WA WA - D.B. Cooper hijacking mystery, 24 Nov 1971 - #3

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Hi all, I’m researching for a book I’m writing related to the D.B. Cooper case. Yes, I know...another one?!?

That said; I believe my book is a truly unique perspective/theory that will no doubt be the first of its kind on this topic.

Is there anyone interested in starting some fresh dialogue, specifically unrelated to current or past suspect(s) theories? I have some very basic provocative questions that I’ve not been able to uncover answers to.

Hoping to find others willing to look at this from another direction to either help further my theory or to potentially point me toward facts that might discount it.

Look forward to continuing this discussion.

Had this article pop up on another thread!


"The notorious case of the mysterious plane hijacker known as D.B. Cooper just took another curious turn, which has some saying the anonymous criminal who parachuted out of a plane with $200,000 in stolen cash could still be alive.

A new letter that was signed by Cooper was recently made public for the first time in a freedom of information lawsuit, in reference to the 1971 hijacking and the FBI's investigation into that now cold case...."

Had this article pop up on another thread!


"The notorious case of the mysterious plane hijacker known as D.B. Cooper just took another curious turn, which has some saying the anonymous criminal who parachuted out of a plane with $200,000 in stolen cash could still be alive.

A new letter that was signed by Cooper was recently made public for the first time in a freedom of information lawsuit, in reference to the 1971 hijacking and the FBI's investigation into that now cold case...."


That letter looks like a joke. Anybody could have typed that. I doubt the FBI even took it serious.
The recent Cooper series was not too impressive. Per the Newsweek story, the letter is signed DB Cooper. The real guy called himself Dan.
He was never a suspect so that was never looked into...his kids can tell us but they are not talking to me, I am convinced the family knows something. My theory is he hid in plain sight all these years. He went to work on monday and carried on as normal. No criminal backround the the fbi profile was looking for a dirty rotten criminal (qouting himselsbeth agent on the case at the time) and got rid of the cash after he heard the bills were marked. He left the 3 bundles as a gesture to tina mucklow who jokingly asked cooper for some of the money on the plane and he offered her 3 bundles. Of all the bodies of water in that area and it ended up on tina bar to big of a coincidence for me.

How did he come under your radar?
Robert Rackstraw

Investigators dedicated to uncovering the true identity of infamous 1971 airplane hijacker DB Cooper claim they now have the final pieces of evidence that proves it is the man they have long pinned it on.

The notorious hijacker, who is one of the 20th century's most compelling masterminds, hijacked a Boeing 727 at Seattle-Tacoma airport in 1971 and held its crew and passengers hostage with a bomb.

Once his demand of $200,000 cash - the equivalent of $1.2 million today - was reached and transferred onto the plane, he had the crew take off before he parachuted out over the dense Pacific Northwest woods and disappeared.
The hijacker was dubbed DB Cooper by the FBI.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...proves-DB-Coopers-identity.html#ixzz55t4iWBYm
I heard a strange theory that I have not heard before. Someone mentioned the guy may have tossed the money out and faked he jumped with it. But then hid on the plane and walked off with everyone else during the commotion.

The theory went something like he suspected the money was marked or he maybe didnt want to risk trying to get it off the plane with him and so he threw the money out as his way of faking he jumped.

Something like that. I dont remember all the details or where I ever heard this theory. LOL
I heard a strange theory that I have not heard before. Someone mentioned the guy may have tossed the money out and faked he jumped with it. But then hid on the plane and walked off with everyone else during the commotion.

The theory went something like he suspected the money was marked or he maybe didnt want to risk trying to get it off the plane with him and so he threw the money out as his way of faking he jumped.

Something like that. I dont remember all the details or where I ever heard this theory. LOL

Respectfully, this is extremely unlikely to have happened. There were very few people on the plane at that time. There is very little chance he could have hid and walked off with everyone else undetected.
I heard a strange theory that I have not heard before. Someone mentioned the guy may have tossed the money out and faked he jumped with it. But then hid on the plane and walked off with everyone else during the commotion.

The theory went something like he suspected the money was marked or he maybe didnt want to risk trying to get it off the plane with him and so he threw the money out as his way of faking he jumped.

Something like that. I dont remember all the details or where I ever heard this theory. LOL

Highly unlikely. Police swarmed the plane within minutes of it landing. Where could he have hid? Not only did they search the plane, but they searched the entire airport and surrounding neighborhoods for him. I think it would have been impossible for him to hid with that many LEOs looking for him.

Reno airport scene

At the Reno airport, a cadre of local, state and federal law enforcement officers was waiting.

