Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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i blame Juan.
i said it.
Welp, I blame that judge. Never saw a softer judge in my life. She gave it up every single time. Had no game at all when it came to getting a penalty verdict. That was your job, lady, and you whiffed.

Juan lost, that's plain. He was going for a death penalty and he didn't get it. So he lost. He refused to leave room for a shot first scenario - which is more sneaky-mean than a berzerko knife first attack - that made it look like she snapped. Snapped was better for her case.

Judge could only get a 13 hour deliberation outa that jury? That is very weak. Judge whimped it the whole way and ended up communicating whimp factor to jury. Bleh. Terrible job.

Thanks, judge, she'll never be executed now - even if new jury calls it that way - it would def fall on appeal.

Losers, you stink.
Jodi donated hair? Did she go down to the hospital and get tested to see if she can donate a kidney to her father? Thats what a reporter should have asked her.

Now that was a great post! :clap:
I think it's great, but also agree with lil buddy, he went through all the criteria for murder 1, he needs to be more clear on the mitigating factors... I'm not sure how cmja got to do her allocution w/o cross! I'm still hot about that... Personally I say f the baby pictures, unless the Alexander's can show as many as they want and videos with sound!!

I'm worried about this stunt of her family not being there... No family support *advertiser censored* better be referenced to that! Nurmi was probably taking them out for ice cream! Where was he! :seeya:

Ice Cream here we come...
Totally off topic but....

The new blueberry pomegranate smoothies from Mickey-D's are awesome! Hubs just brought me one home! YUMMO!
After watching the "Jodi Arias Rose Colored Glasses" video about Perryville, I feel this is a fate worse than death. I pray that the Alexander family will be able to recover from their heart-breaking ordeal and look to the possibility of a plea deal of life without parole or appeals. There is always the outside chance that a second trial could result in another hung jury, in which case the judge will make the decision. It has always been my feeling that the convicted murderess will never survive a life term, or even the 12 years or so that it takes to complete the DP. If she is in virtual isolation, she will go mad.

If there is another penalty phase mini-trial, I don't see how any potential jury pool could be impartial. Is there anyone on the planet who doesn't already have an indelible opinion of the killer - either positive or negative? All it takes is one juror to get another hung jury. The fact that there was an 8 to 4 split does not bode well for the Prosecution.

Juan has done an outstanding job of bringing home the Murder 1 conviction! This is a case where Life may turn out to be a heck of a lot worse than Death! Jodi Ann Arias may end up regretting her little stunt of begging for life over death....for the sake of her family.
OT but I LIKE Jean Carasez always have and always will. saying this as she has also been attacked on this site for no reason....If you dont like her, maybe you can choose (with your free mind) to not listen to her but attacking her with for NO good reason is ridiculious ....and that is jmo
And it was kinda hard for Juan to put together a strong message of any kind with JAW (Jennifer "Ann" Willmott) shrieking out an objection every 10 seconds.

JA's allocution may have sealed a "sympathy for the mentally ill" vote for those jurors weighing mitigating factors. I mean, how crazy that she stood up there with a straight face, very close to the jurors, describing her future plans for recycling, effective change, stimulating conversation thru book club in prison. Maybe they felt she was just too nuts to render DP...
I hope they get one. I also hope people who state they are death qualified and make it onto the jury understand that Jodi is truly the cause of her death under the laws of AZ, if they choose it, not them.

I also think the instructions about the weight of mitigation has to be greater than the weight of aggravation needs to be stressed. I think one or more may not have understood that. The last thing- feelings of "she may repent later" should have nothing to do with it. It is impossible to predict, and not a mitigating factor, imo.


AGREED! Yes, yes, and yes. I also said that Juan needed to emphasize that they were to consider the TOTALITY OF THE MITIGATING FACTORS a/g totality of aggravation. I have been saying this ever since they finsihed with closings for this phase. JW kept saying "all you need is to find one mitigating factor" and "you individually if you find one mitigating factor." It really sounded like she was saying all they had to do was find ONE MITIGATING FACTOR to "spare her life." She kept saying it over and over, even I was confused (and I already wanted CMJA to get death). I think Juan thought that this wasn't a problem b/c the jury was very thorough and would read through the instructions, but still I think he should have addressed it more.

Also he should have emphasized more that the defense will try to make it seem like you're the ones killing her, but actually you are just carrying out the law. But never mind, he did say that, guess it fell on some deaf ears.

And yes, any future stuff like stuff she says she's going to do doesn't count, it's not proven and you don't know if she'll actually do it.
AND they have cockroaches crawling all over the jail cells!!!!!

To me, with my insane and out of control fear of cockroaches, that is scary than Big Bertha and her cronies!! :scared:

I live in Florida, and we have huge flying cockroaches. They are bigger than the size of some small dogs (okay...I exaggerate), but they are BIG! And did I mention - THEY FLY!!! UGH!!!!:scared:

If I had to put in a jail cell that had cockroaches - you might as well just kill me now. :scared:
Could you please donate your hair of LOCKS OF LOVE before you consider suicide? It may give you a reason to live, and we won't miss having you post here with us.
I think the BPD played a big part too ..

If I were a juror, that's when I would have cut a B! To force all of that crap testimony and in closing be like dr Demarte said jodi has some problems... Not verbatim but you know what I mean.
Just want to say that my husband and I were absolutely shocked today since we thought this was a clear cut case. Clearly DP without a doubt. We think there was at least one or more that don't really believe in the DP and just said so on their paperwork.....
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that there's no discussing moderation. Hopefully, someday, you and I will be on the "right" side of things :)
And I wish you both good luck in your search for that platform :seeya:
What makes it even funnier is if you picture Nurmi dancing instead of the cute guy at the end!!!!:floorlaugh:

We were playing 'what are they doing right now' .. just so you all know Juan is tucked up on his 1000 thread count coffee coloured sheets wearing silk boxers, in a high rise apartment with a terrace that overlooks the city lights. He had a medium rare steak for dinner :)

Nurmi is playing War of Warcraft drinking beer as per ..
So.....8 brave souls and 4 weak ones shaking like chihuahuas.

Any chance the DP will proceed after seeing this disgusting split? I'm positive that JW and her pet, Jodi, knew they had those 4 jurors. Always did. That's why Jodi said she felt betrayed. Now, the betrayers are heros! Got the message. DON'T CROSS JODI!!!

Would Jodi accept the LWOP and no appeals? I don't think she will. She will keep this going so her move to prison will be delayed for years.

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