GUILTY WA - Ingrid Lyne, 40, Seattle, 8 Apr 2016 #3

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Oct 28, 2009
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Police searching for Renton mother missing since Friday Night

She was last heard from via text on Friday night. She went on a date to a Mariners games that night and didn't pick up her children Saturday morning, out of character for her. Police found her wallet and phone at home.

Three body parts from an adult, including a foot, were found Saturday in a homeowner’s recycling bin in the Central District, said Seattle police Sgt. Mike Renner.

Homicide detectives were investigating the discovery, made by the homeowner about 4 p.m. near 21st Avenue and East Pine Street.

link to WS discussion thread re: human remains found in Seattle prior to them being identified as belong to Ingrd Lyne

SEATTLE -- Police Chief Kathleen O'Toole said Monday investigators identified human remains found in a resident's recycling bin on Saturday as those of a missing Renton mother of three who vanished Friday night after going out with a man she initially met through a dating site.

UPDATE: King County prosecutors filed murder charges Wednesday against a man accused murdering a Renton woman, whose partial remains were found in a recycling bin in Seattle's Central District.

John Charlton, 37, was charged with Murder in the First Degree in the death of Ingrid Lyne. Charlton was also charged with Theft of a Motor Vehicle for taking Lyne's car, which was found in downtown Seattle Monday night.

Thread #1
Thread #2

MODERATOR NOTE: Welcome to our newer members. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the rules of this site. They can be found linked in my signature for your convenience. Please post respectfully. There is no sleuthing of persons not named as suspect or person of interest by law enforcement. Name-calling and derogatory terms are not allowed and will be removed.
The records show that John Robert Charlton has a criminal history and his parents had sought a restraining order against him in 2006, saying he had taken the movie "Hannibal" — about a serial killer — from a shelf and told his mother she should watch it and "beware."

Ray and JoAnn Charlton said their son tried to provoke a fight with them when he was drunk and abusive.

"[Charlton] has been known to hold grudges for several years and exposes frustrations when under the influence of alcohol or drugs," the pair wrote in the request for the restraining order.

"These frustrations he displays can be very intimidating and cause fear of violence," they wrote.

timeline of Charlton's criminal history at this link:
Drugs were being discussed on thread # 2. What about heroin? It's a total epidemic here.
I think the above post is important, good points made and something people should consider before they are quick to post pics etc. I can think of many (thousands) lives that would be saved had people done things differently. I too am like your husband, a search of my name would come up with little more than possible addresses.
Thread #3 and still no word - has her complete body been found? Will it be?
Drugs were being discussed on thread # 2. What about heroin? It's a total epidemic here.

Heroin users are addicted to the euphoric high of opioids - it wouldn't set someone into a rage or to act psychotic.
Are you asking if it is probable that JC was a heroin user ?
I do not personally think so, but even if he was, I don't think that his heroin use would somehow alter his mind to lash out in a fit of rage- it wouldn't change his persona- if anything, it would probably make him tired.

Because of what happened that night and the supposed time that it probably took to do what was accomplished , I don't really think that he was "too drunk to remember"

I really just think that this guy has always had an urge and a want to kill- I don't think he planned this out thoroughly, I think he just acted in the moment during the course of that terrible night .
Drugs were being discussed on thread # 2. What about heroin? It's a total epidemic here.

Is "here" WA? I am on the East coast and it's an epidemic here as well. So many burglaries, car break-ins and assaults going on to score quick cash. And while these individuals are sometimes young and hanging with the wrong crowds...others were once professional people.
CSIDreamer - from what I know about heroin, which is not much but I have known one or 2 people who have used it, I do not think that it would make a normal person even think about murdering someone much less dismembering their body. I believe that with most of these drugs, there must be an underlying psychosis at work which manifests when inhibition is removed.

As for online dating and all that, it seems to me that Ingrid did exercise caution. Her friends tell us they 'dated' for 4 and maybe up to 8 weeks. Whether that was in person 'dates' or she was just communicating online, we do not know but since she told friends and family about him, it was more than just a one time contact. The date was in a very public place and she drove her own vehicle.

Guys, we have no idea why he ended up at her house. He may have taken her by force from the bar after the game. She may have been giving him a ride to his 'car' which does not exist and he pulled a weapon and forced her home. We just do not know. He knew her kids would not be there, she had the house to herself and it would be the perfect opportunity for him to make his move.

Someone mentioned that they knew that she would have a pruning saw just by looking at her landscaping. Didn't John do some landscaping work and was supposed to help his ex in her yard on Saturday? Maybe he worked on Ingrid's yard, with her tools, so he knew where to find them. I dare someone to easily find my yard tools, I surely can't. Just saying.
CSIDreamer - from what I know about heroin, which is not much but I have known one or 2 people who have used it, I do not think that it would make a normal person even think about murdering someone much less dismembering their body. I believe that with most of these drugs, there must be an underlying psychosis at work which manifests when inhibition is removed.

