Video - who owns the tape?

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DNA Solves

Who owes the video?

  • Hoover

    Votes: 112 67.5%
  • The A's

    Votes: 21 12.7%
  • The public - in the search for justice

    Votes: 17 10.2%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 16 9.6%

  • Total voters
And this is what they do. Let's forget what the video shows or implies. Let's not wonder why in the world they are there in November. Instead let's put the focus on who owns the da*n tape. This is what the A's do.

Absoulutely!! And WHO is DC talking to? The spin on this one is mind boggling. That bus's wheels don't even touch the road anymore becausethere are so many bodies under it!!
WRONG! (Sorry :blowkiss:) I want justice for Caylee. I'm a nobody without a leg to stand on. I still want justice for Caylee.

I was referring to the different "camps" involved in the case: Anthony camp vs LE.
Not to anyone here.:)
It's hard to make a legal decision until you know all the facts, and the credibility issues abound in deciding those. Apparently, Casey and the A's have had these tapes all along. When Hoover first went public with the STORY of the tapes and what Casey was doing, what did we get? A denial of any such thing, calls that H was a liar, lame explanations, and a total disavowal that Hoover had anything to do with any of them other than as an unwanted, unimportant interloper. Casey clearly disavowed any association with him, or that they even went to the scene together. Then Hoover revealed he actually had some footage in his possession. Things have changed. The fact that BC now has a story from the A's doesn't make him credible to me. It's just as likely that it's Hoover's tape.

How fun, though, to start an indignant, petty battle about who OWNS the tape, and just dismiss the more important questions it raises.
Overall, though, I applaud anyone standing to stop Hoover from profiting from the tape. His intentions with the tape are highly suspicious, given that he did not go directly to LE with it, at first. The tv station may have facilitated the whole LE/FBI turnover thing, but he could have done the honorable thing and walked it into the sheriff's department and handed it over without parading it around, first. IMO
He could say he was looking for returnable soda bottles and aluminum cans to make a few cents since nobody was paying him. He's not. He's looking for Caylee's remains, and I want to know why. I don't even care if I have a right to know. I still want to know why. In fact, I insist on it.

This is about a murdered two year old baby, Caylee Marie Anthony. I've had enough of the BS.

My dear WS friend: You're not alone in this. I think safely we can say all of us here want the same thing. What they CAN say and what they SHOULD say has never been done with that goal in mind. What they HAVE said always has been to cover their own tukuses. I too share your frustration. Brad Conway once said he joined in the fray because "someone should do what's right." I wonder when that will happen.
Here's a thought: If in November, the A's were still insisting on looking for a "live" Caylee, what was DC doing rooting around in the garbage bags? Why would he be using a tool to poke at stuff if he was only looking for things related to Caylee? Gloves would have been sufficient. This makes no sense at all. Oh, I forgot, this case doesn't make any sense, not from day one!
My dear WS friend: You're not alone in this. I think safely we can say all of us here want the same thing. What they CAN say and what they SHOULD say has never been done with that goal in mind. What they HAVE said always has been to cover their own tukuses. I too share your frustration. Brad Conway once said he joined in the fray because "someone should do what's right." I wonder when that will happen.[/QUOTE]

bolded by me.

As bad as this sentence sounds, I expect the worst from the family, and hope for the best. I ask myself, "doesn't anyone do the right thing anymore? :(
Overall, though, I applaud anyone standing to stop Hoover from profiting from the tape. His intentions with the tape are highly suspicious, given that he did not go directly to LE with it, at first. The tv station may have facilitated the whole LE/FBI turnover thing, but he could have done the honorable thing and walked it into the sheriff's department and handed it over without parading it around, first. IMO

No, he didn't, and he isn't my hero, but neither did anyone else in possession of the tape and the information, including the family of the deceased little girl. Once Caylee's remains were found in the area, they should have revealed what was done there, just in case they might have moved any evidence inadvertently, etc.
:Banane45: :Banane45: :Banane45: < Ladies and Gentlemen allow me to give you the spin dance. We will see this alot this week. The only correct response when we see this will be... :rolleyes:
Definitely wasn't a lookie-see visit and he clearly was not concerned with perserving evidence should he encounter the body. Seems to me if I was innocent of said charges, and my PI who should be helping my case got a tip about the location of my daughters body I would expect him to handle it with more concern for the remains and the forensics that might show who the killer is. Of course if my PI was out to find the items I described and haul them out, I would expect it to look a lot the tape we saw.

