Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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Dave Hall was just on HLN and you can FEEl the anger, sadness and pure disappointment that this hung jury has had on the family. He conveyed how ludicrous is was for Jodi to get up there and talk about book clubs and recycling programs when in reality its all BS. This trial has taken such a toll on the family on every level. I pray the next jury reaches a verdict quickly. The family has every right to be upset with the juries decision - or lack of one - they found her guilty and found extreme cruelty no problem - but instead of handing down a just sentence of death they get hung up. They cannot understand HOW this could happen if everyone was following the law. Instead of being able to put Jodi behind them this will still drag on. Its so unfair and wrong!! This family deserves and needs closure. This must seem like a nightmare to them. I guess were lucky the jury didn't mess up the guilt phase because it sounds like they had a hard time even agreeing on murder 1. Unbelievable. I think had this been tried by a judge she would already be on death row. I am seriously thinking that jury trials are just no good. Common sense just is not that common anymore.
In my opinion, I think the BPD diagnosis is what stave off the DP. I wish that it was explained better or that the word 'psychopath' was used. To me, during the trial, it almost sounded like a mental illness and that Jodi wasn't fully responsible because of it. We had the opportunity to talk about BPD and research it - the jury didn't. Too bad Juan or Dr. Demarte couldn't clearly spell out the traits of BPD and explain how it pertained to KA, or give names of other infamous people w/ BPD so the jury could get a nice clear picture of that thing they watched for 5 months. (self centered, destructive, evil, not curable, etc.)

You might have a point there, and what's really ironic about this possibility is that the DT ripped Dr. DeMarte's diagnosis during the guilt phase of the trial but spun around and used the BPD as a mitigating factor in the penalty phase. JW is sneaky, for sure. :moo:
Until I hear from the 4 ? as to their decision why they couldn't decide, I have zero respect for what they have done.

I agree with what Rose said earlier, if they come out and say that they felt LWOP would be a better punishment due to a number of factors (age, healthy, etc) then I think that would be a little easier to swallow for some people.

If they all come off as the foreperson did, well then obviously it's just going to enrage people more.
I have had the great privilege of seeing Robert Hirschhorn, the best jury consultant in the US, lecture. One time he even showed a live mock jury for us. One of his messages is that cases are usually won or lost during voir dire (jury selection). I was not following this case at the beginning, but I thought I heard that JM used a jury consultant. Does anyone know?

Now, to say this case was a loss for the state is silly: the Defendant was convicted of 1st degree premeditated murder. But I wonder if there was enough attention paid to selecting jurors who would really impose death. This is not a criticism of JM. Just something I am thinking about and something JM is certainly thinking about right now.
I agree.

We are lucky that they even voted for Murder 1. Now we know it was probably a fight to get that conviction. I'm just glad they at least convicted her. I am however heartbroken for the family that this jury thought Travis was a abuser instead of Jodi being the abuser.

Given that they came back so quick the first time saying they couldn't reach a decision...I am more convinced now, that during the deliberations in the guilt phase that they struck an agreement... we will convict on Murder 1, but will not give in on DP.
Do we know if it was the 4 woman for life and 8 men for death?? I don't have the time to read and catch every news source and have fallen behind!

I don't understand all the hate for HLN. Sure they make money and speculate just as many do here and other places. That's the world we live in now. Nancy didn't miss a beat on her show last night and her sharp wit is what makes me continue to love her despite her few faults! I don't even mind JVM as I think she makes interesting points.

I guess this penalty phase verdict is proof of the weaknesses in our justice system. I commend the jurors who held strong for death! God bless them! I would be afraid her sentence would be reduced at some point with life and she would get parole.

We have heard it was 8 for death, 4 for life.
Anything else is pure speculation at this point.
I have had the great privilege of seeing Robert Hirschhorn, the best jury consultant in the US, lecture. One time he even showed a live mock jury for us. One of his messages is that cases are usually won or lost during voir dire (jury selection). I was not following this case at the beginning, but I thought I heard that JM used a jury consultant. Does anyone know?

Now, to say this case was a loss for the state is silly: the Defendant was convicted of 1st degree premeditated murder. But I wonder if there was enough attention paid to selecting jurors who would really impose death. This is not a criticism of JM. Just something I am thinking about and something JM is certainly thinking about right now.

Yes she had a jury consultant. Why do I think the nickname given to the jury consultant during the commentary here was Salmon or wild salmon?
Granted he only had a short period of time to talk but I found it strange that rather than talk about what went on during deliberations he talked about his own personal opinions. As foreperson, I'd like to know what he did to try and get every one to come to a verdict. No mention of that.

Yes, I agree and personally I am very disappointed in Elisabeth Vargas who IMHO mishandled the interview terribly. D-
I believe a professional jury will not be a hung jury, because they will know the law, and more importantly they will understand the law. They would be like judges, they will not let their personal feelings decide how they vote.

IMO I think that's awfully assuming, considering we're talking about human beings. You're also opening the door to the process being politicized.
I believe a professional jury will not be a hung jury, because they will know the law, and more importantly they will understand the law. They would be like judges, they will not let their personal feelings decide how they vote.

:seeya: EXACTLY ! They would vote on the LAW -- NOT emotions !

