I understand your point and I think in other circumstances, this would make perfect sense. I wish I could find a reference for this, but I recall Tracy saying that he wasn't worried until the next day when he realized he was still not home.
The thing about this particular incident that is troubling is that Chad expected him home that night at 7pm, Trayvon told him he was coming home, there were police all over that courtyard investigating that night, this was not Trayvon's home, he was 17 and on suspension from school and this was not his neighborhood. Adding up the totality of what was going on with him, is why it seems so weird to me and some others.
That makes sense. Maybe a better parent would have worried sooner. I have trouble judging other parents so that's why I have trouble judging the Martins too harshly. I have a mom who wouldn't might have been the kind of mom to wait until the next morning thouhg i don't know for sure. Depends. But I think in this case people are a little too hard on Tracy. Maybe because when I hear that call I feel nothing but sympathy because he has no idea that he's about to find outthat Trayvon is dead. Whether he wasn't the best father or not, you can tell he still loved him. It makes me so sad to hear that call.