His manner of stabbing and jabbing at the ground surely doesn't look like he's interested in "preserving evidence", as you said, if he found anything. DC has lost all credibility.
Here's a thought: If in November, the A's were still insisting on looking for a "live" Caylee, what was DC doing rooting around in the garbage bags? Why would he be using a tool to poke at stuff if he was only looking for things related to Caylee? Gloves would have been sufficient. This makes no sense at all. Oh, I forgot, this case doesn't make any sense, not from day one!

He wouldn't.

On Nov. 12, He says he "vehemently believes the three-year-old is alive."

In the video, he sure didn't look like he "vehemently" believes she's alive, does he?
It depends on the facts of the situation. If such work was within the scope of JH's employment with the A's--either pro bono or paid, then it belongs to the A's. If JH was only to provide security for the A's and DC simply asked him to tape it and he did & if the A's never paid him for that extra-contractual work-then JH.
Hoover owns the tape. Even if he offered his services to the A's. In the court of law (Texas anyhow) there needs to be proof such as a contract! In real estate there is a saying get it in writing, verbal agreements are void in court! Their lawyerS should have known to get these guys under contract.
As much spin as there is on this... There must be some really good evidence coming in a doc dump really soon. Seems like they come out shooting at the mouth right before LE brings out the goods!
I went back and was trying to find the article or video that was first made with DC where he said that JH was not working with him and that he told him it was inapproiate(sp) for him to be filming..
Funny how everyone involved in this case changes stories when as the wind blows.
I went back and was trying to find the article or video that was first made with DC where he said that JH was not working with him and that he told him it was inapproiate(sp) for him to be filming..
Funny how everyone involved in this case changes stories when as the wind blows.

Yep, I remember him saying that. It is funny how they all do that, isn't it? They are quite the bunch.
BC is just furiously throwing up smoke and mirrors, Tato. He's desperately trying to distract from the contents of the tape, and the serious questions it raises about his clients, Cindy, George, and DC.

His smooth talkin' ain't workin' on this old broad. My focus is on Caylee. I want to know why DC was digging and probing and slashing for her body within feet of where Caylee was thrown.

Well, don't forget about the alleged KING'S RANSOM that we heard (was it from Geraldo) that was being asked for the tape. TAPE = MONEY and now we have a fight over ownership claims?

Well, don't forget about the alleged KING'S RANSOM that we heard (was it from Geraldo) that was being asked for the tape. TAPE = MONEY and now we have a fight over ownership claims?


well we saw that money could be made on a "live Caylee" now sadly ...... seems that all everyone is interested's not about justice---unless justice is a dollar sign....sad sad and shameful! :mad::furious:
Hoover owns the tape. Even if he offered his services to the A's. In the court of law (Texas anyhow) there needs to be proof such as a contract! In real estate there is a saying get it in writing, verbal agreements are void in court! Their lawyerS should have known to get these guys under contract.
As much spin as there is on this... There must be some really good evidence coming in a doc dump really soon. Seems like they come out shooting at the mouth right before LE brings out the goods!

At this point, do we know if there was or wasn't a written contract between the A's and Hoover? We do know he was working pro bono... and working for free doesn't always mean a contract wasn't signed...
I don't think it matters who owns the tape. The OCSO and the FBI have it now. The rest is just squabbling over who gets the money from the tape. Disgusting!!

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