Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #6

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Just reading all this...back in my day, when going to a concert (back then you do about anything in the arenas, smoke pot, drink if you could sneak it in, etc.) We watched out for our friends. If one of them wasn't feeling well, we stayed with them, and we sure as hell wouldn't leave without making sure everyone was accounted for. Glad I had the friends I did. I just cannot imagine friends just leaving assuming that everything was ok. Would you seriously let one of your good friends meet someone alone in the dark, being drunk or high by themselves???? I do not know all the details, but wow, I would not at this point be calling them true friends of Morgan's. JMO
I know I have posted this before--but is there proof outside of her "friends", that she even arrived at the concert? Friends have hurt friends before and all cover for each other. That would answer a lot of questions. JMO

LE interviewed arena staff including someone who says that he refused to allow her to re-enter. I will look for the link.

I live very close to Charlottesville and my niece and her husband participated in a search yesterday and today for Morgan. She said Morgan's parents were there and looked just devastated and very tired. My niece also spoke with one of the friends that was at the concert with Morgan, but she didn't press for any information. The friends have been participating in the search as well. One of Morgan's other friends told my niece that Morgan was very trusting and would probably accept a ride from someone without thinking she would be harmed. I still pray she will be found alive.

I would have liked to help with the search, but my Mom had a stroke recently and I have been taking care of her.
Thanks for the info. I still wonder about the creepy guy on the find Morgan Facebook page who wrote the story about giving her a ride.

I can't imagine how confusing it's been for Morgan's parents. Best wishes to you and your mom too.
Since we are discussing her possible psychological state I'll ask one more question...are the pictures of Morgan which show her to be very thin the most recent pictures? That's the impression I got.

The reason I'm asking is because I wonder if she had an eating disorder. Even if she didn't have an eating disorder, if she had recently lost weight she would probably have been more easily intoxicated by a drug or alcohol than when she was a little heavier. If she did have an eating disorder that could mean that she internalizes control which may indicate passive aggressive behaviour. A person in passive aggressive mode would tell her friends "I'm OK, don't worry about me. I'll handle it on my own" when she really means that she needs help.

Chili Fries I have thought the same thing. Looking at her prom picture her arm is sooo skinny and I thought of Anoxeria right away. But none of the pictures are dated so we don't know if the skinny Morgan or the poster Morgan is todays weight. I don't think she would be going to a prom at this age so that takes me back to her high school days. I wish the pictures were dated. I remember her father saying how close they all were the last six months.
Since there is all of his confusion regarding the friends' and their participation at the concert - has ANY of them spoken to the media? Has any of them done any interviews (Nancy Grace, Gueraldo Rivera, Jane Valdez-Mitchell, etc....) Did any of them agree to take lie detectors? If not, why wouldn't the parents 'push' for that...? This is very suspicious.
I KNOW I would NEVER let anyone I was with go off alone... NEVER! I would be racked with guilt if something happened, like this!
As time goes by I have to think that Morgan is gone. No sightings and no news from her. I always had hope she was somewhere but now I am not so sure.

I hope they find her soon so her family and her community can have some closure.
A fall and now a report by someone who says MH was sick and was helped down from the seats by her friend(s)...

Which came first...the fall or being sick?

If the fall came first being sick afterwards is one sign of having a concussion - which could have impaired her greatly...

And maybe would explain what that one woman was told by her daughter and son in law who were in attendance at the concert - that MH was taking pics...fell...they asked her if she was okay...and they say she couldn't speak... So they ASSumed she was stoned...

And a concussion can cause one to stumble wildly...drop somewhat incoherent...and the list goes on and on...

And maybe would explain what that one woman was told by her daughter and son in law who were in attendance at the concert - that MH was taking pics...fell...they asked her if she was okay...and they say she couldn't speak... So they ASSumed she was stoned...

And a concussion can cause one to stumble wildly...drop somewhat incoherent...and the list goes on and on...

So very sad. I'm certain there are many people tonight who are looking back and thinking "I wish I'd done more" - friends, security or whoever Morgan spoke with, the folks above who 'assumed she was stoned'.

