GUILTY VA - Shannon Gore charged in death of infant, child abuse, Hayes, 2011

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Wondering now if the deceased child had a birth certificate? I'm guessing no, therefore no one missed her when she passed either, if there was no record of his/her birth.
The mail carrier mentions seeing 'children and a dog' which then stopped coming to collect the mail.

This suggests at least TWO children who were able to walk. If the caged child were born in Dec 2008 and has been locked in the crib since Summer 2010 (20 months or so old), it's unlikely that she is one of the children.
I will assume for now that the child in the shed is possibly one of them. Does this leave a missing child?

I guess it could be that the 2008 date is untrue.

What if these children were supposed to be black market surrogate babies? She may have carried babies for a price or simply sold them after the delivery.

Less than perfect babies may have had no monetary value.......Oh my word, I've made myself feel sick.
Surrogacy is legal, so why would she be hiding the pregnancy? And if she was a surrogate, presumably she'd also be getting prenatal care.
Surrogacy is legal, so there is no need to have "black market" surrogate babies. If she was a surrogate, she'd also be getting prenatal care.

It is also very costly.

If she is selling children with no paper trail, who knows where they are ending up.

I'll drop this line of thought. I don't really want to go there anyway.
Costly, but for the people who plan to adopt the child, not the carrier. If it were legally arranged, her expenses should have been covered. She would be getting prenatal care as well.
Costly, but for the people who plan to adopt the child, not the carrier. If it were legally arranged, her expenses should have been covered. She would be getting prenatal care as well.

Good point.

I wish that only affluent people who want babies to cherish were allowed to have them.

The sort of people who would purchase babies born without taking care of the mother are not the sort of people who would be able to use the legal path to surrogacy, hence the black market. They are also not likely to be ensuring a pleasant life for the child.

I am just desperately seeking a 'reason' for this unimaginable cruelty, the only option left is that evil walks amongst us, and that's just as tough a pill to swallow....... heartsick:maddening:
heartbreaking.....someone else HAD to know.
Wonder if there was abuse and a child had a brain injury, not downs?

My mom would move heaven and earth if she didn't talk to my daughter for a couple of days.
Right now my best guess is that he was not the bio dad of the little girl.
Other than that I can't even begin to understand to possess someone to do what is alleged.
Just thinking about this, interesting that Shannon G had an ultrasound pic on her facebook/myspace (can't remember which one). She had no prenatal care for the last baby, now she has an ultrasound for this one, so she had to at least have had one Dr's visit. Why? Maybe they wanted to find out if it was a girl or boy before the birth? What if they want only boys? It would be iunteresting to know when she told people about the boy pregnancy- Wondering if she hid that pregnancy until the ultrasound & sex was revealed....Stranger things have happened.
I too am very confused by the difference in how these pregnancies were dealt with. The caged girl was kept under the radar, seemingly from the get go. The infant's pregnancy was announced, known and the infant shown around town. Why? What were these people up to?
What horrible people, to treat Gracie better then the children? I have no words!!
OK guys, this post may be long but these people (I use the term loosely) live behind me. It has been a little crazy in my neighborhood the last few days and I haven't been here in a little bit but I was sure you guys would have the story and sure enough here it is.

My house is perpendicular to theirs on the left hand side that you cannot see in the videos but many times my shed is in view. The open field is backed up to both of our homes. On Friday I came home from work and the news crews were everywhere...I was like what is going on? We had a bad tornado go through two weeks ago but my area was spared so that couldn't be it. (not that it matters but I live in a doublewide and this is a very nice park on the water)

A news guy flags me down and asks me if I know these people, I didn't. He gives me a synopsis of the little girl they found caged up. I told them we kinda keep to ourselves and I didn't know children were even living there, while my daughter said she did think she thought the lady was pregnant the last time she saw her. I had to get my daughter ready to go to prom and didnt want any part in this mess, so I told him I did not want to be interviewed and was late for prom LOL So we did that and came back and I could plainly see the CSI guys working the outside of the shed from my dining room window. The black blind they put up to sheild view was only on the right side of the shed and we could see from the left. I said to my husband you know this may sound harsh but people mistreat their children all the time that something more is to this to have the CSI guys and the news crews STILL hovering like vultures.

I heard this odd noise later on that to me at first sounded like thumping and I was thinking is that a jackhammer I hear? I'm thinking no one concretes the floor of their shed and I watch too much TV. It continues so I tell my husband to turn the TV off and come listen to this. He comes over, and then stops dead. Goes over to the window and opens it. He says "No F-ing way" I'm like what?? He then tells me that that noise is a sawzall tool and they are cutting the bottom of the floor out of the shed. Okay now things get a little surreal and I will try to make this shorter...we saw them shovel a little, saw a little then the flashes from the pictures began. The body they removed was small enough that only one investigator carried the child away. We sat in the backyard when we first discovered the sawing but turned the back porchlight out as we didnt want to look totally obvious and/or attract attention to ourselves. Although they did shine their flashlights on us there wasn't much they could do or say to us since we were sitting quietly on our swing in the backyard.

Im tired of the news crews. This weekend was just insane. I'm sure there is plenty more but I'm at work at the moment and unfortunately I have lost my train of thought due to interuptions. I will be back later.
Thank you for your post Jinxy. I have a couple of questions. How long have you lived behind the Gore's? Looking back, (hindsight is 20/20) was there ever anything that seemed "off" about these 2 people? Anything that didn't seem right?
Thank you for your post Jinxy. I have a couple of questions. How long have you lived behind the Gore's? Looking back, (hindsight is 20/20) was there ever anything that seemed "off" about these 2 people? Anything that didn't seem right?

Pammy I have lived here since 2003, and I dont think they have been there that long, although I can't tell you exactly how long they have been there. I seem to remember a really big dog living there about a year or so ago, like great dane size but I have no idea if they owned it or what. The only thing that I can look back on now that may be considered weird is that when he would cut the grass he cut it well beyond what would be considered the boundaries of the property.
Monsters among us - thanks for the updates Jinxy.
Thanks for the updates Jinxy, this is somewhat local for me too. I'm in Virginia Beach. This is just so upsetting. Makes my stomach turn. What horrible monsters!

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