Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #9

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Ok, I've held off on this post for about a week now, lol.. but I have to 'vent' about the friends.... I've really, really tried to think about this from their point of view...

I GET that they may have been told by law enforcement not to talk about the case (for whatever reason...I'll give them that)

What I do not GET, and have no sympathy for, is the fact that they seem to be doing NOTHING in terms of keeping Morgan's dissapearance in the news.... I know I would pretty much have ditched my school term to do ANYTHING I could to help my missing friend. Anything. Especially if I was WITH her the night she went missing.

I would be posting on "Help find Morgan Harrington" (or anywhere else Morgan's parents also posted and felt was legitimate) at the very least... even if I had to say "I'm sorry, I wish I could answer more, but but LA has requested I not discuss that." I would be CLARIFYING some basic things (ex: who drove Morgan's car, etc) You can't tell me that they aren't "allowed" to do that.

What are her friends doing to help? And yes, they SHOULD be doing something. If they are concerned about compromising the investiagation, they could always run their comments by LA before posting. Even if it were one post just to set the record straight. If anyone knows something the friends are doing that I might have missed, please post because right now I can't imagine having "friends" like these....

Ok! Rant over. Sorry, I really needed to get that off my chest! I'm sure the friends feel bad but seriously people.... Morgan needs you!

I agree with your post, and it's not too harsh, imo.
Harshness needs to be broughten down on her friends. It seems like people are afraid to ask them anything since they can't talk, yet who told them to not talk? LE, or their lawyers? Have they even told LE everything they know? This case is so hush-hush that i really believe LE may have to go through these girls lawyers to even talk to them..

Their lack of actions or words makes them look guilty. I have no idea what their part exactly in this whole mess is, however if Morgan truly was a good friend to them, they would be making public outcries to find her. That they don't do it at all makes them look extremely suspect. Especially since they could have done something to prevent Morgan disappearing, they fail to show any guilt.. i know i would be guilt ridden and making public pleas for her return, and blaming myself. They think if they don't talk maybe it will all go away, yet in the first press conference even LE said
13 mins 20 seconds into the video, LE is making a plea to Morgan's friends to "take an interest in the case, don't let it lay down and go away from your perspective, the police won't"

We see Morgan's friends doing the opposite of what LE asks them to do. The are being silent, letting it go away from their perspectives. If LE asked this in the beginning, i'm wondering if Morgan's friends even helped LE at all without their lawyers at their sides.. It's really disgraceful to Morgan. I feel for her, if she were my friend i would do everything in my power to help find her, including taking a semester break at school and putting my life on hold until there is closure.

These so called "friends" of hers know more than they are telling, IMO.
The pressure needs to be put on them so that they talk. They are rich girls who hide behind their lawyers and a wall of silence, people are afraid to approach them since "they can't talk". I'm sure they can say some things without letting out any info LE has told them not to. Instead they do nothing, aside from a video with Snead casually saying that obviously if they knew that would happen...

Agh! This is all IMO.
I started from MBLover's excellent recap at the end of thread #7, my additions are in red:

1) Tickets for Metallica purchased approx 6 months in advance - purchased by DH for MH and friends (some have said there were 9 tickets others have said there were 4 or 6 - but we know there were at least 4 tickets - one for MH, one for Amy, one for Sarah and one for mystery bf of friend guy).
I know this has been discussed, but can we get a link that says her mom/dad bought the tickets? I can only find repeated over and over how she was so excited she had the tickets on the fridge for 6 months. IMO this comment could even go as far as a slip with the plural of tickets. how do we know she and a group of friends didnt buy tickets together and have hers on the fridge? I guess not that big of a deal but everyone seems to think it so just wanted to add that.

2) Shopping trip for clothes for concert (was there a shopping trip or merely “trying on session”?) - Choice of 3 different ones - she and Mom decide on outfit. Pantera t-shirt/top with mini skirt, black tights, at knee or above knee mid heel boots. Also carrying purse that can be carried as a backpack.
I believe just a tryon session. It is stated her boots were not over the knee. sightings have noted above the knee. She stayed the night at the parents on Friday, as well as Wed. that week. Left at noon. Dad did not see her that day.

