GUILTY VA - Meghan Landowski, 16, raped & murdered, Portsmouth, 10 April 2008 #2

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I am not sure if you were addressing your questions to me jeepgirl or you just quoted the last post, etc, but to clarify my position if you did:

I think this kid was there. I think his blood is in the house and it got there when he was viciously attacking this girl, allegedly.
However, I think there is alot more going on in this case, and once the S&S warrant was inadvertantly filed "unsealed", I think it made the other parts of this equation very nervous.

I could be wrong, but there would have to be one helluva compelling case to get me to believe this kid was on his own. No way.

Can anyone corroberate for me that they interrogated this kid for 9 hours without an attorney present when they arrested him, or was that rumor?

What is the status of NavyDude's case?
Hey Blink!

IIRC, in the press conference, the spokesperson said that the kid had been interviewed 9 hours....but there was not any mention of a lawyer.
Hey Blink!

IIRC, in the press conference, the spokesperson said that the kid had been interviewed 9 hours....but there was not any mention of a lawyer.
thats true they didn't say if a lawyer was present or not ...someone had mentioned that a minor has to have a parent present when questioned but i don't know.
thats true they didn't say if a lawyer was present or not ...someone had mentioned that a minor has to have a parent present when questioned but i don't know.

Yes, to my knowledge, that or their attorney, who has consent from the parent. I sincerely hope that was the case. I have seen verdicts overturned on that very issue. There is no attorney on the docket that I can find though, just PD.
Someone posted that if he is a minor (which he is) then he would have to have an adult present before they could question him.

Was his mom with him? I know they said they pulled him out of school so did they call her to come up there? was a principal or teacher present?

So many questions.
Yes, to my knowledge, that or their attorney, who has consent from the parent. I sincerely hope that was the case. I have seen verdicts overturned on that very issue. There is no attorney on the docket that I can find though, just PD.
As it should be I would want to be with my child as i'msure any parent would
I am not sure if you were addressing your questions to me jeepgirl or you just quoted the last post, etc, but to clarify my position if you did:

I think this kid was there. I think his blood is in the house and it got there when he was viciously attacking this girl, allegedly.
However, I think there is alot more going on in this case, and once the S&S warrant was inadvertantly filed "unsealed", I think it made the other parts of this equation very nervous.

I could be wrong, but there would have to be one helluva compelling case to get me to believe this kid was on his own. No way.

Can anyone corroberate for me that they interrogated this kid for 9 hours without an attorney present when they arrested him, or was that rumor?

What is the status of NavyDude's case?
Hey Blink,
The Navy LT's case is being handled by NCIS so we may never know the final outcome. Suffice it to say that he ruined his Navy career & his marriage...he will probably spend many years at Leavenworth.
My understanding of the law, as it pertains to a juvenile, is that the parent has to be present unless the kid asks otherwise (I believe there are forms that have to be filled out etc). At any time the kid could lawyer up or the parent could. Apparently, in this case, they didn't.
Meghan was a tiny girl...5' nothing and barely 100 lbs it wouldn't be a stretch to think that someone could easily overpower her. Several of the news articles said that Robert had been interviewed before this past Thursday. Who knows what provided the break in the case...could have been someone coming forward...could have been that they finally received some information off Meghan's computer records...could have been that Robert's name showed up in the medical records that were may be a long time before any one knows. But I trust the PPD! I think they have the right guy and that all the info will come out over the next several months. I'm not so sure that his "friends" did him any great service by harrassing the neighborhood where Meghan lived with the letters yesterday. If I was his attorney I'd be steaming mad at them. By the way, I don't think this was racially motivated in any way shape or form. I also think it is poor form to blog about Robert & his legal issues on a blog spot titled Justice4Meghan! JMHO!!
This was posted on the justice for Meghan site. I'm not sure if they've actually retained this attorney since they were asking for donations for the retainer.

Any donation you can make towards Roberts defense fund will be greatly appreciated. Andy put up the first $1,000.00, I have put the next $1,000.00. Sam, my 16 year son, has put up $500.00. If 10 people donate $10 we have our next $100. If 10 more put up $100 we have $1,000. If 10 more can donate $1,000.00 we are getting close to what we need to start working on his defense.

If you can help in any way, please send a check made out to Suttleworth, Ruloff, Swain et al to me at [address removed; if you want information about where to send the check, please. No amount is too small. We will not cash any contribution until we have the the $20,000.00 retainer needed to get Mr. Woodward started.

It was contained in a letter written by a friend of the family. I did remove the contact information from the quote.
Did anyone else note how many times the keeper of that blog says "this would make a great movie"?
This was posted on the justice for Meghan site. I'm not sure if they've actually retained this attorney since they were asking for donations for the retainer.

Any donation you can make towards Roberts defense fund will be greatly appreciated. Andy put up the first $1,000.00, I have put the next $1,000.00. Sam, my 16 year son, has put up $500.00. If 10 people donate $10 we have our next $100. If 10 more put up $100 we have $1,000. If 10 more can donate $1,000.00 we are getting close to what we need to start working on his defense.

If you can help in any way, please send a check made out to Suttleworth, Ruloff, Swain et al to me at [address removed; if you want information about where to send the check, please. No amount is too small. We will not cash any contribution until we have the the $20,000.00 retainer needed to get Mr. Woodward started.

It was contained in a letter written by a friend of the family. I did remove the contact information from the quote.

Well looky here:

Criminal AND Entertainment Law- that's convenient...
Has anyone heard that lives in Meghan's neighborhood that someone was passing out flyers yesterday? I got a phone call from someone asking me if I received one. I don't think they were handed out in mine.

The flyers gave an account of how Meghan was murdered. I haven't seen them so this is just my impression but I get the feeling that it was very unsympathetic to Meghan.

