Verdict: GUILTY for both Millard and Smich of 1st degree murder

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Was looking for live video coverage from CBC and found this.
Adam Carter just submitted to CBC website on June 17 just a few minutes ago.
Dellen Millard: Wayward Son

I imagine we will be seeing other articles now verdict is reached. Or on this trial alone.

Thanks again for all who posted Tweets. I will be catching up on this big day later.
Lots of thanks to the jury, judge, Crown and defense lawyers (however all of us felt).

And to DM, a very big F##U to you for having the nerve to even look at SB!
Reported by AC, that he looked at her and shook his head when brought back in for sentencing.

As others have said....a great read, particularly for those of us who didn't have the time to follow all of the details, and, I presume, for those of you who had the time and who now want to stand back and digest.

From the article:

For a man who wished for a new challenge, his response was erratic, delusional and ultimately demonstrated his shortcomings — to say nothing of the fact that he effectively handed the Crown some of the most damning evidence against him.

Dellen Millard thought he was smart enough to elude police and get away with murder.

He thought his girlfriend would destroy his letters from jail, just as he asked her.

He thought his friends would lie under oath to protect him.

He was wrong on all three counts.

In the end, Millard never did get to make that much-rehearsed plea in court.

Between the mountains of evidence amassed by investigators and his own damning words, Millard never stood a chance of having a jury believe his twisted narrative.

Trying to understand the motivation and thinking of people who do things that I could never imagine will always drive me.
DM is simply one twisted individual.
MS strikes me as a more common breed -- one who simply doesn't have a large brain and one who can't show empathy.
Should I go wait on the 401 overpass near my house and give the royal salute as I see a paddy wagon pass by in a few hours??

When a prisoner has been sentenced to federal time, they are usually transferred within a few days of their sentence, to a holding centre in Toronto...& within a week or two of that transfer, they're transferred to my neck of the woods, just outside of Kingston to Millhaven Pen (which is reception), & lifers usually stay there for several months...sometimes years. Due to the animosity between DM & MS, one will likely be transferred to Collin's Bay Max (inside the city of Kingston) & the other will likely stay at Millhaven. It would be a long time (several years) before either of them are transferred to a medium security prison. I drive by Collin's Bay Pen on a regular basis...I'll be sure to give whichever of them is in there...the one finger salute as I go by. I only pass Millhaven Pen a couple of times a year...but I'll be sure to give the one finger salute when I go by there too.

I'd also like to thank all of the WS'ers who've posted their opinions & comments in the past 3 years. I lurked for a long time before joining the site & only posted occasionally, but have read almost all of the posts about this case. I may not have always agreed with the opinions posted, but have always appreciated reading other's thoughts about the case. I feel so very grateful today, that justice has been served...& glad for the Bosma's, that they can finally go back to their lives, & try to put this trial behind them. I'm sorry they won't get Tim back...but am relieved they've finally received justice & perhaps find a sense of peace, that the worst is over. Thanks to all of you for your thoughtful opinions & sleuthing. I'll be back here for the future trials related to this case...& hope to read your opinions there. Take care everyone.
When DM was charged with killing his father, we heard that MWJ was charged with selling DM the gun used in that murder. We have never heard of him being charged with selling the gun in the TB murder, and I suspect it's because no gun was ever recovered.

IMO, it explains MS's reluctance to even attempt to tell the real story of what happened to the gun. When the crown pushed MS on their "gun dealer", MS tried to exclude MWJ from having anything to do with the gun by spinning MWJ as only the "drug dealer".

During CN's testimony she mentioned that her and DM would go over to MWJ's to chill and watch movies. I have a strong spidy tingle that MWJ plays a much larger involvement when it comes to CN's trial. It will be a key component in showing that she knew more.

