GUILTY VA - Shannon Gore charged in death of infant, child abuse, Hayes, 2011

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"I thought they were friends, roommates . ."


I can't swallow that. I stopped reading right there. That did not ring true.
How does the mother visit a trailer and not know I the little girl was there? This is not a huge mansion, this is a trailer. The door is closed, and she never has any interest in looking into the closed room? The trailer must have stunk to high heaven with all the urine and feces from the little girl that were not collected, and the mother thinks it's from the dog? Just bizarre.
"I thought they were friends, roommates . ."


I can't swallow that. I stopped reading right there. That did not ring true.

That would make for a pretty naive woman, that would think that her daughter moved together with a young man but they are just friends.
That would make for a pretty naive woman, that would think that her daughter moved together with a young man but they are just friends.

A very naive woman who brought this young man into their home, introduced him to their teen daughters life and home and then failed to notice a relationship that was more than "friends/roommates" had developed? Naive indeed. Is there such a disease as pathological naiveté??
So they now have birth dates and Sunshine was a normal child while visiting "Karen" who saw a resemblance to SG.

Wow, just wow...

More questions than answers.
How does the mother visit a trailer and not know I the little girl was there? This is not a huge mansion, this is a trailer. The door is closed, and she never has any interest in looking into the closed room? The trailer must have stunk to high heaven with all the urine and feces from the little girl that were not collected, and the mother thinks it's from the dog? Just bizarre.

Even if I told my mom "ugh, that's a mess don't look in there" she would open the door if she was walking through my home for the first time - that's just her. My friends um, 'bout 50/50 if they would or not.

Someone has anger issues - Shannon, her mom, her one is that afraid to tell their mom they are pregnant. And no mom says "oh wow, she looks like you did as a baby" and have no further recollection of the conversation.
I checked, they haven't posted it online yet. They did the interview in 3 parts (for ratings) and aired it at 5, 5:30 and 6. I watched all three and each time SGs mother spoke it seemed to me like she was trying to elicit sympathy from the community (poor us, we didn't know, we didn't know). Yet, how can you not know? The reporter asked her about the smell in the house (the urine/feces in her room was so bad it ruined the floor under the carpet) and the mother claimed she assumed it was the dog. Wouldn't a child make some noise? Unless SG and BG gave poor Sunshine benadryl or something to keep her quiet. The mother also stated that she 'always called' before she visited her daughter, and BG was rarely there, and went on to suggest that perhaps SG and BG removed the child prior to the mother's arrival. I'll keep checking to see if there's anything posted online.
I'm new to this community and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to post this or not, but I felt like the mother was a lying piece of trash who bred a lying piece of trash. Sorry if it's against the rules to say that.

I watched this special about these babies in this Chinese orphanage that rarely got any human contact. Their bottles were propped up for the little ones that could not feed themselves and the older ones had sandbags on their legs to make them immobile. The reporter stated that while there they observed one child beating another in the head with an object and that child did not make the slightest sound, much less cry.

A child psychologist explained that it was because when children cry, someone comes to comfort them and take care of their needs. These children were conditioned to know that no one would come if they cry, no one would help; so they didnt.

If they locked Sunshine up in a dark room and rarely acknowledged her, maybe she was the same way.. therefore didnt cry much. Between that and being so weak from malnutrition, it is possible that she didnt make much noise if they closed the door and turned off the light...
A very naive woman who brought this young man into their home, introduced him to their teen daughters life and home and then failed to notice a relationship that was more than "friends/roommates" had developed? Naive indeed. Is there such a disease as pathological naiveté??

I think it's pathological LIAR you are looking for.....

I want to know who met who first, and if it was the parents that allowed a homeless man into their home, or if Shannon arranged it.
So they now have birth dates and Sunshine was a normal child while visiting "Karen" who saw a resemblance to SG.

Wow, just wow...

More questions than answers.

I bet the little girl doesn't even have Down syndrome. The mother certainly didn't mention her having it. If the little girl wasn't always in a cage there is hope for her recovery.
I think its possible that SG's mother did not see that child, they could have hid her, but how would she hide two pregnancies?
I think its possible that SG's mother did not see that child, they could have hid her, but how would she hide two pregnancies?

And if the first pregnancy was hid because she was concerned about Brian charged with statutory rape, why hide the second with a little boy? Shannon would be over the age of consent then, so what she was supposedly worried about? None of it makes much sense to me. Her mother visits the trailer and sees her daughter regularly, but has no idea that Shannon had a little girl and a little boy (the one who died)?
Why didnt they just give the first two up for adoption is what I cant understand? It seems to be much easier than trying to hide them all their lives. I mean at some point there was the point of no return in which they couldnt tell anyone; they had hid them too long. So instead they take all these precautions to hide them and they even starve one (probably both)... it just doesn't make sense at all to me.

Did they plan to just slowly kill them by neglect? If not, what was their plan for the rest of these children's (or child at the end - only one left) lives? They couldnt enroll them at school or tell anyone...
IDK you guys. Integra scan puts Shannons mom at an age of 41. Shannon is 25 so that makes her mom 16 when she had her...

eh, intelius puts her at 47 .. I put more stock in integra scan b/c they seem to be more accurate when I search for people I actually know. (I need to stop abusing the period.)
I wonder if child abuse was occurring from the get-go...first with the daughter and then with the son who died. I also wonder if Sunshine may have brain damage and that is why she was caged and never made any sounds. I would love to know if she was talking when Shannon took her over to her mother's house. I just can't believe that the grandmother was in that trailer and never heard any noises from Sunshine. I know the child moved about in that crib cage because there was feces smeared on the wall in the photos of the inside of the trailer. She had motor function because it was stated that she was eating skin flakes from her forehead area. I wonder if the Grandparents have been able to see Sunshine in the hospital. Something else that is troubling me is the fact that Shannon's mother stated on the news clip that her and her husband allowed Brian to move in since he was homeless. Funny that his parents cared so much for him that they bought them a trailer and allowed them to live there rent free. Sounds like his parents would have welcomed him back home with outstretched arms. I just can't wrap my head around this one. So strange.

