WA WA - Deanne Hastings, 35, Spokane, 4 Nov 2015

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Deanne's NamUs profile was modified on 9/1/22
She currently has 2 rule outs listed.



I have been following Deanne's case since I saw her Disappeared Episode. I hope her family gets answers, I believe the people that were with her the night she went missing know a lot more than they are saying.
Deanne's NamUs profile was modified on 9/1/22
She currently has 2 rule outs listed.



I have been following Deanne's case since I saw her Disappeared Episode. I hope her family gets answers, I believe the people that were with her the night she went missing know a lot more than they are saying.
Just watching the Disappeared episode now- wondering if the police are being aggressive enough with the people that were with her the night she went missing. I believe they are the key to this case-- the police must know that.
Hello hopefully I do this right I tried to find Officer Barrington but have not been successful.

I have seen the Deanne Hastings story at least 2 times now, the most recent 30 minutes ago.. my possible tips?

#1 I kept saying to myself goodness she looks so familiar, who does she look like, I could not figure it out for the longest.. Michelle Parker who is missing from FL/Hummer/People's Court 2011, I think. She looks so much like Parker it is crazy.

#2 As I was looking for Jeff Barrington I kept coming across FB pages, I hate FB.. so I searched Twitter nothing, so I searched DH name in Twitter and an account pulled up:

I was like can't be her then looked at the dates again was a month before disappearance.

#3 Looking at her followers there are 4 2 appear fake but if you look at theirs one has a person from Spokane on it covered in tattoos hasn't posted since years before.. 1 person appears real and the other is Jesus Quotes.. but then if you look at who she was following: Trump, Gore, Archived Trump WH, CIA, Ellen, Archives for Obama WH.. extremely STRANGE list of people to follow for one post. If the family or police can get access to that account maybe there is something in the messages. <modsnip>

#4 There is some really weird Dating, Cult Christian appearing, awkward things they follow.. may be a completely different avenue to look.

Just had to share it


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Hello everyone my name is Hannah. I tried to sign up and get verified a long time ago because I had/have so much info on this case that I wanted to share and be able to get some conversations going again.

I still can't believe its been 7 years since her disappearance.

Throughout the years I have spoken with Michael Carini (CM) her friend from California and he by far has been the backbone of keeping her case going and in the spotlight. He has lined up two different nationally known foundations to take on her case, one being the cold case foundation. The problem we are having is getting friends, family and relatives to write out a victimology/witness/anything form and submit it to them. CM has reached out to numerous people, he keeps up to date with the Spokane Detective on the case, emails and more. There is a new Detective on the case, I have his name in my files which I don't have in front of me (I'll post it later). I'm from Spokane myself and I have reached out to all three of our news stations to ask them to run a story about her case. Only one has gotten back to me and to date they still have not done a story, which is so sad.

We all know the details/timeline and etc... and there are a lot of theories out there.

I went to high school with Mike Tibbetts (MT) and I remember him as being quick to anger, loved to fight, a ladies man and he was intimidating. I dated him for a little bit, maybe a few months or so that's it.

I got involved with this case because after Deanne had been missing for 5 or 6 months, I got a Facebook message from what appeared to be Deanne's page. It was MT messaging me using her account or as he referred to as their "shared account" . The paraphrased version of his message was...."hey, I don't know if you remember me but I had a dream about you last night" etc etc... ummmm this creeped me the &U@) out. I had seen the news report about her and thought to myself "Oh... I know that guy, I hope they find her" and thought nothing of it after that point. At least not until after that message. I didn't respond right away, in fact not for years. (I'll get back to that later)

None of you know me, but if you met me you'd say I was a spitting image of Deanne. 5'4, 120 lbs, dark hair and dye it blonde, hazel/brown eyes, same smile, big chested, same clothing and hair style (hats). I went to beauty school before I got a Law Enforcement degree. I am bi-polar, have tattoo's, kids.... just everything was similar. So for MT to reach out to me totally creeped me out.

I know this thread is long but I have so much to share. I'm like a squirrel and will probably be all over the place so bare with me. Plus I just moved and all my files are in boxes who knows where.

