, so we appreciate your contributions.

I believe you have details to contribute to us that we have not heard or gathered from other sources, and that's always a good thing. Even the details about the goggles and how they were handled by BluePrint's employees, as well as information about the windows (their size/shape) was helpful to me.

Don't go anywhere, ok? :) Thanks again!
Just an idea so I would appreciate any and all opinions. Since two of us posting on here have seen someone that looks similiar to the pics that we have seen of Kelly, I wonder if we should maybe get license plates, etc., and leave it up to police to investigate further. I don't want to hassle anyone but since MOST of us don't necessarily know certain facial features, etc., and we don't know if she is even in VA, is it worth a shot? I am not saying to call the police or whatever everytime you see someone that has the same eye color but if it is really making you do a double take, why not? Sometimes people altar their appearance...not saying this has happened but again, we can't leave any stones unturned.
It would be very helpful if we could have other pics of Kelly IMHO. Maybe one of the family members or friends could put some pics of Kelly in their WS album?
Just for clarification, I moved out in Feb of 2009, signed the house over to Kelly in May of 2009 (which gave her a chance to refinance), then removed the rest of my belongings in August of 2009. I was never a tenant of Kelly's, we were co-home-owners.

PS- Thanks for your kindness CfK.
Just for clarification, I moved out in Feb of 2009, signed the house over to Kelly in May of 2009 (which gave her a chance to refinance), then removed the rest of my belongings in August of 2009. I was never a tenant of Kelly's, we were co-home-owners.

PS- Thanks for your kindness CfK.

so, there was also another kind of sad anniversary coming up (february)..

thanks for all your answers to questions posed..
It would be very helpful if we could have other pics of Kelly IMHO. Maybe one of the family members or friends could put some pics of Kelly in their WS album?
I have some pics but not sure how to go about adding them...any info would be helpful
Hope this works


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If anyone in the family, or even you ConcernedInVa, have any kind of video of Kelly, that would help. Or does she have a specific hand jesture, certain things that she does that would make her stand out more? Certain foods she likes, candy, drink, etc. Any kind of things that might help notice her out somewhere.
Gut feeling something is going to come to light very soon! Did Kelly go for her walk at 10.00 because she felt uncomfortable with the 2 guys she was supposed to go with at 11.30? Could one of them be the one she thought had copied her key and gone into her house?
Kelly sure is pretty....I can definitely see her attracting unwanted attention....I pray she is okay....
Thank you for adding those pics! What a natural beauty Kelly is!
I just wonder if Kelly was being sexually harassed at work and had threatened to take some action?
Hello again everyone, just putting my 2 cents in again. I also want to thank everyone for welcoming me, it is/was great(ly) appreciated. There are lots of things that are on several posts that I thought I would do my best to try and help possibly give some insight to, once again observations and opinions for the most part unless stated otherwise.

As for if there are windows in the shop Kelly worked in, there are, they are small in width and sparse. As stated by CiV, her workstation is closer to the door, but employees are encouraged to use certain doors and not all due to alarms. As for the lobby, there is a large portion of the front that is glass, however, there is not someone there at all times. They may be on break, called away, running errands, etc. You can see a majority of the parking lot, but there is a portion that is not as accessible unless you stand at the windows. With that said, you can see towards the river, but still hindered by trees. The cul-de-sac is not necessarily visible either due to the slight hill. And as for if she would be able to take calls on her cell, she could if she could hear, but being in the shop with many different forms of manufacturing equipment, it would be quite difficult.

To address her changing her locks, I do not find that surprising at all, amiblicable relationship split or not. People do it all the time and she had the knowledge and the ability to do so, actually we all do, just go to your neighborhood BIG BOX Warehouse Hardware store. I know she had contact with someone that worked for one of those companies (as did I) so I am certain she was quite knowledgable. (You know who you are = ) When I worked there, that is generally what people were buying them for, not for new construction or even purchasing a new to them home. I doubt she was fearful, just taking the next step in doing so, to her it may have been the period at the end of a sentance to signify and end to the relationship.

I can confirm that Kelly did have Lasik surgery several years ago, I was there at the time and she loved to show me the improvement she made daily. She had that lovely teltale sign of the blood blister on the side of her eyes. As for the goggles/glasses, I am not sure which ones they were. They are supplied unless you like a particular kind, but generally everyone marked their stuff for identification, in case you left in the canteen, bathroom, workout room, etc. The same goes for the gloves. If it was indeed goggles that were found and not safety glasses, that could have been the clue, Kelly did several types of welding and she had a helmet that I know, but may have had goggles too. Also, as a side note, welders can develope poisoning from the spraks/burns they get and each person reacts differently to that as well. If your curious, try a search engine.

Based on what CiV has said, it sounds like she became a "tenant" after their split and that is when the deed was changed. Once again, this is not unusual, been there, done that, seen it a million times in my line of work.

Thanks Shutterfly for mentioning Vulcan, I hadn't thought about that either. Makes since as well, and though the map makes it look far away, it really isn't that far or hard to get too from BPA. Still not sure though. Keep that brain working.

CiV, I know this is hard for you and I will state that I appreciate you putting your personal life out here for all of us to read. I am sorry that you have to go thru this and I am remorseful that I did not keep in better contact, but our seperate lives pull us in so many different directions.

Not sure if this long winded (once again) note helps at all, but I will try and give you what ever I have. It seems like the only real way I can help besides keep posting online, calling news crews and newspaper asking how come we are not hearing anymore. It gave me a chill when I heard about another 40 year old woman missing around here and once again, family and friends are positive that it is not suicide. Sick people in this world, in more ways than one.

Best regards to you all, God Bless Kelly, her family, her friends and to you as well.

:hug: I cannot even begin to imagine what all of you are going through. Please know that although we don't know ya'll we do care and will do everything we can to help!
I just wonder if Kelly was being sexually harassed at work and had threatened to take some action?

Anything is possible. The fact that Kelly had been with BPA for 8 years though, leads me to believe she was comfortable there and had a lot of friends. If someone new was to bother her, her co-workers would shut that down real quick. But you are right, there could be an underlying problem that Kelly and others were unaware existed. It could even be a former employee.
Here is a question and a thought: Did Kelly finish whatever project she was working on before she left to take her break? Why I ask is because if she had something on her mind and she was going to "end it", she would have ran out regardless of the project being finished. If she finished the project, more than likely it was business as usual.
This might be a silly question and maybe has been posted and isnt standing out in my mind, Who reported Kelly missing ?Who was the first person to notice her missing? and how did they become aware of her not being where she was suppossed to be?

My sister came to my job today to visit me and she works in richmond and had no clue about Kelly or Jill or any missing people in the area she was stunned. I cant believe people arent aware.
This might be a silly question and maybe has been posted and isnt standing out in my mind, Who reported Kelly missing ?Who was the first person to notice her missing? and how did they become aware of her not being where she was suppossed to be?

My sister came to my job today to visit me and she works in richmond and had no clue about Kelly or Jill or any missing people in the area she was stunned. I cant believe people arent aware.
I believe Kelly's co-workers/managers reported Kelly missing after searching for her. She had mentioned to other co-workers, from my understanding, that she was going for a walk. I guess she had been gone for some time and someone from her job tried to call her cell phone to find out where she was. She did not answer. From there the employees, not sure how many, went to look for her and found did not find her. At some point, reportedly 4 hours later, they called police to report her missing. The police as well as some of the co-workers searched her and I suppose after that they contacted family in PA.
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