Verdict Watch 05/04/ and 05/05/2013

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Usually yes the DP phase would begin as soon as a Guilty in the First Degree is obtained. That would last usually 2 weeks, where all mitigating and aggragating factors are gone over with a fine tooth comb, and she will call all character witnesses to what a good person she was before this and why she should be allowed to Live.

I hope she gets the needle, I hope this case is swift in bringing us that ultimate Juror decision. Her crime was viscous and heinous. JA completely over thought her own actions; and in doing so hung herself. They do say the more complicated the person, the more complicated the crime. This is true in JA's case. She is no Eisenstein; her stupidity shows at every turn. Her personality reminds me soley of Susan Atkins. I grew up being exposed to those girls and that trial in the news, and I see many similarities in Jodi and Susan. It's actually quite scary and I'm glad she has a stun belt on as well as her leg brace. She is dangerous and no one should ever treat her as if she isn't. I was happy to see the Guard take his place, (finally) right next to her, that was lacking during this trial.

I'm happy to see that Judge S has finally taken a stance on the timing of her case; getting people to be on time, this needs to continue in the DP phase. So that it will be swift. The jurors have much more to do; and much more time to give to this farce of a "defense team." I still feel it's the worst defense team I've ever seen.

Jumping off your post here which is really good. I have read some other blogs by attorneys weighing in on this case. The criticism of the Judge has been widespread. She has been criticized for not reining in the defense team a long time ago, which she seemed to do towards the end. I wonder if the courtroom cameras and media scrutiny played a part in her seemingly tolerance of the defense team. I agree that the guards could have been more vigilant, but I am guessing that if they were ever present it might seem prejudicial.

As far as the defense team, they really had nothing to work with and a very guilty difficult client. IMO they have tried their best whatever that might be. That being said, their client is hopefully going to be found guilty of 1st degree premeditated murder. JMV
my ex-BF and still good friend was one of the lead homicide detectives on the carla faye tucker case.
i saw the crime scene photos. that pickaxe was driven through the female victim's shoulder, through the mattress and into the FLOOR. that woman begged them to go ahead and kill her because she was in so much pain. and she was just a woman he picked up that night----carla and her accomplice didn't even KNOW her. they were after the guy.

i think carla faye did change in prison but that didn't change what she did, and she deserved to be executed. it was a horrendous murder.

She testified that she had multiple orgasms while killing.

That still stands out in my mind about that case. I just don't believe a person like that could become a loving person at the end.

I know people can change but that kind of change would have required a soul transplant.
People were asking about the next phases in sentencing. This is from hln but for once I don't think it's dramatic

First-degree murder:

If the jurors unanimously decide Arias is guilty of first-degree murder for Alexander’s death, the case would then move to the aggravation phase.

That is the prosecution’s chance to present additional evidence that the death was caused in a cruel manner. Arizona law defines it as when the victim suffers physical pain or mental anguish and the defendant knew or should have known that the victim would suffer.

The jury would then deliberate for a second time to determine if the aggravating factor of cruelty is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

If the jury does not find her guilty of cruelty, the case ends and the judge sets a sentencing date within 30 to 60 days. At the sentencing, the judge decides whether to sentence Arias to natural life in prison or life with parole eligibility after 25 years.

But if the jury decides cruelty is proven beyond a reasonable doubt, the case moves to the sentencing phase.

This is the defense’s opportunity to ask the jury for leniency and present evidence to support why Arias should be spared the death penalty. Witnesses may include Arias’ friends and family. Arias could also make a statement to the jury.

The jury then deliberates for a third time to determine whether Arias should be sentenced to life or death. Their decision must be unanimous. In the case of a deadlock, a mistrial would be granted and a new jury would be chosen for this phase only.

If the jury votes for the death penalty, Arias would be sentenced immediately and she is likely to be sent to death row within hours. If the jury opts for a life sentence, the judge will set a sentencing date within 30 to 60 days and, at that time, will sentence Arias to natural life or life with eligibility for parole after 25 years.

Thanks for that. I think AZ needs to revise their procedures. Too many steps over too long a time period. Three words: herd of turtles!

But does the aggravation phase include more witness testimony? Holy cripes! Frankly, I don't want to see that ME again. I feel strongly that he screwed up and it pizzes me off that Flores was made into a scapegoat for the MEs screwup. And "typo"? It was not a typo. The ME was sloppy and/or unprepared.

Regardless, I still see murder 1 clearly (both premeditated and felony murder). But I hope the jurors don't get tangled up in the MEs flawed evidence. I hope he didn't screw up this case.

