Verdict: GUILTY for both Millard and Smich of 1st degree murder #3

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DNA Solves
I was impressed by the amount of evidence the two sides argued over during the pre-trial motions I attended. Normal, law abiding citizens, who have faith in our justice system, don't give thought to the amount of evidence that never makes it to the trial- for me, it was an eye opener. I think there were many things, like the incinerator, that the defence desperately tried to get tossed out of the TB trial- knowing full well it would incriminate Twiddly Dee and Twiddly Dumb in the LB trial. Just as a hypothetical notion, it would be difficult for the Crown to get video's or anything with incinerator involvement permitted in the LB trial if it had not been allowed in the TB trial. My guess is that the Crown has a "Royal Flush" in this case. In the TB case, they had time-stamped video of DM's truck towing the incinerator to the hangar. These two guys are psychopaths and I'm sure the terabytes of evidence are going to shock our senses...again. MOO On another note, I wonder if MB's is going to attend any portion of this trial?

Speaking of things that never make it to trial, I came across this article, which was a refresher.. also, it says, "19. This investigation marks the largest seizure of electronic data in any Ontario homicide case.
There were 26,000 text messages from Millard's phone alone and nine versions of disclosure."

Nine versions of disclosure! And.. 'marks the largest seizure of electronic data in any Ontario homicide case'... does this mean that the LB case has surpassed this one? I'm so confused about that one reporter's tweet, and the validity of it.
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I believe Mark the shooter in Tim's death only because he told Police he couldn't remember where he buried the gun. Had Dellen done the shooting he would have gladly given up the gun

For me they are partners in both crimes, and both deserve consecutive sentencing. As for the truth, we may never know, and it doesn't matter much at this point.

However, the TB murder has always left me with the feeling that MS was the shooter. I tend to look at what was said in texts, conversations and letters along with the known for some hint of the truth. What they said to protect their *advertiser censored**es is just more lies. But when conversing among the clan, as nebulous as their lingo is, does suggest to me that Tim's murder was planned, but not carried out as planned.

1) I don't see shooting him in the truck as planned.
2) DM indicates in his letters to CN that "treacherous" Mark was responsible for the mess. Mess being the unplanned shooting in the Truck. And it was not said in a storytelling fashion like the LB story. Treacherous because of his actions that night and his betrayal after DM was arrested. DM was planning on having the truck ready for the BAJA trip that summer. We all shake our head at why they shot him in the truck. It was a mess.
3) MS told Brandon he f*cked up.

So my theory is that DM was responsible for LB's last breadth, and MS being a partner knew the specifics.. And almost a year later, MS was the one that pulled the gun on TB as DM was driving. And for some reason, MS pulled the trigger before the plan called for him to. DM being DM, didn't freak out, but redrew the post murder plan to clean up the mess, and keep the truck.

As for the reason MS pulled the trigger, is the million dollar question. Was there a struggle? Was MS high and just misjudged the trigger pressure? Was he waving it foolishly and it went off? .... etc.

When you have a loaded gun with the safety off, there is always a chance of it going off. Especially when holding it in a moving vehicle stoned.


The only way I can MS admitting to f*cking up meaning he pulled the trigger is if he shot TB after they pulled over near Paris.
What was the purpose of MS accompanying DM from TBs house to the corner where the Yukon was parked? What state was Tim supposed to be in for MS to get out and leave DM alone with him? What was the purpose of guns if they weren't supposed to kill before picking up the Yukon? They weren't about to walk back for it.
I think MS was supposed to disable Tim from the back seat, then get out and follow. The alternative is that they have to come up with a reason for MS to follow in the Yukon, but why then did he go to Tims house?
If Tim was alive for the drive to Paris, he could have got upset about the length of the drive and asked to turn around. The turn around was odd and I can't think of a reason for it. In this case, I could see a possibility that MS came up to DMs door to see what was up. If Tim became suspicious it might be plausible that MS might shoot him from DMs window.
I still think MS f*cked up by failing to disable Tim effectively and necessitating a shooting.