<<<<<3) Sometime Sat. MH & roommate (however she got to the Harrington's) leaves for Harrisonburg to pick up other friend for concert. MH arrives safely per phone conversation with her Dad.

4) Sometime Sat. MH, roommate & friend (were there others?) leave JMU & pick up mystery guy somewhere around/between JMU & C'ville. Friend was driving MH’s car.>>>>>
After leaving Roanoke at 12 she and the roommate from Blacksburg go to Harrisonburg to pick up friend and a friends boyfriend. The friends address states Crozet. Calls dad at 2.

what time did the concert start? that left lots of time to do ... whatever that afternoon in Harrisonburg before heading to the concert. I know they say they have all of these sightings of Morgan at the concert, but I have yet to see one picture or video posted of her at JPJ that night. You'd think with that many people at the arena, someone surely would have caught her on film at some point. Morgan's outfit is pretty standard attire for young pretty girls at rock concerts so I still can't help but wonder if she ever made it there.
If there are any locals on here, would it be possible we could get some pictures of the billboards that feature Morgan on them?
I'd like to see what they look like and the locations of the different ones..
I'm North of Roanoke in Botetourt County and I haven't seen anything, no billboards, no signs, no fliers, nothing.

Been meaning to ask, can we just print them ourselves at home and take them to places or do we need "Official" ones from LE or the family? I'm ready to do something here - of course she didn't disappear from Roanoke... but I guess it can only help.
respectfully snipped by me:
We see Morgan's friends doing the opposite of what LE asks them to do. The are being silent, letting it go away from their perspectives. If LE asked this in the beginning, i'm wondering if Morgan's friends even helped LE at all without their lawyers at their sides.. It's really disgraceful to Morgan. I feel for her, if she were my friend i would do everything in my power to help find her, including taking a semester break at school and putting my life on hold until there is closure.

These so called "friends" of hers know more than they are telling, IMO.
The pressure needs to be put on them so that they talk. They are rich girls who hide behind their lawyers and a wall of silence, people are afraid to approach them since "they can't talk". I'm sure they can say some things without letting out any info LE has told them not to. Instead they do nothing, aside from a video with Snead casually saying that obviously if they knew that would happen...

Agh! This is all IMO.[/QUOTE]

ya know i gotta say that even if the person that i went to a concert with was not necessarily a really close friend or even someone that i knew very well, if they went missing, *POOF*gone, i would be beside myself - i would feel horrible and blame myself for not knowing what happened and would be doing everything in my power to find them and support their family and loved ones, the only way that i would feel anything different would be if my agenda was to protect and prevent either myself or someone else from not being blamed/caught and charged for some criminal activity...;moo
thats why they have never been forthcoming even prior to retaining counsel...or thats what i think anyway
I just had someone send me this video today of Morgan&#8217;s parents on Geraldo Rivera (Fox News) seven days after she went missing. Maybe it&#8217;s old news to the folks here on the forum but there have been numerous discussions here about weather Morgan was at the JPJ that night. People have referred to LE statements that they have no video footage of her there her at all. So why is it that in this video at the 3:02 minute mark Morgan&#8217;s dad says they have footage of her there? I didn&#8217;t join this forum on Morgan until after it had begun. Did I come in late and miss the discussion on this point. And why is it that Dr. Harrington never mentioned it again after this interview and LE states they have nothing on video? Can anyone clear this up for me? Sorry about the link. I don't know why it links as a "screen" like that.

IMO the friends are horrible, selfish and cruel.

I've read somewhere that at least one of the friends knew MH since high school or even before. What kind of people are these? Where are these young people's parents? If that was my kid I would have he/she talking if they were so innocent.

This case has me puzzled. No one knows who drove the car? or why she left the concert? She texted or called a guy and not her friends? This case has more holes than swiss cheese.

There is a lot of stink here.
If there are any locals on here, would it be possible we could get some pictures of the billboards that feature Morgan on them?
I'd like to see what they look like and the locations of the different ones..