Poor Morgan - whatever happened to her may have been prevented if even one of the people she'd encountered, who suspected all was not well, would have stayed with her or gotten her help.

A reminder too to everyone, to watch out for each other. Not only our family/friends, but anyone who seems to be not looking well. Better to butt your nose in to help than to regret not doing it later.
i think any sighting of her by anyone other than someone who knew her, or at a specific location that their was interaction, has to really really be taken with a grain of salt. think about when you have been at a concert or sporting event, do you really remember what people are wearing.

and i agree that the comment about missing a friend could be meaning less. she didnt report the whole conversation.
i do think the friends are withholding info though
No matter what there is something HIDDEN in all of this. I mean, come on!

There is not a TRUE friend out there that is going to leave their friend and take HER car and just abandon her OUT OF TOWN no matter what she said! A TRUE friend would have met her at a door and taken her the keys!!! A TRUE friend would have kept her on the phone, or called someone ELSE to come and pick her up. A TRUE friend would have left the concert themselves and made sure she was ok. Especially if she had taken a fall and was feeling sick-why didn't one of these so-called FRIENDS do anything to help her? They just abandoned her as far as I am concerned, and left her out in the rain, out in the cold, locked out, no keys and no place to turn!!!

Something is being hidden here.

Something SERIOUS is underneath the surface of all of this.

Something that NONE of these FRIENDS wants known.
I am sure a lot of things happened that night that have not been told. I have suspected from the beginning that they are protecting the Harringtons and also Morgan. Everybody has family secrets. Everybody would love to hear every dirty little detail. LE is telling the searchers only what is necessary for the search for Morgan.

Somebody on Facebook brought up the reward. So now I am wondering. Are the searchers eligible for that reward?
♣ Where is the proof she ever made it to the concert?
♣ If she DID make it to the concert, where is the surveilance video that proves it?
♣ Which of the friends drove HER car? Did SHE not drive due to impairment?
♣ Why, if she did in fact, make it TO the concert, did she call her dad at the first appointed time, and then NOT when she actually made it TO the concert?
♣ What kind of people just leave you like that? What sort are these "nine" anyway?
♣ Why is there not one single picture of this girl from that entire evening, with all those friends, who likely all had cell phones, cameras, etc?
♣ If she was impaired, what was the source? The drink? or drugs? If either, did she become sick from this and her friends just abandoned her to deal with it all on her own, or did she hide it from them or WHAT?
♣ Why is there no information flowing about the events of that day/night? So many details MISSING...
Her father is a doctor and her mother is a nurse, so they are OBVIOUSLY an affluent family and I am sure in that situation, when dealing with the child, even the adult child, of an affluent family, measures will be taken to preserve the integrity of that family and to keep certain things on the down-low...This is unfair, of course, say to those victims who are every bit as deserving of being protected and sheltered, but do not come from such affluence, but such is the state of the world that we live in, fair or not. But if keeping those things quiet hinders the potential to find this person, then those things should simply be admitted. It is not so much about "secrets" as it is about "shame" I think, and some families will bend over backward to avoid embarassment of any kind, especially when it concerns their children.

I do not for one moment think that LE is lagging in this situation. I think the fact she is from an affluent family is helping her more than hindering her. I am sure if she was NOT who she IS that she would be getting the attention and exposure that she IS...

Young girls go missing every single day and MOST of them do not ever get this kind of recognition and exposure. Anyone who thinks LE is not enthusiastic about this one should think again, because she IS getting the attention and that would NOT be the case if they were NOT interested in her case and in finding her.

I personally would not BE ashamed, even if I knew my child had been drunk, drugged up, high, whatever...I would be concerned, but I would not in any way feel that my child deserved to be abducted simply because she was impaired from whatever, having a good time at a concert...NOBODY deserves to be a victim...except child-molesters, and they deserve whatever comes their pathetic disgusting way! and rapists and serial killers! But no young girl deserves to be hurt in any way simply because she got drunk, or dressed provacatively, or smoked some weed or did a drug. It does not figure in and no blame can be attached to the victim due to any of these factors.

