WA - Civil rights activist Rachel Dolezal pretending to be black, parents say #2

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City's NAACP leader accused of falsifying race

Controversy has erupted over the racial identity of an NAACP leader in Washington state, after her parents told media outlets that their daughter is white and has been pretending to be black for years.

Rachel Dolezal, 37, is president of the civil rights organization’s Spokane chapter and teaches African studies at Eastern Washington University.

Lawrence and Ruthanne Dolezal, a white couple from Montana, have said in interviews that they are her biological parents. Rachel Dolezal has described herself publicly as biracial and has posted photos of herself online with a black man she identified as her father.

"Our daughter is Caucasian" say parents of Spokane NAACP President Rachel Dolezal.


Thread #1
FWIW, Joshua's account about the ex seeming controlling lacks a tad bit of context.

The letter the ex wrote to RD about lies and that their son told him everything was written in July 2004? Joshua writes that the ex, RD and son were all together at the parents house in August 2004. That's when the ex wouldn't allow his son to go swimming, and said RD wasn't going either...Joshua's evidence of "abuse."

Not sure how a written letter to his ex fits in with being together in August, but even if they were, obviously things weren't going well. Maybe the ex didn't want her to swimming because they were in the middle of a fight, FGS.

The ex was already accusing her of lying about him in July....way before divorce proceedings began in November, or when separation papers were served in October, supposedly, along with a restraining order that isn't mentioned in court records.
From the idaho repository it appears there was a court order for counseling with a psychologist during Rachel's divorce from her sons father in August of 2006.

I am hopeful that the father of the boy petitions the court for full custody due to all of the history of lies, deceit, and for RD having no verifiable legal income to support the child. I believe she has exposed her son to the possibility of public shaming and ridicule. Furthermore he is having to endure the endless white bashing and alleged hate crimes claims his mother continues to manufacture. Not feeling the love for RD being the primary caregiver of anyone.


Search Rachel Moore in Kootenai county
comes up as Moore, Rachel Dolezal
From the previous thread:

otto said:
...I can't understand how anyone could not be proud of their own heritage, even if it is grandparent mixed race. I don't understand the race problems that are prevalent in the US. Other countries don't get it, and the sooner people in the US get it, the better....

Because you are hung up on outmoded biological definitions of race, you miss the fact that racial problems of the U.S. are mirrored in countries all over the world. Muslims slaughter Christians in Sudan, French conservatives' hatred of French Muslims is on the rise, the English and Irish have a violent history in the British Isles, ditto the Japanese and Koreans, and even the Swedes denigrate their Finnish guest workers. Within Indonesia, to take your example, there is a history of friction between Chinese immigrants and native islanders (as well as the historical tension between the Dutch and the natives which you yourself note).

Unfortunately, xenophobia is an all too common human impulse and, to her credit, Canada is a poor model for what is the norm in other countries.
From the previous thread:

Because you are hung up on outmoded biological definitions of race, you miss the fact that racial problems of the U.S. are mirrored in countries all over the world. Muslims slaughter Christians in Sudan, French conservatives' hatred of French Muslims is on the rise, the English and Irish have a violent history in the British Isles, ditto the Japanese and Koreans, and even the Swedes denigrate their Finnish guest workers. Within Indonesia, to take your example, there is a history of friction between Chinese immigrants and native islanders (as well as the historical tension between the Dutch and the natives which you yourself note).

Unfortunately, xenophobia is an all too common human impulse and, to her credit, Canada is a poor model for what is the norm in other countries.

IMHO referring to French conservatives as a (subdivision of) race is rather uncommon.
Mostly OT, but not entirely...

Look up "Wolfpack brothers" for a view into exceptionally awful homeschooling parenting (to say the least), and then check out the reviews of this documentary that largely avoid the issue of the incredible cruelty of what their father did, whatever his reasons. So bizarre, all the way round.
Mostly OT, but not entirely...

Look up "Wolfpack brothers" for a view into exceptionally awful homeschooling parenting (to say the least), and then check out the reviews of this documentary that largely avoid the issue of the incredible cruelty of what their father did, whatever his reasons. So bizarre, all the way round.

What does awful homeschooling have to do with this thread?
IMHO referring to French conservatives as a (subdivision of) race is rather uncommon.

