Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #2

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Respectfully snipped - Kant - I love the way you think!

I have been really curious about the jacket because if I reported someone missing and had to describe what he/she was wearing I would start with the jacket. I would say she had on a black jacket with...whatever else. This has not been reported fact, quite the opposite. I also wonder if she would have taken the jacket into the concert. I never take a jacket just b/c I hate to keep up with it.

I also agree that if she had a jacket on it would have been difficult for people to see the Pantera t-shirt.

I do, however, take my purse everywhere so I can see that especially if she is a smoker and most likely didn't have pockets in her mini skirt. We smokers need the smokes, a lighter, plus the ID, cell phone, ticket and cash. Plus - I'm betting she would have had lipstick/gloss and mints or candy. Other things we smokers often have. I wish they would release what else was in her purse. I believe lots of things can be determined by what a woman has in her bag.

Sorry Im a gasbag; this case has really gripped me - the weirdness of it all.

Yes, for me too, the jacket would be the first thing I'd think of too to describe someone too. (Mainly b/c a person has a fewer number of coats and that's what you see first if they're wearing it.)

and some other stuff buggin me:

The brother would likely be the person thru whom she met whoever she knows at the Univ of V right?. Who does she know at Univ of V.? At first the dad said that she doesn't know anyone at U of V (doesn't mean she actually doesn't) Then he changed it to - she knew a few folks RE her brother having been a recent grad there. About "the ride" is not down the street. JMU is an hour or some such away. (Two hours if it were round trip for the ride-giver)

I was sort of suprised to hear that their preacher.. minister (is that the right word?) LIVES with the parents? WHY? I mean, am I weird to think that that is slightly peculiar?

The mom is a nurse and a minister. The other minister lives in the home. I'd venture a guess here that Morgan may have felt that she had to hide some things for fear of disapproval. Not that she is "bad" - just saying that some normal young adult "things" are frowned upon by some parents - and at times perhaps even more so by parent/s who are ministers. (Not knocking religion y'all; dont' throttle me) :)

In addition to the minister thing, a couple other comments gave me that "micro-managing mom" red flag. OK maybe not "red" flag, but a flag. And no, Im not "judging;" Im speaking to the likeihood that Morgan may have felt she had to keep some things to herself (boyfriend?)

The mom said that when Morgan was getting dressed she said, "It's a rock concert, Mom, so you may not like the outfit. (Black mini.. boots, but with tights that tones it down a tad.) Given that exchange, might the mom disapprove of other aspects of her daughter's life? Or if the mom does not actually micro-manage, does Morgan FEEL that the mom does?

The mom said, "She thinks she's big grownup woman."... Well, she IS 20, a Jr in college and living in an apt, not at home.

The mom said that she reminded Morgan to get a flu-shot "and she did it the very next day."

Dad is a psychiatrist; Is that correct?

Both parents seems to mention "no boyfriend... NO BOYFRIEND" Well, how can you say something like that for sure about an adult daughter who doesn't live with you? It's almost as tho they cannot fathom the notion of Morgan perhaps not telling them EVERYTHING.

How long does it take for LE to assess a computer's contents? and the dad couldn't or wouldn't or had apparently been advised not to verify that LE had taken her PC. (surely they did)

We dont know if her phone contents were recoverable and if so, were any U of V students' or grads' numbers in there? (It would maybe make the cryptic, "Ill find a ride" make a tad more sense.. sort of) The friends could likely help with that info too. (?)

Also, after she was locked out, if she had wanted to buy another ticket, could she have? I mean right there on site? Was there sufficient balance in the checking acct? And if so, did she have her ATM card on her? (all the time?) (even at a conert?) You usually buys drinks or souvenirs, right? so you need cash for that ? (Or does every Tom Dick and Harry take plastic now?)
From everything I heard and read, I'm thinking she either was told/asked to leave (like someone else suggested), for whatever reason (disorderly conduct, fighting?, who knows), or intentionally left.

I'm just finding it hard to believe that she "accidentally" left and didn't know she wouldn't be allowed back in. Even if the thought crossed her mind that she may not be allowed back in, you'd think that she would have at least asked someone at the door FIRST ("Hey, is it ok for me to go out there? Can I get back in if I do?)!

I don't know. I never thought of the possibility of her being asked to leave until someone else in a previous post mentioned it. And it kinda does make sense to me. And, if she was asked to leave under those circumstances, it could also explain why she didn't call home for a ride/help. How would/could she explain being kicked out to her parents? Would also explain her "angry" attitude that some others said they saw her exibiting outside when they saw her (she was mad she got kicked out).

