Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #8

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Gaddy says the clothing found at the scene is inconsistent with what Harrington was wearing the night she disappeared.

looks like they dont think that it is her. oh well, it is someone - is there a thread for the other girl?

We really don't know what she ended up wearing to that concert because there were no pictures taken. She could have changed clothes several times in her travels. MOO
Well it is for sure some family will have their worst nightmare confirmed. God Bless Them All.
Human Remains Found on Liberty Mountain
11/29/09 10:49 pm
Campbell County Sheriff Terry Gaddy says a body was found in a shallow grave off Camp Hideaway Road on Liberty Mountain Sunday evening.

Sheriff Terry Gaddy, Campbell County Sheriff's Office - "Definitely a suspicious death and we will be working it as a suspicious death. From the clothing that we found too, it may suggest that it might be a younger female."

The remains will now go to the Medical Examiner's office for a positive identification. Gaddy says Campbell County does not have a missing person&#8217;s report that would be consistent with the remains. A high profile case that comes to mind is the disappearance of Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington. Gaddy says the clothing found at the scene is inconsistent with what Harrington was wearing the night she disappeared.

Video: Human Remains Found on Liberty Mountain


So,they did say younger female,looks like Morgan is younger than the other woman.Feasible if she just picked up a ride with someone from Charlottesville,and someone knows that mountain area.The other woman though,is from Lynchburg not too far from that area.Unless it's another serial,the other woman disappeared about a week before,right?
Why haven't we heard anything about Miss Morton before this?

That is open to debate. Some believe you have to be young pretty and white to get the coverage

I can't tell you why the public and the media are interested in any particular case. I can only tell you why I am interested in a particular case.

I became interested in this case the Monday after Morgan went missing. I read a small headline some place that said VA Tech student missing. The reason it caught my eye was because Georgia Tech played VA Tech that weekend in a football game in Atlanta. I thought the student went missing in Atlanta (where I live) I dug a little deeper and found out that the student went missing from a Metallica concert in Virginia. This interested me because I used to go to these types of events when I was younger and I thought about how times have changed.

I think how the family reacts once a person goes missing plays a part in the media coverage. Morgan's family has been using all media resources to get the word out, missing posters, Internet web sites, television news/talk shows and even local searches which fuel both local and national television and internet coverage. The more details you give about the person that is missing and what they were doing when they went missing the more it might peak somebody's interest.
I started from MBLover's excellent recap at the end of thread #7, my additions are in red:

1) Tickets for Metallica purchased approx 6 months in advance - purchased by DH for MH and friends (some have said there were 9 tickets others have said there were 4 or 6 - but we know there were at least 4 tickets - one for MH, one for Amy, one for Sarah and one for mystery bf of friend guy).

2) Shopping trip for clothes for concert (was there a shopping trip or merely “trying on session”?) - Choice of 3 different ones - she and Mom decide on outfit. Pantera t-shirt/top with mini skirt, black tights, at knee or above knee mid heel boots. Also carrying purse that can be carried as a backpack.

3) Sometime Sat. MH & roommate (however she got to the Harrington's) leaves for Harrisonburg to pick up other friend for concert. MH arrives safely per phone conversation with her Dad.

4) Sometime Sat. MH, roommate & friend (were there others?) leave JMU & pick up mystery guy somewhere around/between JMU & C'ville. Friend was driving MH’s car.

5) Arrive JPJ arena in MH's car. (Supposedly does not call and let parents know they have arrived to their destination)

6) Upon arrival guy in car next to them makes small talk with those in MH's vehicle.

7) Enter into arena (per friends). "Friend" retains keys to MH's car.

8) At some point MH separates from friends to either go to restroom or smoke or both or neither. Supposedly kisses one of her friends on the cheek when leaving.

9) "Witnesses" report seeing MH taking pictures and also report seeing MH fall near curtained section exit and/or have injury to face

9A) Witness reports seeing MH in bathroom upset/crying and appeared if she had been hit.
9B) 8:20-8:30 Denied re-entry to JPJ
9C) 8:20-8:48 p.m. - in several areas immediately outside John Paul Jones Arena, possible including doors, and the side near University Hall. Definitely still close to front doors.
9D) … Witness reports MH out front of arena - makes comment to her - she tells him to "F" off.

10) Friend calls MH at 8:48 PM (battery still in phone) and MH states she has been locked out of arena and unable to return inside. MH tells friends she will find a ride home?

10A) Texted a young man in another town (battery still in phone)
9-9:10 - Walking, with her purse, through the University Hall parking area.

11) Reports of her having had some kind of interaction with people here and there - or of them having seen MH at various places outside of the arena. (Reports of woman seen dropping purse)
9:10-9:20 - seen in the grassy overflow parking area at Lannigan Field.
12) 9:20 Supposed interaction with 3 BB players (and allegedly in the company of 4 "white guys".)

Did she ask someone to borrow their cell phone? (dead battery or missing battery)

9:20-9:30 - Seen on Copeley Road bridge over railroad tracks.
13) MH supposedly spotted on bridge hitchhiking

14) MH disappears

15) Friends leave concert - hang around car for a significant amount of time - never see MH and leave venue returning back to JMU

16) Supposedly purse has already been found by a passerby (early Sunday morning) and is supposedly reported as "found property" 8:00a. LE says cell phone is missing battery. Later it is released that one of the straps is cut/severed on purse/backpack (where was this released?).

Morgan's phone could not have been found without a battery. I called her on Sunday. It rang several times before going to voicemail. It wasn't until Monday that it started going straight to voicemail. (posted to FB)
Could LE have put a battery in the phone in order to check its "history" so the phone rang but they didn't answer it? ...

