Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

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I respect your opinion, but mine is that the person with the gun is always the one in the dominant position.

Look who is dead and who is not.

I also learned how to use a gun and carry it - a suggestion by my LEO relative. It is my heartfelt opinion and personal experience that gun owners who get a CCP are told over and over again that the gun is a last resort.

People who own guns for protection are FOR LIFE, saving lives, not out for murder or eager to kill. They cherish life and know the power of a gun and don't take the charge of carrying one lightly. I've known a bunch of what the left would call "gun nuts" and they aren't really nuts at all. They are not out to kill, but to protect.

In my opinion, that is why GZ was screaming for help. I don't think he wanted to have to pull his weapon. He didn't want them to call 911 he wanted HELP. As the defense "self-defense" expert said, at that point he had no options if he felt like he was going to become unconscious and/if/or TM saw the gun and went for it.

IMO (like that judge requires on "The Good Wife")
Yes, she does! She seems to have a lot of anger in her. She does remind me of some of the older black women I know. So much pain and anger in them.
(this is not racist -- lol...I'm black)

Ms A was so disrespectful tonight and jumped down Mark E's throat because he cutelt referred to her as "my hat wearing friend". But she gets a pass I guess...
Don Lemon and Mark NeJame just made a point about how calm the crowd is at the courthouse. I would say they are still annoyed by some of the hysteria.

Again I ask posters, especially the female ones, "have you ever been in a fight? Have you ever taken a real hit? Have you been pinned down on the ground and felt how helpless it feels?" It helps to have had such experiences when trying to determine how people might process things.

Things happen in milliseconds and you don't always remember every slight detail, just that you were scared - fighting someone off - or making sure they never got up or something, but not every little detail. The main point is that the evidence shows TM was in a superior position and dealt the majority of blows. George took blows - TM did not take any physical blows and it was AFTER this altercation that a gun was used by the party in the inferior position.

Yes, I've been in fights. I've been in enough fights to know that what Martin and Zimmerman were having was at worst a run-of-the-mill fistfight. No guns necessary. He didn't even stay swollen long *smh*

I wish people GZ's age would get in enough fights in their younger years to know the darned difference nowadays. (eta: gun-owning folks, I mean, and I am one. Fistfight does not equal gunfight!)

And we don't know who was in the inferior position after all the witnesses went inside to call 911. If you've been in fights you know that it could have changed on a dime.
One of these jurors is the mother of eight kids. :panic: I am thinking she is NOT in a big hurry to leave the private hotel room. She might want to stretch this vacation out a bit. I would. LOL

Okay you made me LOL. But I'll say as a mom of 4 that was probably true maybe the first week. After that I bet she is bored out of her mind because she never has this much time where she isn't physically crazy busy. It is always nice for a break but then you start to miss the craziness of your routine. Its a mom of many kind of thing I think. JMO
My hope is that if jury reaches verdict tonight, they wait until tomorrow (Sunday morning) to announce it.

Emotions are running high everywhere. It is Saturday night; there is something about Saturday nights, after all.

Please don't jump all over me about Saturday night.:seeya:
I totally agree -- regardless of the verdict reached. Hopefully cooler heads would rule on a Sunday morning.
Was she quoting something from the trial or did she get really worked up about something?

She quoted the falsified non-emergency call that NBC played on-air and is now getting sued for. If you're not familiar, you can probably google and find out what was said. I'm the last person to ever get offended by swears, I tend to have a fancy vocabulary myself :) But I certainly do object to the second word that she said out loud.

sorry but you have been and continue to misrepresent this. she did not say he was AT his father's fiance's house. read your own quote! ''he at the back of his daddy fiance house'' is NOT the same as your unending insistence that he was at the house.

further, it's about time to stop with the constant, negative insinuations about the victims in this case. i speak here of RJ. have you spent any time with inner city youth and young adults? they do not speak the way you might want to believe they do. they aren't precise about anything. ever. it is cultural. it is a different world, one that many here seem unwilling to recognize exists in america. but it does. perhaps if more people would take notice, the world would be better and innocent kids/adults alike wouldn't end up shot by paranoid, narcissistic dudes with guns.

aye yie yie


I don't believe I've ever heard her make constant negative insinuations - but gave direct quotes.

I don't know how you can misconstrue that.

You are making a lot of assumptions about both RJ and Scarlett

Those facts aren't in evidence.

To avoid any trouble. GZ assumed TM was a "suspect/suspicious looking" so why would he want to start trouble by saying anything back? GZ, IMO was being confrontational when answering back. He could have simply avoided TM all together and walked back to his car. :twocents:

And if the truth is told, every suspicion GZ had about Tm was true.
Several hundred people gathered on lawn in front of courthouse per CNN reporting. I hope the verdict is NOT announced tonight.

I wish the Jury would put it to bed and start fresh tomorrow. They have to be mentally exhausted after deliberating for so many hours. Not good, IMO.
No, don't you understand? Only parts of RJ's testimony were credible. The rest was hogwash. Rachel totally knew what Trayvon said one second then embellished the next. JUST THE FACTS IN EVIDENCE.
Yup, She knew what was in evidence as Trayvon's words and parroted it.
Whenever I see Don West do his knock knock joke.. I want to throw up. Did he run this by someone and they agreed he should do this?
You know, I swore I wasn't going to follow this trial. Especially because I had just gotten a break after the JA trial.

And yet here I am. I can't watch a movie with my husband for fear of leaving the TV. I'm sitting in my room watching Fox with iPad in my lap. On a Saturday night. With no kids as they are with my mom.

What has happened to me?? What went wrong in my life and when?? :scared:
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