GUILTY VA - Noah Gabriel Trout, 2, found alive, nursery at Riverview Baptist Church, Giles Co., 2 May 2021

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We avoid repeating rumors here -- but commenters suggest, hypothetically, that someone who had a child placed in state custody, then adopted, might try to grab that child back -- but hypothetically pick up a completely different child.


jmho ymmv lrr
Jeeze, hypothetically, that’s a major crimin’ mistake, they must be new at this o_O
They were the only media at the arrest, since BLT wasn’t mentioned at the press conference, I assume they waited at the jail to confirm who was booked. jmo
Roanoke media was was on site during the arrest. They did not broadcast live but many videos on website of the arrest.

Boyfriend of woman arrested for Giles County boy’s disappearance also charged in his abduction
(Interview with boyfriends brother)

Neighbors react to trailer park rescue of abducted 2-year-old

Another neighbor said his brother, and his brother’s fiancé, were the ones taken into custody.

“We had no clue she went out and stole a kid, and made him believe it was his kid and everything, come to find out the kid was stolen,” said Dennis Bess.
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She wanted a child, any child.. This was the SECOND church they hit up in Sunday. MOO...

Giles Co. church and community react to Sunday’s child abduction

Trout was abducted from a nursery at Riverview Baptist Church Sunday, but according to a pastor at a different church, this was not the first place the suspect stopped.

“She had the mask on and was difficult to understand that she told me that her brother had gotten sick in church and had to leave because he was very ill, and -- and that she had left his little boy here and she needed to pick him up,” said Co-pastor Sandra Hagy at Mountain View Ministries.

Hagy says she ran into the suspect, who told her she was looking for her sick brother’s little boy.

And she just, she just seemed very nervous to me, and I sent her to the church behind us. We have another church located behind our church and I said maybe you’re confused about what church your brother is at,” said Hagy.
The boyfriend's brother in that news clip says the woman told her boyfriend the boy was his.


Did you see the article I posted, this was her second attempt to kidnap a child that day?

MOO... This is not family related but a random kidnapping, with a specific desire for a child aging 2 years old. She was "shopping" at churches.

Did you see the article I posted, this was her second attempt to kidnap a child that day?

MOO... This is not family related but a random kidnapping, with a specific desire for a child aging 2 years old. She was "shopping" at churches.
Such a wake-up call for church nurseries! A child shall lead them is what comes to mind. Let Noah show what gaps the churches have in taking care of the little ones.

And such a cutie. I have a soft-spot for little guys like this - love to make them laugh and be silly.
did you notice they shaved his head?

I'm assuming his abductors shaved his head so no one would recognize him. ☹

Side-note. One time I went to a mega-church my cousin and her family attends. When we dropped off her boys they got bracelets that were digitally scanned. It's very similar to the ones the newborns get in hospitals that set off alarms and lockdowns. It was high-tech and fascinating.
Such a wake-up call for church nurseries! A child shall lead them is what comes to mind. Let Noah show what gaps the churches have in taking care of the little ones.

And such a cutie. I have a soft-spot for little guys like this - love to make them laugh and be silly.
Yes, thank goodness it was a small town, church had a camera, and the church had many LE members, they shut the roads and church down quickly.

I'm sure every church in every small town in Virginia is upping security. This scared so many, I mean for a church, a house of worship to have a random kidnapping. Everyone's taking about NT.

I am so thankful for VSP, LE, FBI and being so close to Quantico. I've seen the VSP, US Marshall, FBI and local LE pull off some amazing recovery/rescues and VERY quickly. One just recently in my community.

So thankful for a happy ending for NT.
About twenty years ago our moderately sized church started upgrading the nursery security, background checks, pagers for parents, numbered pins matching parents with kids etc. There was a lot of eye rolling, including myself. Folks thinking “we know everybody, no problem here”. Nothing ever happened before or since thank goodness, but after awhile everybody thought, a little inconvenience for a lot of peace of mind was worth it. Today I’m really happy we did all that!

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