Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

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DNA Solves
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The sky is blue again. Thank God for Juan Martinez. He was the right man, at the right time, God picked him to handle this trial. I never question God's plan.

Thank you to our member, David Lohr for all of the taping of the trial videos, and removing all the sidebars. You do great work.

I am so happy that Katie, KatieDDJ, and Pasa all got to be together this weekend and with the family. It is wonderful to see so many of the extended family, and dear friends of the family there to surround them. I think the jury may indeed come back with a verdict on Monday.
I'm off to the grocery store to buy my Pedialite, bottled water for my fast that Tanisha asked we join them in. I have a very peaceful feeling of victory on the way.
Justice for Travis!
I have often wondered how jurors cope when they go home, learn what we know, and then go on with their lives. Does it stick with them?

I watched Juan Martinez live but I swear every five minutes the phone rang or someone came to the door. I had no idea I had such a full life!

I had to detach some because it is just too easy for me to slip back to reliving my own experience with my son's death and my father's as well. People get away with murder quite often, apparently.

One thing I have noticed is that Jodi must have been extremely jealous of the love and admiration Travis Alexander had earned. He was the real deal, a person trying to be better, a person with compassion for others. Over years he had accumulated friends who all loved him dearly, who were not afraid of him. His friends didn't violate each other's privacy.

He lived in a world that Jodi Arias could NOT be part of-- because of her lack of character. It became really obvious, even to him, that he could do much better because she was a fake Mormon, a fake photographer, a fake Law of Attraction believer....after all, isn't she about to attract the Death Penalty????

She scammed Travis. Meaning, imo, when he said he was finally really through with her, he went to his finances and realized that the advances in commissions he had been giving her were against PPL sales which she never made. The names were bogus, etc, something like that.

I got this idea from his threat to tell Chris and Skye, who were her upline. Why tell them instead of the bishop? Because it was a PPL scam where she used her information she snooped to enter his PPL account and transfer his sales to herself, and he found out she had been doing whatever it was for some time.

And Travis was such a kind person he didn't immediately call the police or call Chris himself. He tried to use the info to get her to leave him alone. Maybe he knew how useless restraining orders can be with seriously crazy violent people.

Also, I'll bet she threatened him physically, something like, "You don't know who you are dealing with - you will regret this, Travis, I promise you. You can mark my words, if you are still alive."

That would be a provocation for his fear of her (in addition to the stalking).


BBM. and MAYBE he was thinking about getting one after he got her out of his house that day. MAYBE her just showing up like that set off alarms in his head, and he did what it took to just get her out of there that day. didn't work, of course, but MAYBE that's what he was thinking. MAYBE he hadn't thought he needed a restraining order with her that far away but realized on june 4 he DID.
They should have tried to buy a forensic pathologist. An M.D. who would back up their gunshot first theory.

Also telling that in FIVE years no child, woman, ex-girlfriend...nobody at all ever came forward saying Travis abused them in any way whatsoever.

I think it is pretty telling that the defense had so few experts to testify. For 2 Million, one would have thought they would have had the foremost scholars in the country testify. It speaks volumes that they did not.
I had a lot of distractions yesterday, so maybe Juan did address these issues and I missed them. I was hoping he would have made it crystal clear that Jodi's "covert mission" didn't start in Redding, Ca. That it only started when she neared the Arizona line. Of course she wanted a record of everything else she did on her trip, it was her alibi. How could she prove she was in the places she wanted him to know about? I hope I'm wrong. I hope Juan did tie this up. He was absolutely wonderful on everything else, and I know the jury got it, but I was hoping for it to be glaring!

He absolutely did point that out, and clear as a bell.
I think it was so important the JM explained that you go from the top charge (1st degree) and work DOWN the list of charges. So if the jury agrees she killed with pre-meditation, that's it. They stop there. No need to consider the lesser charges. Also, they should not consider the sentence at this point, they are ONLY deciding the charge.
If I were a juror (or the foreperson!) I would have taken a quick vote during the 55 minute deliberation yesterday to see where we all were on the point of pre-meditation.

The gas can purchase and her blatant lie about returning it would be enough to find pre-meditated first degree murder I believe. That's it. Done. Forget DV, sex tapes, her childhood, pedophilia accusations, everything else is unnecessary to consider IMO.

This is MOO-but every lawyer needs to do this very thing in every triall!

This is where some lawyers in MO make a huge mistake..

Jury instructions can be very confusing..Lawyers are there to try & help them understand them & tell them which ones applys their case & which ones that do not
They should have tried to buy a forensic pathologist. An M.D. who would back up their gunshot first theory.