It really just doesn't make sense that she voluntarily left (for what reason?). At least we haven't heard or read any clues that lead us to that conclusion for sure. I mean, if she left to meet someone/go elsewhere/etc. surely we would have heard about that by now. Who knows. Just thinking.
From everything I heard and read, I'm thinking she either was told/asked to leave (like someone else suggested), for whatever reason (disorderly conduct, fighting?, who knows), or intentionally left.

I'm just finding it hard to believe that she "accidentally" left and didn't know she wouldn't be allowed back in. Even if the thought crossed her mind that she may not be allowed back in, you'd think that she would have at least asked someone at the door FIRST ("Hey, is it ok for me to go out there? Can I get back in if I do?)!

I don't know. I never thought of the possibility of her being asked to leave until someone else in a previous post mentioned it. And it kinda does make sense to me. And, if she was asked to leave under those circumstances, it could also explain why she didn't call home for a ride/help. How would/could she explain being kicked out to her parents? Would also explain her "angry" attitude that some others said they saw her exibiting outside when they saw her (she was mad she got kicked out).

It really just doesn't make sense that she voluntarily left (for what reason?). At least we haven't heard or read any clues that lead us to that conclusion for sure. I mean, if she left to meet someone/go elsewhere/etc. surely we would have heard about that by now. Who knows. Just thinking.

She could have said, "Silly me; I took the wrong door and cant get back in now" even if she were actually booted out for some other reason. Or "I needed some air and now cant get back in." IDK.

Was this her first concert? or rather first huge venue concert?

That's true. Ahhh, who knows. I wish there was more to go on. Not sure if it was her first.

She could have said, "Silly me; I took the wrong door and cant get back in now" even if she were actually booted out for some other reason. Or "I needed some air and now cant get back in." IDK.

Was this her first concert? or rather first huge venue concert?

Just popping in to see if any new news. Unfortunately it looks like they haven't found anything new. Where are you Dana?? May she be found soon!

I've seen Morgan referred to as Dana on other message boards but can't tell if the posters know her or not. Kikid, do you know her? If so, did she often go by her middle name?

Yeah., true; But you'd wouldn't leave your coat even with the friends watching it, holding it? I wouldnt want to take the coat into the nasty restroom b/c even the cleanest ones are eewwww. And my stuff almost always falls off that little door hook onto the floor. yikes. But moreover, I'd be even more inclinded to leave it in the car unless I had to walk a long long way in the cold. Again that goes back to where they were parked (how far from the entrance? and was there a shuttle?) which we dont know; do we?

That's a good point Kant. Why would she have taken a coat to the restroom unless she planned to go outside?
Yes, unless she mistakenly thought she had to go outside for a ciggy. (heh heh Im arguing with my own point) :)


She could have said, "Silly me; I took the wrong door and cant get back in now" even if she were actually booted out for some other reason. Or "I needed some air and now cant get back in." IDK.

Was this her first concert? or rather first huge venue concert?


Doesn't look that way according to

She was familiar with Charlottesville. Her father, a psychiatrist, worked in the city until 1990, when the University of Virginia transferred him to Roanoke to start the psychiatry unit at the Carilion Clinic, he said. She attended events at the arena “fairly frequently,” according to her father, and liked a variety of music, from Metallica to the Beatles.

If it's true she was talking up strangers prior to the concert (e.g., the guy who parked either next to them or close by), chances are she has befriended UVA students and locals at past concerts...maybe even going so far as to exchange phone numbers. Perhaps she was thinking of these people when she allegedly told her friends she'd try to find a ride...or maybe she thought she could call an acquaintance to pick her up and take her to a bar or restaurant where she could meet up with her friends after the concert. Just a thought...
This news week has been so sad. Two young girls' (and probably more that didnt' make the cable news) bodies found within hours (couple of days) of their disappearance. Those cases have understandably dominated the news. And that may be one reason why Morgan's case has been on the back burner news-wise. Add that to the notion that the Univ definitely - more than likely - wants to hush it all up.

We also havent been told if the "I got a ride" (or "I will get a ride") was spoken or texted. I find it difficult to believe that the friend could hear a phone conversation in a concert hall especially while the performers are playing which speaks to - was Morgan indeed the initiator of the text message? (if it was a text) Altho, yes, I realize that that may be a little bizarre to sugest that an abductor would put his fingerprints all over the cell phone of his target, but I've heard weirder things. Was it cold enough for someone to be wearing gloves and not look out of place?

When I hear factoids of who did this who did that, in order to decide if I believe them, I ask a couple of things b/c my job is in the psych field and my brother is an FBI agent. (No not on this case) Of course, he cant' reveal information (or he'd have to kill me) (his favorite "joke") but he does have a few "-isms" that he shares in a generic manner like, "Dont park beside vans with those sliding doors" "Get straight in your car in a parking lot especially if there's a flyer stuck on your windshield." (Dont delay getting the car by leaning over to retrieve the flyer) (Iow, if at all possible and you can see enough - just drive off or to a closeby populated, lit area if you must remove it) "Dont open your home door if you hear a baby crying; Call the cops and let them "Check the baby." (Could be a tape recorder to lure you to open the door.)

