Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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her appearance has drastically changed. i think her skin tone and darker hair are beautiful. she must have gone to great lengths to look like a fair skinned blonde. might have been one of her problems, to morph herself into somebody she's not. right now, with a little weight gain and some makeiup to enhance rather than cover up her natural skin tone, she would be as attractive if not more than before.

I'm just coming back on line. Do you mean Arias?

If so.........

I respect your opinion since beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but I have never found anything beautiful about Arias. She looked horrible as a pale blonde and her skin looked even whiter with that hair color.

Both my husband and son thinks she is rather homely.

I think everything JA does is for manipulation gain. If she has lost weight she is doing so purposefully trying to hoodwink the jury into thinking she is a defenseless little waif when in truth she is a very dangerous predator with very large hands for a female.

Imo her nose has always been way too large and now with the weight loss she seems to be all nose. Plus her right eye is so distracting. When she looks up the right eye seems to be completely blank.

She is the type of woman that would have to have makeup to appear half way attractive and then to me she is average at best or less than average in looks.

She does NOT get to get off on "snapped!" when her whole defense has been self-defense!!!
She got on the stand and testified to self defense, nothing else. HLN..

I know, isn't that something.

When they chose the the alternates go back into the deliberation room too? Or are they released? It would make sense that they remain thru the verdict, I mean what if a juror had a heart attack or something????

I think they are held seperately. Not released though.
BBM. I often wonder if sleeping with her was just the easiest way to get rid of her. Give her what she wants and she would leave him be. The path of least resistance so to speak.

This has been discussed awhile back & perhaps other times, and some of think there wasn't any sex that last day. In the naked photos they do not appear together. It's him naked and her her naked. He doesn't look happy. Maybe she snuck in and woke him up ? I'm thinking they did not have sex. He wasn't interested.
I think my favorite or funniest line was ALV's 'I'm no expert on orgasms'. I thought to myself, nope you probably aren't. Then I thought back to my sister giving me a book back in the late 70's "Our Bodies, Ourselves" and pictured ALV with a mirror, getting familiar with her female parts, then I had throw up in my mouth.........


**I don't think I violated any rules, but if I did I am sorry and please delete asap
Allowing it, meaning he didn't punish her for it, and didn't instruct the jury to disregard her testimony. You're a lawyer right?

I'm not a lawyer, but perjury is a criminal charge. The judge cannot charge someone, the prosecutor can. The prosecutor cannot "think" someone committed perjury, there have to be facts. And a judge can't tell a jury to disregard someone based on what he or she may "think."

It's a criminal charge, not to be dealt with at the moment, just like any other charge. The accused gets a lawyer, an arraginment.....
I've been troubled all along by something: Why, after the May 26th text where Travis was so obviously done with his killer, would he have engaged in the sexcapades on June 4th? But it dawned on me last night as I listened to Chris on Tricia's radio show: It was the sex tape! I believe in my heart that the sex tape was what precipitated the text on the 26th. I also believe that the killer used it to manipulate Travis...'I won't give you the phone (to delete the tape, etc), unless you sleep with me one last time."
That's the only thing that makes any sense to me.

I agree with you about the sex tape. The killer could use it to ruin Travis in the eyes of his church, in the eyes of other women, and perhaps in the eyes of PPL.

:seeya: Hello from Eagan, on the Eagan/Apple Valley border!!
I'm just coming back on line. Do you mean Arias?

If so.........

I respect your opinion since beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but I have never found anything beautiful about Arias. She looked horrible as a pale blonde and her skin looked even whiter with that hair color.

Both my husband and son thinks she is rather homely.

I think everything JA does is for manipulation gain. If she has lost weight she is doing so purposefully trying to hoodwink the jury into thinking she is a defenseless little waif when in truth she is a very dangerous predator with very large hands for a female.

Imo her nose has always been way too large and now with the weight loss she seems to be all nose. Plus her right eye is so distracting. When she looks up the right eye seems to be completely blank.

She is the type of woman that would have to have makeup to appear half way attractive and then to me she is average at best or less than average in looks.


ITA with you. and i think she went with the platinum blonde hair to appear to be more Mormon-looking. I hope that's not offensive to anyone. Just moo
Will I lose my old avatar if I put the ribbon one on?

So long as you know where you place your old avatar, you can always set it back to that one. If you dont remember where you put it, you can first right click your existing picture and do a "SAVE PICTURE AS" and put it in a specific folder so you always know where it is.
OMG! They must be kidding!

Isabelle, [ o/t]

My DS was in a 70mph crash on the fwy with a drunk driver who ran out of control, and went sideways, right in front of him, and my son t-boned their car at 70mph. Luckily his airbag saved him from major injuries and he just had some cuts and bruises.
The next day he was very sore however. And he felt a bit nauseous for about 24 hours. I think his body was just shocked kind of.

We are very blessed and lucky that our loved ones were OK. :heartbeat:
Omg! What's taking so long?

By this time, if i were a juror... i eoukd be be laying on the floor screaming "gas cans! gas cans! Gas cans! "

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I can only take moments at a time on JA. Missing much, I know, plus what I know and can't remember, but ...

who is ALV?
Another short bus is all upset on HLN because the dog was left for 4 days.... He stated that's cruel... THAT shows the type of person she is.


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Isabelle, [ o/t]

My DS was in a 70mph crash on the fwy with a drunk driver who ran out of control, and went sideways, right in front of him, and my son t-boned their car at 70mph. Luckily his airbag saved him from major injuries and he just had some cuts and bruises.
The next day he was very sore however. And he felt a bit nauseous for about 24 hours. I think his body was just shocked kind of.

We are very blessed and lucky that our loved ones were OK. :heartbeat:

Wow so happy she's okay! She had an angel looking out for her!
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