Very Blonde Girl In Orange Chair With Ashtray

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
No not those, the twining purplish ones in the upper right corner.

I see what you're looking at...
My question is were those helium balloons popular (or did they even exist) in the early 70's?
I would think so. They wouldn't have to be mylar balloons, just regular balloons filled with helium.
No not those, the twining purplish ones in the upper right corner.
Haha thanks. I thought those were cords too but I assumed you were talking about the ones on the right. Do you know if LE ever updates if these people were found or identified? Tia
No not those, the twining purplish ones in the upper right corner.

I think they look like those light fixtures that you plug in and hang on the ceiling. The electrical cord is kind of woven through a chain.


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I know that you mean. But it it's not a chain, if you zoom in on it it's twisty things. Looks like curled streamers to me. Besides it's hanging down in front of the cabinet, not going anywhere but up. So what it is attached to.

To me it looks like balloon streamers. So as a sleuthing device I noticed some of you had the date figured out and thought a missing person with a birthday around the potential date you figured out could be a clue.

On the other hand it could mean nothing. Maybe they are decorations for something else. But if it is correct I thought it was a good sleuthing clue.
I think they look like those light fixtures that you plug in and hang on the ceiling. The electrical cord is kind of woven through a chain.

That was my first thought too. It looks exactly like the kind my mother in law had hanging in her living room when I first met her. That would be late 70's, early 80's. I don't recall the balloons being popular then but my memory isn't that great.

If you take a moment to zoom in on it it is most definitely NOT A CHAIN. I know what you guys are talking about, my parents had one too. Not only is it absolutely not a chain, it also isn't hanging in any way that makes sense for what you are describing.
If you take a moment to zoom in on it it is most definitely NOT A CHAIN. I know what you guys are talking about, my parents had one too. Not only is it absolutely not a chain, it also isn't hanging in any way that makes sense for what you are describing.

I did zoom in on it but I still see the chain with the electrical cord. I can't be sure so you may be right.

In the background on the shelf, between the lamp & the box ... it looks like a child's book, The Care Bears. They were popular in the early 80's.

You are all very good at this, I am new to it myself. I know I tend to see what I expect to see or what I'm familiar with so I don't know that my speculation is helpful.

If someone could crop it and zoom and post it it would be helpful. I don't see it, but maybe it's my eyes. I can't figure out how to do it.
If someone could crop it and zoom and post it it would be helpful. I don't see it, but maybe it's my eyes. I can't figure out how to do it.

I've marked the object off in red in this picture. I too thought it was balloon strings, but in it's full size it definitely looks more cord/wire like. Full size picture at the link, and I've attached the close up. If you can't see it, let me know.

Edit- weird, the red marking is in the right spot but doesn't extend as far up as I had originally drawn. You should be able to get the idea though.


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oh thanks so much. It could definitely be wires, I still think it is streamers of some sort but I think perhaps they are too big for their distance to actually be what I think it is.

But it is definitely NOT a chain lamp. The curvy parts that look like chains are inconsistent in size and not completely closed in several of them, it's not a chain.

What made me think it was balloon streamers is the gold band thing laying on the wooden cabinet. (maybe someone could zoom in on it) At first I thought the date was around Christmas and that it could be a New Years get up.

That made me think of the gold chain as a Christmas present, but it doesn't seem Christmassy enough in the pix, which made me think it might have been her birthday. I'm probably wrong but I thought it was worth a shot.
Just keeping things in one place, here is the WS thread for missing Ft. Lauderdale girl, Dana.

FL Dana Evon Null (15) - Fort Lauderdale FL, 1978 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

While the girl in the pictures is very similar, notice that Dana does not have the space in between her front top teeth that is seen in the picture of the girl with headphones and smiling.

Also in NamUs it says that Dana's scar is in her left eyebrow, while the girl in the picture has a scar closer to her hair line.

Dana looks a lot like the girl in Alcala's apartment, like a younger version of the same person, but she disappeared in October of 1978 from Florida. That's an awkward fit with the timeline (he got arrested for the last time in California in July of '79) and the twenty-something appearance of Very Blonde Orange Chair girl. Especially since that's probably his New York living quarters and may well be in the early seventies when Dana was in her single digits. A lot of the pictures including these can't be dated any later than that on internal evidence.
I did zoom in on it but I still see the chain with the electrical cord. I can't be sure so you may be right.

In the background on the shelf, between the lamp & the box ... it looks like a child's book, The Care Bears. They were popular in the early 80's.

You are all very good at this, I am new to it myself. I know I tend to see what I expect to see or what I'm familiar with so I don't know that my speculation is helpful.


The Care Bears should be impossible. These pictures came out of a locker in 1979 and the Care Bears per Wikipedia were created for a greeting card series in 1981. If they're in there, they're in there, but they shouldn't be.
That book looks like a shaped book but it's not. It's a rather large text book sized book but soft cover so the corner that is against the base of the lamp is not completely flat.
Someone sent me the information on Dana, however beside the fact that Dana disappeared from Florida in 1978, Alcala was incarcerated for at least part of 1978 and has never been indicated to have been in Florida. He also was actively killing in California at some point during 1978. Not to say that he couldn't have gone to Florida, but why would he? He was getting his sick perversions satisfied right where he lived.

Aside from that, I don't really see more than a similarity of coloring and complexion between the girl in the Alcala photos and Dana. It's so hard to tell with angles, etc., but I don't see it.
The Sony Videocorder in the photo with the two young women is a 1965 model.

That doesn't help to narrow down the timeline, unfortunately. Now I'm trying to ID the turntable and receiver.

The turntable's brand name starts with "c" and has Cy. No Japanese electronic company has that name like it.

Here are some other things I notice in the photo.
-Celebrate Antiquity in Greenwich Village Poster.
-Beatles Poster. John Lennon was killed in 1980.
-Bell System Public Telephone Logo. That logo was used before 1969.
-Martin Paints

There was a discussion about that photo you mentioned. It looks like it was taken in New York City. Alcala is known to live in Greenwich Village.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Police asks help identifying the people in photos taken by murderer
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Police asks help identifying the people in photos taken by murderer
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Police asks help identifying the people in photos taken by murderer
I think we have identified in past threads that this picture was taken between 1969 and 1971 in his apartment in Greenwich Village. We have also tried to identify objects in the room for clues. I personally don't feel it is productive to try to identify objects that probably came from thrift stores. We have gone over the sacks, the gloves, the albums, the posters, the furniture, the luggage, the unusual calender, and none of these objects were very helpful in trying to identify this girl. Also she does not appear to be in any distress, and my gut feeling is she is fortunately still alive.
While I don't feel that it's necessarily productive, I think that any discussion on this dead forum is better than no discussion at all. In order to bring more attention to the still missing, I really wish that every thread on this forum was active...:(
The Care Bears should be impossible. These pictures came out of a locker in 1979 and the Care Bears per Wikipedia were created for a greeting card series in 1981. If they're in there, they're in there, but they shouldn't be.

Thanks. I got confused on the picture dates. I can see now what was pointed out as the book being softcover & bent against the lamp.

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