I wonder if it was the same person that posted that ridiculous blog about RB being tripped up and that he was innocent. Oh, and who can forget the masked man that was in the house with Meghan when RB arrived. What was his name, Peter Stinson? If you go to that blog he has his name on it so I'm not posting anything that isn't common knowledge.

I want RB to get a fair trial too. If he's the one that did it I want him punished as an adult and harshly. If he isn't, I want the real person caught. I think everyone in Portsmouth wants the same thing.

Hi Lizzybeth, Yes I did give my OPINION of the kid being tripped up, and no, I didn't know anything about flyers until 5 minutes ago. I would never stoop that low. That is a shame someone would do something like that. It seems someone in the neighborhood would have seen something. Maybe they ought to fingerprint the paper. I'm pretty sure someone would have looked real silly walking around the neighborhood with gloves on, unless someone in the neighborhood knew who was/wasn't home, and took it upon themselves to pass out bogus flyers. That'll probably be in the movie too!

When I said the ridiculous blog I was commenting on the writer of the blog, not you. I also wondered if he had something to do with the flyers/letters. I'm sorry if it came across that way.

I guess passing out the flyers/letters wasn't a crime, just not very smart.
Why is someone asking for donations for Robert's defense on Meagan's site? That is just so inappropriate. Why not set up a site for Robert? People aren't doing Robert any good by making up flyers like that and putting them around Meagan's neighborhood. That whole story makes no sense at all. It just makes Robert look more guilty in my mind anyway. No one is going to believe that story.

I think I'm going to wait and see what LE has come up with before I decide whether I think Robert is the guilty party and if he is if he did it alone or if there are others involved. There are so many questions that need answered. I can't think of what a motive would have been unless Robert went to Meagan's house thinking he could get her to have sex with him and she refused and he got very angry. Even that seems far fetched though. There has to be a motive in any crime. It is puzzling to me because this kid has no record and everyone that knows him is shocked that he has been accused of a murder. I want to know what LE knows.

Is the Search Warrent somewhere on the internet?
I can't think of what a motive would have been unless Robert went to Meagan's house thinking he could get her to have sex with him and she refused and he got very angry.

One of the first things I thought. I can't really see a teenage boy sliding in a teenage girls window for anything other than...

I used to be a teenage boy, they can't think that much different now than they did.
Why is someone asking for donations for Robert's defense on Meagan's site? That is just so inappropriate. Why not set up a site for Robert? People aren't doing Robert any good by making up flyers like that and putting them around Meagan's neighborhood. That whole story makes no sense at all. It just makes Robert look more guilty in my mind anyway. No one is going to believe that story.

I think I'm going to wait and see what LE has come up with before I decide whether I think Robert is the guilty party and if he is if he did it alone or if there are others involved. There are so many questions that need answered. I can't think of what a motive would have been unless Robert went to Meagan's house thinking he could get her to have sex with him and she refused and he got very angry. Even that seems far fetched though. There has to be a motive in any crime. It is puzzling to me because this kid has no record and everyone that knows him is shocked that he has been accused of a murder. I want to know what LE knows.

Is the Search Warrent somewhere on the internet?

They should rename the site. Disgusting. Even if he is innocent, it's still disgusting.

I figured the motive probably was sexual, not robbery. Person knew she was alone and how to get in. A rejection is all the motive needed. The world is full of people that seem good on the outside and commit horrible acts. :confused:
The oldest motives around (and most viable I think) are, revenge, rage, sex/rejection/jealousy, and money. I don't include mental disease in with it as a motive since I'm not exactly sure that anything stemming from it would be a motive, more of a trigger.

Sadly, as much as things change around people, people and their motives don't change nearly as much.

***Edit*** added a "not" because without it, I made no sense at all.
Why is someone asking for donations for Robert's defense on Meagan's site? That is just so inappropriate. Why not set up a site for Robert? People aren't doing Robert any good by making up flyers like that and putting them around Meagan's neighborhood. That whole story makes no sense at all. It just makes Robert look more guilty in my mind anyway. No one is going to believe that story.

I think I'm going to wait and see what LE has come up with before I decide whether I think Robert is the guilty party and if he is if he did it alone or if there are others involved. There are so many questions that need answered. I can't think of what a motive would have been unless Robert went to Meagan's house thinking he could get her to have sex with him and she refused and he got very angry. Even that seems far fetched though. There has to be a motive in any crime. It is puzzling to me because this kid has no record and everyone that knows him is shocked that he has been accused of a murder. I want to know what LE knows.

Is the Search Warrent somewhere on the internet?
I live in the area and and yes people do believe this story..I have heard rumbles that the kid was set up(not that I believe it ) but yes some do..
I can't think of what a motive would have been unless Robert went to Meagan's house thinking he could get her to have sex with him and she refused and he got very angry. Even that seems far fetched though.

I would not be so quick to dismiss this theory. Take it for what it is, but Robert is trying to tell (more like brag) about what he intended to happen and what ended up happening on his Myspace page. This was his intention (not speculation, fact!):

This is what ended up happening:

Do you see remorse? I sure as hell don't.

Some might blow it off as teenagers being funny or trying to get attention, but you should not. You should look deeper into the meaning of what they are trying to tell us. He is bragging that he got away with it...up until now.
I would not be so quick to dismiss this theory. Take it for what it is, but Robert is trying to tell (more like brag) about what he intended to happen and what ended up happening on his Myspace page. This was his intention (not speculation, fact!):

This is what ended up happening:

Do you see remorse? I sure as hell don't.

Some might blow it off as teenagers being funny or trying to get attention, but you should not. You should look deeper into the meaning of what they are trying to tell us. He is bragging that he got away with it...up until now.
Sure looks that way,,

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