No matter what MSs role in these crimes, if he hopes to ever get out of jail he will have to admit his actual real role. I don't think the parole board will buy his fairy tale version any more than the judge. So I think it's ironic that his fake truth is more damaging than the real truth.
The only way I can MS admitting to f*cking up meaning he pulled the trigger is if he shot TB after they pulled over near Paris.
What was the purpose of MS accompanying DM from TBs house to the corner where the Yukon was parked? What state was Tim supposed to be in for MS to get out and leave DM alone with him? What was the purpose of guns if they weren't supposed to kill before picking up the Yukon? They weren't about to walk back for it.
I think MS was supposed to disable Tim from the back seat, then get out and follow. The alternative is that they have to come up with a reason for MS to follow in the Yukon, but why then did he go to Tims house?
If Tim was alive for the drive to Paris, he could have got upset about the length of the drive and asked to turn around. The turn around was odd and I can't think of a reason for it. In this case, I could see a possibility that MS came up to DMs door to see what was up. If Tim became suspicious it might be plausible that MS might shoot him from DMs window.
I still think MS f*cked up by failing to disable Tim effectively and necessitating a shooting.

No matter what MSs role in these crimes, if he hopes to ever get out of jail he will have to admit his actual real role. I don't think the parole board will buy his fairy tale version any more than the judge. So I think it's ironic that his fake truth is more damaging than the real truth.

The f-up I was referring to was him "f-uping the original plan" by shooting TB in the truck, not that he shot TB. Was there not video of the truck going and coming before they picked up the Yukon? I believe it was not 100% identified, but it was plausible.

We can go back and forth by adding pieces of evidence and hence revisit the TB trial. But I will add that the unplanned text to employees to stay away on the 7th was another indicator of a f-up. moo
The f-up I was referring to was him "f-uping the original plan" by shooting TB in the truck, not that he shot TB. Was there not video of the truck going and coming before they picked up the Yukon? I believe it was not 100% identified, but it was plausible.

We can go back and forth by adding pieces of evidence and hence revisit the TB trial. But I will add that the unplanned text to employees to stay away on the 7th was another indicator of a f-up. moo

unplanned for sure. But truck was still at hangar when employees returned the following day. Weird.

You would think hunk he would have removed and hidden it by then.
unplanned for sure. But truck was still at hangar when employees returned the following day. Weird.

You would think hunk he would have removed and hidden it by then.

And that is where DM's weirdness takes over. His "Good to be the King" syndrome. Even after he knew that AJ reported the truck to CS, he chose to hide it at mumsy's (as JS would say), instead of taking it out somewhere and burning it or destroying it. What was that RB said about DM?

Oh yeah! “I don't know what goes on in your head,”

I believe Mark the shooter in Tim's death only because he told Police he couldn't remember where he buried the gun. Had Dellen done the shooting he would have gladly given up the gun
I am curious and I know this is about Laura s murder but if the police had the gun what difference would it make?
Would it have fingerprints on it to identify who shot Tim Bosma? Wouldn't someone wipe the fingerprints off the gun?
I think that MS gave the gun back to the gun dealer.once it was used in the murder. I don't think he buried it.
I don't understand how the police having the gun would make a difference, there was enough other evidence to convict both of M1.
The f-up I was referring to was him "f-uping the original plan" by shooting TB in the truck, not that he shot TB. Was there not video of the truck going and coming before they picked up the Yukon? I believe it was not 100% identified, but it was plausible.

