Video: Interview with Cindy and George Anthony Today

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I hate to even think this, but I honestly don't believe it's bothering her one bit to be putting her parents thru this, and I can't help but wonder if she'd welcome something happening to them so they wouldn't be able to testify at her trial.

And she could get the house, like she told Amy.
Thank you for responding. A few things to note: Cindy and George have made themselves quite known to the public through their continued twisted interactions. I have not invited myself into their tragedy. They did. I can observe and make educated opinions on those observations, and have done so with alacrity and make no apologies to you for doing so. That, however, does not give me license to speak with authority on them personally, and you are correct in saying that I do not know them in that capacity.

I have stated this elsewhere (in yet another opinionated, based on observation post) that stress does NOT create a different person. Stress is a symptom of a traumatic event, and a person draws upon that which gets them through everyday life in an accelerated fashion. We can assume that the lies and the drama and the nastiness toward nearly everyone that doesn't tow their line is this accelerated stress reaction, heightening their normal persona. This is how they deal with life on a regular basis, and frankly, I'm done having MY emotions manipulated just so that they can get their daughter out of trouble because they're afraid of what that will make people think about their parenting. Here's a big clue: I think they were horribly negligent parents. Read Kiki's response to you for that.

If this is all about Caylee as they seem to say as an afterthought every time there is a microphone, then why is it they are NOT using the air time to give us that "evidence" they tease the media and public with constantly? That is manipulation. Must I give them license to manipulate because of the pathos of the situation they are in? No. In fact, the manipulation is a direct CAUSE, not an EFFECT of the situation they are in; the public just was not the beneficiary of this manipulation before Caylee disappeared. As sensational as the story of a missing child, the presumed perp being her mother, and the twisted story as told by the perp herself, what the grandparents have done to assist in this perpetuation of Casey's fraud is HOW THEY HAVE ALWAYS ACTED.

I will not suspend my disbelief because they have had a tragedy. I will not enable them to continue to manipulate me because their situation is not one in which I would wish to find myself. I will not pretend that the lies and nastiness they spew are a symptom of this tragedy. I will continue to assert my opinion that these behaviors are a CAUSE.

I would love to hear the news that Caylee is alive and has been found well and will be returned to the arms of the family that declares their love for her daily. Both of these people refer to the smell of death in their daughter's car. Sampling, as questionable as you want to believe it is, demonstrates that there was a dead body there. They themselves declare this, and then spend months rewriting the story. I am by nature a logical person. I do not have all the facts, and do not profess to hold any such knowledge. Logic, even if horrid truths must be faced, is asked to be abandoned on a regular basis by the Anthony's and several other key players. I refuse.

As long as the senior Anthony's continue to manipulate, obfuscate, lie, distort, beleaguer the point, drag innocent children into their drama before verifying information, and generally attacking everyone else BUT their daughter because they're frustrated by her unpardonable unwillingness to clear up the tragedy surrounding the events of Caylee's disappearance and so feel they should project that on people who earnestly want to help find her, alive or dead, I'll continue to state that I see that manipulation, et al.

I will respectfully allow you to carry on as you see fit, engaging your sympathy for people who manipulate that sympathy. It is, after all, how you get through your day.

:clap: Terrific post and sums it all up in a nutshell!
I don't think GA did get a look in the trunk on the 24th either! He is lying just like Cindy probably told him to.

He told LE in his statement that KC would NOT let him in the trunk. He said she grabbed the cans and shoved them at him saying " here's your f--ing cans and then she took off!!
That is also what Lee said his dad told him when he gave his statement!

I agree and it makes perfect sense as why would she get SO bent out of shape towards him if there was nothing in the trunk?
I just finished watching the 4 newly released Cindy tapes. Just like her previously released interviews with LE, she controlled the entire interview. When the FBI agents were able to get a word in edgewise, she didn't appear to be listening to them but started shuffling papers and looking through her looseleaf binder, as if discounting everything that they said as not being important. The promotion of her theories of KC's "clues" when she spoke of the Nanny as being either Amy or Ricardo was completely crazy. I don't know how anyone can listen to this woman without grabbing her and shaking her in an attempt to force some common sense into her.
Odd, watching Cindy I thought she looked much better with her weight loss. Yes, she does look stressed to the max, and tired. I can't even imagine what she is going thru. If she wasn't under so much stress, had the right sleep, and the whole matter was settled, I think she would look younger than she did before.

After watching Cindy in more interviews I disagree with my above statement. Cindy is definately falling apart-She looks like death.
If 'this' was the closest they've seen and it was so quickly determined that it was not Caylee.... how they they complain LE is tired of checking out every 3 year old in the USA?

This MB isn't the brightest lightbulb, is she?

Since the police never investigated the photo, it's hard to believe they "ruled it out." It was more likely automatically ruled out because NO living child can be the dead child LE believes in.

I don't know too much about MB, don't know her IQ number, but she did look like she was trying to fill the shoes of a position she did not belong in.

Yes, and I was struck by her unkept appearance...unusual for a spokesperson. She also seemed hostile

I don't think she is normally the "out front" person. I do agree that she looks unkempt, but I didn't think she looked hostile. More uncomfortable, in my subjective opinion!