Also telling that in FIVE years no child, woman, ex-girlfriend...nobody at all ever came forward saying Travis abused them in any way whatsoever.

i'm sure they DID try, and the best they could come up with was this charlatan, geffner, who isn't even qualified to opine on the subject!!!
I have often wondered how jurors cope when they go home, learn what we know, and then go on with their lives. Does it stick with them?

I watched Juan Martinez live but I swear every five minutes the phone rang or someone came to the door. I had no idea I had such a full life!

I had to detach some because it is just too easy for me to slip back to reliving my own experience with my son's death and my father's as well. People get away with murder quite often, apparently.

One thing I have noticed is that Jodi must have been extremely jealous of the love and admiration Travis Alexander had earned. He was the real deal, a person trying to be better, a person with compassion for others. Over years he had accumulated friends who all loved him dearly, who were not afraid of him. His friends didn't violate each other's privacy.

He lived in a world that Jodi Arias could NOT be part of-- because of her lack of character. It became really obvious, even to him, that he could do much better because she was a fake Mormon, a fake photographer, a fake Law of Attraction believer....after all, isn't she about to attract the Death Penalty????

She scammed Travis. Meaning, imo, when he said he was finally really through with her, he went to his finances and realized that the advances in commissions he had been giving her were against PPL sales which she never made. The names were bogus, etc, something like that.

I got this idea from his threat to tell Chris and Skye, who were her upline. Why tell them instead of the bishop? Because it was a PPL scam where she used her information she snooped to enter his PPL account and transfer his sales to herself, and he found out she had been doing whatever it was for some time.

And Travis was such a kind person he didn't immediately call the police or call Chris himself. He tried to use the info to get her to leave him alone. Maybe he knew how useless restraining orders can be with seriously crazy violent people.

Also, I'll bet she threatened him physically, something like, "You don't know who you are dealing with - you will regret this, Travis, I promise you. You can mark my words, if you are still alive."

That would be a provocation for his fear of her (in addition to the stalking).


WOW! Your theory makes the most sense of any I've heard!! It also explains Gus's very strange 'covert' behaviour on the stand when he couldn't name who he was in the car with when JA called because of some business secret that he didn't want CH to know about. His testimony was completely bizarre.
She was writing like crazy!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Bet it was filled with suggested objections and things she wanted Nurmi to get up and say again.

I watched the very very end of yesterday's proceedings, when the camera was still running. The MIT Specialist took JA's black notebook and put it into her bag that was alongside the desk behind JA. I would pay to see what is in that notebook. Maybe it's this weekend's tweets?
Are the jury members allowed to address the defendant aside from giving the verdict?

I don't think so.

But one time here there was some brouhaha because a jury rendered a not-guilty verdict and then made the statement to the effect of

"we cannot believe the prosecutor brought this to trial."

I wish I could remember the details but that was also the consensus of the public so the comment was well received
well, they're morons then. manslaughter, as i heard it, depends on PROVOCATION. where's the provocation? he's sitting on his naked butt in the shower. what could he have done to provoke her into doing what she did? nothing, that's what. the only person who says there was provocation is HER---the biggest liar on the planet earth.
is there 'passion' in her attack on him? you bet there is. it smoldered for a long time and she really turned it loose on him. but this is NOT a manslaughter case according to the law that was read.

For further emphasis, the jury instructions also included verbiage along the lines of "words alone are not adequate provocation". Unless there is just one "stealth" defense juror who has never known a manipulative, pathologically-lying, personality-disordered individual and has had no friends or family who have been unfortunately associated with one, no majority jury is going to have trouble explaining to a lone juror what Juan so deftly verbally illustrated regarding their instructions. There is no manslaughter here. That defense was a (sleazy-IMO) last-ditch effort and a pipe dream on the part of Nurmi, Wilmott, and Arias.
I think it is pretty telling that the defense had so few experts to testify. For 2 Million, one would have thought they would have had the foremost scholars in the country testify. It speaks volumes that they did not.

and where was good ol' matt mccartney? after all, he's the one who supposedly saw her bruised neck after she left mesa in april, 2008. he's the one she told about all the 'beatings.'

so where was he?

JM did a very good job of pointing out that they heard nobody 'from the witness stand' who backed up her DV claims. they knew exactly what he meant, i have no doubt.
I had a lot of distractions yesterday, so maybe Juan did address these issues and I missed them. I was hoping he would have made it crystal clear that Jodi's "covert mission" didn't start in Redding, Ca. That it only started when she neared the Arizona line. Of course she wanted a record of everything else she did on her trip, it was her alibi. How could she prove she was in the places she wanted him to know about? I hope I'm wrong. I hope Juan did tie this up. He was absolutely wonderful on everything else, and I know the jury got it, but I was hoping for it to be glaring!

