verdict watch 5/8/2013 #3

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I am hoping they come in ready to announce their verdict...then we can move on today with more....bring it Juan.....ready!!
I am going to mow and spend time outside on this glorious day. I have to keep busy!

I am hoping we see a verdict today.

Or maybe not - it's raining. Wow~
Quick question for anyone that knows. I know if she gets convicted of M1 the Alexander family gets a chance to speak during the sentencing phase. Will this happen also if she gets convicted of a lesser charge?

They deserve to have their voices heard, and Jodi deserves to hear them.
:coffeecup: GOOD MORNING! :coffeecup:

This is my "positive affirmation" for the day:

:cheer: I will, not, spec-u-late! :cheer:
:cheer: I will, not, spec-u-late! :cheer:
:cheer: I will, not, spec-u-late! :cheer:

(Easier said than done, I know.)
Has anyone seen a FULL list of ALL the evidence exhibits. The jury has their notes and the evidence exhibits to work with.....those given actual numbers and agreed upon by both parties.
I could be wrong, but IIRC, that's what they got. Like they don't have "actual" transcripts, etc. of testimony.
Thanks !!

Morning WSleuthers! bon appetit
Good morning Peepers!! Been up all night, investigating! I feel better about the Jury, so I'll probably sleep all day!! :floorlaugh:
This trail as really got to me I said if Casey A. got off I would not watch another trail
but I got caught up in this one but if she does not get life I don't think I'll watch another trail because sitting in front of the computer having the TV on all day it really gets to me
and I think about it all the time she knows what she did and she needs to pay for it

I have been a trial watcher for years. the CA verdict was beyond shocking and awful but it didn't turn me off to watching trials because i considered it an aberration. However, if this woman does not get Murder 1, then it will be a reflection of a judicial process that is broken and cannot be repaired. It becomes about that the defense can throw anything against the wall, without corroboration be it daddy molested me or Travis is a pedophile and an abuser. This all occurs while the prosecution has to try the case with one hand tied behind its back because so much evidence is considered too "prejudicial" to go before the jury. Bottom line, anything less than murder 1 and that's it for me and trials.
The Lord has made Himself known: He works judgment; the wicked man is snared by his own devices. (Psalm 9)

Hoping and praying that today brings justice for Travis. :please:
TexMex?? Do I see green peas in the shrimp & grits dish??? I do not think I ever had grits. Man does that look good,,,will you cook for me?
:seeya: everyone! I hope we get a verdict today, I don't know how much more of this I can take. The butterflies in my stomach are morphing into full fledged birds! :please:
one of my favorite juries was scott peterson's. when i was reminded of how they deliberated, i felt better about this jury.

they never took a vote until they'd gone through all the evidence, and then they were unanimous. actually, that's probably a better way to do it than MY way----take a vote and be done. it shows respect for the case, the evidence and both sides.

i do think we HAVE to remember they're discussing this among themselves for the very first time. we've been 'deliberating' for 4 months. so i refuse to buy into the hysterics of people like JC, who apparently is an expert on facial expressions. (not.)

i'm not going to worry about this verdict unless they aren't done at the end of the day friday. THEN i'll be worried. until then, i'm staying hopeful and positive.
thinking about all of the evidence .....when they get to all of those emails with parts missing.....don't you think they will wonder WHY parts are missing? and WHAT those parts that are missing actually said?? This will not look good for little miss......DT should have thought about that. And.....if they take the evidence in order they will hear the FULL sex tape first then by the time they get to the nasty that Nurmi made, well, they can just skip right over that.....I love it. I really hope they do not give the sex tape any thought at all actually...
While we are sitting here waiting for a verdict and worrying, take some pleasure in that JA will be sat in a cell all day....just waiting.....

The only thing she has left is to make up rubbish to feed to Donavan to put on her twitter acc. No sitting in court colouring, passing notes and eyeballing the jury. Just waiting and wondering.
Good morning all :seeya:

I hope we aren't in for another long day of nothing but hype outside the courthouse.

I complain, but I will be watching as well. Justice for Travis :please:
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