As for me, I ask, as it appears, what does this person possibly have to gain by telling me this? Or what do they seem to have to gain by doing such-n-such. Also, what could this person possibly have to HIDE by telling me this?

If they possibly have XYZ to gain, what does this person have to lose by telling me this or by doing such-n-such? What is the risk? What's the down-side? If the gain doesn't significantly outweigh the risk... well you get my drift.

Also there are some (almost) universal things that most humans do. (note the "almost")

For one, I cannot envision the friend NOT asking her, "Who are you gonna get a ride with?" Was it a text mesage or actually speaking? It could make a diference. And it was presumably loud in there. Also, WHY DID YOU GO OUTSIDE? seems like a given for the friend to ask. I'd love to ask the friend why didn't you offer to take the car keys to the gate since she's locked out?

Also, there was mention of Morgan saying "I'll get a ride OR I'll meet you at the car." This statement (paraphrased) does not make one lick of sense to me from either Morgan's point of view OR the friends' point of view - at least not without a "I'll call you and let you know either way" or some other form of contingency. I could maybe buy that if they were in their home town and if home were a few streets over, but they weren't.

Moreover, the friends were not alarmed enough (or at all) to report her missing even the next day; So this makes me think that they must have had reason to believe that everyhing was on schedule as planned (which speaks to the notion of an over-nighter with a guy imo.)

The friends could also tell us if she had imbibed, is she a newb drinker, or if she had had a recreational Rx that night. THEY KNOW. (OK there is a tiny chance that they dont know) but ... imo they know.)

Kant has me thinking about meeting someone so now I have a few questions...

If she was going to meet someone and spend the night with them why plan to meet in the middle of the concert that she had been waiting for six months to see? Why not wait until after the concert? Unless - he was going to the concert, too.

And if he was going to the concert and she came outside to meet him - whe didn't the security guard that remembers telling her she couldn't get back in also remember seeing a male with her? Would a guy leave his girl outside in the cold knowing she had no way to go anywhere? If so, what a loser. And furthermore - why hasn't he come forward by now and told his story? But - if he stayed outside with her - why didn't the people coming into the concert see him with her on the steps?

And - if she was meeting someone then surely the friends knew him or something about him. Girls ALWAYS talk about their crushes. I was a girl and am the mom to a girl. That is a fact that I know for sure. Why isn't LE releasing an APB for the guy?
Yeah., true; But you'd wouldn't leave your coat even with the friends watching it, holding it? I wouldnt want to take the coat into the nasty restroom b/c even the cleanest ones are eewwww. And my stuff almost always falls off that little door hook onto the floor. yikes. But moreover, I'd be even more inclinded to leave it in the car unless I had to walk a long long way in the cold. Again that goes back to where they were parked (how far from the entrance? and was there a shuttle?) which we dont know; do we?

No my jacket would go with me. There is a concert going on and my friends would be having fun cheering, dancing around, probably singing along with the bands. IOW having waaaay to much fun to watch my jacket.

Once again, amazed at the brilliant minds we have discussing this case! I've been thinking about Morgan alot the last day or so, and the case in general, and have thought of a couple of things. There was one witness who said he saw Morgan and her friends as they pulled into the parking lot at the concert (if I remember correctly) and that Morgan basically jumped out of the car and happily started chatting him and his friends up about how excited she was to be there, seeing Metallica, etc. Fast forward less than an hour, and Morgan is outside of the arena and we have witness sightings of her cursing, acting rude, stumbling, crying, dropping her purse, etc. So what happened within that hour? I'm leaning toward one of two scenarios: perhaps Morgan and her friends ingested drugs in the car before/as they were arriving (I'm thinking pills of some kind, as well as maybe alcohol), and not long after entering the arena and taking their seats, Morgan began having a bad reaction to whatever she had taken (a benzodiazapine? painkillers? ecstasy?), began feeling claustrophobic and/or paranoid and/or uncomfortable and had to leave the arena. OR/AND she had an argument with one/all of her girlfriends not long after entering the arena and stormed off in anger. Either or both of these scenarios could account for her leaving the arena, and the second in particular would account for her friends' apparent lack of concern when she didn't show up at the car (maybe they thought she was still so angry she decided to call a family member or find alternate transportation). I still have the horrible feeling that while in this vulnerable state she ran into the wrong person at the wrong time, probably not on the arena grounds but nearby, in a more isolated area she had ended up in.
Either way, I believe her friends have not told LE the truth of what made Morgan leave them that night, or that information has not been released to us, the public. I'm sorry, but I just don't buy that she 'went to the bathroom' and 'accidentally' ended up outside the arena. I don't think she was THAT intoxicated. When leaving an arena of that size, the main exits are very clearly marked, security would most likely warn you that if you left you weren't getting back in, and also it was a cold night. The minute she went near the exits (if the doors were open) or opened the doors (if they were closed) she would have felt the cold, damp air and realized she was going outside. I believe she left that arena intentionally, either out of anger at her companions or because of a bad reaction to a drug, probably some kind of pill. Her friends were not honest from the beginning. I can't believe that LE is not pressing them for more information daily. Not very good "friends," if you ask me, no matter what the parents say (no disrespect to Mr. and Mrs. Harrington, I just think they are very idealistic and tend to think the best of everyone).
About the, "scenes of frivolity" that they mention below, does anyone know if that's applicable to before the concert itself? before the main act? and/or after it's over?

