VA VA - Kelly Catalano, 40, Chesterfield, 15 Jan 2010 - #3

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I do not know if she was observed leaving BPA with them on and haven't heard anything to say that that could have been the case. I would assume that if she was to leave her work area, she would take her safety glasses and gloves off.
Just thinking outloud.....

Wonder if the safety glasses/goggles were the kind that could be pushed up on head (like sunglasses) or if they could have been hanging around her neck. The would think that possibly she would have taken off when she allegedly grabbed her keys and cellphone...but that may not be the case if she was in that much of a hurry.

Just trying to come up with some plausible scenarios... Putting yourself in Kelly's position. If you were in such a hurry...possibly being frantic and not in the usual thinking mode...

Would it matter if you took off the glasses/goggles and gloves
Or would you be rushing to get to whatever has gotten you distracted
Taking these things off as you are going out the door
Shoving cell and keys in pants pocket

Natural order in a time of panic and fear (created by someone else) can and probably would cause unusual movements not typical of leaving for a scheduled break or leaving for the day.

Does anyone know if Kelly's keys and cell were found on her person when she was found?
Hi....any news on COD and/or is LE calling this a "suicide" or are they open to looking into Kelly's death?

It seems that there are so many oddities here, the mailbox, the stuff moved in her house, the way she "took off" from workplace....I hope they will keep investigating this
and not sweep it away

any real updates?? thanks
nothing new as of yet. I don't think any results as far as COD will be given anytime soon. At least 2-6 months according to the family.
I am in Chesterfield now. Is there anything anyone wants pictures of?
Lindsay - It would be nice to be able to see directly under the I-95 overpasses...but I'm sure those shots would be hard to get...

Please be careful and I'm sure any of the pics you take will be great!
If Kelly was planning to commit suicide then... Why go to the gym the night before, to tone up? Why fill up your gas tank? Why go to work? Why grab your phone and keys? why arrange to meet up with friends at 11.30? I believe she jogged to her secret place, probably about 15 minutes away at a fast jogging pace, off the beaten track but close to some kind of road or dirt track, met up with the perp. on this Special Anniversary and was abducted and then killed!
I feel pretty much the same way beltingitout...except I think she was taken/got into a vehicle there at BPA and driven to somewhere else that was quiet/deserted.
Bumping Truth's excellent post back up. Is there anything else we can add to this?

Using ccweb's three examples as a starting point, I want to create an extensive list of reasons why it appears that Kelly's death was not a suicide; please add to this list any reasons that you deem fit:

1. body ended up upstream
2. goggles discovered on the second day of the search in an area that had already been searched
3. Kelly mentioned things were moved around in her home
4. Kelly's mailbox was vandalized; vulgarities written on it
5. Kelly took her car keys and cell phone with her as she ran out of BPA and toward the river; seems she was planning to return to work
6. she left her machine running, as if she planned to return
7. she bought 30 gallons of gas and a volleyball pass and signed up for cooking classes the night before her disappearance; she had future plans
8. she made plans to meet and walk with coworkers at 11:00-11:30 on the day she disappeared
9. she had just gotten a raise
10. she had just bought a new car, which she loved.
11. she reported to others that she was being stalked
12. water was shallow; Kelly was athletic and a strong swimmer
13. body traveled upstream approx 1.5 miles
14. doors to Kelly's home were found unlocked (after police locked them) following Kelly's disappearance
15. Kelly told coworkers "she'd be right back" or "be back in a minute"
16. she went to work that day. If she planned on suicide, wouldn't she have taken a vacation or sick day and just stayed home?

ETA: I've added Shutterfly's #15 and my own. If anyone has further items to add (AND I HOPE YOU DO! THERE ARE PLENTY MORE REASONS WE KNOW KELLY DID NOT COMMIT SUICIDE), please copy the list above, add your remarks into the list, renumbering as you go; and post to the thread. I will NOT be offended. LOL Thank you!
Now if I recall correctly, Kelly's vehicle was still in the employee parking lot on the day she disappeared from BPA.

You have to wonder if the door to her vehicle were found to be locked or unlocked. Also, since she had a garage door at home, you also have to wonder if her garage door remote was still in the vehicle or missing.
IMO, I think Kelly got into the car with someone. I think it was either cold out or maybe raining or she wanted privacy to talk. I do believe whoever had her, kept her until a majority of the searchers had stopped looking and then moved her body to that location. I do believe that she did know the person that killed her.
Hello this is Jeff. Me and my son took the 8 hour trip from Pa the day Kelly came up missing. I'm sorry I have not wrote sooner. The first thing I would like to do is thank everyone for their help, support, and prayers! I was there with the dive teams, the search dogs, and detectives. The owners of the search dogs told me personally that they were confident that Kelly was not in that water. The detective also told me the same thing after many dives and dog searches that he was confident Kelly was not in that water. He told me through past experiences that a body will not go far from where it went in at because the current on the bottom is no where near as fast as the current on top. I found the vandalism on her mailbox and it was done before she came up missing so it definately shows she had a problem with someone. Once again thankyou to everyone for all you have done... God bless Kelly we love her and miss her dearly!!
Using ccweb's three examples as a starting point, I want to create an extensive list of reasons why it appears that Kelly's death was not a suicide; please add to this list any reasons that you deem fit:

1. body ended up upstream
2. goggles discovered on the second day of the search in an area that had already been searched
3. Kelly mentioned things were moved around in her home
4. Kelly's mailbox was vandalized; vulgarities written on it
5. Kelly took her car keys and cell phone with her as she ran out of BPA and toward the river; seems she was planning to return to work
6. she left her machine running, as if she planned to return
7. she filled her gas tank, got a volleyball pass, and signed up for cooking classes the night before her disappearance; she had future plans
8. she made plans to meet and walk with coworkers at 11:00-11:30 on the day she disappeared
9. she had just gotten a raise
10. she had just bought a new car, which she loved.
11. she reported to others that she was being stalked
12. water was shallow; Kelly was athletic and a strong swimmer
13. body traveled upstream approx 1.5 miles
14. doors to Kelly's home were found unlocked (after police locked them) following Kelly's disappearance
15. Kelly told coworkers "she'd be right back" or "be back in a minute"
16. she went to work that day. If she planned on suicide, wouldn't she have taken a vacation or sick day and just stayed home?
17. Kelly's family, who were very close with her, are adamant that she did not commit suicide, that this was not in her nature.
18. Suicide by drowning represents only 2% of all suicides, and is usually performed by jumping from a bridge or another high structure--or weights are applied to the body to keep it underwater. The body has a natural tendency to float upward.
19. One does not just walk into rather shallow water and drown, nor for that matter, travel 1.5 miles upstream, against current, and make an extreme sharp left-hand turn (followed by a right-hand turn) into an island area, only to be found on top of a small rock island. It's against all odds.
20. From thread #2, ambersmock (Jeff): While this is not standard MO in all suicides--most people give away their things or give their "precious" things to certain people. And most people who commit suicide write some kind of note--trying to explain to their family why this happened and that they loved them...etc., etc., etc. They also start (some of them) pulling away from friends and sort of dropping out of society. And here we have none of anything that even remotely resembles a standard least MOO.

ETA: I've added 2 additional points. Please copy the list above, add your remarks into the list, renumbering as you go, and post to the thread. Anything else?
Hi, truthsleuth -

Re: gas purchased, could you mean $30 worth? I just googled the size of a Pontiac G6's fuel tank and it appeared to be 16.0 gallons. I thought 30 gals. sounded pretty big! (Hope I'm remembering her car model correctly.)

ETA: Thanks to ambersmock/Jeff for clarifying re: mailbox incident & its timing.
Hi, truthsleuth -

Re: gas purchased, could you mean $30 worth? I just googled the size of a Pontiac G6's fuel tank and it appeared to be 16.0 gallons. I thought 30 gals. sounded pretty big! (Hope I'm remembering her car model correctly.)

ETA: Thanks to ambersmock/Jeff for clarifying re: mailbox incident & its timing.

That reference to $30 came from a post by either ambersmock or AntherNiece, but I can't find it now, and it might have been one of the posts in response to a coworker of Kelly's--posts that have since been pulled from the thread.

So, I think I'll just change the reference to $30 worth of gas to "filled her gas tank."

Thanks for pointing out the discrepancy, Solstice Canyon.
Im trying to think of a motive . If it was someone she knew,then there would have to be some kind of motive ? What would be the most likely? I think L.E. has been so quiet because they are still building thier case and need the final piece of the puzzle? I have seen this over and over with cases like this. Could there be more than one person involved in this? Thats the feeling Im getting? What ever did happen that day Im sure will come out sooner or later. There is just so much pointing in that direction to be ignored. This is my opinion.

sometimes it is called a "crime of passion"....anger...rage...sometimes people get in a domestic situation and they didn't plan to "murder" their sig other but they strike out..

there are cases where someone hits a person and strikes their head on something and it kills them...

or chokes them in a fit of rage

there is a thin line between love and hate

I have said many threads ago: think of this case as you would think of a case of a heterosexual woman....think of lover/husband/exlover/ex husband/scorned lover/would be lover/stalker

the scorned lover/would be lover /stalker could be a man or woman

ex lover/current lover would in this case be a woman

it has to be one of the above IMHO...there is nothing random about this

the parking lot of an industrial complex is hardly the place a random predator would choose IMHO
Im trying to think of a motive . If it was someone she knew,then there would have to be some kind of motive ? What would be the most likely? I think L.E. has been so quiet because they are still building thier case and need the final piece of the puzzle? I have seen this over and over with cases like this. Could there be more than one person involved in this? Thats the feeling Im getting? What ever did happen that day Im sure will come out sooner or later. There is just so much pointing in that direction to be ignored. This is my opinion.

I still think that if Kelly were murdered my #1 suspect would be a homeless person who had been camping along the river. Of course that's something the COD could probably rule out because that kind of attacker is not going to try to hide the manner of death.

Also, does anybody know if Kelly smoked pot? If she did, I could see her leaving work to get high, especially if she had gotten some distressful news. As I've said before, I used to work in a similar type of office park right next to a river and I had a secluded place along the river I would go to smoke pot, mostly after work but I did do it a few times on my break.
That would narrow who could have done this down a bit?
It seems thats the most likely answer to what happened ?
I guess we will know soon.
I still think that if Kelly were murdered my #1 suspect would be a homeless person who had been camping along the river. Of course that's something the COD could probably rule out because that kind of attacker is not going to try to hide the manner of death.

Also, does anybody know if Kelly smoked pot? If she did, I could see her leaving work to get high, especially if she had gotten some distressful news. As I've said before, I used to work in a similar type of office park right next to a river and I had a secluded place along the river I would go to smoke pot, mostly after work but I did do it a few times on my break.
Im sure you would have to be drug tested to do that kind of work for insurance resons. Im not positive about that company's policy. Most places do random drug test.
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