GUILTY VA - Yeardley Love, 22, UVA student, beaten to death, Charlottesville, May 2010 *civil trial 2022*

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jury now off to deliberate sentence, second degree was a great result for the defence and defendant, if 1st degree he would probably never have seen the light of day outside of prison, this verdict gives him a chance to one day be free again and try to make a new life for himself,

I don't think the defense wanted murder 2 but I agree it's better than 1st degree. I dunno, I fear GH5 will leave prison even more screwed up than when he entered. I'm not thrilled at the prospect of him getting out and killing the next person naive enough to fall for him.
I think they will give him much less, it is very sobering for a jury to have the fate of another human being in your hands, and it seems they did believe him over the state as they did not accept the state argument that he intended to kill her

I imagine the range may be closer to 15-20 years, but would not be suprised if it was lower
Or they could have been relying on the letter of the law to determine intent. I just heard on JVM that Virginia has alcohol as an extenuating circumstance. Not sure of the actual wording as far as any statute goes...but I guess if you drink and then kill someone that's okay...or so this TH said.
hope he gets at least 20 yrs, since as one prone to violence, if he gets out too early he might do this to someone else.

whatever the sentence given, most criminals seem to serve much less time than actually given.
*RIP Yeardley* Is there a reason why camera were not allowed in the courtroom?
JVM is talking out of her azz...she is fired up thinking he "might" get only 4 years. Highly unlikely. Unless the judge is an idiot.

I have not followed this case at all..but I suppose the Jury may have thought if he had been sober, he'd not have commited this crime.

I hope you are right, and thanks for saying this! JVM had me all whooped out of shape thinking that this JVS clone might be out of prison in 4 years (5 minus the 21 months he has already served). Or whatever, not near enough time considering what he did and how messed up he is.
JVM thinks GH's pedigree had something to do with the verdict.

Well it's true to some degree, but I don't get why anyone thinks this is a good thing for the defendant. I don't think he'll be out for at least 20 years. Virginia is a tough on crime state and I can't see this jury just letting him walk.
As soon as a jury is given all those options for guilt, you can see a compromise coming from a million miles away. It's just the way it is; human nature.
Quick question..Does the jury have to be unanimous in determining George Huguely's sentence? Thanks..
*RIP Yeardley* Is there a reason why camera were not allowed in the courtroom?

I don't know the answer, but in many cases they aren't allowed so that lawyers & witnesses won't play up to cameras (imo). Not sure who makes the decision.
He broke in her door......I don't get it.


Second degree murder in Virgina: If you kill someone with malice, but not with as a result from a “heat of passion” killing, you may be charged with second-degree murder. You may also face this charge if prosecutors or other involved officials believe you had an obvious lack of concern for human life when the killing occurred.

§ 18.2-32. First and second degree murder defined; punishment.

Murder, other than capital murder, by poison, lying in wait, imprisonment, starving, or by any willful, deliberate, and premeditated killing, or in the commission of, or attempt to commit, arson, rape, forcible sodomy, inanimate or animate object sexual penetration, robbery, burglary or abduction, except as provided in § 18.2-31, is murder of the first degree, punishable as a Class 2 felony.

All murder other than capital murder and murder in the first degree is murder of the second degree and is punishable by confinement in a state correctional facility for not less than five nor more than forty years.

(Code 1950, § 18.1-21; 1960, c. 358; 1962, c. 42; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 1976, c. 503; 1977, cc. 478, 492; 1981, c. 397; 1993, cc. 463, 490; 1998, c. 281.)


I don't think this is the same as a drunk driving accident.
Except drunk drivers usually don't go looking for a specific person to run down.

Right, and the jury is told second degree is with malice. If they thought of this as the same as just a wreckless accident then they would have brought back manslaughter.
I think they will give him much less, it is very sobering for a jury to have the fate of another human being in your hands, and it seems they did believe him over the state as they did not accept the state argument that he intended to kill her

I imagine the range may be closer to 15-20 years, but would not be suprised if it was lower

The judge will have the final say and I seriously doubt he's going to give 15 years or lower.
I don't think they are, if you see if from the defence point of view he did leave her alive, he has said he did not kill her and never intended to kill her, I think from what I have read it was a pretty good defence closing as the intent the jury have to find to convict him of murder may be a sticking point

I don;t think he intended to kill her, I think he was drunk, had argued with his father, there relationship was never healthy, they fought and argued all the time, he was angry with his father and angry with her, he went there and after kicking door down they argued and it got physical and he severely beat her, he beat her so badly that I think nothing could have been done to save her, but I don't think he intended to leave her for dead, he was probably too impaired to know exactly what he did

but his actions killed her therefore I think he is guilty of murder, but I also don't think he should get LWOP,

it was as defence says a tragedy all round, and take the booze out of the equation and there may never have been a murder

a salutary lesson to people that drinking to excess can have huge consequences

Thanks for this post. What a miscarriage of justice today. God Bless Yeardley.
I do believe the jury had to be unanimous for sentencing. I could be wrong though! And the judge can overrule their decision.
Does this mean that the jury looked at it from a crime of passion viewpoint, or not planned? Do you think him having been drinking all day swayed them in any way?

I believe they do,and they see a clean cut nice looking young man sitting there that was in a good school,playing sports,that made some bad choices.I do not look at it that way,because there are lot of people when they get drunk don't kill people. He has a bad temper and to me a narcissistic personality.The fact is he killed Love and left her there,and there is no going back.Drunk or not,he should have never went there to begin with.He could have went to a buddies dorm and said man I have a big problem.I think he should get the maximum punishment.I would have to say Daddy's money didn't hurt either.When he gets out I bet he will do it again.
He had been arrested twice for drinking-related infractions, one of them violent, in his early 20s. And he admits to consuming at least 15 drinks _ and likely had more, witnesses said _ the day he confronted Yeardley Love at her off-campus apartment in 2010, assaulting her so severely she later died, according to prosecutors.
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#Huguely jury recommends 25 years in prison for the 2nd degree murder charge and 1 year for the grand larceny charge.
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Judge Hogshire sets sentencing date for April 16 at 9:30am. Judge will now address #Huguely jury about logistics before excusing them.

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