As for online dating and all that, it seems to me that Ingrid did exercise caution. Her friends tell us they 'dated' for 4 and maybe up to 8 weeks. Whether that was in person 'dates' or she was just communicating online, we do not know but since she told friends and family about him, it was more than just a one time contact. The date was in a very public place and she drove her own vehicle.

Guys, we have no idea why he ended up at her house. He may have taken her by force from the bar after the game. She may have been giving him a ride to his 'car' which does not exist and he pulled a weapon and forced her home. We just do not know. He knew her kids would not be there, she had the house to herself and it would be the perfect opportunity for him to make his move.

Someone mentioned that they knew that she would have a pruning saw just by looking at her landscaping. Didn't John do some landscaping work and was supposed to help his ex in her yard on Saturday? Maybe he worked on Ingrid's yard, with her tools, so he knew where to find them. I dare someone to easily find my yard tools, I surely can't. Just saying.

Just mo heroin makes them sedate in a coma---- there had to be lot of "energy" to hack someone up , load body in bags, shlep the bags to the car , and toss em ---after a 12 hour day that included drinking----crack that fits better IMO than heroin who knows at this point
Thread #3 and still no word - has her complete body been found? Will it be?

Hi Han - more was possibly found on Friday - no confirmation officially so we do not know if this was the remainder (hopefully) or if there are more. I have a feeling some sort of statement will come tomorrow - nothing to base that on but am just hoping.
Yes, no confirmation but it may take DNA analysis to determine.
This window on my computer has been here since this AM . I just wanna post it so I can shut the window!!!!

The hybrid methodology retains six personality disorder types:

• Borderline Personality Disorder its in there yes will post for you to see if you think so !

• Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder•

Avoidant Personality Disorder• na

Schizotypal Personality Disorder• Taste what ya think ? Kinda mixed here

Antisocial Personality Disorder• ding ding ding you win the prize !

Narcissistic Personality Disorder ding ding ding you win the prize ha

Each type is defined by a

specific pattern Disorders Fact Sheet.pdf
I'm in the Midwest. Okay, thanks for the heroin update. I've obviously (thank goodness) got no clue about drugs.
Heroin will give you nausea when coming down and make you 2 relaxed to have the ability to fend off an attack while high.

So John was not chopping up a body while being a heroin user. Maybe meth. But not heroin nor crack.

Maybe John had help with the dismemberment part. Idk.
Heroin will give you nausea when coming down and make you 2 relaxed to have the ability to fend off an attack while high.

So John was not chopping up a body while being a heroin user. Maybe meth. But not heroin nor crack.

Maybe John had help with the dismemberment part. Idk.

I think crack you could go .....throw in anti social personalty disorder, sprinle with narcsim (you are refusing sex with me, I am god, I am awesome, great looking, allmighty in bed , ultimate rejection for a male narccisit (just cant spell it !!)

Poof completly out of his mind ....................IMO , I do not think this was premedated, I think - get to her house, for wahtever reasons refused him and forget it
I do not understand why news outlets just feel like it is ok to shut down on sat sun -- i do not understand why LE seems to think the same thing- it was not like this 30 years ago medical examiners went in to the office on saturdays,, <modsnip> you IMO should want to let the public know there will not be any more finds

The second find was morbid for us, the thread wnt nuts imagine people that knew her , staff on her unit that had to go into pts rooms , the tv is on, local , its about this, room after room pts where she was there nurse , just horrible .....and yes mr miss medical examner cop repoters you come in on sat sun and you DO hold press conferances , you Do let the world what is going on the best you can

<modsnip> I expected a presser just let us know you are working on this and tomm they will cover their stuff and hold something that will be basicaaly useless cause they were all off for the weekend

To me , it would be like me years ago, when one of pts were losing on a sat to just say I dont work weekends, that is just not right as a human being -- it is not and it just seems to be happening more and more-- unless its a terrorist attack then anderson comes in give me a break

it is truly- just as human beings quite repulsive IMO
Idk. Crackheads come down pretty quick and hard if they are not taking puffs every 2 minutes.

So I doubt he could focus within a 4hr time frame to do what he did.

He simply would have just saved himself the time and headache and took the whole body for a quick dump while calling up his dealer.

Also. Not too many dealers are picking up their phone at 5am.

So he would have been in a extra rush to catch the dealer before bed time.

So I doubt this was a crack induced killing nor robbery/ killing persay for the sake of buying more crack. Jmo

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