HOPEFULLY what is happening is that the friends ARE disclosing the ACTUAL truth to LE...but I somehow doubt it...
Here is another eyewitness account to be taken with a grain of salt. Check out the post by Karen55 of Warrenton, VA:

She says she saw Morgan at a Sheetz convenience store in Orange, VA the Sunday after the concert. Orange is about 30 miles northeast (in another direction from anywhere Morgan would be expected to go) of Charlottesville. Karen says Morgan stood out because what she was wearing looked out of place on a Sunday morning. She also said that she noticed the letters on Morgan's shirt because she at first thought it read "Pantech" (Karen's daughter wants a Pantech brand phone) but realized it said Pantera.

Also, NK is back on the Facebook discussion thinking that Morgan's psychiatric history and medications she is taking should be released by LE. I know we were speculating about Morgan's psychological state here earlier but none of us expressed the desire to have her psychiatric history or medications released. It seems weird to me but maybe it just seems weird because it's coming from NK.
♣ Where is the proof she ever made it to the concert?
♣ If she DID make it to the concert, where is the surveilance video that proves it?
♣ Which of the friends drove HER car? Did SHE not drive due to impairment?
♣ Why, if she did in fact, make it TO the concert, did she call her dad at the first appointed time, and then NOT when she actually made it TO the concert?
♣ What kind of people just leave you like that? What sort are these "nine" anyway?
♣ Why is there not one single picture of this girl from that entire evening, with all those friends, who likely all had cell phones, cameras, etc?
♣ If she was impaired, what was the source? The drink? or drugs? If either, did she become sick from this and her friends just abandoned her to deal with it all on her own, or did she hide it from them or WHAT?
♣ Why is there no information flowing about the events of that day/night? So many details MISSING...

LE has said she was inside, fell, went outside, and tried to get back inside at a presser. I would assume they have credible witnesses or information before saying that.
Also, as far as I know there are no surveillance cameras set up outside or inside the arena.

Not sure there are no pics from inside the arena from a camera or cell phone. I would hope if there were pics they'd release them just to let us see the exact outfit MH was wearing the night she went missing.
♣ Where is the proof she ever made it to the concert?
♣ If she DID make it to the concert, where is the surveilance video that proves it?
♣ Which of the friends drove HER car? Did SHE not drive due to impairment?
♣ Why, if she did in fact, make it TO the concert, did she call her dad at the first appointed time, and then NOT when she actually made it TO the concert?
♣ What kind of people just leave you like that? What sort are these "nine" anyway?
♣ Why is there not one single picture of this girl from that entire evening, with all those friends, who likely all had cell phones, cameras, etc?
♣ If she was impaired, what was the source? The drink? or drugs? If either, did she become sick from this and her friends just abandoned her to deal with it all on her own, or did she hide it from them or WHAT?
♣ Why is there no information flowing about the events of that day/night? So many details MISSING...

I do agree that there is waaay too much information being kept from the public and I only hope that LE is aware of it all. I'm sorry but the friends do not come across as really being friends and with all that is obviously missing from their story they are looking more and more guilty themselves. Suppose things are being kept quiet for a reason, and I don't want to make the friends feel any worse than they must already, but it can't be denied that the story makes little sense. And, you're right, we have no real evidence Morgan ever got to the arena. Amazing that she was not caught on any of the arena cameras. How is that possible?
Here is another eyewitness account to be taken with a grain of salt. Check out the post by Karen55 of Warrenton, VA:

She says she saw Morgan at a Sheetz convenience store in Orange, VA the Sunday after the concert. Orange is about 30 miles northeast (in another direction from anywhere Morgan would be expected to go) of Charlottesville. Karen says Morgan stood out because what she was wearing looked out of place on a Sunday morning. She also said that she noticed the letters on Morgan's shirt because she at first thought it read "Pantech" (Karen's daughter wants a Pantech brand phone) but realized it said Pantera.