If JA never gets out, she will whither and die in a cage. She grow old and ugly, never again to enjoy much of anything we can on a daily basis. With the existence of modern medicine, this could be more than 50 years. I'd rather be dead.

I can't help wonder if the DP could turn her into a martyr for the lunatics who support her. Out of respect for the family though, I'll always defer. If they and the State want her dead, she's certainly earned it. :twocents:


A lot of those supporters support things/people for the sake of it. Once JA becomes old news, they'll move onto new people and new topics. JA via Donovan has too much access to speaking via social media at the moment. Once that is shut down, we'll hear less about her - fortunately.

Tabloids will just use her for slow news days. There's a tabloid over here called the Daily Mail, often referred to as the Daily Hate. Today of all days they've picked up the story about Dr D's laptop being stolen in February. It's a slow news day obviously

Btw, have a read of the comments at the bottom.
That death penalty chart shows PA near the bottom. It seems to be very difficult to get a jury to agree to the death penalty here, or at least in my very conservative county. However, it seems like my liberal friends are the most opposed to it.

I've resigned myself to life without parole in Jodi's case. Death Penalty will just be icing on the cake. What I want is a guilty verdict Monday morning. However, I don't want to deny the jury a free lunch if they should decide to "pretend" they don't have a verdict until after lunch.
Thanks for that. I think AZ needs to revise their procedures. Too many steps over too long a time period. Three words: herd of turtles!

But does the aggravation phase include more witness testimony? Holy cripes! Frankly, I don't want to see that ME again. I feel strongly that he screwed up and it pizzes me off that Flores was made into a scapegoat for the MEs screwup. And "typo"? It was not a typo. The ME was sloppy and/or unprepared.

Regardless, I still see murder 1 clearly (both premeditated and felony murder). But I hope the jurors don't get tangled up in the MEs flawed evidence. I hope he didn't screw up this case.

I thought about that for a while after the "typographical error" was uncovered. Is that really a game changer? It's only a slight shift in the sequence of events that day. She still killed him 3 times. The intent was the same IMO.
Yay! Changing my avatar worked! Praying we get a verdict tomorrow of premeditated murder. I honestly don't see how the jury can come back with anything less than M1.

Do you think they took an initial poll? I'm sure they were so relieved to finally be able to talk about it.
A woman I know warned that the jury may not come back straight away and it has nothing to do with being "hung up" over manslaughter or 1st or 2nd.

She said:
I can see the jury going from the jury instructions for 1st degree murder and stop there. They won’t be out all that long.
I’m sure they are concerned about hanging out a little bit together and talking about it because they’ve wanted to talk together for a long time.
I give it 2 days.

I totally agree. Look at all of us hashing and rehashing. As exhausted as they all must be of that courthouse, I really think
MUST discuss this case and commiserate and go over the evidence just so they can each express their collective horror and disgust. Who else is there to hash all of this stuff out with other than each other and hate on her for her heinous acts??

And each probably wants to get their opinion of how stupid/dumb/ridiculous/evil, etc Jodi behaved and to discuss Travis' family, Jodi's family, the testimony of the witnesses and just dig into fertile ground.

WE all want to keep talking about it so imagine how long they've waited to do just that?

Jodi is toast. They just want to get it all out of their systems.

Yay! Changing my avatar worked! Praying we get a verdict tomorrow of premeditated murder. I honestly don't see how the jury can come back with anything less than M1.

Do you think they took an initial poll? I'm sure they were so relieved to finally be able to talk about it.

I do think they took an initial poll.
Good morning, all!! May tomorrow be the day for Justice for Travis!! I look forward to being here with you all to hear justice pronounced.
does anyone know where I can see that last IM where Travis tells her she is the worst thing that ever happened to him? ....I am looking but failing.
She testified that she had multiple orgasms while killing.

That still stands out in my mind about that case. I just don't believe a person like that could become a loving person at the end.

I know people can change but that kind of change would have required a soul transplant.

i think people can change and i believe she did. it just doesn't matter. she was a mean, vicious little drug addict. they laid in wait for this guy to come home and then killed him and this woman in a horrific manner. she was a smart a$$ in court. she got what she deserved-----well, actually, i wish they could have killed her with a pickaxe, but she's dead nonetheless.
A woman I know warned that the jury may not come back straight away and it has nothing to do with being "hung up" over manslaughter or 1st or 2nd.

