Vatican calling for Boycott of Da Vinci Code

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Dark Knight said:
No, some posters are clearly hating the Church, lol. That's nothing new, of course, and it's been the same old arguments, for that matter. *yawns* :D
You are absolutely right they are clearly haters and they continue to feed that hatred by looking up sources that feed the lies. It is not difficult to dispell the lies she was spewing. All she had to do was some truthfull research and she would have found out Cardinal Ratzinger did not Condemn Harry Potter it is easy to find out. So yes there is no other reason for posting those lies but hatred.
...Harry Potter, that is true....What he did do, however, was to offer kudos to an author who was writing about how works of fiction such as Harry Potter are hramful to children, or get in the way of proper Christian development.

It is quite frightening to me, a big red flag, when groups attempt to ban books, censor regular fiction, etc. As I've said in previous posts, the groups who do this are generally very bigoted and intolerant. For example, the Nazis banned and burned books...white supremacist groups still do the same today.

As I stated in my previous posts, if the Catholic Chiurch were proverbailly comfortable with itself, which it clearly is not, it would WELCOME people reading a diverse selection of books to further enlighten and educate themselves, so they could reach their own conclusions. The fact that extreme Catholics are calling for SUPPRESSION of what they do not agree with does not bode very well for the Church as a whole.

Cardinal Ratzinger was smarter in the way he went about expressing his views; he did it more indirectly, but at least left it open for people to make their own judgements.

Many people do not appreciate the Catholic Church's smug judgement of others' religious beliefs and what they choose to read, watch, etc. Perhaps Ratzinger is aware of how offensive this has become, and is taking steps to try and rectify this situation while still preserving certain core Catholic beliefs...
Colleges Plan to Study 'The Da Vinci Code'

OKLAHOMA CITY (May 29) - Oklahoma Panhandle State University plans to offer an elective class this fall focusing on the biblical and historic relevance of "The Da Vinci Code."

"There is so much that a student can learn about the evidence of Christ and Christianity inside 'The Da Vinci Code,"' said Sam Collins, a Church of Christ minister who teaches adjunct liberal arts courses at Oklahoma Panhandle State University in Goodwell.

The Christian Evidences class will provide an in-depth examination of the movie and its social, religious and historic relevance. However, Collins plans to debunk Brown's claims, including those that Jesus was not divine and married Mary Magdalene.

"It's pure fiction," he said. "I can show evidence and through the Bible that it is not correct."

TisHerself said:
You are absolutely right they are clearly haters and they continue to feed that hatred by looking up sources that feed the lies. It is not difficult to dispell the lies she was spewing. All she had to do was some truthfull research and she would have found out Cardinal Ratzinger did not Condemn Harry Potter it is easy to find out. So yes there is no other reason for posting those lies but hatred.
Oh, come on. If someone is not familiar with the Catholic Church, how can you say that they are looking up only sources that feed lies? Why couldn't it be as simple as just not knowing what sources are credible and what sources are not? There is a difference in posting lies and posting misinformation and hatred has absolutely nothing to do with it.
[font=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-Serif]He's against Harry Potter. So What?[/font]
[font=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-Serif] [/font]
[font=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-Serif]Pope Opposes Harry Potter Novels - Signed Letters from Cardinal Ratzinger Now Online[/font]
[font=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-Serif][/font]

RIMSTING, Germany, July 13, 2005 ( - has obtained and made available online copies of two letters sent by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who was recently elected Pope, to a German critic of the Harry Potter novels. In March 2003, a month after the English press throughout the world falsely proclaimed that Pope John Paul II approved of Harry Potter, the man who was to become his successor sent a letter to a Gabriele Kuby outlining his agreement with her opposition to J.K. Rowling's offerings.

In a letter dated March 7, 2003 Cardinal Ratzinger thanked Kuby for her "instructive" book Harry Potter - gut oder böse (Harry Potter- good or evil?), in which Kuby says the Potter books corrupt the hearts of the young, preventing them from developing a properly ordered sense of good and evil, thus harming their relationship with God while that relationship is still in its infancy.

And, just for the record... just because someone doesn't agree with the Catholic Church, it's dogma, it's teachings... it doesn't make them a "hater."
IrishMist said:
[font=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-Serif]He's against Harry Potter. So What?[/font]
[font=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-Serif][/font]
[font=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-Serif]Pope Opposes Harry Potter Novels - Signed Letters from Cardinal Ratzinger Now Online[/font]

RIMSTING, Germany, July 13, 2005 ( - has obtained and made available online copies of two letters sent by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who was recently elected Pope, to a German critic of the Harry Potter novels. In March 2003, a month after the English press throughout the world falsely proclaimed that Pope John Paul II approved of Harry Potter, the man who was to become his successor sent a letter to a Gabriele Kuby outlining his agreement with her opposition to J.K. Rowling's offerings.

