MISTRIAL Vanderbilt Rape Trial - Brandon Vandenburg and Cory Batey

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Regarding jury foreman Easter, in this clip Fletcher Long says "If he didn't do anything wrong, then why did he go lawyer up?" http://wkrn.com/2015/01/30/vandy-jur...ented-himself/ That is quite amusing! In fact, defense attorneys always assert that the fact that an accused retained an attorney or won't talk to the police does not mean that the accused is guilty. But here, Long does the opposite -- implying that Mr. Easter must have done something wrong because he went and hired a lawyer. In my opinion, that is a very odd thing for a criminal defense attorney to say.

We'll have to wait to see what the transcript says about the questions posed to Mr. Easter and his responses. If he was only asked vague, subjective questions such as "Do you think you can be a fair juror?" or "Has anything occurred in your past that would prevent you from being a fair juror?", I don't see a misrepresentation claim going very far.

I watched the gavel to gavel coverage from NC5 in Nashville. I lost count of how many times the victim's name was blurted out in Court. They tried to silence it out with a delay but were unsuccessful many times. This all the while she was sitting in the courtroom watching the testimony. I got the impression she was well aware that her identity is out there, and knowing of the national media coverage.

I'm sure this tragedy is not something she is proud of but wants to show other victims to come forward at all costs and see Justice done.


I know her identity has slipped out a few times, but that's not the point. She is a victim and she has asked for anonymity. The media, the court, the public... everyone should do their best to honor her wishes.
I'm not sure, but have the impression that he was pretty well off. Entitled and all that.... :twocents:

Looking through FB pages, I don't feel there was wealth, but I do feel there were parental enablers. He got benched his junior year on the football team due to a bad attitude and it took him years after that to get to where he was at VU. I personally think he and the rest of them are just straight up crazy.

Background info on BV

I was wondering if they asked the male jurors if they were victims of sexual abuse? Wrongly of course, but people don't think men can be raped. I really really hope he wasn't asked the question. Edited to add: I just read the above article where his lawyer said her client was asked if he knew anybody who was a victim of sexual assault but he said no because he didn't consider it assault. I read elsewhere (and I don't have the link on hand so take it as you will) that this was a case of statutory rape in that he was underage and he felt it was consensual. I don't know how this will pan out.

Hmmmm -- sounds like he didn't consider it a rape or an assault. The other person may have taken advantage of him, but apparently the juror didn't consider that what they did was forced. That's how it sounds to me. JMHO. What we heard in this case, however, was forced, was rape and assault as we know it, was done without permission or willingness on her part, and was disgusting. Big diff, IMO.
:doh: I put the wrong link. It is up on their site:


Yes indeed it is -- I just watched it. We already know most of it, of course, but there is the video of the arrival of her car with her and BV in it, etc., and of them carrying her from the car, and then down the hall, and a bit of an interview of the victim with the detectives (her voice is disguised). There's a bit or two that I don't think was covered in court. SMH. What an idiot BV was to film it, but thank goodness.
Apparently the video on 20/20 was not sanctioned and is under investigation as to who "leaked it".

DA Glenn Funk challenges defense attorneys to testify under oath they didn't leak ‪#‎VandyTrial‬ video to @ABC2020 @NC5 http://t.co/O8ZXuMJN7P


Whew -- DA Funk is pizzed. He puts his statements on this in no uncertain terms. He is hot, IMO. He mentioned that he was afraid that its release could cause the other defendants a fair trial. Bless him.
I was impressed that 2 of the jurors were Dr.s. So many people think they are too busy or too important to do jury duty. I'm proud that these people did. Whenever I am summoned, I gladly serve, cause if I was ever on trial, I'd hope for a decent jury.
The defense must think the jurors should have all been blind people.
That way they wouldn't be able to see the hallway surveillance video and pics/video shared via the perpetrators' cell phones.