"The John Paul Jones Arena parking lots are usually scenes of frivolity, as seen in this pre-DMB concert photo from April."


"Virginia Tech sure has taken a beating, with the crazed gun man, and recent park murders, sure hope this doesn’t end in another VaTech tragedy."

Do you guys know to which "park murders" at VTech they are referring in the comment posted above at "Read The Hook" site?
Alot can change in 6 months. I still don't understand the coat, the car, or the "friends". I can't figure out if she planned to meet up with someone or not. They drove Morgan's car down there, to the concert. When the "friends" left the arena and Morgan was not there I don't think they waited around. I think they left right after the concert because one of them had the car keys. That indicates to me the "friends" knew she wasn't leaving with them. Where was the other girl's car parked and did they switch cars again and leave Morgan's at the place of the swap. I saw somewhere that LE said the cars didn't matter (or something to that effect). I'm sorry!!! I beg to differ. There are no security cameras and how many people have been verified as having seen her at the concert. There are a lot of blond girls dressed in black. When I was twenty I wore black to metal concerts and rock concerts all the time and then recently my niece is wearing all black. Morgan is pretty but blonde girls dressed in black at metal concert is not really going to stand out as memorable. I really wish we had some good information. I'm beginning to wonder if she ever made it to the concert.... The LE could have at least provided us with some facts that would actually help people locate Morgan and to know there was another incident of a guy disappearing from that college... MOO.
Also, there was mention of Morgan saying "I'll get a ride OR I'll meet you at the car." This statement (paraphrased) does not make one lick of sense to me from either Morgan's point of view OR the friends' point of view - at least not without a "I'll call you and let you know either way" or some other form of contingency. I could maybe buy that if they were in their home town and if home were a few streets over, but they weren't.


Makes sense only if the message was to be followed by another, which never came. That would explain why the friends waited at the car.

I still can't get over the fact that she told her friends she was leaving and noone knows where or who she was going with? This just doesn't make any sense. Where was she going when she thought to leave? How was she getting there without her keys?
They must have all been on crack!!!!! sorry about the outrage, but this is just aggravating to say the least!
Edited one more time to say, do the LE find any of this as odd as I do?

I still feel like the girls had a falling out right before the concert started and maybe she stormed out; hence the reason no one wants to fess up and maybe feel some guilt for what happend.
About the, "scenes of frivolity" that they mention below, does anyone know if that's applicable to before the concert itself? before the main act? and/or after it's over?

"The John Paul Jones Arena parking lots are usually scenes of frivolity, as seen in this pre-DMB concert photo from April."


"Virginia Tech sure has taken a beating, with the crazed gun man, and recent park murders, sure hope this doesn’t end in another VaTech tragedy."

Do you guys know to which "park murders" at VTech they are referring in the comment posted above at "Read The Hook" site?

Heidi Childs and David Metzler murdered in August
I don't remember seeing this comment posted. (From Myspace.)


Oct 19 2009 11:51 PM

no i'm fine. but this girl, morgan harrington, went missing at the metallica concert. if you've seen the news. well i had spoken with her that night, and i just feel like i should've done more to help. i feel quite distraught about it.

Where it was found:
The person who left the comment:

If this was posted, let me know and I'll delete it.
I don't remember seeing this comment posted. (From Myspace.)


Oct 19 2009 11:51 PM

no i'm fine. but this girl, morgan harrington, went missing at the metallica concert. if you've seen the news. well i had spoken with her that night, and i just feel like i should've done more to help. i feel quite distraught about it.

Where it was found:
The person who left the comment:

If this was posted, let me know and I'll delete it.

Nice find. Know what RMC (his employer) is?

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