Video of KC and Baez Crying together to be released UPDATE BAEZ THREATENS TO SUE

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Besides, she kept saying that she knew Caylee was okay. Therefore, it seems to me KC would hold on to the hope that the remains were not those of Caylee. Isn't the first stage of grief denial?

I don't think any of the stages of grief can be applied to KC. Her alleged reaction, imo, was fear and panic. I think she and JB were convinced there would be no body and therefore, plenty of reasonable doubt. She was so sure of herself that this was a real kick in the stomach....imo
Does anyone know when the hearing on this motion is supposed to be? I had thought it was today, but cannot find anything that corroborates this opinion...Anyone know when it's happening?
If my memory serves me well, Jose had so many days after he viewed the tape to submit his motion. I haven't seen anything in the news about him filing a motion so he must still be within that time limit. I think it was 10 days from whenever he viewed the tape.
Does that mean the judge will rule on it Thursday? Provided there are no further motions filed?
I have a visual...which means this should probably go on the "You know when your addicted" thread...

I see PeeWee, I mean, JB, in his meeting with the perp sobbing his little eyes out. His knows with the finding of Caylee's remains, his ship has sunk on this case. Now he has to come up with a whole new strategy and everything! :loser: Now he's gonna have to go and buy some more new ties for the cameras. Needless to say, it confirms his knowing that his client, that he has become very fond of, did indeed, do the job. His wife has probably been giving him some grief about his abundance of time spent with KC instead of at home where he belongs and oh by the way, when you gonna bring home some rent money! I can only imagine at this moment all he can do is sob.

KC on the other hand, is pizzed off!:behindbar Grow up! There's no time for your emotional breakdown! Get me out of here...and I mean now! Do you understand how I feel? I'm the victim here, not you, not Caylee! Now, go... and do what you have to do to get me off this rap and buy yourself a few new ties while your at it. You must look good when you stand next to me! Now, off with you...
This is something to think about for the skeptics! Casey use to PLAY or do whatever she did in the area where Caylees remains were found. She buried dead pets there. Not many people knew she hung out there. If Baez wants the old boyfriends computer/whatever to pin the murder on him, what happened to ZANNY.
Baez knows shes guilty but as a lawyer hired by KC he has an obligation to represent his paying client no matter what! Why does he stay with the case? Its gone nationwide- everyone knows of KC the A's and little Caylee. It brings or will bring Baez big bucks in the future. The Anthony case is his gravy train.

I have to respectfully disagree with both of your points.

I think a lot of people knew KC used to hang in the area. Throughout the months of searching that specific area was searched and re-searched repeatedly. If it were not for all the water dumped there Caylee would have been found months before Dec 11. (Not to mention a certain cop, back in August.)

That lot is apparently a neighborhood hang out, I saw people KC's age who said they had hung out there when they were young and Jr High age kids who said they had been there in the recent past. I'm assuming it was a seasonal situation. Probably more frequented in the dry, cooler months for less bug and snake activity.

I have tried unsuccessfully so far to find a news video clip of a young man shot soon after the Kio story came out. He said he used to live near by, recently moved back to town and had hung out with KC there when she was young. The guy looked a lot older than KC to me. I'm wondering if that guy was KW. Interjecting himself into the story way back when. Too weird.

Your second point that this case will make Jose rich. I'm not seeing it. Does he actually have any other clients now? Yes, there are those who will pick him out of the phone book because they recognize the name. No one who is paying any attention to this case will call on him though.

While Jose may have taken the case for the publicity he thought it would bring, it sure hasn't brought him the kind of notoriety he thought he was going to get. IMO. I don't even see people rushing out to buy a book if his name is on the cover. Once this case is over even his new bff GR won't be taking Jose's calls. Why would he? GR will have nothing to gain from Jose then either.