Soulless nation.
WKRN @WKRN · 1h 1 hour ago
NEW: @DrPhil was in Nashville today interviewing Cory Batey following guilty verdict in #Vandytrial: http://wkrn.tv/1Kp7ukq

WKRN @WKRN · 1h 1 hour ago
PHOTO: @DrPhil today as he was leaving Criminal Justice Center in Nashville: http://wkrn.tv/1Kp7ukq

WKRN @WKRN · 1h 1 hour ago
The @DrPhil episode with Cory Batey will air at 3 p.m. CT Monday on @WKRN: http://wkrn.tv/1Kp7ukq

Really? Is going on Dr. Phil really going to help Cory?
LOL, I can't stand Dr. Phil. What a complete joke. I hope the victim is not talking to him too.
Keep in mind press attorneys generally think all gag orders are overbroad and illegal. I say that with some experience in the matter and often joke about it with some attorneys I know that represent the press. I don't think this judges's order is overly broad at this point. The video is key evidence and the first trial is still in the appeal notice stage and other trials are pending. It is also a video that depicts the victim in horrendous circumstances. The press looses this battle. Additionally, the order was in effect when this video was leaked. I fully support an investigation into who leaked it. Now,20/20 ABC will argue that it is not obligated to divulge its source, and they may win that or they may not. Do you think they should be required to identify where it came from?
Keep in mind press attorneys generally think all gag orders are overbroad and illegal. I say that with some experience in the matter and often joke about it with some attorneys I know that represent the press. I don't think this judges's order is overly broad at this point. The video is key evidence and the first trial is still in the appeal notice stage and other trials are pending. It is also a video that depicts the victim in horrendous circumstances. The press looses this battle. Additionally, the order was in effect when this video was leaked. I fully support an investigation into who leaked it. Now,20/20 ABC will argue that it is not obligated to divulge its source, and they may win that or they may not. Do you think they should be required to identify where it came from?


First, let me thank you for your comments above -- IANAL, so your comments from "one who knows" are so helpful & informative.

As to your question, the "freedom of the press" ideal and right is very essential to a democratic republic, and it is backed by the First Amendment of the Constitution. I don't know enuff about precedents, etc., to cite earlier battles that might back up my own opinion. If this info was obtained in an up & up way on both sides, then the source should be protected, IMO, if the source requested it. If the info was obtained by dishonest or nefarious means, then the reporter or person divulging what should not have been, should be exposed and then what happens, happens. Dunno. I do think sources should be protected. And if the reporter did not know that this info was under a gag order, he/she should have known, by virtue of the practice of responsible reporting. Need to know more. And I feel sure, we may hear more.

"Somebody's going to emergency, somebody's going to jail." (Thank you, Eagles)

Just my o.

Again thanks for the info you give us, PrairieWind!
Just finished watching the Dr. Phil interview with Corey Batey. Corey just continued saying "I don't recall" Dr. Phil didn't give him any slack. Made him cry a couple times. And asked him "what the hell were you thinking"? I never watch Dr. Phil show as he is not one of favs, but I did today.

I have no link for the show but I am sure it will be archived.

Just finished watching the Dr. Phil interview with Corey Batey. Corey just continued saying "I don't recall" Dr. Phil didn't give him any slack. Made him cry a couple times. And asked him "what the hell were you thinking"? I never watch Dr. Phil show as he is not one of favs, but I did today.

I have no link for the show but I am sure it will be archived.


Darn, I forgot it was on today. Just found this:

Vanderbilt's Cory Batey says he wouldn't have raped woman if his dad hadn't died


Just finished watching the Dr. Phil interview with Corey Batey. Corey just continued saying "I don't recall" Dr. Phil didn't give him any slack. Made him cry a couple times. And asked him "what the hell were you thinking"? I never watch Dr. Phil show as he is not one of favs, but I did today.

I have no link for the show but I am sure it will be archived.


I had DVR'd it to watch later tonight and then I saw pieces of it and decided not to watch it and deleted it.

On a side note, Fox 17 5:30 news talked with one of the jurors who was almost the foreman, she didn't get enough votes and she said, once they saw the video's and the pics...she knew then that someone was going to jail.
She also says that she still see's it all. I felt so sorry for her. She can't close her eyes or sleep well since the trial.
I watched the Dr. Phil interview and I am thoroughly disgusted. Batey kept saying he was sorry but took no responsibility for what he did. He said he wished he could talk to the victim so he can show her who he really is. Yuck!!! I think she knows who he really is. Batey kept up his “I don’t recall" crap and said had he not been drunk, this wouldn’t have happened. If he were sober, he would have told the guys to stop because the coach would be upset with them. Not because it was wrong or because he should look out for another person. He is a horrible human being. ( Dr. Phil did call him out on that.)

Dr. Phil did pretty well with the interview and had some tough questions. He mentioned that alcohol releases inhibitions and asked what was inside Batey that made him do what he did. Batey did not have much of a answer.

Batey also mentioned that he was embarrassed by the cell phone photos/videos. Not horrified or disgusted, embarrassed. <modsnip>

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