AND -- they would understand those pages and pages of Jury Instructions, which is extremely overwhelming for a person with no legal background to understand !

Seeing some of the negative comments - even some going so far as speculate and accuse things they cannot possibly know, is starting to get to me. Please think back to the day of the verdict, the jurors got it right M1!! I can only speak for myself about how I felt but it sure seemed most agreed that this jury was exceptionally dedicated and did not take their civic duty lightly.

I think its very important to keep in mind that this jury did not know everything we know. In fact, quite a lot the didn't see and in spite of those that feel so sure what they wouldve done, we we can't even begin to put ourselves in their place because we can't unknow what we know.

My heartfelt thanks to each and every one of these jurors, even the ones that went a different way than I would've liked because I have no reason to believe they didn't do what they believed was RIGHT.
What are the pros and cons of Jodi keeping her attorneys??
If KN keeps getting the increased pay I can see him staying on can He ????
If they are court appointed new attorneys they have to get up to speed which takes time.
I am trying to accept this is just a stumbling block because I am so uninformed on the process.
I am anxious for the jury to hear all they missed about the real facts. That part of the law is not fair. Too prejudicial is just keeping a lie undercover in my opinion.
Just saw a friend of Travis Alexander on HLN. He was describing the hardship the family has endured. To put an end to their torture and JA's continued ability to hurt them, I hope they and the prosecutor decide to take LWOP. The only factor would be if the judge would impose this sentenced. I do not know what legal factors are that the judge must consider during a sentencing phase. No previous criminal record? Lack of remorse? An 8-4 vote for the death penalty? The mitigating factors listed by the defense? Her age? Does anyone know how the judge's decision may be limited during sentencing?
You might have a point there, and what's really ironic about this possibility is that the DT ripped Dr. DeMarte's diagnosis during the guilt phase of the trial but spun around and used the BPD as a mitigating factor in the penalty phase. JW is sneaky, for sure. :moo:

Sneaky indeed! ...and to think of all of the time spent on discrediting her...

GMA interview with jury foreman. I'm shocked at what I heard. They actually bought into her claims??? ALV must have been better than we all thought.

Really?? Emotional abuse?? I'm positive that this is one of the jurors the DT targeted. Except, they figured he wouldn't vote for 1st degree. Wonder if he'll be remorseful about "betraying" Jodi? She will accuse him of emotional abuse. Wait for it!
some think this is a minor point, but to me, it's big. i really think you should appear in court the way you were when the crime you're charged with was committed. i think this practice is manipulative and dishonest and misleading.

This idea, that defendants should appear as they were when they were charged, strikes me as highly absurd. A court room is not an ordinary, everyday environment. It's a somber and serious place. And, people change--that's just a neutral fact. Time and circumstances change people, with or without any conscious effort.

The same one Michael Kiefer leaked before it was released.

the Artist - thx. I did not realize Kiefer had leaked this. I am also sorry to hear he turned on you as he did - he has really crossed the line in many ways.
Dave Hall was just on HLN and you can FEEl the anger, sadness and pure disappointment that this hung jury has had on the family. He conveyed how ludicrous is was for Jodi to get up there and talk about book clubs and recycling programs when in reality its all BS. This trial has taken such a toll on the family on every level. I pray the next jury reaches a verdict quickly. The family has every right to be upset with the juries decision - or lack of one - they found her guilty and found extreme cruelty no problem - but instead of handing down a just sentence of death they get hung up. They cannot understand HOW this could happen if everyone was following the law. Instead of being able to put Jodi behind them this will still drag on. Its so unfair and wrong!! This family deserves and needs closure. This must seem like a nightmare to them. I guess were lucky the jury didn't mess up the guilt phase because it sounds like they had a hard time even agreeing on murder 1. Unbelievable. I think had this been tried by a judge she would already be on death row. I am seriously thinking that jury trials are just no good. Common sense just is not that common anymore.
If this monstrous killer doesn't deserve the death penalty , who does ?

I wonder if the pro life voters will feel differently after they get a look see into the real JA that's been carrying on outside of the courtroom ?
Maybe he's a free spirit? Maybe he had had enough of his fellow jurors and didn't want to ride the bus with them? Maybe he didn't really think it through or realize that the media would be pouncing on him? Who knows. I don't feel sorry for him. He made the choice to walk out on his own and get his own bus. He should know by now that the media are like vultures and would be after him.

From what I understand, he has always taken the bus back and forth to court and was sitting out in front of the courthouse for a lot of the trial.
People in Phoenix are not used to this whole "Paparazzi" bologna, there's many "celebs" that make Arizona their home and are not bothered by the locals. This man was doing his "civic duty" and for that he was hounded. Doesn't it seem over the top that not only does he tell the media "No comment", they pursue him on the bus? The media lacks any type of social graces. I'm really surprised he didn't tell them to "Ef OFF!". Being on the jury in the courthouse is one thing, but once a person stepped out of that courthouse, they are private citizens. I hope the jury files injunctions against certain media THs. Ponytail has enough to file "Stalking" charges on the ones that got on the bus with him.
I hope they have a good holiday weekend away from all of this, they deserve it.
It's behavior from the media, like this, that makes many find excuses NOT to be on jury duty.

What did the press not understand? The jury said "No press conference".
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