We can go back and forth by adding pieces of evidence and hence revisit the TB trial. But I will add that the unplanned text to employees to stay away on the 7th was another indicator of a f-up. moo

Yes, I agree that things did not go according to DM's plans. I remember Igor's valuable testimony. He was a big, strong, athletic, man, and he said that DM and MS were nervous when he mentioned that he was formerly an Israeli soldier, and after MS asked him what he did in the army, Igor said, " you do not want to know. " Igor also said that right after that DM was driving, but turned and looked in the backseat at MS. Maybe MS was afraid to try and disable Igor, so did not act when DM expected him to with a garrote. They were going to burn the body, so they could leave whatever marks on it they wanted, including a blow to the head, but I think DM would have wanted to avoid blood in the truck and much of a struggle. Early on in the trial, people speculated that because Igor is such a large man, that DM and MS reconsidered, and did not kill him, and steal his truck, because his body would be difficult to put in the incinerator, but I think it was more likely that they, or at least MS, with his bad shoulder, and being small, feared trying to over-power Igor. Tim Bosma was tall, but a slight build, and did not have Igor's military bearing, or reflexes. He likely seemed like a much easier target, but I think when Mark either tried to choke him, or tie his head to the headrest, Tim fought for his life. I remember the front mirror on the inside of the Bosma truck windshield being broken when LE were examining it. We speculated here on Web Sleuth that LE might have dismantled it while getting that one good thumb print of DM's, but I think it also may have been kicked by Tim, as he struggled for his life. I also think he may have managed to free himself for a few seconds, and was trying to get out of the door. That may have been when MS or DM in desperation, shot Tim, and also shot the front passenger side window. I think during the trial we heard that most of the gun shot residue on the ceiling of the truck seemed to be on the inside roof near the driver's side, but in such a small space it was dispersed over all the ceiling near the front. For all we know they both shot at him. I am thankful that LE caught them, and I certainly hope that they both get consecutive sentences. I just wish we still had the death penalty. Both of these monsters will be very dangerous for prison staff, and even other in-mates. I don't want my tax dollars being spent to house them for the next 50 or more years, but much better that, than them having gotten away with it. IMO
The “I ****ed up” stuff from Smich has long been an interesting and not insignificant puzzle. The most intuitive explanation to me is that he ****ed up and killed a man and now they were in severe trouble. That belies the planning aspect to a degree however, and so is a bit confusing if you accept murder as the plan. The interpretation most generous to Smich is that he ****ed up by going at all, and didn’t plan or expect murder. The least generous to Smich is that he meant he ****ed up by leaving Igor alive, because DMs tattoo is what landed DM in jail and MS flipping out knowing he was surely not far behind.
In Number 24 of the CanLii documents referenced before Christmas, if I am reading it correctly, there is a reference to the search of the Yukon at 2065 Maplegrove, Cambridge, being a breach of DM's rights and evidence so obtained not being admissible. I seem to think I read last year that SS took the vehicle to that address, but am I remembering that right? Was that SS's home address? I don't recall hearing about any evidence being presented from the Yukon, but my memory's not what it used to be!
In Number 24 of the CanLii documents referenced before Christmas, if I am reading it correctly, there is a reference to the search of the Yukon at 2065 Maplegrove, Cambridge, being a breach of DM's rights and evidence so obtained not being admissible. I seem to think I read last year that SS took the vehicle to that address, but am I remembering that right? Was that SS's home address? I don't recall hearing about any evidence being presented from the Yukon, but my memory's not what it used to be!

Didn't Schlatman live in Brantford?
In Number 24 of the CanLii documents referenced before Christmas, if I am reading it correctly, there is a reference to the search of the Yukon at 2065 Maplegrove, Cambridge, being a breach of DM's rights and evidence so obtained not being admissible. I seem to think I read last year that SS took the vehicle to that address, but am I remembering that right? Was that SS's home address? I don't recall hearing about any evidence being presented from the Yukon, but my memory's not what it used to be!

It was DM's red truck that he and SS took to the house in Cambridge (belonged to a friend of SS's at the time -- property has since been sold).

The last thing he remembers doing for Millard that day was help him move his red pickup truck off the property. Schlatman says Millard wanted a vehicle off the hangar property in case it was "locked down" by police.

