Vomiting Virus

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A little trivia on Norovirus: it's a tough mean little germ and can grow in ice makers. My dd is restaurant manager at a well known hotel. I told her abt the virus growing in ice makers/machines and next day at work she had the machine emptied and cleaned. She told me there was so much slimy stuff in the bottom and on the walls of the machine the she wasn't sure they could get it all out. She has made it a policy that the machine be cleaned routinely.
Flu Shot won't do a thing for noro virus, which is what this thread is about. However, the flu can mimic noro virus in rare cases. I got sick with what I thought was noro on a Friday afternoon. By the next Wednesday I wasnt any better. Went to the dr. Got a pherergen RX and was told it would have to run its course. A week later I went back even worse, but told the same thing. Friday, two weeks after getting sick, I was even worse. Went to the ER as I was seriously afraid I was dying. They did a flu swab first thing. I told them no way. No respiratory symptoms. You could've knocked me over. It wasnt noro, it was the flu! My symptoms were fever, aches, weakness, diarrhea, nausea.

Moral of the story, if you have what you think is a stomach virus that won't go away, get tested for the flu!
Eating yogurt and/or taking a probiotic is also a smart idea with these stomach bugs going around.
Oops, I posted a short mention on page one, but I'll leave this up anyway. More detail.
100% pure Concord grape juice is really good against the flu, the virus actually dies in lab studies. 8 ounces a day or so is recommended.
About a week and a half ago I had my 2 youngest granddaughters. They were great all day and I put them to sleep in my bed. Checked on them a little bit and the older one threw up all over my bed. She was sick all night. I was going to take her to the ER but fortunately she didn't throw up again. Her mom took her to the doctor's because she hadn't had her flu shot yet. The pediatrician ran out and it just came back in. They had their flu shots but he told her it wasn't the flu but a virus that a lot of kids were getting. The only symptom is vomitting and it ends after about 12 hours. She was fine after that.
The next Sunday, a week ago, my 18 year old daughter woke me up at 6 am crying and crying. She hates nothing worse then vomitting and she had it bad. I took her to the ER and fortunately it wasn't crowded. They said it was the norovirus and they were flooded with cases. They said it usually only lasted about 36 hours. She got fluids and nausea medicine and stayed in bed for a few days and she was fine. As were were leaving the ER it was like the floodgates were open, several people came in at once with the same symptoms. In fact, I was in ER's 3 times that weekend and they all said they were flooded with patients. How on earth I have managed not to get it I will never know but I am so thankful I didn't. I did however wind up with strep throat so I didn't get away from being sick.
DH and I are leaving this Saturday for a cruise. We've both had Norovirus on different cruises, and it's no fun to be sick while on vacation. Since I vomited in an elevator, I had to report my illness. DH and one of my sisters came down with Noro on the last day of a cruise and stayed in their respective staterooms until it was time to disembark. On that particular voyage, there were nearly 400 sick passengers/crew.

I've been checking cruise information sites for current reports of Noro but our vessel isn't among those listed as having outbreaks of the stomach virus. That doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't Noro on the ship: It simply means that there aren't enough cases to report to CDC. Passengers who have symptoms are reluctant to report their illness because they risk being quarantined in their cabin until medical staff determines that they are healthy. Passengers are required to fill out a health questionnaire at embarkation but probably aren't truthful in answering simple questions about their current health status, i.e. diarrhea, vomiting, fever, cough, etc. Admitting that one is unwell at embarkation could result in being denied boarding.

I've packed Advil, Benedryl, Immodium, Pepto-Bismol, and Tucks but hope that we won't need them during our trip. I also packed a carton of Lysol Disinfectant Wipes and will clean everything in our stateroom that we touch - door/drawer handles, TV remote, light switches, faucets, etc. even though our cabin will be serviced daily. We'll wash our hands frequently and avoid touching railings, elevator buttons, door handles, etc. in public venues. We also avoid using restrooms other than our own stateroom. An ounce of prevention...

