VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 44

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From News20:
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 37s38 seconds ago

No matter what happens, just hoping it won't be another hung jury.

Many people are speculating today will be the day. #JodiArias
Two cousins of mine have worked for 20 years as corrections officers in the NY penitentiary system, and what you've said is true. The state cannot take everything away from the convicts, because then their only distractions are likely to really hurt somebody.

Jodis case has brought to the surface a few keys issues our country is going to need to deal with pretty soon that i never realized was lingering just beneath the surface. The death penalty. Do we want it or not? In one breath we are still sentencing but spend gazillions of dollars creating loopholes to commute the sentence. We need to decide if we really want it. Sentencing reforms. Somebody mentioned yesterday i thought was a great point I. that We need to do an exceedingly better job of dividing convicts between those that can and should be rehabed/reformed and then the lifers. People who are In max for 5 years shouldn't Have the same experience as a convict who will never get out and vice versa. If somebody is a lifer they shouldn't be able to further their education, take technical classes, whatever. Those vital and critical needed spots should be ONLY for those people who can repay society. Jodi If given life should lead an existence of working whatever meaningless job, and in her cell wash and repeat until she doesdies of natural causes. There's no reason or need for her to join classes.
Well, I couldn't tear myself away, so I called in under the 'whether' (whether they'll reach a verdict today, and whether she'll get Life or Death. Luckily I wasn't essential today, and since I've been following this case for years I figured I deserved it).

Geez, Steve44, you are busted! I happen to be on truancy patrol today!

*JK. Hope the jury comes back with a unanimous verdict today.
I think today will be the day this trial is over. One way or the other. If they hang I think they will call it over today. Hopefully they reach a verdict one way or the other.
I'm tired. Going to bed guys. I've been up all night watching the water. Maybe we will get a DP sentence this way. :D
Today is my 5th anniversary as a member of Websleuths. I believe that today will be the day that the jury renders their verdict. DH has always thought that the retrial will hang like the first, but I'm holding on to hope that they will reach a unanimous verdict.

:congrats::congrats: Happy Anniversary, Bette !


From News20:
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 37s38 seconds ago

No matter what happens, just hoping it won't be another hung jury.

Many people are speculating today will be the day. #JodiArias

I am not worried about a hung jury because basically that is life. One of the two options they are considering now anyway. No more trial it is over one way or the other.
I would feel better if she has mandatory solitary if she doesn't get the DP.

I was feeling that way for awhile. She's such a leech that it would seem the most fitting punishment would be to leave her alone with her empty shell of a self for all time.
Maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better about the possibility that she'll end up in general population... but...
while she is charismatic to a certain degree, as a means of manipulation, I don't think it will take long for the shine to dull for the other inmates, should she get LWOP.

Poor ole Jodi just doesn't wear well. Once you get past the surface, and see that's all there is? Well. Her new BFF's won't take kindly to it.

There will be inmates that hate her right off the bat.
There will be inmates who are dazzled by her 'fame'
There will be inmates who want her sexually.
There will be inmates who are emotionally weak, and she will pray on them like the mantis that she is.

She thinks she is smarter than all of them. She is not.

She will eventually betray those who aren't able to see past the facade.

Her popularity will be short lived, and she will find herself isolated as a means of survival.

The more I think about it, long term? Gen Pop might as well be Solitary.

With no paid for appeals. No opportunity to torture Travis' family. No media.

I may be rounding the corner from DP, back to LWOP.

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 3m3 minutes ago

Another 3 jurors walk in. All of them looking down. #JodiArias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 3m3 minutes ago

3 more came in looking down #jodiarias #3tvarias

Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 · 3m3 minutes ago

Going on our morning show in about 2 min on my way to #JodiArias courtroom. Watch live:
From News20:
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 2m2 minutes ago

Stephen & Samantha Alexander are here. #JodiArias


Juan Martinez Set to Try Ex-Cop Richard Chrisman
July 31, 2013 by Dr KR

For all of you Juan Martinez fans, cameras reportedly have been approved in the courtroom for the upcoming trial of Richard Chrisman with Judge Warren Granville presiding (and no longer Judge Sherry Stevens).

