Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

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Thanks for your input, HoneyWest! It's appreciated. :hug:

What I would LOVE to do (or find) is a really hardass breakdown of Hobbs' timeline past 4.30 that day. Or all available versions of that, as it were... since it does shift around somewhat.

I'm not in a hurry, and if there's not one around, I'll happily make one myself as time permits.

If Hobbs is, at then end of an exhaustive look into WHY he was a good suspect, actually NOT a good suspect (I'm not presently concerned with GUILT as much as 'good suspect') - I would be happy to change my opinion there. But right now, I am after facts and solid theories, links and docs where possible.

Of course, doing my own work but I'd love input, hence the thread.

Glad to give my input! Or my opinions! I'm not yet completely convinced that Hobbs killed these little boys, but as the years have gone by, I've come to believe he probably did do it. Of course I could be wrong about him, but I definitely do not believe Jason, Jessie, or Damien had anything to do with the murders.

Now putting together a comprehensive, detailed timeline on Hobbs is going to be a project. I doubt there's a credible one to be found, even with so much information (and misinformation) at our fingertips.

With that said, Keep on Keepin' On, girl. I've followed this case for years and it's so complex with many nuances, but you're welcome to pick my brain. And keep posting questions. There are many others here who have this case practically memorized!
Hobbs' proven violent nature (Mildred French, Jackie Hicks, Jr., Pam Hicks Hobbs) has been mentioned. IMO, that's certainly a prime reason to consider him a suspect as many have opined about Damien. A lot of the other reasons to consider him (short of his mtDNA being at the scene) are more-or-less "gut" level things like the clip HoneyWest discussed.

One scene from Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robinhood Hills that gives me chills is when the Misskelley verdict is read. Watch Hobbs at that moment. He visibly gulps. IMO, that's a guilty reaction if I ever saw one. Compare that to Todd Moore's stoicism and Mark Byers' devastation. It's just not normal.

Although the report of his absence from work on May 5, 1993 has not been verified, I'm not ready to dismiss it. I'd like to see his presence at work that day verified. I just don't know if it's possible at this point to do so. However, not knowing for sure that he was at work certainly puts a big gap in his timeline, IMO!

Another reason to consider Hobbs a suspect, IMO, is the fact that he left Pam about two weeks after the murders. What I've heard (I think in the Pasdar depositons) is that he had to get away since Pam couldn't "just get over" Steven's death. Is that any reason to leave a grieving mother?!

Also, he said that he just couldn't stand all the sympathy from coworkers. IIRC, that's the reason he gave for quitting his job and leaving town. I don't know about others, but that bothers me a great deal!

What I still don't understand is why the wmpd never considered him a suspect. That's a real head-scratcher to this day for me! Even Gitchell in his Pasdar deposition said that parents should be cleared first, but Hobbs was never cleared . . .
Hobbs puts himself in the woods behind Blue Beacon (according to himself on Opperman) and reports seeing the Byers' driving down the service road at that time.

The Byers' said the only time they drove that road was at around 7pm.

Ergo, Terry was in the woods during the critical TOD period of 6-10pm, as outlined by Sperry.

And this is also around the time David Jacoby loses track of his whereabouts, after the guitar session at DJ's house.
Hobbs' proven violent nature (Mildred French, Jackie Hicks, Jr., Pam Hicks Hobbs) has been mentioned. IMO, that's certainly a prime reason to consider him a suspect as many have opined about Damien. A lot of the other reasons to consider him (short of his mtDNA being at the scene) are more-or-less "gut" level things like the clip HoneyWest discussed.

One scene from Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robinhood Hills that gives me chills is when the Misskelley verdict is read. Watch Hobbs at that moment. He visibly gulps. IMO, that's a guilty reaction if I ever saw one. Compare that to Todd Moore's stoicism and Mark Byers' devastation. It's just not normal.

Although the report of his absence from work on May 5, 1993 has not been verified, I'm not ready to dismiss it. I'd like to see his presence at work that day verified. I just don't know if it's possible at this point to do so. However, not knowing for sure that he was at work certainly puts a big gap in his timeline, IMO!

Another reason to consider Hobbs a suspect, IMO, is the fact that he left Pam about two weeks after the murders. What I've heard (I think in the Pasdar depositons) is that he had to get away since Pam couldn't "just get over" Steven's death. Is that any reason to leave a grieving mother?!

Also, he said that he just couldn't stand all the sympathy from coworkers. IIRC, that's the reason he gave for quitting his job and leaving town. I don't know about others, but that bothers me a great deal!

What I still don't understand is why the wmpd never considered him a suspect. That's a real head-scratcher to this day for me! Even Gitchell in his Pasdar deposition said that parents should be cleared first, but Hobbs was never cleared . . .

you don't have a clip of that do you?
Never mind got it.. I see what you mean. That to me does not say GUILTY! but I see what you are saying.
Never mind got it.. I see what you mean. That to me does not say GUILTY! but I see what you are saying.

Ah, but Scarlett - that's the whole point of these threads! Not to exclaim GUILT! but to ponder what is suspicious.

