GUILTY VA - Tina Smith, 41, slain, 12yo daughter abducted, Salem, 2 Dec 2010 - #8

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I think the kidnapping charges were addressed in J and FD court because he was in unauthorized control of a minor. That is kidnapping. Since we can't hear it from TS lips that he was not authorized to have her perhaps those charges cannot be leveled in criminal court til LE has more evidence that JE is responsible for TS' inability to speak to the matter of where BS should have been rather than in his care and custody.


OH SNAP! Reading this post made me wonder if he's not going to use the SODDI defense. He came to pick stuff up, found her the way she was, panicked and ran with BS. Boy oh boy do I hope this doesn't turn into that.
Smith's daughter, Brittany, was in attendance.
A celebration of her safe return will be held tomorrow.
"Don't let this divide you," said Pastor John Eure, Ash Avenue Baptist Church. "For, usually a situation like this can do one of two things.
It can bring you closer together or it can drive you further apart.
Let it draw you together.
Be tolerant with one another."
I knew the memorial was supposed to be today, and I have thought about this entire family all day as I was out shopping!! I just wish I could turn back time and make things different!!! BS was at the memorial??? I am not quiet sure how I feel about that. I am REALLY GLAD she is home and was able to go. At the same time, no matter what the circumstances of what happened, she has to be SO traumatized, right??? Is it healthy to go to the memorial??? Is she at a place where she can say "goodbye" to her Mother??? I just cannot imagine being in that situation!!! I am horrified by what happened, and I am really concerned about BS!!! I just feel "lost" as to what would be helpful. I will just pray and hang out with other concerned people here on WS's. I just really don't know what else to do.
I would hope she was a part of the decision to attend. Wouldn't you think?
I agree, Reannan... but I also think that it's important for her to have closure. I'm sure she was given the choice and I believe she has alot of support. She'll need it more in the days ahead than she did today... IMHO.
I would hope she was a part of the decision to attend. Wouldn't you think?

I would hope so!!! She is only 12 years old!!!! I honestly don't know where I would be with any of this. I know I was a LOT older than that when I buried my Mother. VERY different set of circumstances, but probably the most difficult day of my life so far. Maybe that is why I just have been worried about this all day. I know when my friends lose their Mother, I am so sad for them and try to help in anyway I can. I wouldn't know what to do in this case!!! I know I would give Brittany a hug.
agreed belimom. I am just praying for this child to be alright. That is my main concern. Out of respect for her mother, who I feel would have the same concern first and foremost.
Thanks TL and Belimom!!! I appreciate your response. I pray for the entire family today. I hope they are blessed with people in their lives like the members of WS's. You guys are always SO amazing at giving your insight, AND your compassion. Thank you.
Just curious,Did BS family call CPS first or contact TS first? If CPS was called first..why? Why not tell the mom first?
just curious,did bs family call cps first or contact ts first? If cps was called first..why? Why not tell the mom first?


IIRC, I do think the family told TS they did not like how JE acted toward BS and TS said she was telling him to leave.
Family also contacted CPS.
I fail to understand why he is in juvenile court. They say it's because Brittany is 12? What does her age have to do with him (an adult) being in juvenile court?

This is my interpretation, but the juvenile courts have much more leeway to keep details out of the public forum, to seal documents and to clear the courtroom so to speak for the privacy of those involved versus the open book approach that is used elsewhere.

Kind of the our system only works if you can see what is happening versus some situations dictate privacy.
I have no idea if this is the case but I've heard of Juvenile courts being used when all other court dockets are booked. Not sure that is the case here.
I agree, Reannan... but I also think that it's important for her to have closure. I'm sure she was given the choice and I believe she has alot of support. She'll need it more in the days ahead than she did today... IMHO.

Agree. It was important for closure and for her to hear and see others rememberance of her mother. If she hadn't gone, it would be another issue for her...down the road..mentally. What concerns me is the "closure". Her mother nor BS did not deal with closure very well in the brother's death, imo. Posting to FB page and making posts on a regular basis to him tells me they had a very hard time of letting go.

The support of family, friends and the community will hopefully be for years....and it will be trying. I pray they heed the pastor and think frequently about the tolerance he asked for....this is certainly an unwanted but necessary road to walk down for everybody concerned. Understanding may never take place and it will need to replaced by that tolerance and grace. imo

OH SNAP! Reading this post made me wonder if he's not going to use the SODDI defense. He came to pick stuff up, found her the way she was, panicked and ran with BS. Boy oh boy do I hope this doesn't turn into that.

And while in that panic he also had the memory and knowledge to steal the electronics, sell his car, buy a tent and steal her car for the logical running. Not to mention shooting the breeze with the buyer of his car and buying 2 cans of chewin' tobacca.

IDK, but just following cases here, it seems SO are mentally juvenile and play the poor me and blame game. Just as in the divorce case, I know I did wrong, but, but, but.........he, she, they did...this and that.
at the bottom of the page, he lists his income since 2003. What I find strange is from 2003-2008 there was only 1 year he made more than 8,000 dollars. He was a young healthy adult male and they should be years he was earning income. So what was he doing? He also states he pays 258 a month for a son from a previous relationship. With these earnings, how was he coming up with the money for child support? Was wife #2 paying for his responsibilities to wife #1?
I get the impression that Easley is used to other people taking care of him. Let me rephrase that.... I think Easley is used to females taking care of him.

I think your right. They look for "mammawives" imo. "Take care of me, yet, I'M DA MAN.
And while in that panic he also had the memory and knowledge to steal the electronics, sell his car, buy a tent and steal her car for the logical running. Not to mention shooting the breeze with the buyer of his car and buying 2 cans of chewin' tobacca.

I'm not saying it's a logical defense. I'm just saying that, after reading his response to the divorce papers, I could see him using it. I could see him claiming that TS was into illegal activities (probably drugs), ended up owing people money, and they took retribution on her. He came in, found her that way, was concerned that they'd return for BS so he took her, did what he needed to do to get the money to get her 'as far away as possible,' and hit the road....all to keep BS safe.

I just can't imagine what other sort of defense he could possibly use that would absolve him of both kidnapping and murder. He claims he's not a danger to himself or others, so I seriously doubt they'll use an insanity defense.


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