I have not personally seen them yet, but will be out tomorrow and see if I can get a look at any of them. I need to go back and look at MBLover's post and see where they are, other than the one off of 581 at "Buds Suds", Elm Ave exit. If I do see them I'll be sure to take a pic and upload them tomorrow. Not sure about any other locations besides Rke.
so, what does anyone think of the idea that the boyfriend had morgans car all along? and any implications that it may hold? i wont mention the site that this idea was posted since it is against tos, but i guess it doesnt hurt to ponder the idea...

imho opinion the person authoring the "site' is full of it (for lots of reasons wihich obviously can't be mentions here). I therefore don't spend any time thinking about what’s said there unless there is some corroborating information for a different source.

P.S. - I don't know for sure but i would assume there is a reason its illegel (tos wise) to even mention that site.

the information could be true i have no idea but there's been enough bad info there thus far that i wouldn't worry about it until you hear it somewhere else.....

so to answer your question (now that i've had my soapbox moment). I guess its as possible as anything else.
The leftmost girl & guy seem like a couple; that is, the guy who looks like a basketball player (long arm, big hands, short hair) and the laughing blond. The rightmost girl & guy look like a couple, too.

The Black guy looks like the same guy with Morgan in the classroom photo: enlarge & zoom on the facial hair. Maybe both Morgan & another girl were involved with him. Could he be the mystery guy described as "another girl's BF"? And, she was rumored (perhaps totally unfairly) to have stolen another girl's BF?

On another board discussing a totally unrelated topic, a poster attached a photo of someone making gang hand symbols, which looked like two peace symbols but pointed sideways at each other. Maybe as a joke MH was making a gang symbol. Or the symbol "2"? Her saying was "2 for 1." Maybe that was a joke, too.

From what I understand, outside of music industry professionals, Blacks do not follow metal; and, yes, I know that there are probably plenty of exceptions. Is it possible that witnesses would have particularly noticed their party inside the arena, if the mystery guy happened to be Black? Or does Metallica draw a multicultural audience? I like metal, but haven't been to a concert in years.

Classroom photo:
The leftmost girl & guy seem like a couple; that is, the guy who looks like a basketball player (long arm, big hands, short hair) and the laughing blond. The rightmost girl & guy look like a couple, too.

The Black guy looks like the same guy with Morgan in the classroom photo: enlarge & zoom on the facial hair. Maybe both Morgan & another girl were involved with him. Could he be the mystery guy described as "another girl's BF"? And, she was rumored (perhaps totally unfairly) to have stolen another girl's BF?

On another board discussing a totally unrelated topic, a poster attached a photo of someone making gang hand symbols, which looked like two peace symbols but pointed sideways at each other. Maybe as a joke MH was making a gang symbol. Or the symbol "2"? Her saying was "2 for 1." Maybe that was a joke, too.

From what I understand, outside of music industry professionals, Blacks do not follow metal; and, yes, I know that there are probably plenty of exceptions. Is it possible that witnesses would have particularly noticed their party inside the arena, if the mystery guy happened to be Black? Or does Metallica draw a multicultural audience? I like metal, but haven't been to a concert in years.

Classroom photo:

Actually people of all races enjoy different types of music. I am sorry but this statement is offensive, insensitive, and brings nothing new to the table.
(Wow, amazing and comprehensive summary above. Thanks!)

Okay, so I don't know how seriously to take the insinuations of the moderator of the Blink On Crime blog, but s/he claims to have "inside sources," and after reading through her replies in the massive comment thread on the last Morgan related post, it sounds like she thinks/"knows" that the car was driven to the concert not by one of the girls but by the GUY -- who did NOT go into the concert with them.

This proposition opens up a whole new can of worms: perhaps the guy was playing designated driver, is my first thought.

And perhaps Morgan didn't have her car because he drove off with it to spend time elsewhere while the girls were in the concert (thus explaining why nobody brought out the keys to her).

Perhaps he was the guy whom Morgan was calling and texting when she needed a ride (thus explaining why the basketball players felt okay leaving her).

