W.S. Exclusive. Cindy A. Tells Websleuths Owner Her Lawyer Is Taking On Websites!

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JMHO but I would not want someone discussing me and my membership status. Why not just say she has not posted in a few days. lol, I have no idea to tell what their status is anyway...
anyone can see what her status is----it is stated right underneath her name!!
Eh... Don't sweat it. Empty words from an empty-minded twit.

I haven't read through this whole thread, but if no one else has mentioned it, the criteria for libel are pretty rigid.

In most cases the plaintiff must prove that

A. The libel was present in a for-profit media, such as a magazine, book, ect...

B. The libelous content was malicious

C. The libelous content caused a specific harmful effect, such as loss of income, ect...

This is just noise.
I'm for it...how do we do it without getting banned?

Okay...I am thinking covert operation here...

An elected, trusted representative who accepts the "tips" through a previously mentioned drop-site, purchases said "supply", and then mails it anonymously to said "ring leader."

Can we get a moderator to get involved with this anyone with an email address can get money sent via PP. Anyone live in the area of Tricia?
I say one person is selected to take all funds, purchase the laptop and give it to Tricia.
Any nominees???
Here is my theory about the discussion.

I have run across this before on my blog. CA may have been trying to feel Tricia out about the fact that Tricia does have the ability to moderate posts, and I don't think that it was bad language that she was objecting to.

There have been a couple of posters who say they have emailed Cindy about WS. I can't remember who the other was. The lady who dug through the Anthony's trash found prints of WS posts. And if Cindy has been on WS making prints then she has at some point seen the mods warnings about the discussions, giving warnings about banning and pulling posts.

So she knew, she just wanted to get Tricia to acknowlege it IMO. I think what she was actually thinking about was the posts that referred to Casey as a murderer. I mean, why would she care if Tricia allowed bad language? People hit blogs like this all the time and the usual objection is "innocent until proven guilty". In other words, don't accuse my friend/family- even in cases where there is a witness/evidence they will say that. I think she may be trying to set up for a slander/libel suit.

JMO of course!
I thought this for a long time (slander/libel suit) and posted as such. There was a "subtle" shift in the media outlets (shows like NG and Greta) reporting of the A's. We live in a very litigious society. It wouldn't surprise me if that's been threatened.

You always crack me up. lol
I dont have paypal, but could send a US money order.
Can we do that, then Turbo? Let me know who to send the money order to please?
She has given us so much and I'm sure we all know what its like to not have the ready money that we would like.
This isnt just for fun. She NEEDS a laptop!
Just tell me where to send my money order. I cant do much but will sure help out!

I was just thinking we could mail ANONYMOUS mail orders to her and she could not send them back. LOL
BTW, Tricia...thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Basically A's have told everybody to shut up and start looking for their granddaughter. Maybe Cindy is going to join us soon with her nonsense.

Sorry about the laptop, I have recently had two HP laptops that crashed after 6 months. I guess we need now 'Tricia's laptop fund'.:blowkiss:

I have a Gateway desktop and an HP laptop and I hate them both! GRRRR

I had an HP desktop for years and just got the Gateway recently.
I didn't realize how much better the HP desktop was till I got the Gateway!

Next time, it's strictly a mac for me.

OK. So where do I send money for Tricia's mac?
Good idea Turbo. I'm for it. Where would we send it?

This is exciting!!! I sure KNOW what its like to receive a laptop as a gift. I have met the most wonderful people on WS, all thanks to Tricia.
Eh... Don't sweat it. Empty words from an empty-minded twit.

I haven't read through this whole thread, but if no one else has mentioned it, the criteria for libel are pretty rigid.

In most cases the plaintiff must prove that

A. The libel was present in a for-profit media, such as a magazine, book, ect...

B. The libelous content was malicious

C. The libelous content caused a specific harmful effect, such as loss of income, ect...

This is just noise.

Another example of just "talking to hear her brain rattle."
hi tigress
i have been behaving myself... really i am go check all of my posts
i have not called anyone any names... emmmmmmmmmmm.. at least that i can remember...:crazy::crazy:

Hiya Dawg..

At least you can accept your punishment proudly, unlike what is happening here... blameshifting.. That's all I see with this family.

Caylee is missing and they're hammering signs, wrapping crime scene tape around their house, cussin' the public, fighting with protesters, making movie/book deals and housing a liar.

Where's the search for Caylee?

This post is my way of exercising my constitutional right to speak freely. I've earned that... :) I don't see anyone taking that away from any of us.

They can shut Casey up but they can't shut the rest of the world up.
well. if people just wanted to donate a few bucks and then it gets you a new laptop and then when you want to after things settle down for you you can then put it on ebay and send the proceeds to another person or organization...... like tim millers org.

CA doesnt tell me what to say...
nobody tells me what to say.. unless of course im in someone else's living room like i am here..

i will of course behave here but it doesnt mean i dont have my own site that spells out exactly how i feel about the whole situation.....

good luck CA trying to take my constitutional rights away... good luck with that :furious::furious::furious:
gotta luv our robot dog! :blowkiss:

You always crack me up. lol
I dont have paypal, but could send a US money order.

im ready to send dough as we speak
we need a mod. to help facilitate this operation

i hereby name this " OPERATION EAGLE 1 COMPUTER "

this is a simple problem with a simple solution

lets light this candle
The potty mouth problem seems to be one Cindy has herself. IE the fight outside the house the other night. TSK TSK TSK

she was defending her 3 y/o granddaughter, who is missing, probably dead, and was being referred to as a '&^%^*&^ baby' by some white trash, rude, foul-mouthed wretched thing in front of her own house.

i would have had more choice words for that woman, i think cindy was easy on her, considering how personal it was, to be honest.

i don't agree with cindy trying to get sites shut down, but i can see how was easily angered that night. anyone would be, even if they don't think they would. you never know how you'll react to something til it really happens.
Good idea Turbo. I'm for it. Where would we send it?

This is exciting!!! I sure KNOW what its like to receive a laptop as a gift. I have met the most wonderful people on WS, all thanks to Tricia.

I am going to send mine here ...........she has NO way to know where or WHO to send it back to............hehehehehe

Websleuths C/O Tricia Griffith
6300 N. Sage Wood Drive
Suite H #214
Park City UT
Can we do that, then Turbo? Let me know who to send the money order to please?
She has given us so much and I'm sure we all know what its like to not have the ready money that we would like.
This isnt just for fun. She NEEDS a laptop!
Just tell me where to send my money order. I cant do much but will sure help out!
Ditto here!
Okay...I am thinking covert operation here...

An elected, trusted representative who accepts the "tips" through a previously mentioned drop-site, purchases said "supply", and then mails it anonymously to said "ring leader."


LOL very clandestine and undercovery... I Love it!
Hiya Dawg..

At least you can accept your punishment proudly, unlike what is happening here... blameshifting.. That's all I see with this family.

Caylee is missing and they're hammering signs, wrapping crime scene tape around their house, cussin' the public, fighting with protesters, making movie/book deals and housing a liar.

Where's the search for Caylee?

This post is my way of exercising my constitutional right to speak freely. I've earned that... :) I don't see anyone taking that away from any of us.

They can shut Casey up but they can't shut the rest of he world up.


and another thing.. if i do make another mistake by calling names i will BAN myself -- so therefore there will be NO NEED for any mods to watch over me from this point forward... i will self mod myself

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i am losing it :eek:

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