Too bad one has to doubt what sounds like a possible sighting. You just never know the reasons folks say they've seen someone. But the details about her clothing seeming out of place and the reason she noticed what was on the woman's shirt sounds authentic to me. I'd love to think this is true cause it may mean Morgan took off on her own - much better than the alternative.
Just wanted to share something here. A HFMDH FB site regular who was one of the people who were alarmed about NK and called it in to the head of the investigation at FBI (who is a woman), private messaged me. Her ex is FBI, and she said she was dismayed at the attitude he (ex boyfriend in FBI) expressed about MH, alluding to the fact that she is not as innocent as made out to be, and that MH's history and behaviour at concert led LE to believe she put herself in this mess as was her habit. Isn't that awful? I really hope her being looked down on and judged has not hampered the investigation in any way.

Hello everyone

It has come to my attention by private message that I upset people by posting what I did above and that I am responsible for veering the following conversations in the wrong direction on here and I am very sorry and deeply regret not being more careful with my wording, as I feel my message may have been misunderstood. I would like to stress, and I very much hope you will all understand, that my intention was never in any way to criticize MH's life or imply that it was factual that she was not innocent etc IN ANY WAY. I don't think the victim is ever to blame -ever. MH was suppsoed to be somewhere safe, she should have been safe and protected no matter what. I meant to say honestly that I was distraught at how attitudes to victims can be problematic, and these people who think these things are everywhere in society, including even in the FBI. I was saying by posting this that I was dismayed people would even think that way and I really sincerely hope attitudes had in no way slowed anything down from the very start of the investigation. Once again I am so sorry for upsetting people. When I wrote "Isn't that awful?" I meant isn't it tragic how people's perceptions get in the way. MH is a good and kind daughter and friend and I am ashamed I have sent the wrong message here. I am going to take a complete break from this thread and want to thank all of you here who make WS so wonderful and who have worked so hard out there on the field in the search or on here trying to piece together what could have happened and to try to help in an intelligent and informed way. Someone said here how WS is a family and a place to go for informed discussion and I do and have always felt very welcome here, I'll be back soon :)
Hello everyone

It has come to my attention by private message that I upset people by posting what I did above and that I am responsible for veering the following conversations in the wrong direction on here and I am very sorry and deeply regret not being more careful with my wording, as I feel my message may have been misunderstood. I would like to stress, and I very much hope you will all understand, that my intention was never in any way to criticize MH's life or imply that it was factual that she was not innocent etc IN ANY WAY. I don't think the victim is ever to blame -ever. MH was suppsoed to be somewhere safe, she should have been safe and protected no matter what. I meant to say honestly that I was distraught at how attitudes to victims can be problematic, and these people who think these things are everywhere in society, including even in the FBI. I was saying by posting this that I was dismayed people would even think that way and I really sincerely hope attitudes had in no way slowed anything down from the very start of the investigation. Once again I am so sorry for upsetting people. When I wrote "Isn't that awful?" I meant isn't it tragic how people's perceptions get in the way. MH is a good and kind daughter and friend and I am ashamed I have sent the wrong message here. I am going to take a complete break from this thread and want to thank all of you here who make WS so wonderful and who have worked so hard out there on the field in the search or on here trying to piece together what could have happened and to try to help in an intelligent and informed way. Someone said here how WS is a family and a place to go for informed discussion and I do and have always felt very welcome here, I'll be back soon :)

Waddles, I'm sure you meant well and I definitely do not look down on you for what you said. Many times what we intend to express comes across the wrong way, even though we're just trying to be part of the solution. I hope you don't leave this thread.
Hello everyone

It has come to my attention by private message that I upset people by posting what I did above and that I am responsible for veering the following conversations in the wrong direction on here and I am very sorry and deeply regret not being more careful with my wording, as I feel my message may have been misunderstood. ... Someone said here how WS is a family and a place to go for informed discussion and I do and have always felt very welcome here, I'll be back soon :)

Waddles, I understood completely where you were coming from when you posted the remarks about MH's behavior that had been passed on to you and in no way blamed you for anything. You shared what you had heard. Isn't that what we do all the time?

If you must go, hurry back. I always look forward to your usual well-informed, straight-thinking, no-nonsense posts. And when you wrote "I'll be back soon." I hope you meant for the word soon to be the most important word in that sentence.
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