Very Blonde Girl In Orange Chair With Ashtray

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yes. I think it’s Christine Eastin.
Very similar looking. Very well could be. Interesting thing I learned just today. I thought maybe it would be fun for my teen daughter to do a 23andme ancestry DNA testing. My husband and are such a melting pot I thought it would be interesting. In the process of researching it I found that cowlicks like that are in your DNA. Amazing. So when they do that DNA phenotyping of suspects they can determine whether or not they have cowlicks. I also couldn't think of the other name I was looking for it. It's a widow's peak.
Very similar looking. Very well could be. Interesting thing I learned just today. I thought maybe it would be fun for my teen daughter to do a 23andme ancestry DNA testing. My husband and are such a melting pot I thought it would be interesting. In the process of researching it I found that cowlicks like that are in your DNA. Amazing. So when they do that DNA phenotyping of suspects they can determine whether or not they have cowlicks. I also couldn't think of the other name I was looking for it. It's a widow's peak.
They both have gaps in their front teeth.
This girl is no longer shown in my most updated list of "still missing". This doesn't hold much water because it only means that she has been discovered to be alive, or dead. And, we won't most likely know the results of this until possibly after Alcala dies.
She reminds me of Paula Jean Oberbroeckling. Killed in 1970 in Iowa.


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Looks 1970-1972. The album he's got in the back called Surrealistic Pillow is from 1967. He has a pretty hefty collection of records in his house, and none of them look older than the early 1970s. So whatever it is, it's in that time range.

Also this girl is no older than 16.
I think we have identified in past threads that this picture was taken between 1969 and 1971 in his apartment in Greenwich Village. We have also tried to identify objects in the room for clues. I personally don't feel it is productive to try to identify objects that probably came from thrift stores. We have gone over the sacks, the gloves, the albums, the posters, the furniture, the luggage, the unusual calender, and none of these objects were very helpful in trying to identify this girl. Also she does not appear to be in any distress, and my gut feeling is she is fortunately still alive.
Oh.. yeah.. this was already pointed out to be lol. I didn't add anything that wasn't already known it seems.
Good evening all. Bit late to be joining the conversation I know. However, I am curious as to what more, if anything, do we know about this young lady?? Was she ever identified?? If not, then might I suggest 'Sylvia Alice Lwowski, missing from Staten Island, Sept 1975? Sylvia 's description at time of disappearance fits exactly with what we see in these pics.. Her missing poster describes Long, blonde, straight hair and lists her cclothing as a white top, green blouse, brown handbag! Please forgive me, as I have yet to learn how to hold a link for sharing purposes. I do, however, know how to save and upload pictures! Also, for those speculating about the calendar looking suspiciously out of place.. For me, It's quite th e opposite. I thought every household had one! But, if the background is somewhat staged, then surely the calendar would be set to display a date that could definitively see Alcala ruled out, should the accusation ever be out to him.. That's what anybody with half a brain would do anyway!


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Good evening all. Bit late to be joining the conversation I know. However, I am curious as to what more, if anything, do we know about this young lady?? Was she ever identified?? If not, then might I suggest 'Sylvia Alice Lwowski, missing from Staten Island, Sept 1975? Sylvia 's description at time of disappearance fits exactly with what we see in these pics.. Her missing poster describes Long, blonde, straight hair and lists her cclothing as a white top, green blouse, brown handbag! Please forgive me, as I have yet to learn how to hold a link for sharing purposes. I do, however, know how to save and upload pictures! Also, for those speculating about the calendar looking suspiciously out of place.. For me, It's quite th e opposite. I thought every household had one! But, if the background is somewhat staged, then surely the calendar would be set to display a date that could definitively see Alcala ruled out, should the accusation ever be out to him.. That's what anybody with half a brain would do anyway!

I think they look like two different ethnicities.. this girl looks more Western Europe like of English or Irish type of heritage.. our girl looks more Scandi
Whilst my girl may look more 'Western European' to you, Her surname is Lwowski, so that rules out the English/Irish suggestion! It is a Jewish name, more common with families of Polish, Russian, Lithuanian etc. heritage But we can only go with what we know and I'm not sure that their are any Scandinavian women listed as having gone missing during the 70s in America. But if there are, the number is not going to be more than 1 or 2 is it, so if your hunch is correct, then that narrows this search down to perfection and identifying her would be done in a matter of minutes! It's funny though, because the girl in question looks just like any other English/American white girl to me.. I never knew a person could 'look' Scandinavian X
Whilst my girl may look more 'Western European' to you, Her surname is Lwowski, so that rules out the English/Irish suggestion! It is a Jewish name, more common with families of Polish, Russian, Lithuanian etc. heritage But we can only go with what we know and I'm not sure that their are any Scandinavian women listed as having gone missing during the 70s in America. But if there are, the number is not going to be more than 1 or 2 is it, so if your hunch is correct, then that narrows this search down to perfection and identifying her would be done in a matter of minutes! It's funny though, because the girl in question looks just like any other English/American white girl to me.. I never knew a person could 'look' Scandinavian X

Hmm.. okay. People can look Scandinavian like they can look Spanish, German, Ethiopian, Turkish, or Chinese. The different geographical areas of Europe each have their own diverse looks, so an East European tends to look quite distinct from a South European for example. Thirdly, many Europeans immigrated or visited to America during the 1970's and their ethnicity would not be listed anything more as "White" (and this descriptor also includes many people of West Asian and multiracial backgrounds which makes it confusing to narrow down). Also excuse me, the quality of your photos were a little bad and I couldn't make out her facial features clearly but that brings me to this point:



I would say these two girls have quite different features from each other. The first one has a much more prominent nosebridge and tip, while the other girl's features are less pronounced and more baby-faced. The first girl has quite the heart shaped chin/jaw while the second girl's is more round/ovate and she has bigger eyes. I think the last girl looks to be a good 5 or 6 years younger than the first girl. Also RA was unavailable (in prison) until 77.
Looks 1970-1972. The album he's got in the back called Surrealistic Pillow is from 1967. He has a pretty hefty collection of records in his house, and none of them look older than the early 1970s. So whatever it is, it's in that time range.

Also this girl is no older than 16.
Now I think this girl could be at oldest 20. I think people back then grew up faster than they did today
Hmm.. okay. People can look Scandinavian like they can look Spanish, German, Ethiopian, Turkish, or Chinese. The different geographical areas of Europe each have their own diverse looks, so an East European tends to look quite distinct from a South European for example. Thirdly, many Europeans immigrated or visited to America during the 1970's and their ethnicity would not be listed anything more as "White" (and this descriptor also includes many people of West Asian and multiracial backgrounds which makes it confusing to narrow down). Also excuse me, the quality of your photos were a little bad and I couldn't make out her facial features clearly but that brings me to this point:


View attachment 227301

I would say these two girls have quite different features from each other. The first one has a much more prominent nosebridge and tip, while the other gir
With regards to this picture, I totally agree, no resemblance at all. However, this picture also bears no resemblance to any other photographs that I have seen of Sylvia. There is no sign of the dimple which is apparent in all other pics. Her nose does look more pronounced here but I think the light and shadow plays a part on this image. I do think every other picture of Sylvia bears a striking resemblance to the lady in question. Also, I think this is a younger Sylvia compared to the images I uploaded, simply because you think it obvious for family or LE to use the most recent image taken when in search of their missing loved one, this particular picture is not found on all of the varying missing persons sites/pages. Obviously, if Alcala was imprisoned at the time of her disappearance, I don't see how it could possibly be her!I Hope I'm doing these posts/replies correctly btw X
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