I wrote that the problems (i.e., the strife between groups) were mirrored, not that the groups themselves were perfectly equivalent. French Muslims are largely Algerians, however, so the conflict might be seen as historically European v. historically African. It is a colonial legacy as are racial problems in the U.S. In fact, I'd say that in most places with a history of religious conflict, each denomination is upheld by an ethnic group that defines itself in terms of worship.

E.g., Serbs and Croats considered themselves different nationalities even when they were all Yugoslavs, but they share a common language and origin. Where they differ is in religion (respectively, Russian Orthodox v. Roman Catholic) and, to a lesser extent, economic class (professional v. working).

My point wasn't so much about constructs of race in general, but that every group tends to define itself as "better than" some other group. Homophobia works in a similar fashion even when it is entirely detached from racial characteristics.

I hope this helps. Sorry my examples weren't clearer.
'My dad's exodus, the great migration to the North from the Deep South where they left on the midnight train because a white officer harassed and threatened to, was about ready to, beat his dad with a billy club and he whipped around and actually slapped the officer to his knees,' Dolezal said while being interviewed by Taylor Weech for a podcast of her father's journey.'
'They got out of town on the midnight train because as a black family in the deep south if you had any kind of a negative altercation with a white cop where you stood up for yourself it was gonna go badly for you.'

She then went on to say her father became a cop, and shared a story about his time in the Marines.
'He has 24 years in the Marines too, so of course had three attempts on his life by white subordinates in the military because he was a superior officer,' she said.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...tes-tried-kill-three-times.html#ixzz3dftRWm8S
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

JMO but the "of course" sounds like she is a bit of a racist. Of course white people are going to try to murder you if you're black and in high places.

Three racist murder attempts against a single Marine officer would be pretty big news I think
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...tes-tried-kill-three-times.html#ixzz3dftRWm8S
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

JMO but the "of course" sounds like she is a bit of a racist. Of course white people are going to try to murder you if you're black and in high places.

Three racist murder attempts against a single Marine officer would be pretty big news I think

Exodus, great migration, deep south, midnight train... I've never known anyone who talked like this. It still blows me away she fooled so many people.
Dolezal denounced the film as “miseducation [sic],” “misrepresentation,” and “highly offensive” to ancient Egyptians. “And also to people today,” she continued, “it’s robbing and shredding ancestry and history.”

Yes, Rachel Dolezal yelled at Christian Bale for robbing someone else’s ancestry.


Has she no sense of irony whatsoever?
From the previous thread:

Because you are hung up on outmoded biological definitions of race, .....

Snipped respectfully, for focus.

I have followed the discussion of the biologic basis of race here, and recall this discussion from some university courses. While most anthropologists agree that there is no "one" DNA identification of race, they pretty much all agree that forensic anthropologists are able to identify "race" (enthicity) quite accurately from skeletonized remains. An example is the "shovel" shaped incisors in the Asian group of people. Dr. Bill Blass (of the "Body Farm" fame, in his books, spends a fair amount of time discussing skeletal characteristics of different racial groups.)

Gender, age, and race are the "big three" that are so very important for forensic anthropologists and medical examiners to identify, so that missing persons can be compared to the found remains.

This rather short (5 pages) article discusses forensic identification of the race of skeletonized remains, based on skeletal measurements within a data base of thousands of individuals. It is not "perfect", of course, but one has to acknowledge that forensic pathologists are "right" more often than they are "wrong" about racial/ ethnic characteristics of the skeleton. And admittedly, it is from 1992, but I'm hard pressed to find newer literature that discredits this discussion.


Physical anthropologists have a problem. While
arguably the majority of us feel that human biological
races do not exist, the assignment of a race to a set
of skeletal remains is a routine part of most forensic
anthropology evaluations. This problem is especially
profound for those of us who feel that debunking the
idea that human biological variation naturally dividesitself into three major groups is an important role for
modem anthropology.

Perhaps if the racial identification practiced by
forensic anthropologists reflected some new sophisticated
treatment of gene frequencies more enlightened
than the centuries old popular notion with which we
are all familiar. But modem race identification studies
in forensic anthropology invariably involve some
combination of the Big Three, Black, White and
Asiatic (including American Indian). Three recent
forensic anthropology texts underscore the point:
In many cases there is little doubt that an
individual belonged to the Negro, Caucasian, or
Mongoloid racial stock [30].

Thus the forensic anthropologist uses the term
race in the very broad sense to differentiate what
are commonly known as white, black and yellow
racial stocks [31].

In estimating race forensically, we prefer to
determine if the skeleton is Negroid or non-
Negroid. If findings favor non-Negroid, then
further study is necessary in order to rule out
Mongoloid [32].