She said:

I totally agree. Look at all of us hashing and rehashing. As exhausted as they all must be of that courthouse, I really think
MUST discuss this case and commiserate and go over the evidence just so they can each express their collective horror and disgust. Who else is there to hash all of this stuff out with other than each other and hate on her for her heinous acts??

And each probably wants to get their opinion of how stupid/dumb/ridiculous/evil, etc Jodi behaved and to discuss Travis' family, Jodi's family, the testimony of the witnesses and just dig into fertile ground.

WE all want to keep talking about it so imagine how long they've waited to do just that?

Jodi is toast. They just want to get it all out of their systems.


ITA. Being a virgin websleuther I had no idea how the jury would have to go through the case. Hearing they start from top down Premeditated/felony murder and that's all they have to cover made me happy. They don't even have to discuss the ridiculous charges ie manslaughter
I asked on the legal thread if the juror's can request transcripts of certain testimony and they CAN NOT! They have to rely on their notes and memory. That explains why Nurmi lied, hoping they don't remember...

It makes no sense at all. Is this about justice, or a test of the juror's memories and how well they take notes?


I think they should be able to request transcripts of the trial. It's gone on for how many days/ could anyone remember every detail?

Edited to add: No snark towards you, Midnight Meddler.
Jodi Arias monogamous? LOL. The ska$$ who made out with Ryan Burns hours after butchering Travis? The ska$$ who gave her number to a guy on the plane after Travis' memorial? The woman who lured and manipulated men with sex? She gives sl#ts a bad name.
Speaking of McCartney, I wonder if he'll ante up and speak during the mitigation phase. Me thinks when push comes to shove, he has a yellow streak running down his back that's a mile wide.

BTW, I completely agree w/ you LL. He knows exactly what went on here.

IMO, if Detective Flores had anything on MM, he would have been charged. MM is on their radar now, and if and when he does do something untoward, they will nail him. MM apparently is married with children now and has distanced himself from JA and this trial. JA has destroyed so many people in her path and should never see the light of day again.
Thanks for the replies about Judge Stephens. It seems like everyone is on the same page concerning what her ruling would be. Good to hear! (Well, not hear, read :facepalm:)
I've seen a few people on these forums who are reasonable sure she will get 2nd degree murder. The DP / LWOP thing isn't my concern right now and I'd be fine with LWOP because the psychopath won't care regardless of what her fate is, but I will be crushed if she receives anything less than Murder 1. I think of Travis and I cry because it's so unfair. I hope that she receives LWoP

The only people who parrot this are those, even after repeated explanations both by JM and avid trial watchers here, do not understand the concept of premeditation. It's a fundamental breakdown in grasping the idea that JA didn't need to plan the murder for months, weeks, days or even hours. Premeditation can happen in seconds.

The very idea that not one, but TWO weapons were used ends the story. Even if one buys her story of gun first, she said on the stand that she was unaware of the location of the knife. She considered it's location (premeditation), went to find it (more time, premeditation), picked it up (more time, premeditation) and used it. She used it to stab him in the heart (fatal wound, after delivery she is legally bound to stop the attack) and continued to stab him 28 times subsequently. She caught him in the hallway as he was moving away from her, which we know for certain bc of the cluster stabs to the back, and cut his throat.

The cut to the throat is critical and proves premeditation beyond a shadow of a doubt for two reasons- 1) she wanted to silence him and 2) it was an immediately fatal wound. It is not crime of passion here- a cut to the throat is a deliberate act that involves thinking/knowing the direct strike will 100% kill him. There is no way out of that.

If that isn't enough, if you believe that the gun was TA's (which is total bs, but we'll play along), after she killed him (class X felony) she removed the gun from his home (burglary, and another felony committed during the commission of the first felony). Again, there is no way out of this.

If the jurors don't return murder 1, it's because they didn't have the capacity to understand all of the above. Doesn't matter about her June 2 activities, doesn't matter about spending hours at the house before she murdered him, doesn't matter about gun first/stab first.

Any way you look at it, it is MURDER ONE.
I sure hope the jury listens to the sex tape again. Not so much just to hear Jodi's responses during the "sex" portion, but more to the actual conversation at the beginning of the tape. It didn't take her long to try to manipulate Travis and try and make him jealous over Abe. What was the point in her telling Travis she had been texting with Abe other than to try and make Travis jealous? I am so glad he didn't fall for her trap. In fact, his response to her contacting Abe again was the complete opposite of an abusive and controlling man. A true abuser would have gotten extremely upset and gone off on her.
It also gets brought up how Travis got ripped a new one by Jodi because Clancy fell on him when she was drunk.
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