Bon Voyage :)
100% pure Concord grape juice is really good against the flu, the virus actually dies in lab studies. 8 ounces a day or so is recommended.

Yes...but who's gonna go get me some?

I am SOOO sick...but I'm not vomiting. I'm pretty sure this is either a bad cold, though...this is day three, and I'm getting worse...or a slow start flu.

At the moment, I am sitting in a house with the thermostat at 73*, wrapped in a blanket, shivering and sneezing and coughing; temp at 102.6. (If it goes over 103.5, I'll go into the ER...) I have slept most of the day, and am heading back to bed now...achy body, headache, fever, chills, coughing/sneezing so hard I'm sitting on a towel; spacy head, weird dreams...want NO food but lots of fluids...

I took an IB600, 2 Aleve, 2 more IB600, and just now took two Percocet. I am sneaking up on my daily allowance of IB (4,000 mg), so need to get other things from the store, but I don't trust myself to drive/shop, and I don't know anyone who'd run out to the store for me at the moment...neighbor will when he comes home from work, and across the street neighbor will, too, when she comes home. And I know everyone at the market, and could call them with a request for juice and they'd probably send someone over...but all that is later, and I just want to get back into bed.

Gah. And I SOOO need to get the dogs to the park...wont be today, probably won't be tomorrow, and maybe it will be on Friday...I also need a bath, and am JUST not up for that at all...

I know...I'm whining. Sorry, kids. Just wanted to be heard, I guess. This is the one time in life when I don't totally love living alone...when I am sick. Makes things very, very hard.

Herding Cats
If I were closer, I would get you some grape juice, HerdingCats! Feel better soon!

Have a great cruise BetteDavisEyes!
Herding cats pls get to the ER or Dr and get the Nasal Swab for H1N1; I am still at home recovering after being in hospital a week. There is a point where you start to "feel better" and then you crash and are Even Worse if you can imagine that...malaise is a killer. Please Please make sure you get swabbed then you will know what you are fighting. OK?
It's really important. I wanted to die, I felt Like I WAS going to die...I'm still dealing with gaining my strength back this H1N1 will kick your butt. Please get swabbed.
I hope you don't have it. Check in with us when you can! And stay Down.
Paging Dr. Davis :D

Before my hair appointment this morning, I went to CVS and bought (surgical) masks and gloves. I am determined to stay well during my trip and will wear a mask on the plane and disposable gloves around the ship.
Everyone in my family except me had this a few months ago. My poor 16 year old lost 2kg the first day and it lasted for 5 days. I won't give the disgusting details but the worst thing for me as a carer was the fact that sometimes there was literally no time between the urge to vomit and it happening.
Two words...


I got the flu shot and still got the flu. No one else in my house got the flu. So I think the shot works and since I have Asthma and didn't end up with Pneumonia then I figure the shot helped. I went to bed fine but woke up thinking I was dying. I was having an asthma attack and really thought I had Pneumonia but hurt all over. I kept saying I don't have the flu, I had a flu shot. Lol
I got the flu shot and still got the flu. No one else in my house got the flu. So I think the shot works and since I have Asthma and didn't end up with Pneumonia then I figure the shot helped. I went to bed fine but woke up thinking I was dying. I was having an asthma attack and really thought I had Pneumonia but hurt all over. I kept saying I don't have the flu, I had a flu shot. Lol
I got the flu shot in Nov., and still got a mild case of it now, but I know it could've been much worse had I not gotten the shot. I too think the shot works and that anybody who doesn't get it is playing Russian Roulette. Several people around here have died because of the flu. So glad my husband finally got his shot!
DH and I are leaving this Saturday for a cruise. We've both had Norovirus on different cruises, and it's no fun to be sick while on vacation. Since I vomited in an elevator, I had to report my illness. DH and one of my sisters came down with Noro on the last day of a cruise and stayed in their respective staterooms until it was time to disembark. On that particular voyage, there were nearly 400 sick passengers/crew.