17) Sunday Noon: MH doesn't show up at parents as expected (to study for Math test and to balance her checkbook). DH begins calling friends.

18) 1:40: DH reports MH missing the day after the concert (Sunday) sometime after lunch.

19) Tuesday: Corrine Geller of the VA State Police confirm that it was MH's car driven to the JPJ arena

20) Phone battery missing... not relevant... MH was walking and talking

21) Only trace of MH found inside or outside of the arena is the pocketbook - Supposedly MH is not picked up on security cameras, or other personal video recorders or personal cameras in or around venue. (That info could be being withheld by LE). Dog searches

21A) Searches performed at Comfort Inn (250E), new MJ Hosp, 1600 volunteers searched a 3 mile radius of JPJ
22) Three weeks later: Description and picture released of necklace MH was wearing. Still no picture released of MH dressed in what she was wearing and how her hair was styled the night of the concert.

23) Bank releases a statement of "no comment" when reporter from The Hook asked if their video had captured MH.

24) 3+ weeks later: LE releases report of MH hitchhiking on the bridge.

Interesting comments from some news stories:

The group arrived safely, according to a 2005 UVA grad who parked next to them. Morgan-- a blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman clad in a black mini skirt, black tights, and knee-high black boots-- seemed excited to go in, more so, even, than the rest of her friends.

"She pulled up with her party and got out of her party's car and kind of immediately engaged me and my brother and my cousin and my friend who were at the concert," Dave Gardner, now living in New Jersey, told Lynchburg television station WDBJ.

"She did seem excited to see Metallica because she asked us who the opening act was, and when we told her, she said 'Who cares, we're here to see Metallica, right?'"

Gardner, who did not return the Hook's calls, told the station he was "100 percent certain" that it was Morgan he'd spoken to and that he saw no signs of pre-concert drinking by Morgan or her friends.

Police have confirmed that Morgan ended up outside the Arena sometime around 8:20pm and made multiple attempts to re-enter.

By 9:20pm— about 10 minutes before she was last seen on the bridge— according to the police timeline, Morgan was spotted in the RV Lot, directly across Copeley Road from the U-Hall lot and adjacent to the UVA track. Her black purse, which could also be worn as a backpack, and battery-less cell phone were spotted by a passerby the morning of Sunday, October 18. Geller says the battery cover was also recovered and that Morgan’s family says the “condition of the phone” meant the battery could come out easily if the phone was dropped. Geller says there was no sign of a struggle.

An employee of nearby BB&T bank declined comment on investigators reviewing surveillance at the bank, and the manager of the Cavalier Inn on Emmet Street did not return the Hook’s call.
I know it was said that she was seen or might have been seen talking to some Basketball Players from there.

Are the locations of where she was last seen and where this coach worked the same college?

If so I thought it was a coincidence though that the coach of the football team has been dismissed as head coach 2 years before his contract is up. The college and the now ex coach have come to an agreement of him getting 4.33 million dollars for being dismissed 2 years before he was suppose to be.
I like everybody am waiting for any news. Praying it is not Morgan...but also that it is all a dream and it is nobody. Somebody, somebody loves has died.

I was sitting here reading the breaking news I posted above and am wondering.

In profiles what kind of killer buries and what kind of killer dumps? Somebody had a ton of time and courage to walk 200 ft, dig a grave, place a body and leave. Seems to me bodies are usually by the road and not buried.

Anybody ever do any reading on this?
I know it was said that she was seen or might have been seen talking to some Basketball Players from there.

Are the locations of where she was last seen and where this coach worked the same college?

If so I thought it was a coincidence though that the coach of the football team has been dismissed as head coach 2 years before his contract is up. The college and the now ex coach have come to an agreement of him getting 4.33 million dollars for being dismissed 2 years before he was suppose to be.

You lost me on the coach. Can you explain?
You lost me on the coach. Can you explain?

Former NFL coach and UVA alum who coached football here for 9 seasons was just fired with 2 years remaining on his contract after several disappointing seasons.

The only link I can think of is that in the broader scheme of things, two major UVA sports, basketball and football, are having issues, but I doubt the football coach's firing is related to MH's disappearance in any way shape or form. Could it make UVA PR people more circumspect regarding the basketball players? I guess so. MOO.
Former NFL coach and UVA alum who coached football here for 9 seasons was just fired with 2 years remaining on his contract after several disappointing seasons.

The only link I can think of is that in the broader scheme of things, two major UVA sports, basketball and football, are having issues, but I doubt the football coach's firing is related to MH's disappearance in any way shape or form. Could it make UVA PR people more circumspect regarding the basketball players? I guess so. MOO.

I doubt that this person has anything to do with the case at is the season for football coach firings. He will most likely be joined in the next few days by Weiss of Notre' Dame, Mangino from KU, and Bowden from Florida Sate. There will be even more than that, but these seem to be the high profile ones so far. Then small schools with great teams will lose their coaches to the big schools, and the recruiting season will be full steam ahead. It is the way of the football world!

I know it was said that she was seen or might have been seen talking to some Basketball Players from there.

Are the locations of where she was last seen and where this coach worked the same college?

If so I thought it was a coincidence though that the coach of the football team has been dismissed as head coach 2 years before his contract is up. The college and the now ex coach have come to an agreement of him getting 4.33 million dollars for being dismissed 2 years before he was suppose to be.

His dismissal was a long time coming. I would say it has absolutely nothing to do with Morgan.

I was in Charlottesville on Saturday at the VA Tech UVA game. I didn't see any flyers for Morgan. Granted I only went to the stadium but I thought there might be some in the stadium since they were playing VA Tech. One thing I did notice was how close everything was to each other - the shopping center is very walkable from the JPJ arena.
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