A reporter from the Nevada State Journal, taking advantage of a short-wave radio operator's capture of the conversation between the pilot and the Reno tower, monitored the conversation with the pilot.

"We will be landing with the airstairs down," the pilot told the Reno tower. "We have not communicated with our passenger."

The pilot then said he would be landing the plane at 11 p.m. "straight up."

"At this point, no one knew whether he was still on the plane," said Joe Martin, a retired Washoe County Sheriff's deputy. "We all took up positions. I was at the north end of the runway. The plane went right over us and landed. That's when we found out he was gone."

After landing, the pilot again radioed tower that the hijacker "took leave of us somewhere between Reno and Seattle."

Law enforcement using police dogs searched the airport grounds. A search was also launched in a nearby Reno neighborhood.

All that was found in the plane was the clip-on black tie and mother of pearl tie tack Cooper had been wearing, two of the four parachutes and several cigarette butts.

The flight crew was questioned by the FBI and spent the night at the Mapes Hotel before departing Reno the next day.

A tale of the '70s_ When D.B. Cooper's plane landed in Reno/
Thanks for the replies about that and I wish I could remember more about the ending part. I may have got it a little wrong at the end. I agree that it is likely LE would have spotted him if he was still anywhere in the plane upon landing.

I thought I heard he hid on the plane till it landed but now I am wondering if maybe the ending part had him jumping out somewhere else closer to where they landed. Like another state as they were approaching the final landing spot.

Maybe theories like that had already been discussed before.

Anway its a very interesting case and I have not studied it enough to know where I really stand about who it was or what really happened. I may find time to read more about it so I can join in some of the discussions.
Thanks for the replies about that and I wish I could remember more about the ending part. I may have got it a little wrong at the end. I agree that it is likely LE would have spotted him if he was still anywhere in the plane upon landing.

I thought I heard he hid on the plane till it landed but now I am wondering if maybe the ending part had him jumping out somewhere else closer to where they landed. Like another state as they were approaching the final landing spot.

Maybe theories like that had already been discussed before.

Anway its a very interesting case and I have not studied it enough to know where I really stand about who it was or what really happened. I may find time to read more about it so I can join in some of the discussions.

It is a very interesting case. Unfortunately with so many theories published about it, It's becoming difficult to sort out the facts from fiction. If you want to get down to the real facts of the case a good place to start is the FBI files.

Josh Gates in his show Destination Unknown did an episode that looked into the theory that Cooper jumped out just outside of Reno. I don't remember what, if any, conclusions they reached.
Prarie, I saw that and thought that was an interesting theory until I realized he'd be out in the freezing cold at altitude, hanging onto the stair ramp for over an hour, in loafers. Is that possible?
I found him in a Boeing directory and then googled his name and an article about the hydraulics and brakes on the boieing 727 came up!
An interesting part of the story concerns the parachutes. "Dan Cooper" demanded, along with cash, that the FBI furnish him with two backpack parachutes and two front attaching "reserve" chutes.

This was to be done when the passengers were let off the air plane. His plan, it might be imagined, was for the FBI to think that he was intending to jump, along with one of the air crew members. If they thought this, then they would not be inclined to give him an inoperable parachute. To do so, would put an innocent hostage in peril.

Some stories state that the FBI DID give him an inoperable chute, and there seems to be some truth to that, although not as a deliberate plan on the part of the FBI.

The two backpack chutes were obtained quickly, but to get the smaller reserve chutes, they had to go to a local Jump Club and at the late hour (and under a time limit) they found only the club secretary still there. She grabbed two reserve chutes, but one was an inoperable "dummy" chute used only for classroom demonstrations. She was not, herself, a jumper and did not realize her mistake.
With the recent news that the Golden State Killer was identified from a DNA match on a public genealogy database, does anybody thing that D.B. Cooper will eventually be identified the same way? Should the FBI reopen the case and search for his DNA on public databases?

How DNA sleuthing led police to the Golden State Killer suspect _ Science News

Yes the fbi needs to release the 3 samples from the tie as well as the hairs found on the headrest and the 14 samples found on the chute that was left!
With the recent news that the Golden State Killer was identified from a DNA match on a public genealogy database, does anybody thing that D.B. Cooper will eventually be identified the same way? Should the FBI reopen the case and search for his DNA on public databases?

How DNA sleuthing led police to the Golden State Killer suspect _ Science News

I'm certainly hoping so, I think the DB Cooper, and I hope Zodiac, investigators will hop on this before there is a court ruling against it somehow. Zodiac is also a CA case, so hopefully still in play.
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