Does the accuracy with which forensic anthropologists
are able to determine whether an individual is
White, Black or Native American from skeletal
remains obviate the race/non-race debate? Is the
practice a validation of the traditional race concept?
My position in this paper is that race identification by
forensic anthropologists has little to do with whether
or not biological races exist.
The race controversy in
anthropology is a debate about natural groupings of
human biological diversity, a question of taxonomy.
Forensic anthropologists, when they assign a race
label to a skeleton, are involved in a process that uses
a narrowly defined set of biological variables for a
very specific end, that is, to construct a biological
profile that will match a missing person report


What does awful homeschooling have to do with this thread?

The pertinent question is what does homeschooling have to do with Dolezal family dynamics or how RD turned out or if RD lies because she was traumatized by a Duggar-like upbringing; commentators have suggested or flat out asserted that she was, and her parents were abusive, based on little more than the fact RD and only RD was homeschooled. By choice, and only for 2 years, in high school.

My point was... the Wolfpack brothers' experience is what abusive parenting and homeschooling looks like. And my second point was that virtually all commentary about the film completely ignores that what happened to them was incredibly abusive...not hip, or merely curious, but abusive, even if all the boys are smiling now. Kinda parallel to Dolezal commentary focusing on a manufactured debate about whether or not there's such a thing as "transracial," while skipping over the central story, which are her lies to LE, etc. and her ugly claims of abuse.
Snipped respectfully, for focus.

I have followed the discussion of the biologic basis of race here, and recall this discussion from some university courses. While most anthropologists agree that there is no "one" DNA identification of race, they pretty much all agree that forensic anthropologists are able to identify "race" (enthicity) quite accurately from skeletonized remains. An example is the "shovel" shaped incisors in the Asian group of people. Dr. Bill Blass (of the "Body Farm" fame, in his books, spends a fair amount of time discussing skeletal characteristics of different racial groups.)

Gender, age, and race are the "big three" that are so very important for forensic anthropologists and medical examiners to identify, so that missing persons can be compared to the found remains.

This rather short (5 pages) article discusses forensic identification of the race of skeletonized remains, based on skeletal measurements within a data base of thousands of individuals. It is not "perfect", of course, but one has to acknowledge that forensic pathologists are "right" more often than they are "wrong" about racial/ ethnic characteristics of the skeleton. And admittedly, it is from 1992, but I'm hard pressed to find newer literature that discredits this discussion.



Exactly. Your source is from 1992. The Human Genome Project wasn't complete until 2001. (I was raised on the old 3-race classification system, too, but the collection of DNA from people all over the world was a watershed event in the history of anthropology.)

In this very room you may find a thread on the "Kennewick Man", a 9,000-year-old North American skeleton that anthropologists were SURE was Polynesian because of the shape of its skull. The DNA results came back recently and--oops!--Kennewick Man is genetically indistinguishable from modern Native Americans. It turns out skull shape isn't as reliable an indicator as it was once thought to be.

That's why SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN says anthropologists have reached a "consensus" that race is not statistically significant as a biological factor, and the concept of biological "race" should be abolished. Biological race was always a product of socially constructed prejudices; so-called "biological" indicia of race were used primarily (though not by you or me or otto, I'm sure) to support previously existing racial prejudices.

I understand that a forensic scientist may say that a certain sort of skull (or nose or knee cap or hair) is more likely to be associated with a certain skin color, but it is no more than a moderately educated guess.
FWIW, Joshua's account about the ex seeming controlling lacks a tad bit of context.

The letter the ex wrote to RD about lies and that their son told him everything was written in July 2004? Joshua writes that the ex, RD and son were all together at the parents house in August 2004. That's when the ex wouldn't allow his son to go swimming, and said RD wasn't going either...Joshua's evidence of "abuse."

Not sure how a written letter to his ex fits in with being together in August, but even if they were, obviously things weren't going well. Maybe the ex didn't want her to swimming because they were in the middle of a fight, FGS.

The ex was already accusing her of lying about him in July....way before divorce proceedings began in November, or when separation papers were served in October, supposedly, along with a restraining order that isn't mentioned in court records.

Did you find this claim in his book:

"Dolezal told a student journalist that “Jesus Christ” was listed as the witness on her birth certificate. Jesus is not. Her brother Joshua, however, makes the same claim about his birth certificate in his memoir."


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