In a letter dated March 7, 2003 Cardinal Ratzinger thanked Kuby for her "instructive" book Harry Potter - gut oder böse (Harry Potter- good or evil?), in which Kuby says the Potter books corrupt the hearts of the young, preventing them from developing a properly ordered sense of good and evil, thus harming their relationship with God while that relationship is still in its infancy.

And, just for the record... just because someone doesn't agree with the Catholic Church, it's dogma, it's teachings... it doesn't make them a "hater."

I am guessing that this is in response to my post, I could have posted that link but choose not to do so. ( Hence my point in looking something up before you lie about it) He still did not condemn Harry Potter movie or book, so what was your point in posting the link?

The person who posted the lies about The Church (A Previous Post about The Pope's Infallibility) and Harry Potter, had nothing to do with disagreeing with Dogma or Teaching of The Church. So where did I say that anyone who disagreed with The teaching and The Dogma have to hate The Church?
Maral said:
Oh, come on. If someone is not familiar with the Catholic Church, how can you say that they are looking up only sources that feed lies? Why couldn't it be as simple as just not knowing what sources are credible and what sources are not? There is a difference in posting lies and posting misinformation and hatred has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Irishmist just posted a link that was very simple to get on the net that proves Cardinal Ratzinger did not Condemn Harry Potter. If it is credible (as you put it) to listen to one side, then it is just as easy to go on the net and search to see the other side.
Saying That Pope Benedict wrote a letter to his friend calling himself the Pope Two years before he became Pope that is an OUT and OUT LIE. I know she has absolutely no proof of that, that was just made up, and to make something like that up is just hatefull. So do not tell me hatred has nothing to do with it, you have your opinion and I have mine.
Nova said:
I haven't seen it. Frankly, I find Mel Gibson's films (Braveheart, etc.) technically brilliant, but otherwise superficial. Nothing I heard about "Passion" made me think it was any different, though I have no doubt the crucifixion was very graphic.

For the record, "the Jews" didn't call for a boycott. Some may have. Others participated in producing and distributing the movie. Thousands of Jews went to see it, including most Jews I know. There is no monolithic Jewish authority or opinion.

I wasn't going to open up a can of worms again but I do need to write this:
That's my point-I think you missed it-the Jews did not call for a boycott and the movie, Passion depicted them as deceitful murderers. I know a lot of Jews who were very offended by the movie, but they didn't publicly Boycott the movie-smart! So why would the vatican feel the need to encourage people to boycott Da Vinci Code?
ellen13 said:
I wasn't going to open up a can of worms again but I do need to write this:
That's my point-I think you missed it-the Jews did not call for a boycott and the movie, Passion depicted them as deceitful murderers. I know a lot of Jews who were very offended by the movie, but they didn't publicly Boycott the movie-smart! So why would the vatican feel the need to encourage people to boycott Da Vinci Code?
Actually a good many Jews and Jewish groups, as well as many others, DID call for a boycott of The Passion.
Eoanthropus Dawsoni said:
Actually a good many Jews and Jewish groups, as well as many others, DID call for a boycott of The Passion.
Oh I am glad you said that. I thought that was how I remembered it,but wasn't sure.

love your nic:) welcome.
TisHerself said:
Irishmist just posted a link that was very simple to get on the net that proves Cardinal Ratzinger did not Condemn Harry Potter. If it is credible (as you put it) to listen to one side, then it is just as easy to go on the net and search to see the other side.
Saying That Pope Benedict wrote a letter to his friend calling himself the Pope Two years before he became Pope that is an OUT and OUT LIE. I know she has absolutely no proof of that, that was just made up, and to make something like that up is just hatefull. So do not tell me hatred has nothing to do with it, you have your opinion and I have mine.
There is plenty of evidence that Ratzinger was an opportunist who went along pursuing his personal ambitions, regardless of what was happening around him. He indicated early in life that he wanted to become a cardinal.

And recently, a mere two years ago,he confided to another person that he expected to become Pope. Spanish public television showed a postcard that Ratzinger sent two years ago to a person in Spain, which he signed "Pope Benedict XVI," the name he took when he indeed became Pope.