I find it quite so, that Hobbs left Pam so soon, when the Byers and Moores hung tight under what I can only imagine were incredible sorrows and pressures.

I find this at odds with the devotion to family Hobbs waffles on about in his interviews.

And it's not the -leaving- I find suspicious (people are what they are, not always so perfect..) but the dichotomy between what comes out of his mouth and the reality of his actions.
Good question because I consider him a victim because he was the step-father of the murdered child and the police are not investigating him.

It's the supporters who are accusing and investigating him.

I think it's dangerous to allow this to happen. What if a deranged supporter actually believes that Hobbs is responsible and does something to him. They have harassed him even at his place of employment.
What you fail to mention is that he was never interviewed by the wmpd until attention was drawn to this 'fact' after the 2007 press conference, at which the defence team merely highlighted the fact that there was more circumstantial evidence and possible physical evidence pointing at him than was ever shown against the three.

It has to be remembered that back then, the burdon of roof was with the defence team and it is very hard to prove a negative. This meant that, were there a serious contender as a 'person of interest', the EDT were obliged to present that theory as a possibility. Fast forward a piece to after Burnett left the bench, finally, and the supreme justices of the State unanimously agreed that a fresh evidentiary hearing was called for. This meant all the evidence and not just the DNA results that proved that the three had not left any DNA at the scene had they been the perps! The lack of their DNA does NOT prove that they did not do it - merely that they left no DNA that was recovered!

Most of the supporters who are still actively involved are seriously committed to seeing justice served in this case. A rather less 'glamorous' aim than the release of a person on death row! Not one of them, as far as I know, is the type to take the law in to their own hands. There was a greater fear back when the three were just released that a non might be more inclined to vigilanti justice. It is a great relief that none of them were that stupid, thank goodness!

I agree that, as a step parent, Terry Wayne Hobbs is a victim in this - where we diverge is that I have the horrible feeling that he is a victim of his own anger and arrogance.

Most supporters have wondered about Bojangles, mostly because his 'appearance' just seemed so weird and never properly followed up. I happen to think that it is possible he stumbled upon something. We shall never know now.

And I agree, many of us, as a result of the first 2 PL films, got distracted by the rather OTT character of JMB. He was not the sort to keep his anger, grief and frustration to himself. Add that to the fact that he is a larger than life character who is the automatic focus of attention on the screen, and it is hardly surprising.

Scrutiny of both his time-line and actions of that night and the next morning and it is pretty obvious that he never had the time to switch from 'worried parent' to 'brutal killer' and back as would have been necessary!

For many the final clincher was the fact that no DNA linking back to him was found. As a parent with long hair this would not have been damning in and of itself had other hairs of 'family members and friends' also survived to be identified.

It could not have been easy for JMB to publicaly admit he had been wrong for all those years in assigning guilt to the three. Furthermore, he went the extra mile and became a vocal supporter for their freedom.
The defense team with the help of film makers were trying to create reasonable doubt, a 'real boogie man' by any means possible. They were willing to distort facts and hide many facts in this case.

Terry Wayne Hobbs has NEVER been a suspect then and is NOT one now.

The other parents have never changed their opinion of who is guilty and that is the 3 who plead guilty and who were also convicted by 2-different juries.

What I don't understand is why is there continuing movies on the WM3? How many have been made so far 5 or 6? My next question is who's next on their hit list?
Sorry Ausgirl! But I felt that did need a direct response as quite a few, I believe, just read here, so setting the possible record a bit straighter is, for me, critical!

Two other factors to be taken in to account.

In his many statements, Dimension Films; Pasdar; wmpd 2007 and now that internet radio thing. Hobbs puts himself in or near to the part of the woods where the bodies were found. Had they been murdered there, even by the wmfree, then surely he would have heard or seen something???

The way he attempted to 'bully' JMB into agreeing that they met earlier than they actually did.

Furthermore, the rather odd way he refers to Pam Hicks' son as 'the boy' - a form of de-humanising and distancing himself from him.

In the UK the laws of defamation etc are far stricter. Given that, the nearest I go is to say that Hobbs is so high on my list of persons of interest that he is streets ahead of any possible field!

It took until 2007 to get him 'interviewed' by the wmpd so there is still a chance that things can come to light that force them to take another look at the case and Hobbs' possible complicity.

Meant to also add fact that 2 pairs of worn and dirty jeans inside out whist 3rd pair had not been worn that day from the way they were described!

It is scandalous that all items of clothing did not go with the bodies to the laboratories in LR but were, instead, handled by the local police who appeared clueless and photographed them draped over upholstered furniture and never specifically had each item matched to each victim.

Only one child had remnants of food in their stomaches! Yet Hobbs claims not to have seen the 'boy' that day.
Ah, but Scarlett - that's the whole point of these threads! Not to exclaim GUILT! but to ponder what is suspicious.

I find it quite so, that Hobbs left Pam so soon, when the Byers and Moores hung tight under what I can only imagine were incredible sorrows and pressures.

