Vigils for Kyron

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I remember that Saturday morning seeing Kyron's sweet little face on Headline News that he was missing...all the way across the country, this little boy and the anguish of Desiree, Kaine and Tony gripped my heart and hasn't let go. :(

I don't have children yet I think of Kyron often..I see a child with a CSI shirt and my mind goes to Kyron...yesterday we picked up my nephew to take him to a minor league baseball game and he had gotten glasses since I last saw him - he is 8 and I started to tear up thinking of Kyron and how I'm sure Desiree would like to be taking him to a game that day...

It's so sad we have no real resolution yet...will keep up my prayers for him and his parents. :(

I saw this video tribute of Kyron to the song Fireflies which I believe he's tough to watch because I go from tearing up to smiling because of his smile.

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Tribute to Kyron Horman - Fireflies.wmv‬‏[/ame]

What a smile.

Come home soon, Kyron.
Sweet Kyron,
Each and every day for the past year I pray for you to come home! As I read new articles everyday and check in here everyday, I continue to believe in my heart that you will be found and pray it will be soon. My sons and I spent the day at the zoo yesterday in honor of you and you were with us all day long. Know that you have changed so many lives and touched so many hearts across an entire continent with your beautiful endearing smile. Believe in your heart that the goodness you have restored in so many and the love you raise to the surface in countless numbers of us is stronger than any evil. We will never stop praying for you, we will never ever forget you and we will all believe in miracles for as long as we have too until you are home in the arms of your loving family.

Desiree, a mother's love for her child can move mountains! Please feel the strength and love of all the mothers (and fathers and others) here who stand with you in your fight to bring your baby home. Let us lift you and help you on as you continue fighting. Your strength and wholehearted dedication is motherhood personified.

To he/she responsible for this horrible crime...know that your days are numbered...that no matter how long it takes no one will ever forget this beautiful baby or stop searching for him. You will never know peace, you will never be free, you will never persevere. You are living on borrowed time and the hourglass is running out. The strength of our hearts and our belief in this beautiful child will out last your ugliness and hate and you will know justice.
i think of kyron every day. even my boyfriend, who usually doesn't get into true crime or missing people stories, gets choked up when we talk about him. there's just something about that sweet smile, his interest in science, his love of mac & cheese and sushi, how curious and smart he seems. I love him and pray for him to come home.
The song Fireflies came on the radio in my car just as I got home. I drove around the block a couple times to listen to it.
I first heard of Kyron in the first days after he went missing. His bespectacled, smiling face caught my attention. A boy just a little older than my son (who at one time wore the same glasses as Kyron) missing from school. I initially didn't read anything about his story, but each time his story come on the news I felt more and more hopeful for him and wanted to learn more. I went looking for information to support that hope and I continue to check online for news everyday.

My heart breaks for his family and friends. As well as his classmates who regardless of who is responsible for Kyron's abduction will forever have the memory of him being taken from their school. I often think of Desiree (and other parents of missing children) and hope she is able to rest. Still praying that she will get to feel Kyron hug her again.
I just cannot conceive of Terri of hurting Kyron physically.

I can see her using, manipulating other persons to get her needs met.
IMO At the time she needed to "win" over Kaine as their marraiage was supposedly on the rocks due to her alcohol abuse. She needed a patsy. She needed attention.

To hide Kyron, to set up a phony ransom pick up, to take away Kyron's glasses, to confuse Kyron with horrid stories of Kaine....So she could walk away with the money and her beloved baby K makes sense to me. Terri needed a new life.

But, it's a year later....Now what Terri?
one year on kyron and you are still in my thoughts every single day.still praying you will come home safe,
June 4, 2010 I remember seeing this on grandson's first birthday was almost a month away...07/08/10. My son was working off 2 weeks at a time, his then wife, I couldn't reach. If I did, it was strange conversations or it would only be by text messages (drugs). My mind always wonders what she's doing, where my grandson is, & then I see this and wonder God, could this ever happen to me?

How would I handle it? What would I do? How would I survive? I can't imagine not having my grandson in my life or not knowing where he is & if he's alright....

Please keep Kyron in your prayers, continue to search for him & pray he is alright!
Praying Kyron will be returned safely to those that love and adore him. Praying that the person/persons involved just couldn't resist that sweet smile and have done him no harm. Praying for answers and justice!
I think of Kyron every single day, his dog tag I bought hangs in my truck, his little Christmas ornament (fundraiser) hangs on my bulliten board over my desk. His missing flier is in my Truck. I feel so sad for his parents, I can not imagine the feelings they have.

My youngest daughter asks about Kyron often (she is 8) and she sometimes comes to me with ideas on ways to search for him (going door to door etc.) She has even suggested that if we find a family with a little boy named Kyron, we could ask them if we could see them, and if it is "our" Kyron explain that he belongs somewhere else with his real family and they miss him :(
Your daughter is awesome, azmama! But you know that already, of course...
well, dear little Kyron

I can't believe it's been over a year and you're still not home
one thing's for sure, your mommy & daddy love you & miss you

we will keep vigil here (with candles in our homes) & they will keep the porchlight on for you for the rest of their lives if that's what it takes

and we will all keep the spotlight on justice for you
Sweet, Sweet boy... I think about you daily. My heart hurts for you and your family. You have helped me to appreciate my beautiful 3 year old girl and 2 year old boy even more (which I thought was not possible). Someday, I hope to visit this site and find that you have been found. I will not give up hope.
....I think of you often little guy. Whether I'm shopping or going to work, in the back of my mind, I'm always looking and listening for ANYTHING that will bring you home to your mom and dad who love and miss you. *sigh*

God bless Kyron and family
Kyron, I just want to cry when I think it's been a year. Your pictures always show a happy boy enjoying life to the fullest. It's so beautiful how much your Mom and Dad love you. They are staying strong to get you home. There's so many people thinking of you and praying for you. I like to think each prayer is like an angel we send out to find you. Many angels are at work to get you home soon. Hope is an active, living thing that powers things to happen, and many have not given up hope.
Kyron you are in so many peoples hearts, thoughts and prayers. No one more so than your family that loves you dearly. I will continue to keep you in mine in hopes that you will be home with them soon.

God Speed Kyron

Prayers an positive thoughts always xoxo

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