I suppose Jose can keep teaching classes at the college, at least as long as students will sign up for a course in what not to do.
Plus, I would SO love to be a fly on the wall behind closed doors at the SA's office to hear what they REALLY think and say about him. I bet there's a TON of laughing going on.

I've seen :laugh: a few times right there in the courtroom..Mostly by the male (?) SA.

JB had to see it too so he should know they think he's a :loser:

Most ppl would be totally :eek: but I have a feeling he simply doesn't care.

How :crazy: is that!
I don't know if this tape will be presented at trial, but I think the only value it has is to show how quickly Casey went from sheer panic or sadness that her daughter had been found (you could interpret it either way) to talking about football and being cool as a cumcumber.
RE: Sunshine laws

If casey and baez have such a problem with her entire life being aired to the world, then perhaps they shouldn't have fought so hard against the gag order. They only have themselves to blame. Baez especially because he's the one that wanted his face all over the airwaves.

That said, I highly doubt this video will come into evidence at trial. Even Judge S. deemed it highly inflammatory.
I wonder after the trial is over whether we will ever be able to see that video. I think I might just pay to see it.
RE: Sunshine laws

If casey and baez have such a problem with her entire life being aired to the world, then perhaps they shouldn't have fought so hard against the gag order. They only have themselves to blame. Baez especially because he's the one that wanted his face all over the airwaves.

That said, I highly doubt this video will come into evidence at trial. Even Judge S. deemed it highly inflammatory.

I do hope the Prosecution tries to bring it in. It must show something if JS ruled it was inflammatory.Maybe Consciousness of Guilt ? One can hope.
Has the defense filed a motion to keep it out?
I do hope the Prosecution tries to bring it in. It must show something if JS ruled it was inflammatory.Maybe Consciousness of Guilt ? One can hope.
Has the defense filed a motion to keep it out?

12/29/2010 Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion in Limine to Suppress Video Footage

12/29/2010 Motion In Limine to Suppress Video Footage
8 pages
video taken at jail on Dec 11, 2008

Posted: 11:55 pm EST December 30, 2010
Caylee's remains were discovered in December of 2008. Casey was watching coverage about the discovery and became visibility upset, according to officers.

Her lawyers filed a motion late Wednesday to suppress the video. They say her reaction is not relevant and that cameras were rolling as part of a set up.

Casey Anthony's lawyers also don't want a jury to see her reaction to Caylee Anthony's remains being found, according to a motion WFTV obtained Thursday. Her reaction was caught on camera from inside the Orange County jail.
Dec 30, 2010

2010.12.29 Motion and Memo of Law to Suppress Jail Video Footage
what Judge S. said about the jail hyperventilate video.

"Being duly advised in the premises, the defendant's Motion to Seal the Jail Videotape in question is granted. In taking this unusual step the Court has read and considered the pleadings of all parties, and personally viewed the videotape in question.

While the Court is loathe to shield any public record, an argument can certainly be made that the contents of the video are highly inflammatory."


"Given the nature and scope of the pretrial publicity, it is not unreasonable to assume that many persons in the potential jury pool might view this video and develop a "hardened" attitude in reference to the defendant's guilt."

"It is a public record since it was turned over as discovery. The only reason it isn't being released now is because it could potentially taint the jury pool, but after the trial it should be available - regardless of whether it is used in the trial or not. Will just have to be requested by someone.

And WKMG seems to be making a last-ditch effort to get it released now... hope they succeed."
12/29/2010 Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion in Limine to Suppress Video Footage

12/29/2010 Motion In Limine to Suppress Video Footage
8 pages
video taken at jail on Dec 11, 2008

Posted: 11:55 pm EST December 30, 2010
Caylee's remains were discovered in December of 2008. Casey was watching coverage about the discovery and became visibility upset, according to officers.

Her lawyers filed a motion late Wednesday to suppress the video. They say her reaction is not relevant and that cameras were rolling as part of a set up.