Lady Sleuth
Cant the OBGYN tell that she had given birth before.. when SG had prental care for the 3rd child? Mind boggling all around, and so freaking sad.
I thought hearing Shannon's mother, Karen, would clear things up a bit, boy was I wrong. We do know birth dates now on all of the kids, but very strange situation . What parents invite a 22 year old homeless guy living in his car, to come move in with their 16 year old daughter, and the parents? And only a year later,when the daughter is just 17, the once homeless guy, and their daughter are allowed to move out and get a place of their own, even though Karen naively says they're just friends.....right...Nov 4, 2004, baby girl born at home, hidden pregnancy, mom sees Shannon all the time apparently, yet doesn't even notice she's pregnant? Rather than tell the grandparents the situation and ask for them to give their permission for their minor daughter to marry.....She hides the pregnancy throughout, and has a home birth, never tells parents,doesn't chose adoption, hides the child, never mentions to her mother that she has a grandchild, goes on with "normal" life, with one hidden child added to the mix. Then, again, gets pregnant (hello, birth control? condoms? abstinence? something that would make sense, because you already have a now 3 1/2 year old who you aren't taking care of, and don't want to tell anyone about. Go through the whole hiding pregnancy process all over again (rather than marry, yet again), doesn't give child up for adoption again, home birth again, no health care again, no pediatric care or check ups for either child....and still Grandma is anyone buying this????

7 months later, baby boy is on dads watch, he does not call for medical assistance when he notices the baby in distress, baby boy dies at 7 months old. Shannon comes home and her dead 7 month old baby, for three solid days...three days, really?

Wierder, and wierder......No words
I personally believe the grandma, that she didn't know. Maybe denial runs in the family and she never suspected. Who would ever imagine their child would be hiding a grandchild? Especially if Shannon never appeared to be pregnant. Maybe the children were premature and Shannon only showed for a couple months, who knows? She was obviously very intent on hiding it. I think Shannon was the whackadoo one, the main one with the crazy thinking, and Brian went along with her plans. I sincerely believe grandma would have accepted that Shannon was pregnant at 17 without the world ending. She probably wouldn't even have tried to send anyone to jail for statutory rape (a misdemeanor in VA at that age), or disowned anyone, or whatever vague fears Shannon used as her excuse to lock away these poor children.

One thing I want to know is did they ever leave the first baby boy alone while they both worked? They obviously left Sunny alone... where was she during their whole WEDDING, for goodness sake?! Home alone, no doubt. Is that how he really died, maybe choked or something when left alone in a crib while both "parents" were at work? Brian got home first and found him? Or was he physically abused? Or was he born with health problems? They are responsible for his death regardless, but I don't believe the baby just started having breathing problems for no reason. Even SIDS doesn't happen that way, right? Generally they are found already passed in their sleep. If breathing trouble out of nowhere IS how it happened, how could he have not tried to save the boy by calling 911? Didn't they feel any love for these children at all?

I noticed on Shannon's myspace page she'd been playing the Mobsters game, with the nickname "Shanny MoBride to Be." Picturing her sitting online playing games while her little girl was starving to death with no affection in the next room made me so sad. Did Shannon just block her out 23 hours and 50 minutes a day?

Maybe they did take "better" care of Sunny in her first few years. But that doesn't mean she wasn't abused from the start -- socially isolated, deprived of health care, left unsupervised at times. The abuse probably just got worse over time to include more and more confinement, then less diaper changing, and finally starvation. I wonder if they were planning on Sunny dying, waiting for it... and if so, why they didn't give her an overdose of medication or something. Why make her suffer and starve? Just because it felt less like murder to neglect her to death than to end her life outright? Or here is an idea: hug and kiss and feed and bathe and change and LOVE her. Sigh..... this whole mess is so horrible.

P.S. I am a little bothered by the fact that they named their new baby boy the same name as the first baby boy that died. It's like they just replaced him. I wouldn't even name a new dog after the old beloved dog that passed. Am I alone in this? I am also disturbed by Shannon jumping for joy with her mom when she tested positive for pregnancy with the new baby. She should have been too ashamed of her mothering up to that point to rejoice. No shame.
Is there such a disease as pathological naiveté??

Yeah. It's called if I pretend not to see it then it don't exist. I have an ex MIL has that disease. It's called I'll just look at what I want to look at and leave the rest to everyone else to deal with. I don't smell it, I don't see it, I was busy worrying about my husband, I can't help anyone, but daddy.

Always excited when something good happens and so easily just POOF forgets the negative.

People like that you can say "Oh this over age dude living out of the car you let into your home is just friends with your DD and now they want to move out on their own and stay just friends". That person will say "I believed them". Nooooooooo they didn't. They chose to ignore it because recognizing it would mean you actually had to miss your hair appointment or have your husband make his own dinner or put you out in some way.

Meanwhile if BG's family kicked him out and he lived out of his vehicle then why up the road would the father buy them a trailer? Makes no sense.

I'd go with he was messing with a young girl who has a bizzerker family. His Church going parents didn't like it. He got the heaveho. They took him in of course. The rest is sadly what it is.

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