I find this at odds with the devotion to family Hobbs waffles on about in his interviews.

And it's not the -leaving- I find suspicious (people are what they are, not always so perfect..) but the dichotomy between what comes out of his mouth and the reality of his actions.

sure. That just does not help me. It is interesting. I plan to sit and watch the movies again. Personally I think TH is just not someone I would ever want to know. I don't like him based on what I know now, But that is just how I feel and does not help the case.

What I found interesting more was when they were showing the pictures of the bodies.. He was looking right at them. Pam is destroyed after that. .AT about 38 or so and until her after her interview, same movie. TH seems more concerned with who is around him then her grief.

I just find him cold.
Hobbs' proven violent nature (Mildred French, Jackie Hicks, Jr., Pam Hicks Hobbs) has been mentioned. IMO, that's certainly a prime reason to consider him a suspect as many have opined about Damien. A lot of the other reasons to consider him (short of his mtDNA being at the scene) are more-or-less "gut" level things like the clip HoneyWest discussed.

snipped for space

Yeah, the Hicks family really hated Terry Hobbs so much that he was a pallbearer at Jackie Hicks, Jr. funeral.

Pallbearers were Brian Tramel, John McCaughey, Steve Lewis, Brandon Muse, Ben Sadler, Troy Hicks, Brice Hicks, Terry Hobbs and Toby Thorne
Good find, Udb!

Why would they want Terry as a pallbearer, if him shooting Jackie indirectly caused Jackie's death?

Didn't Terry do time for that shooting, though?

I also note the date is 2006 - a year before his mtDNA showed up.
I find this very disturbing.. and -some- of this is verifiable, by the doctors and paperwork concerned. I wonder if it was ever independently corroborated. If factual, it could well go to motive for at least two of the boys' deaths:

17. Terry has also mistreated our daughter, Amanda. In 1993, when Amanda was 4 years old, my sister, Jo Lynn McCaughey, told me that Amanda had told her that Terry had put his finger into Amanda's "booty."

18. I took Amanda to the hospital in Blytheville, Arkansas, so a doctor could do a physical examination. That doctor told me that Amanda had been vaginally penetrated and that she had a yeast infection.

19. In approximately 2002, when Amanda was older, approximately 13 years old, and developing into a young woman, she told Jo Lynn (and Jo Lynn told me) that Terry grabbed her breasts. This revelation caused me great concern because it was the second time Amanda had said that Terry had sexually molested her.

20. As a result and because I was concerned about Amanda, I asked Amanda whether Terry had actually grabbed her breasts. Amanda told me that yes, it was true, Terry had grabbed her breasts.

21. Terry has been violent and abusive to people outside my family as well. Prior to our marriage, Terry was married to Angela Timms. I saw the divorce papers in which Angela accused Terry of sexually molesting their son

Those two claims at least -are- verifiable. And I'm surprised TH has not dug up that paperwork, or gone to see that doctor for a statement, as really - if Pam was wholly untruthful about those things, then I feel a lot of people would change their minds about him.
The mtDNA matches many many other people just as Jacoby's does too.

If the rumors I've heard are true that Terry caused Jackie Jr's death, it seems to me that they would not be wanting him for a pallbearer.

I've never known of any kind of time before and I was under the impression that the shooting was self-defense.

From news reports I have the impression that the Hicks family has had some problems with domestic abuse and battery.
Well, sure the mtDNA matches a lot of people, who are directly linked to Hobbs' maternal line. I wonder, though, how many of those were in close contact with Stevie Branch, in May 1993....

And I actually -mean- that. If the hair was not transference (and I have my doubts there), and Hobbs didn't do it.. well, it could put somebody else at the scene.

Oh whoops, eta: anyways, Pam seemed much more tolerant of Hobbs prior to the mtDNA thing. Is why I mentioned it.
If the rumors I've heard are true that Terry caused Jackie Jr's death, it seems to me that they would not be wanting him for a pallbearer.

I've never known of any kind of time before and I was under the impression that the shooting was self-defense.

Well, not so much "rumours" as a "sworn court statement" from Pam Hobbs, but yeah - I saw a doc saying Hobbs did 3 years for some violent act or other, but I can't presently find what that charge was. I'll post it, when I dig it up.
Well, sure the mtDNA matches a lot of people, who are directly linked to Hobbs' maternal line. I wonder, though, how many of those were in close contact with Stevie Branch, in May 1993....

Terry would since he lived with him heh?
I meant, aside from Terry. Since you're talking about the mtDNA and "other people".
I didn't say it was character assassination. I don't have a problem discussing him or anyone else as a suspect. I think he should have been a suspect. I don't think he is a nice man.

It is my understanding according to the websleuths terms we are not suppose to discuss people as suspects that have not been named suspects by the police. I have seen other threads completely shutdown when users questioned the actions of family members. Just wondering why the exception for this case.

You can simply hit the alert button and mods will review and do what is necessary if it's wrong.
The fact that he wouldn't be telling her anything she didn't already know and would only cause her to worry more while she worked seems a reasonable explanation to me.

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