Maybe he's even the "gentleman" referenced by her dad as being outside Charlottesville at the time when she was texting. (Having gone elsewhere to wait for the concert to conclude.)

For that matter, if Morgan wasn't supposed to let random people drive off with her car (I can see my parents having had a problem with this), it could explain the initial confusion (between LE and the Harringtons) about which car was at the concert that night. Her friends, mistaking the seriousness of the situation, might have been covering for her at first with her parents, by saying they took someone else's car from campus. Once LE got involved, they probably told the truth, but maybe that truth hadn't gotten back to the Harringtons yet when they first spoke to the media.

Another claim made in that BoC comment thread: this guy with them, who supposedly drove, is the boyfriend of Sarah Snead. Since his name hasn't been released, I'm uncertain about how people can know that, but they seem to think they do. If this is so, and the guy has been under some scrutiny (although I am sure he must have an alibi), that would be a very, very uncomfortable thing for that tight-knit circle of girls to endure.

Like I said, though, I don't know how seriously to take the claims of the person who moderates that site, much less those replying with "local knowledge."

BBM in red.

I wonder if this is the reason there was police activity in Snead's hometown? Does he live nearby?
The leftmost girl & guy seem like a couple; that is, the guy who looks like a basketball player (long arm, big hands, short hair) and the laughing blond. The rightmost girl & guy look like a couple, too.

The Black guy looks like the same guy with Morgan in the classroom photo: enlarge & zoom on the facial hair. Maybe both Morgan & another girl were involved with him. Could he be the mystery guy described as "another girl's BF"? And, she was rumored (perhaps totally unfairly) to have stolen another girl's BF?

On another board discussing a totally unrelated topic, a poster attached a photo of someone making gang hand symbols, which looked like two peace symbols but pointed sideways at each other. Maybe as a joke MH was making a gang symbol. Or the symbol "2"? Her saying was "2 for 1." Maybe that was a joke, too.

From what I understand, outside of music industry professionals, Blacks do not follow metal; and, yes, I know that there are probably plenty of exceptions. Is it possible that witnesses would have particularly noticed their party inside the arena, if the mystery guy happened to be Black? Or does Metallica draw a multicultural audience? I like metal, but haven't been to a concert in years.

Classroom photo:

Small point - the one picture actually may have been a church setting, not school, as the word "unity" can be seen on a posted piece of paper (the church her parents attend). Not that that changes anything.

The mention of MH arriving (if it can be believed) doesn't mention a male of any kind as part of the entourage, iirc. If one doesn't believe she was ever there, well, all bets are off.
If there are any locals on here, would it be possible we could get some pictures of the billboards that feature Morgan on them?
I'd like to see what they look like and the locations of the different ones..

I'm in Hampton Roads, Va area and seem to recall that there is one not far from the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel. (heading West). It is a billboard and the picture, etc. of MH is large enough to notice it from a distance. Of course, traveling 60+ mph, I had to keep my eyes on the road, but could see it far enough in advance to be able to look at it a couple of times prior to passing it. Hope this helps.
The Black guy looks like the same guy with Morgan in the classroom photo: enlarge & zoom on the facial hair. Maybe both Morgan & another girl were involved with him. Could he be the mystery guy described as "another girl's BF"? And, she was rumored (perhaps totally unfairly) to have stolen another girl's BF?

On another board discussing a totally unrelated topic, a poster attached a photo of someone making gang hand symbols, which looked like two peace symbols but pointed sideways at each other. Maybe as a joke MH was making a gang symbol. Or the symbol "2"? Her saying was "2 for 1." Maybe that was a joke, too.

From what I understand, outside of music industry professionals, Blacks do not follow metal; and, yes, I know that there are probably plenty of exceptions. Is it possible that witnesses would have particularly noticed their party inside the arena, if the mystery guy happened to be Black? Or does Metallica draw a multicultural audience? I like metal, but haven't been to a concert in years.

