VICTIM - Lisa Pate, 32, of Youngsville, LA (Theories)

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With the discovery and identification of Mickey Shunick's remains, we are all naturally focused there for a few very emotional days, but I know many also are wondering -- "What about Lisa?"

In all the ponderings about whether a plea bargain or deal is in the works, I really think of Lisa's family. Do they know whether whatever is going on (if it is a deal of some kind) includes Lisa's case? Are they learning anything new, after waiting so many years? My thoughts just turn in their direction...
With the discovery and identification of Mickey Shunick's remains, we are all naturally focused there for a few very emotional days, but I know many also are wondering -- "What about Lisa?"

In all the ponderings about whether a plea bargain or deal is in the works, I really think of Lisa's family. Do they know whether whatever is going on (if it is a deal of some kind) includes Lisa's case? Are they learning anything new, after waiting so many years? My thoughts just turn in their direction...
And perhaps it's just me & projecting, but Lisa reminds me of Ms Rosier in Pineville. I think Ms Pate's family was invited to some board or forum, but they declined. I wish we knew more. But their privacy should be honoed. They have suffered much, & for a host of reasons, none of which I care to explore right now, they have done it in silence.
JMO, absolutamente.
I wonder if any of the local newspapers have thought to contact her family and see what information/pictures they have that might be able to shed light on Lisa Pate.

I feel like her story has been lost between the cracks as many often do...sigh

From what I have read online, the boys had an aunt that was killed in the summer of 2010 by her live-in boyfriend in a small apartment/house behind their grandmothers. The article said the grandmother had heart problems so I am guessing they are trying to shield her away from the press & public as much as possible.

I also heard a rumor recently regarding the placement of the body & items found with it that made me rule out that she died of an accidental overdose and someone just got scared.
And perhaps it's just me & projecting, but Lisa reminds me of Ms Rosier in Pineville. I think Ms Pate's family was invited to some board or forum, but they declined. I wish we knew more. But their privacy should be honoed. They have suffered much, & for a host of reasons, none of which I care to explore right now, they have done it in silence.
JMO, absolutamente.

She reminds me of Evyonne Rosier as well....
I found Lisa's oldest son's FB page (I won't link to it here but it's easily found if you know his name - which can be found in news stories where he issued a statement after BSL's indictment) and his background photo is the one of Lisa taken from the news (looks like a screen shot of her pic from the news channel, with her name on it and all). I wonder if this is the only picture he has of her.
Sad sad.
I wish we knew where LP was living and how she was getting to/from work. If she didn't have a vehicle, maybe BSL was out trolling that night (either driving around or at the bar where she worked) and offered her a ride home?
Somewhere in these threads, there is a post where the person posting says that BSL is the biological son of a woman who was a "barmaid". The barmaid terminology is not mine, it is in the post.

From what I understand LP worked in a bar. Is that correct?

Just trying to understand if there was some underlying animosity by the perp. toward women who worked in bars.

Forgive me for quoting my own post. Not that I need to understand the perp.'s psychology, other than to help in the investigation for the victims. However, if he did have an animosity toward women who worked in bars, then, did he then make the assumption that any woman out in the early hours of the a.m. apparently on her way home was likely returning home from a job as a bartender, bar waitress, etc. and he had a retribution for her?

If so, that might be part of his warped imagination, targeting Mickey, as well.

Forgive me for quoting my own post. Not that I need to understand the perp.'s psychology, other than to help in the investigation for the victims. However, if he did have an animosity toward women who worked in bars, then, did he then make the assumption that any woman out in the early hours of the a.m. apparently on her way home was likely returning home from a job as a bartender, bar waitress, etc. and he had a retribution for her?

If so, that might be part of his warped imagination, targeting Mickey, as well.

I think he just has an animosity towards women period.
Does anyone here know Miss Gertie? I lived on Wilcox while attending college, and I knew her to say Hi to.....I worked lunches and afternoons at "larry's" right around the corner on Pinhook and it was so close I walked back and forth, so I'd see Miss Gertie often.

I have a question about something that happened in the late 70's, not sure if it has a link to Lisa or not, but if anyone knows Gertie and can help, please let me know.
Bumping for Lisa and info on Lisa.
I wish that someone who knew her - someone from high school, an old co-worker, etc - would come on and give us some info on her. I hate that we know so much about BSL but so little about his victim Lisa.
I am thankful that Lisa's family & friends finally got some answers and justice today. All those long years - never knowing what happened and just when it seemed they would never learn more.... her killer was caught and confessed to his actions and guilt.
I pray that Lisa's family & friends will have an extra measure of peace now. Bless you.
Anyone else's hinky meter go off a little on his version of what happened with Lisa (not the actual death but that she was staying there willingly at first)?

She may have gone with him willingly but I don't think she stayed willingly for any large period of time. He somehow kept her for days. Was he working then? What did he do to prevent her from leaving when he was at work or gone?

I think she had been pleading with him for days to leave (who knows what he was doing to her), begging that she needed to see her kids, and when she was finally close to being able to escape, he lost it on her. Who knows- maybe he tortured her for days and planned to kill her all along. Maybe that was even his plan with Mickey until she fought back so aggressively.

I'm more of the mind that he was keeping Lisa against her will (however he got her there) for days, raping/torturing her, and then killed her.
I think it was...

~His intention was to implicate that person in her death. That person was killed in a car accident shortly after Lisa disappeared in June of 1999. Lisa Pate's body was found on that property in September of 1999.

IMO that car wreck was NO ACCIDENT!

Time will tell I guess.

And IMO, gngr~snap...It can only confirm Dyingtoknowthetruth's speculation of the unfortunate death of her brother that night in June. And...possibly a re-visitation of Mr. Black's (his uncle) murder, now that we know he likes guns, too. Ok. Too much, too much. I'm going pour me a glass of wine.
And IMO, gngr~snap...It can only confirm Dyingtoknowthetruth's speculation of the unfortunate death of her brother that night in June. And...possibly a re-visitation of Mr. Black's (his uncle) murder, now that we know he likes guns, too. Ok. Too much, too much. I'm going pour me a glass of wine.

Wow... yes, that too IMO...
to continue my rant, any former cell mate who had knowledge of the SOB's murdering Lisa Pate, should also be charged with Mickey's murder...
@ ktgirl BSL would have still been in the Army I guess. Was he on leave? AWOL? Did he plan to kill LP? No idea. I think she could have been his first kill and so maybe it wasn't his original intention. But he still could have formed intent anytime over the course of those few days.
Did he plan to kill MS? Absolutely. He's already an RSO, how was he going to assault her, and let her go, and not get caught?
So sad.

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