Casey Anthony's lawyers also don't want a jury to see her reaction to Caylee Anthony's remains being found, according to a motion WFTV obtained Thursday. Her reaction was caught on camera from inside the Orange County jail.
Dec 30, 2010

2010.12.29 Motion and Memo of Law to Suppress Jail Video Footage

Thanks for posting the links, Think!
I know JS ruled it was highly prejudicial and sealed it but if it's that "prejudicial" shouldn't that make it an important piece of evidence? ... We know this defense team will keep trying to keep anything that makes their client look bad or guilty of the crime out of the trial, but isn't that what evidence is supposed to do in order to convince a jury of the defendant's guilt??

I'm still holding out hope that it WILL be allowed in ... I think it's equally as important as showing KC's activities and demeanor during the 31 days ... this is her gut reaction to Caylee's remains being found ... not a sorrowful, grieving reaction but a scared and shocked reaction to being found out, panic that she might not get away with it ... I can't see how they can keep that out of trial ... a jury should get to see it, IMO

I can hope .... :praying:
Thanks for posting the links, Think!
I know JS ruled it was highly prejudicial and sealed it but if it's that "prejudicial" shouldn't that make it an important piece of evidence? ... We know this defense team will keep trying to keep anything that makes their client look bad or guilty of the crime out of the trial, but isn't that what evidence is supposed to do in order to convince a jury of the defendant's guilt??

I'm still holding out hope that it WILL be allowed in ... I think it's equally as important as showing KC's activities and demeanor during the 31 days ... this is her gut reaction to Caylee's remains being found ... not a sorrowful, grieving reaction but a scared and shocked reaction to being found out, panic that she might not get away with it ... I can't see how they can keep that out of trial ... a jury should get to see it, IMO

I can hope .... :praying:

I interpret Judge S's Order to be in effect to protect "potential jurors" from "pretrial" publicity and from forming an opinion of the Inmate's guilt before the trial begins .... but that the State will request it be admitted as evidence during the actual trial, and that it will be allowed in. We have not seen Judge Perry's ruling on the recent request by the Defense to keep the video out.

"Being duly advised in the premises, the defendant's Motion to Seal the Jail Videotape in question is granted. In taking this unusual step the Court has read and considered the pleadings of all parties, and personally viewed the videotape in question.

While the Court is loathe to shield any public record, an argument can certainly be made that the contents of the video are highly inflammatory."


"Given the nature and scope of the pretrial publicity, it is not unreasonable to assume that many persons in the potential jury pool might view this video and develop a "hardened" attitude in reference to the defendant's guilt."
I interpret Judge S's Order to be in effect to protect "potential jurors" from "pretrial" publicity and from forming an opinion of the Inmate's guilt before the trial begins .... but that the State will request it be admitted as evidence during the actual trial, and that it will be allowed in. We have not seen Judge Perry's ruling on the recent request by the Defense to keep the video out.

"Being duly advised in the premises, the defendant's Motion to Seal the Jail Videotape in question is granted. In taking this unusual step the Court has read and considered the pleadings of all parties, and personally viewed the videotape in question.

While the Court is loathe to shield any public record, an argument can certainly be made that the contents of the video are highly inflammatory."


"Given the nature and scope of the pretrial publicity, it is not unreasonable to assume that many persons in the potential jury pool might view this video and develop a "hardened" attitude in reference to the defendant's guilt."

Thanks! It gives me hope that we may get to see it someday even if it's not allowed in ...
This should be one of the things on the docket for March 2, 3 hearings, I'm thinking ?
Thanks! It gives me hope that we may get to see it someday even if it's not allowed in ...
This should be one of the things on the docket for March 2, 3 hearings, I'm thinking ?

The State has filed a Response to the other Defense Motions in Limine about the shovel, and the MySpace comments, and the lying history, just recently, on January 18th ... but we have not see the State's Response to the Defense Motion in Limine to suppress (keep out) the jail hyperventilate video (yet).

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