I want to talk about the "search party" ... these were conducted by Mike and volunteers. So as you can imagine he directed everyone as to where to look. Plus the @ss was flirting with the female volunteers including one of the news anchors!!

Within a year or less he started dating, now it's my understanding that one women he dated was an avid hunter. MT took this women shooting and when they got to his vehicle she said that she smelled the most god awful smell of death. She knows her smells of death from a ton of animals but this smell was nothing that she had ever smelt before. I only bring this up because I'm so curious as to what this smell could have been? She apparently was pretty creeped out by this. These statements that I'm mentioning are from others who have spoke with MC but yet won't write these things out as a statement to give to the cold case foundation... which is so bazaar to me.

MT father died this year and he owns property/land... do any of you think it's possible that he could have buried her on his land? I truly believe that A. it was MT who killed her and B. he buried her there. One day I was doing some research online and I found this guy who claimed that he could connect with the dead through some kind of radio wave frequencies and such. So I watched his video and he was calling for DH who apparently responded. You can hear very faintly words coming across like, "hole" "on a hill" "dig it". It was interesting to watch and until I found out that MT father had land that was when I got to thinking that maybe she was buried there. I'll add a link to the video once I find my files so you can see for yourself.

Other stuff I talked to MC about was her texting different friends stating that she wanted out of the relationship. He seems like the possessive type.

What about the "note" ?? Who writes notes these days? She just texted two people and now she's going to write a note and on top of that he won't hand it over to the police. OR her cell phone. Which doesn't make sense, it's not his phone to withhold and why doesn't the police department get a warrant for it?

Another question to throw out there.... If DH has episodes of leaving for a few days at a time, why was this episode different? Is it because he knows she's not coming back? In the past he has never reached out to her family or friends just knowing that this is just something she does.. kind of like ..no big deal. But why this time? Hmmmmm

I'm going to end this post right here and come back on after I get my files in order. I really hope some of you are still out there wanting to talk about her case. Thanks for listening/reading :)
Saw the Disappeared episode featuring this DH case. Very unfortunate. It definitely appears that she was having some mental issues & someone possibly ending up taking advantage of this. The other possibility is that she wandered off somewhere & still hasn't been found yet.

I wonder who drove her car to that parking lot & just left it there. Based on what we saw in the episode, it looked like an area that wasn't that populated - possibly an industrial park of some sort. Did she drive it there, and just abandon the car - or did someone else do this?

Since no trace has been found of DH, it's slightly possible that she's still alive - possibly living rough/homeless. However, I don't think this it too likely.
Last edited:
DEC 5, 2022
Deanne Hastings


Deanne Hastings left her fiancé a note on the night of November 3, 2015, saying she was headed to the store. She never returned. The 35-year-old had finished her first day of cosmetology school that afternoon. The following morning, her credit card was used at a store not too far from her home outside Spokane, Washington. Security video shows Deanne leaving that store around noon. Her car was later discovered parked in downtown Spokane, and it appeared to have been there since November 3. In February of 2016, a man was arrested and charged with using Deanne’s credit cards. He spent several months in jail and was released in September 2016. Neither he, nor anyone else, has been charged in connection with Deanne’s disappearance, however. As of November 2022, there are no new updates in Deanne's case. Deanne is 5’4”, with brown hair and brown eyes. She would be 42 years old today. If you have any information regarding Deanne’s case, please call the Spokane Police Department at (509) 456-2233.
I'm from Spokane. The Knitting Factory (where her car was found) is not close to the Latah store that she was last seen at. I'm wondering how she got there without her car. If she took an Uber that would have shown on her bank statement. So this tells me that she rode with someone else in their car. Also, if her purse was left in her car but someone was using her bf's cc at the store, that means she left her purse on purpose but took her wallet which is weird. And why haven't we seen the surveillance from the store when the cc was used? Whoever she was with would hold the answer. It seems to me that this case could easily be solved if the police would put in a few bits of effort! I've hardly heard of this case in the media
That could certainly be said of many of these cases.

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