Classroom photo:

Walker, this is very offensive. I know a lot of people who happen to be black and yes they do like heavy metal music. In fact i know a lot of people of various different races that like all sorts of different music from rap to heavy metal.
It's not nice to judge people like that, it's just wrong and closeminded.

You have made some really good posts in the past, however this is just horrible that you'd say something so ignorant that "blacks do not follow metal".

You cannot judge a person like judging a book by the cover, you have to walk in their shoes first (as the saying goes) or at least know them very well personally.
I'm in Hampton Roads, Va area and seem to recall that there is one not far from the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel. (heading West). It is a billboard and the picture, etc. of MH is large enough to notice it from a distance. Of course, traveling 60+ mph, I had to keep my eyes on the road, but could see it far enough in advance to be able to look at it a couple of times prior to passing it. Hope this helps.

Thank you, CatchingClues (i like your name btw). It is good to know that there is a large one that's visible to drivers, the more info out there for people, the better.
We had a young woman murdered in our county a couple days ago, and i have a friend who was friends with her. My friend is completely distraught, (she had just hung out with her the weekend before) and is bordering on mentally unstable at the moment out of grief for her friend who was found murdered in her apartment.

I kept thinking about this today (my friend was freaking out that they'd never catch the guy; well they caught him today) anyhow i keep thinking about the reaction from my friend, compared to that of Morgan's friends.

My friend wasn't even with her friend who was murdered (Jami) when she got killed, my friend did nothing that could potentially contribute to Jami's death. Jami was killed by her neighbor who supposedly was stalking her and is mentally unbalanced, and is a disorganized killer.

Morgan's friends could have prevented this tragedy from happening had they accompanied her to the bathroom, or at least went outside to wait with her or even leave, at the least get her her own car keys until the end of the concert. We see such lack of guilt, pleas, or strong emotion from Morgan's friends. It's baffling..

My friend was hysterical, upset, angry at everything in the world, scared, grieving and it sure showed. She said all sorts of things in her grief (which still isn't over yet). My friend wasn't friends with Jami as long as these girls had known Morgan. I want to ask what gives?
Why don't they seem to care about Morgan? Why don't they talk about it at all? Bottling all that up inside isn't healthy.. and their silence sure isn't keeping Morgan in their perspective or helping bring attention to Morgan's cause and finding her.
We had a young woman murdered in our county a couple days ago, and i have a friend who was friends with her. My friend is completely distraught, (she had just hung out with her the weekend before) and is bordering on mentally unstable at the moment out of grief for her friend who was found murdered in her apartment.

I kept thinking about this today (my friend was freaking out that they'd never catch the guy; well they caught him today) anyhow i keep thinking about the reaction from my friend, compared to that of Morgan's friends.

My friend wasn't even with her friend who was murdered (Jami) when she got killed, my friend did nothing that could potentially contribute to Jami's death. Jami was killed by her neighbor who supposedly was stalking her and is mentally unbalanced, and is a disorganized killer.

Morgan's friends could have prevented this tragedy from happening had they accompanied her to the bathroom, or at least went outside to wait with her or even leave, at the least get her her own car keys until the end of the concert. We see such lack of guilt, pleas, or strong emotion from Morgan's friends. It's baffling..

My friend was hysterical, upset, angry at everything in the world, scared, grieving and it sure showed. She said all sorts of things in her grief (which still isn't over yet). My friend wasn't friends with Jami as long as these girls had known Morgan. I want to ask what gives?
Why don't they seem to care about Morgan? Why don't they talk about it at all? Bottling all that up inside isn't healthy.. and their silence sure isn't keeping Morgan in their perspective or helping bring attention to Morgan's cause and finding her.

I'm so sorry that your friend is grieving like this, I am glad they caught the murder though!

And ITA!! Why the H-E-double-hockey sticks is wrong with Morgan's so called friends??? Speak up girls.. if this is your fault.. they'll figure it out sooner or later.. and then you'll need much much more than lawyers to hide behind!
We have a Morgan billboard on US-1 (northbound) here in Fredericksburg. It's actually one of four different ads on one of those large, changing, video-screen type billboards.
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