Well, except for the part where he told various reporters that they'd be appealing. Which is standard, of course. Calling him classy because he didn't give a statement is taking it a bit too far. IMO

When i first read a reporter's tweet that he (Dungey) has said they had strong grounds for appeal or they were appealing, my first ignorant rude and disrespectful thought was "Shut it Dungey!"
I wouldn't count on that. Even if she is convicted, which is far from a certainty, she will probably not receive any jail time, much less a prison sentence. Her time already served plus her house arrest time etc. will be applied to whatever sentence she receives if convicted. I hope she is convicted though, so that she has a criminal record. Although AATF can result in a lengthy sentence, it rarely does, and it's unlikely anyone seriously considers CN a risk to the public. A narcissistic liar, yes. Dangerous, not very, except morally of course, and when driving while high on drugs. Perhaps she should be forbidden to drive or be a passenger in the front seat of a motor vehicle when in operation (reason edited for purposes of propriety).

She has it coming, but I'm not optimistic justice will be served in her case. Some of the n'er do wells in this case are likely going to get away with their part in the crimes.

However, wouldn't it be fun if DM was called to testify against her, LOL? That would probably never happen because he would probably deny he had any major role in the crime, he only helped clean up "Mark's Mess."

I disagree. I think CN really pi$$ed off the Crown and I think they are going to throw the book at her.

Is there really a publication ban on her trial ? I hope it gets lifted.
Thank you everyone for the love and support through the duration of this trial. The Websleuths community has become a sort of second family for me. We all made it through this strange ride together.

I have been following everything since Tim went missing. What a relief that justice has been served today. I have read and followed every post here and will continue. Looking ahead to CN's turn to be sent behind bars. As well there will be justice for Laura's family too IMO.
When DM was charged with killing his father, we heard that MWJ was charged with selling DM the gun used in that murder. We have never heard of him being charged with selling the gun in the TB murder, and I suspect it's because no gun was ever recovered.

IMO, it explains MS's reluctance to even attempt to tell the real story of what happened to the gun. When the crown pushed MS on their "gun dealer", MS tried to exclude MWJ from having anything to do with the gun by spinning MWJ as only the "drug dealer".

During CN's testimony she mentioned that her and DM would go over to MWJ's to chill and watch movies. I have a strong spidy tingle that MWJ plays a much larger involvement when it comes to CN's trial. It will be a key component in showing that she knew more.


There were two others charged alongside MWJ:

According to the Hamilton Spectator, police believe Mr. Ward-Jackson, Matthew Odlum and Matthew Jackson Wawrykiewicz, sold Dellen Millard the gun he allegedly used to kill his father. The three were charged in Toronto court two days before the new charges against Mr. Millard and Mr. Smich were announced. They have pleaded not guilty.
When i first read a reporter's tweet that he has said they had strong grounds for appeal or they were appealing, my first ignorant rude and disrespectful thought was "Shut it Dungey!"
Lisa H asked for an interview. He declined and said today is for the Bosma's and he didn't want to intrude on that. He would not be coming outside to speak. She then asked him to comment anyways. I guess reporters shouldn't ask questions when the lawyers have clearly said no comment and declined an interview.
lol, I had the same thought. I respect his privacy but he's kind of a hero to me :)

I believe this is a sketch ....LOL




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I have been following everything since Tim went missing. What a relief that justice has been served today. I have read and followed every post here and will continue. Looking ahead to CN's turn to be sent behind bars. As well there will be justice for Laura's family too IMO.

Welcome Lupy! Thanks for stepping out of lurkerdom and sharing your view.

Does anyone remember the dates for CN, LB, and WM trials, I meant to make note of dates, but didn't get a chance. TIa

So sorry if someone has already responded to this.

CN trial: November 14, 2016

Laura Babcock: February 13, 2017

Wayne Millard: June 23, 2017

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Thanks to everyone for the tweets, thoughts, discussion and being here for Tim. I am thrilled by the verdicts today and will meet up again with everyone in November. Here's hoping the Bosma family and friends can begin the healing process. Sharlene Bosma is an incredible woman. I have nothing but sincere admiration for her tenacity, class and her devotion to Tim and his memory. I wish her nothing but the best.
When i first read a reporter's tweet that he (Dungey) has said they had strong grounds for appeal or they were appealing, my first ignorant rude and disrespectful thought was "Shut it Dungey!"

i agree. its as if todays verdict meant nothing. convicted of M1 and these idiots still think their unstoppable.
if someone applies for an appeal, is it necessarily granted??
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