He absolutely did.
I have often wondered how jurors cope when they go home, learn what we know, and then go on with their lives. Does it stick with them?

I watched Juan Martinez live but I swear every five minutes the phone rang or someone came to the door. I had no idea I had such a full life!

I had to detach some because it is just too easy for me to slip back to reliving my own experience with my son's death and my father's as well. People get away with murder quite often, apparently.

One thing I have noticed is that Jodi must have been extremely jealous of the love and admiration Travis Alexander had earned. He was the real deal, a person trying to be better, a person with compassion for others. Over years he had accumulated friends who all loved him dearly, who were not afraid of him. His friends didn't violate each other's privacy.

He lived in a world that Jodi Arias could NOT be part of-- because of her lack of character. It became really obvious, even to him, that he could do much better because she was a fake Mormon, a fake photographer, a fake Law of Attraction believer....after all, isn't she about to attract the Death Penalty????

She scammed Travis. Meaning, imo, when he said he was finally really through with her, he went to his finances and realized that the advances in commissions he had been giving her were against PPL sales which she never made. The names were bogus, etc, something like that.

I got this idea from his threat to tell Chris and Skye, who were her upline. Why tell them instead of the bishop? Because it was a PPL scam where she used her information she snooped to enter his PPL account and transfer his sales to herself, and he found out she had been doing whatever it was for some time.

And Travis was such a kind person he didn't immediately call the police or call Chris himself. He tried to use the info to get her to leave him alone. Maybe he knew how useless restraining orders can be with seriously crazy violent people.

Also, I'll bet she threatened him physically, something like, "You don't know who you are dealing with - you will regret this, Travis, I promise you. You can mark my words, if you are still alive."

That would be a provocation for his fear of her (in addition to the stalking).


Anagrammy I so <3 your posts
i'm sure they DID try, and the best they could come up with was this charlatan, geffner, who isn't even qualified to opine on the subject!!!

Ha! Geffner was a joke. A two-fer...trash Demarte and Dr. Horn. I'm surprised Willmott didn't have two more questions for him

1. Ever go to a self serve gas station, pump your own gas?

2. Do they have Walmarts in San Diego where you're from sir?

Then have him regale the courtroom on Walmart return policies and Tesoro recordkeeping :banghead:
Yes, yes, yes, that was a very powerful and chilling moment!

Also, at the end, where Juan actually said the defendant's name "Jodi Ann Arias" . . . I loved that he gave this lying murderous defendant a name . . . Jodi Ann Arias . . . PERFECT!!!

I was really struck when JM made some reference to JA wanting to find a husband and breed. What a choice description to strike fear in a jurors heart. If we let her walk, she just may breed....... with someone I know and love. :scared:
I'm really proud of JM and the job he has done. His passion really came through this week and he brought TA alive in that courtroom and we felt it. His presence. TY JM for being TA's voice and hero.

And now we wait. Have a great weekend all.
I was thinking it was a reference to ALV being gay? I can't recall what made me think that. Don't know what difference that makes but I found it odd that they both addressed it.

When Juan objected he said something to the effect that nothing had been addressed like that. I believe Nurmi was going after Juan for pointing out that ALV lied about ever defending a man in a DV case, and how she seemed to think women could do no wrong. And what the heck was ever mentioned about Nurmi's hair? I must have been absent that day!
I want to try and say this as respectfully as I can:

This is NOT the CA case. It's over. Nothing I can do about it. It's over. It's almost like "some" have an Alyce type PTSD over that ONE case. :praying:

Since then, thousands upon thousands of cases have been tried and adjudicated in our Great Country.

THIS case is about what Jodi did to Travis. Amen. :truce:

Good example is post 486. :banghead:

Some of us will never give praying for justice for Caylee. If that is your version of PTSD, so be it.
When Juan objected he said something to the effect that nothing had been addressed like that. I believe Nurmi was going after Juan for pointing out that ALV lied about ever defending a man in a DV case, and how she seemed to think women could do no wrong. And what the heck was ever mentioned about Nurmi's hair? I must have been absent that day!

Someone mentioned it above, but it seems the hair comment was directed to the juror who wrote my favourite question to RS. "You say global transient amnesia can be caused by immersion in hot/cold water and sex. Can it also be caused by a bad haircut?" A clear dig at Jodi.
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