That one's already done and over with, it was sandwiched between JA's first and second trial. lol And although there was a camera, it was only live streamed very occasionally, very difficult to watch. The judge was the same one on the death penalty omnibus thing that Nurmi got JA into though, he and JM do not seem to have as good a relationship as with JSS - she even came one afternoon and watched him during that trial.
From Katie:
Katie Conner ‏@KatieJConner · 2m2 minutes ago

11 jurors are here now #JodiArias #TravisAlexander #abc15
Today is my 5th anniversary as a member of Websleuths. I believe that today will be the day that the jury renders their verdict. DH has always thought that the retrial will hang like the first, but I'm holding on to hope that they will reach a unanimous verdict.

Congratulations!! You made me look an I am toddler on the 8th will be my 3rd anniversary. Time goes fast here! Here's to another 5!!!
I would like to say thank you to the press. We were all on board when they appealed JSS secret courtroom and I stand behind the 1st amendment. They may be close, but they are ultimately holding everyone accountable and that is priceless. So thank you America, for that.

I know that either way she is going to prison for life most likely.

I guess its more about JA thinking this is a win and will be all smiles in the courtroom if she is spared the DP and Travis's family has to see that from the very one who has practically destroyed all of their lives.

Funny how JA's level of expectation has morphed.

I wasn't there
I was there but ninjas did it
No jury will ever convict me
I did it, but because he was abusive
I want to make a deal to get out in 8-12 years
I want the DP
I don't want DP

I want to start a tea and crumpets book club, teach Spanish sign language, start a prison recycling program, sell 'survivor' memorabilia donating funds to DA charities.
Lot's of good points here but I still keep thinking of what someone mentioned the other day re the surviving Manson 'girls'. No-one could be more institutionalised than they - they have gotten degrees, ran programs, worked in the prison gardens etc etc and yet every time they are eligible for parole they try for it. Over and over and over. They are elderly women now, but they still want to be free, even after 40-odd years in prison. Even Susan Atkins tried to get out on compassionate grounds when she was dying of a brain tumour and her quality of life would have been much the same wherever she was, and she was refused and died in prison a few years back. So yes, Arias, like other prisoners, will adapt to a life in prison but it will always be a 'half life' IMO and she will never stop wanting to get out and be free.

Of course, its human nature to want better...better living conditions..
Wasn't prior jury foreman William Zervakos very quickly the first to publicly speak about the non-verdict? Soon followed by a Zervakos media tour and then Zervakos Jr.'s "Don't hate on my dad" tour and then finally a few other jurors spoke?
I saw only one photo of Jodi yesterday when everyone was assembled in the courtroom for the Judge to give the impasse instruction. Jodi was already smiling (with the characteristic smirk) at the thought of another hung jury.
Jodi is not going to have a smirk on her face on the bus to Perryville. In the interrogation room she told Flores she will have no life if she is found guilty. Life in prison is going to be hell. Her personality is going to get her azz kicked. She wont be running the show.
From WAT's "fill-in:
KINSEY SCHOFIELD ‏@kinseyschofield · 1m1 minute ago

Heading to #jodiarias.
Verdict watch at @WildaboutTrial2

-----Oh, I wish it was the original WAT !
Funny how JA's level of expectation has morphed.

I wasn't there
I was there but ninjas did it
No jury will ever convict me
I did it, but because he was abusive
I want to make a deal to get out in 8-12 years
I want the DP
I don't want DP

I want to start a tea and crumpets book club, teach Spanish sign language, start a prison recycling program, sell 'survivor' memorabilia donating funds to DA charities.

This made me belly laugh. So true. I think it just goes to show how not right in the head she is. She has no real sense of reality.
You forgot she is a genius too. :)
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