It was wonderful last night to hear Chris Hughes say that he and Sky got into Travis' email and read, every single exchange between he and Jodi, thousands of them, and over the years, NOT ONE, not one mention of abuse, pedophilia, etc. He also said that in all of the years of exchanges the only time Travis ever spoke to Jodi in the manner he did that Nurmi has quoted and ALV used as her proof of abuse, was on the one day, the day he was done with her.
He read that Jodi told Travis in an email she denied stealing his journals and she denied to him that she is the one who slit his tires. So we know that he did accuse her of those things.
I wonder, since it was Gus that gave Jodi that phone, the Helio that the sex was recorded on, if indeed Jodi told Travis, that perhaps since it may be on his account, too, that although she physically lost the phone, she worried that Gus may somehow have access to the recording, if his account backs things up, etc. We do know from his interviews that Gus was telling her, look Travis is just using you for sex, while he is dating the Good Mormon Girls who are marriage material. You are being used, etc. I also noticed that he seemed to loathe the Hughes and Travis. It would not surprise me at all if he told her, why don't you record him , and share it with the potential future wives. Since Gus worked with him, Travis would consider Jodi having gone to stay with him for a weekend and discuss a Travis, in any way, quite a betrayal.
I agree with Chris, it was some sort of blackmail about the phone sex. I think the jury, gets it.