I've been checking cruise information sites for current reports of Noro but our vessel isn't among those listed as having outbreaks of the stomach virus. That doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't Noro on the ship: It simply means that there aren't enough cases to report to CDC. Passengers who have symptoms are reluctant to report their illness because they risk being quarantined in their cabin until medical staff determines that they are healthy. Passengers are required to fill out a health questionnaire at embarkation but probably aren't truthful in answering simple questions about their current health status, i.e. diarrhea, vomiting, fever, cough, etc. Admitting that one is unwell at embarkation could result in being denied boarding.

I've packed Advil, Benedryl, Immodium, Pepto-Bismol, and Tucks but hope that we won't need them during our trip. I also packed a carton of Lysol Disinfectant Wipes and will clean everything in our stateroom that we touch - door/drawer handles, TV remote, light switches, faucets, etc. even though our cabin will be serviced daily. We'll wash our hands frequently and avoid touching railings, elevator buttons, door handles, etc. in public venues. We also avoid using restrooms other than our own stateroom. An ounce of prevention...

Bon Voyage :)
We took a cruise last July- they did make everyone under age 18 fill out the illness questionnaire prior to embarkation. I always pack Advil, Imodium, and Pepto-Bismol type products as a precaution. Nothing happened, you should be fine, enjoy your trip. Bon Voyage!:seeya:
DH and I are leaving this Saturday for a cruise. We've both had Norovirus on different cruises, and it's no fun to be sick while on vacation. Since I vomited in an elevator, I had to report my illness. DH and one of my sisters came down with Noro on the last day of a cruise and stayed in their respective staterooms until it was time to disembark. On that particular voyage, there were nearly 400 sick passengers/crew.

I've been checking cruise information sites for current reports of Noro but our vessel isn't among those listed as having outbreaks of the stomach virus. That doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't Noro on the ship: It simply means that there aren't enough cases to report to CDC. Passengers who have symptoms are reluctant to report their illness because they risk being quarantined in their cabin until medical staff determines that they are healthy. Passengers are required to fill out a health questionnaire at embarkation but probably aren't truthful in answering simple questions about their current health status, i.e. diarrhea, vomiting, fever, cough, etc. Admitting that one is unwell at embarkation could result in being denied boarding.

I've packed Advil, Benedryl, Immodium, Pepto-Bismol, and Tucks but hope that we won't need them during our trip. I also packed a carton of Lysol Disinfectant Wipes and will clean everything in our stateroom that we touch - door/drawer handles, TV remote, light switches, faucets, etc. even though our cabin will be serviced daily. We'll wash our hands frequently and avoid touching railings, elevator buttons, door handles, etc. in public venues. We also avoid using restrooms other than our own stateroom. An ounce of prevention...

Bon Voyage :)
Royal Caribbean Cruise Passengers Fall Ill

Added by Juana Poareo on January 25, 2014.
Three hundred passengers and crew members have fallen ill aboard a Royal Caribbean cruise ship that departed Tuesday from New Jersey. Halfway through the 10-day cruise, people aboard the ship started becoming sick, suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).​
The Explorer of the Seas cruise was heading toward St. Maarten, a Caribbean island, when reports started coming in that passengers were falling ill. Out of 3,050 passengers and 1,165 crew members, about 281 passengers and 22 crew members fell ill from a quick-spreading illness suspected to be a highly contagious norovirus. The cruise ship stopped Saturday in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to completely sanitize the ship; it was due to stop in Haiti but the plan was to go straight to San Juan to began the sanitation process on the cruise ship. The cause of the illness outbreak is not known but the CDC will board the Royal Caribbean ship Sunday to ”conduct an epidemiologic investigation, environmental health assessment, and evaluate the outbreak and response activities.” The ill passengers and crew members did respond well to over-the-counter medications.
The Royal Caribbean International line just recently had an outbreak Jan. 17, when its four-day Majesty of the Seas cruise had to return to dock to deal with a norovirus outbreak. Sixty eight people became ill, two of them crew members. more at link: http://guardianlv.com/2014/01/royal-caribbean-cruise-passengers-fall-ill/

Hoping Bette Davis didn't take Royal Carribean!

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