Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

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O/T Judge B Perry is going to be on Nancy Grace tomorrow.

It would have been nice to hear his comments oh you know, back right after that verdict when we were all devastated. It might have been nice to know that he thought she should have been convicted too.

Don't know why it bugs me that he's just now opening up about it and making the rounds it seems.
I love, love, love pets, but folks are getting a bit goofy -- ya' think that this guide dog wrote that message and put it on himself :facepalm:

Actually, making it wear that sign is sort of exploiting the dog for its owner's cause (even though it is a heartfelt one in this case).

I disagree on both points. I don't think ANYONE thinks the DOG wrote that message himself.

And I don't think the owner is exploiting his dog. Guide dogs go everywhere with their owners and they wear identifying signs anyway. It wasn't a highway sized poster board. I'm sure that dog is his life. Dog owners(pet owners) know that bond is special and unique, others don't understand and it may not be possible to understand. But it's not exploitation at all, IMO.
I was so disgusted that day. I vowed to never allow myself to get wrapped up in a trial like I did that one again. And here I am. :fence:

That is exactly how I felt. I was so angry for a couple of days. I guess that's why I am so nervous right now.
It occurs to me :giggle: that if the jury knows JA is being held in a tiny holding cell while they're deliberating, they just may be taking their good sweet time.
I read that in Arizona the jury receives wage reimbursement up to a verified $300 a day for extended trials such as this one. So they receive more than the normal $12 a day for a shorter trial.

I sat on a jury in Texas for a week and was paid $7 a day.

That's criminal, imo. I would be paid $235 a day after the first 10 days of a case ($104 for the first 10 days) and it would be a significant drop in my wages. $7 doesn't even come close to buying lunch or paying for petrol to get there!

Having said that, the cost of living here is a lot higher.
Maybe they have a holdout against Murder 1.

If it's true that laughter was heard from jurors -- then it sounds like they Are in agreement about major issues, seems that they're feeling lighthearted/not experiencing major disputes. Hopefully this is the way it's going -- the Alexander family must be under such stress right now!!
Back from a doc appointment. Had to go on BP meds. I blame Jodi Arias!

Heh ... I have to see the doctor soon for the same reason. Hope it will just be a matter of changing my BCPs. :please:

With any luck, we should have a verdict by the time my appointment rolls around. :please: :please:
What I saw in the eye....not far from Juan's German Shepard huh?



Please don't judge
Thanks Thurston, I agree with your thoughts on how horrific this murder was to a fine upstanding young man, also Travon Martin affected me, even tho the situtaions have nothing in common. It is been proven that young 'ladies' are way more violent and abusive in today's times than ever in the past. This trend is frightening and I don't know where we are heading but it sure isn't in the right direction for me. You will love hearing Chris Hughes talk about Travis and his wife's impressions of ja as well. I will be interested on your thoughts after that.
It would have been nice to hear his comments oh you know, back right after that verdict when we were all devastated. It might have been nice to know that he thought she should have been convicted too.

Don't know why it bugs me that he's just now opening up about it and making the rounds it seems.

I think he could not comment as long as there was an appeal pending. That's what I read on the other thread at least.
The jurists were idiots. They didn't understand the directions and instead of asking questions they said, "were so done... we're outta here!" and I bet they've learned to regret their stupid behaviour.

I think other people have learned from that fiasco... you don't want to be another "Pinellas Twelve"

I didn't think that Judge Perry did a particularly understandable presentation of the jury instructions. I think that some jurors were unclear on the fact that they were only supposed to render a verdict in the criminal case and that they were not expected to decide between life or death at the same time. Judge Perry did not make that clear, and at least one juror who was willing to be interviewed said that they didn't understand that particular issue. :rolleyes:
As much as Jodi lied and as cold as she was in court, that is all I would need for a guilty 1st deg murder! What is the problem here!?


JA just does not know when to shut her mouth, and the more she talks, the more she embellishes so that her lies are no longer believable.

Remember when she was talking about her "fog" and she said that she could not remember things, but she could remember feelings? Well, if that's the case, then she remembers her feelings when she was killing Travis. She can't have it both ways...

Which just proves how ice cold this woman is to have brutally slaughtered a person and take the stand or sit in court without showing any emotion except for crocodile tears when the photographs are shown. That scene had to be one of complete horror, as she briefly alluded to in talking with Flores, but even then she remained cold as ice.

Just heard a great point on HLN via JVM. In regards to the "fog", there was no blood on the light switches, washer/dryer knobs, doorknobs, rental car steering wheel etc., yet she claims when she came out of her fog, her hands were covered in blood. Doesn't make sense. Hope the jury picks up on this. I want them to realize how much she has lied to them.

As with so many of JA's lies, there could be the tiniest inkling of truth -- maybe later on the road she noticed that her cut fingers were bleeding through the bandaids or something. Where did she get the bandaids? IDK -- I always carry a few in my purse; or she could have popped into a convenience store and paid cash for some...
I know this is a dumb question but....

I'm trying to sign up for text alert at WAT but every time I enter 33733 into the text number to call, it auto-inserts a hyphen after the 7 (like if it was storing a 7 digit phone number) and then it can't be sent. I don't have a smart phone, just the old kind.

Does anybody know what I mean and if there's any way to do it or any email verdict alerts?

email alert
No matter how long the jury takes, I am glad to not have to hear aaaaannnnnddddd or
leetttssss bbbaaaccckkk uuuppp aaa mmmiiinnnuuuttteee or wwweee'lllll gggeeettt bbbaaaccckkk tttooo ttthhhaaattt. In reality, his closing went faster as far as his manner of speech was concerned, I just don't happen to agree with what he said is all.

I just realized, I haven't heard the word "approach" in three days!

There goes my drinking game!
Thank you for this. I did not realize that that could be the hold up. Patience has never been my strong suit and I was worrying that they might be considering a lesser charge. :seeya:

I'm very confident she will get premeditated murder. Every time I see Steven Alexander I want to cry! He's so brave and so are his sisters but he tries so hard to hold back tears. I just want to give him a motherly hug. He has captured my heart! He loves his brother and siblings.
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