Schlatman texted a buddy and they drove to his nearby bungalow. Millard parked it out back, behind the house near a dog pen, and they both headed back to the hangar in Schlatman's minivan.

When they got back, Millard said he was going to go to the bank and to see his lawyer. He got in his Yukon and left. He was arrested that night while driving in Mississauga.
So was evidence from the red Ram disallowed? I can't remember if any was presented in either of the trials? :waitasec:
LOL, nobody knows how to steal a vehicle! There is a little appliance you can buy which you have to put in the keyhole, it makes a replica, very quickly, so when you "test drive it", you make a replica and then come back later to steal it. Perhaps whomever was driving was trying to do that but Bosma saw him, in a panic to avoid being caught for theft, one of them killed Bosma. Didn't they also steal other vehicles that Dellen could have afforded to buy, but chose not to, but they didn't kill anyone?
From the Babcock trial and I always wondered why Dellen would hang around Smich, it seemed as if Smich was either black mailing Dellen because he kept asking Dellen for money or a "mission" and Dellen would send an "irritated reply" but also pay whatever debt Smich had. Police seem to think he was keeping Smich around for his help/loyalty in the Babcock murder, which was his first murder and then after that, the two had to stick together since they had burned the body together. Is it possible that he didn't have any friends, was not in an academic environment where it's acceptable to not have a very active social life, but in business, where "networking" is key, so he picked up whatever friends he could and just seemed to attract the Smich type and not the type that would be of value to his legitimate career/business? Was Smich blackmailing him for something previous to the Babcock murder such as theft, drug dealing? Is that why Dellen kept paying Smich who would send him texts while he was on a airlplane materials course in the U.S to ask for money? Saying he either needs money or a mission and then sarcastically saying "or I could get a job and be the person everyone wants me to be".
So was evidence from the red Ram disallowed? I can't remember if any was presented in either of the trials? :waitasec:

The CanLII document (at para 30) quotes from the search warrant application:

Mr. Millard'
s Truck at 2065 Maplegrove, Cambridge: the vehicle has been parked at this residence since May 10, 2013 and it is believed inside this truck is evidence of the theft of Mr. Bosma's truck including parts. There is no indication that any of the evidence been moved or destroyed.

There doesn't seem to be any further discussion in the document (although it's 89 pages and quite hard going for a non legal mind!) so I presume that the evidence was admissible but there wasn't anything significant found.

I find it shocking that DM applied to have all evidence found at Maple Gate, the farm and the hangar deemed inadmissable and was successful in respect of the hangar and the barn at the farm, but not the surrounding land which of course is where they found the incinerator. If he had left it in barn the case might have been severely weakened.

It's also interesting to note that at their first interviews, SS told LE about moving the truck and CN told them about moving the incinerator.
The CanLII document (at para 30) quotes from the search warrant application:

Mr. Millard'
s Truck at 2065 Maplegrove, Cambridge: the vehicle has been parked at this residence since May 10, 2013 and it is believed inside this truck is evidence of the theft of Mr. Bosma's truck including parts. There is no indication that any of the evidence been moved or destroyed.

There doesn't seem to be any further discussion in the document (although it's 89 pages and quite hard going for a non legal mind!) so I presume that the evidence was admissible but there wasn't anything significant found.

I find it shocking that DM applied to have all evidence found at Maple Gate, the farm and the hangar deemed inadmissable and was successful in respect of the hangar and the barn at the farm, but not the surrounding land which of course is where they found the incinerator. If he had left it in barn the case might have been severely weakened.

It's also interesting to note that at their first interviews, SS told LE about moving the truck and CN told them about moving the incinerator.

why would he try to disallow this stuff? On what basis?
why would he try to disallow this stuff? On what basis?

Less evidences to present in court. Less "real" stuff.
TB trial showed what a bad lair was MS. Now if there was facts known from the LB trial, he even could not have that kind of straw.

Quite often cases are dismissed because police has not done everything by the every letter of the law.

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