OH - and when the reporter asked George what the public should do if they think they spot Caylee...he says call DNA, KFN, etc. and then says LE (Orlando, FBI) - at which time CA says don't call them.....

It is well known that Cindy does not believe LE is doing fact help her find the "living" grandchild she is desperately hoping for. She has said before "don't bother" to call tips in, because she KNOWS LE will not investigate any lead about a live child. Even LE admits that!

But she also said, don't bother. It's obvious she is feeling alone, and has come to a realization that they will not get help from LE or FBI, because they don't believe Caylee is alive. That realization has hit her hard and fast, imo. She is feeling hopeless. I know there are many who will say she should have realized this long ago, but we are not walking in her shoes, so I, for one, will not make that judgement.

I totally agree with you. I think Cindy is the loneliest person on the face of this earth, and I think she has suffering etched all over her. My heart just goes out to her. I don't care if she has made mistakes, I don't care if she has changed her mind or is in denial about things, I just feel immense empathy for her. This poor woman is not only going to have to face the fact that her grandchild will probably never come home, she will have to face the fact that HER child is the reason.

CA looked like I do when I have a really bad migraine headache and I am about to hurl...I think the upcoming holidays are going to hell for her. KC...shame on you!!!

I think Cindy is dreading the holidays. I remember when my fil died: Thanksgiving and Christmas were insurmountable obstacles for my family. I did not know how we could possibly face those holidays, and I KNEW my fil was deceased, not suffering, not missing us.

And I SO agree with your "shame on you."

Hoping for an answer (i posted this in the NG thread but no one answered).
If GA says on the tapes he went to Caseys car (even though she was trying to keep him away) while she got the gas cans out on June 24th and he didnt see or smell anything. How can LE and LP say Caylee was killed on June 16th and was in the car all that time? If so, why didnt George smell anything on the 24th? I think they have the time line wrong. I am confused.

He approached the car, but never made it to the trunk. Casey raced him to the trunk and won the race: she removed the objects he was asking for before he got there.

The lack of smell is confusing: I would have thought the odor would have been very obvious almost ten days after it is estimated Caylee died. Obvious enough to be smelled even if you did not stick your nose directly into the trunk.

Oh course my posts are speculation and opinions. I however am not making derogatory comments about the A's and stating them as if they were facts.
I see them changing theirs stories and REACHING. Reaching for anything that will keep the hope that Caylee IS alive and has not been ripped from their lives forever. Like I said, I do think they have made "mistakes". I am however a compassionate person and my heart just breaks for ALL of Caseys victims, including her parents and brother.

You, my friend, are what some call an "old soul." You seem to have learned many of the lessons of life. It's a pleasure to read your posts.

Cindy looked like she was utterly wasted out of her mind. I am not sure what they have her "on" but it appeared in this interview that she may have had a little too much of whatever it is. They always say the same things: LE isn't helping them, the FBI isn't helping them, they are never going to stop looking. But they never say HOW LE and the FBI are failing them. Is it because they will not look for a live child when they have sufficient evidence to say Caylee IS dead? Is this the failure of which they are guilty? I feel so sorry for them.

Cindy has wasted away literally to nothing. She is skin and bones now and is not looking well at all. It has been 5 months since Caylee disappeared. There has not been ONE credible tip in all that time. Nothing has been turned up in the investigation that has led in the direction of a living and breathing Caylee. Although my heart does break for them and for the horror which is their life now, I am unable to come to terms with why they will not or cannot consider the evidence. They say there IS no evidence, but there MUST be or the OCSO would not issue a statement that Caylee is dead and they will no longer look for her as a "living child".

So what is the answer for these poor broken and shattered people? Where do they go from here, because it is doubtful that even KidFinders will continue to stick with them if they stop receiving donations...Who will support them then? This is so miserable and wrong. It is disgusting that Casey cares so much for her own self that she would DO this to her entire family. She may have killed Caylee quickly, but she is killing her family slowly and with great pain and I see no end in sight

I think you are right. They are upset with LE because LE has flat out said they won't search for or respond to tips leading to a live child. George and Cindy see "probably" and "could possibly" in BOLD LARGE FONT, as the most important words in the conclusions of FBI and body farm. They see the missing decomp compounds with the eyes of hope, and it is killing them that LE won't go there with them. I think they just see things completely differently than LE, and that is why they "can't see" what LE sees.

Good post!

Consider this:

November 19: Interview with CA, GA and Jessica D’Onofrio (where they say KC slept on air mattress and hugged teddy bear). There's a thread where some of the response to this interview is "Did CA have botox? She looks better than ever."

November 21: Two days later, CA, GA and Michelle Bart interview airs. CA looks rumpled, no makeup, gaunt, and appears to almost be sleeping.

Thank you for posting the two pics. I personally don't think Cindy looks good in the first pic: I think she looks like death warmed over. The only difference I see in the two pictures is lighting.

After watching Cindy in more interviews I disagree with my above statement. Cindy is definately falling apart-She looks like death.

Sadly, I completely agree with you. I hate to watch a person disintegrate, don't you?

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