[font=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-Serif]Pope Opposes Harry Potter Novels - Signed Letters from Cardinal Ratzinger Now Online[/font]
[font=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-Serif][/font]

The same poster who posted those comment also posted a number of other earlier comments generally supportive and kind in regard to Catholics and their faith.
Eoanthropus Dawsoni said:
Actually a good many Jews and Jewish groups, as well as many others, DID call for a boycott of The Passion.

Since you wrote "actually" before the statement, it must be true. But how 'bout humoring us with some links?

ETA: I decided it wasn't fair to ask you to do all the work. Here is a link to one rabbi who called for a boycott:

That's about all I can find. The Anti-Defamation Leage did NOT and does NOT call for a boycott:

Certainly concerns were raised by some Jews, Catholics, most serious scholars of the Gospels, etc. But I can't find the evidence of any widespread boycott.
ellen13 said:
I wasn't going to open up a can of worms again but I do need to write this:
That's my point-I think you missed it-the Jews did not call for a boycott and the movie, Passion depicted them as deceitful murderers. I know a lot of Jews who were very offended by the movie, but they didn't publicly Boycott the movie-smart! So why would the vatican feel the need to encourage people to boycott Da Vinci Code?

No can of worms, Ellen. If I missed your point, I apologize.

MY point was there is no such organization as "the Jews," boycott or no. There is no central Jewish hierarchical authority, so any comparison with the hierarchy of the Catholic Church is problematic.
JBean said:
This might be what i am thinking of Nova:angel:

Spider-Man Fans to Boycott Gibson's "Passion of Christ"

Of couse, JBean. It was the ancient international conspiracy of Spider-man fans! I always get them confused.

(JBean, I know the complaints about the portrayal of Jewish officials in Passion got a lot of media attention, so it may have seemed there was some attempt to boycott. But I believe the actual calls for boycott were few.)
Nova said:
Of couse, JBean. It was the ancient international conspiracy of Spider-man fans! I always get them confused.

(JBean, I know the complaints about the portrayal of Jewish officials in Passion got a lot of media attention, so it may have seemed there was some attempt to boycott. But I believe the actual calls for boycott were few.)
I think it was more isoated incidences of boycott but not an "organized effort" , as you pointed out.That's why I wasn't sure.
Personally, I don't understand why people are up in arms about the CC asking for boycott. They have the right, it was only a request and either you are on board or not.
To my mind, it's more odd that so many took such exception to the boycott. If one is a Catholic, you agree or disagree. I don't recall there being excommunication involved if you were caught at the theater, or a trip to confession required if you read the book. It was not a mandate it was a request.
Honor it or don't honor it,free will and all that.:p
JBean said:
Personally, I don't understand why people are up in arms about the CC asking for boycott. They have the right, it was only a request and either you are on board or not.

In the end, you are absolutely right.

I think some people are very wary of the perceived power of the Vatican (after all, that same wariness is how "Protestants" came to be) and this issue simply provides an opportunity to discuss that power.

I can't imagine anybody here cares who sees the movie - or doesn't.
TisHerself said:
I am guessing that this is in response to my post, I could have posted that link but choose not to do so. ( Hence my point in looking something up before you lie about it) He still did not condemn Harry Potter movie or book, so what was your point in posting the link?

The person who posted the lies about The Church (A Previous Post about The Pope's Infallibility) and Harry Potter, had nothing to do with disagreeing with Dogma or Teaching of The Church. So where did I say that anyone who disagreed with The teaching and The Dogma have to hate The Church?
Sorry, Tis. Not everything is about you. When I am responding to you, or your post directly, I quote it. (See above.) When I am commenting in general, or to a general theme of posts- I add comment.

My point in posting was in the title of the post:

IrishMist said:
He's against Harry Potter. So What?

As far as the hate the Church comment, there have been several assumptions made about posters that "hate" the church. Where has anyone posted that they hate the church??
Nova said:
Since you wrote "actually" before the statement, it must be true. But how 'bout humoring us with some links?

ETA: I decided it wasn't fair to ask you to do all the work. Here is a link to one rabbi who called for a boycott:

That's about all I can find. The Anti-Defamation Leage did NOT and does NOT call for a boycott:

Certainly concerns were raised by some Jews, Catholics, most serious scholars of the Gospels, etc. But I can't find the evidence of any widespread boycott.
Very respectfully Nova, I have to say this:
I love what this Rabbi wrote about TPOTC and Mel Gibson and I appreciate the link. My feelings exactly. I used to love Gibson until he made that movie. I spent last Passover with two Holocaust survivors who shared with me their stories. I will never forget that experience and we should never forgot the Holocaust. Go Steven Spielberg-glad he did Schindler's List!!!!

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