Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #10 *Arrest*

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Believe me, I don't think for one moment the mental health professionals will attempt to make bleeding heart excuses for Gabe G.. These mental health professionals work with teens like him every day and have heard it all. This crime was so heinous that I do not believe their sympathies will lie with the accused, IMO. I have to believe they will be thorough and professional though. Gabe G. knew right from wrong because he knew he had to cover up his crime. I really have no worries he will be found competent to stand trial and will be convicted.

ITA! Let's hope the medical personnel evaluating GG have as much insight into teens as you have. I'd hate to think what they could make of some of the Mad Libs answers I gave in the days before social media. :eek:hwow:

We can shareva padded room and /or cell... and do madlibs! Some of mine were borderline insanity!
Gabe G. is a coward. I cannot even say what I really think. Not charged yet?? Gabe G. was in high school and on the wrestling team and did not show any mental illness from anything I have heard so far. He was functioning and had friends. I can somewhat understand why an evaluation was asked for, but why take so long? Let the mental health doctor come to the jail and evaluate him for goodness sake.

There was a 17 year old in our parish who shot and killed a deputy who was after him for trying to pass a stolen check at a bank. He was booked into the adult jail and tried as an adult. Of course there was a mental health evaluation done, but that was in preparation for actual trial. The decision to try this guy as an adult was made at the very outset and he never had his head covered nor was he coddled in any way. He was convicted of first degree murder of the deputy and he went straight to adult prison. I seriously doubt Gabe will be sent to a juvenile detention facility until he is 18 or 21. Why should he be treated as a juvenile after being sentenced as an adult? Louisiana may be different, though, because we don't play.

I am furious Gabe G. has not been charged yet. Charge him, then do the evaluation!! Sorry. I just had to let off some steam about this.


I'll steam right along with you. :)

According to my research you're on the money. Mental evaluations can be and are done at any point during the criminal procedings, including at sentencing, and in Washington they can also be conducted on an outpatient basis at the jail. In fact the majority of evaluations (54% as of 2011) are done in the jail setting.

I remember Deputy Wilson saying something like LE wants to cross their t's and dot their i's so maybe they're trying to avoid any possible appeals down the line. Or maybe LE is letting the process drag out in order to increase GG's stress level in hopes that he'll break and give a full confession.

Whatever the reason, it's frustrating to say the least.
Today was exactly what I was trying to warn others about earlier. We have a good 6 months to a year (if not longer) before we hear anything concrete. GG's lawyers are building a defense against the undefendable! They are going to draw this out as long as possible. If he were my son, I would handle things differently. I would make him own up and accept his part, lessening J's family any further hardship. They might have not been perfect, but they don't deserve the drawn out law battle this is going to become since HIS lawyers have chosen a path.

With my kids, I always tell them, if you screw up, own up. Apologize and accept your part. Take your punishment and learn from it.

We can shareva padded room and /or cell... and do madlibs! Some of mine were borderline insanity!

Exactly! There's a big difference between trying to act cool around your friends or online versus subconciously revealing deep, dark secrets about your personality.

As LaLaw2000 pointed out, GG was functioning just fine in society. I saw nothing on social media that indicated his friends knew something was wrong with him. Quite the opposite - no one saw any red flags and his friends were all shocked and surprised. And he knew darn well that his actions were wrong.
Today was exactly what I was trying to warn others about earlier. We have a good 6 months to a year (if not longer) before we hear anything concrete. GG's lawyers are building a defense against the undefendable! They are going to draw this out as long as possible. If he were my son, I would handle things differently. I would make him own up and accept his part, lessening J's family any further hardship. They might have not been perfect, but they don't deserve the drawn out law battle this is going to become since HIS lawyers have chosen a path.

With my kids, I always tell them, if you screw up, own up. Apologize and accept your part. Take your punishment and learn from it.

Thank you......I cannot say more --
With my regular poster hat on AND as a Washington native...

I'm not surprised at this at all. They are not exactly famous for throwing the book at anybody. They're trying, IMO, to prevent a more expensive case but he'll end up getting something that will keep him off the streets for a long time. But, knowing my home state, he'll be out someday and there will be a new uproar.

I don't think he's behind any of this delay.
I also wanted to add, watching the live news on KOMO just a bit ago they mentioned that it might be things like the answers Gaeta gave on ask dot fm that sort of give pause for thought on his competency eval. Frankly, I think that's a load of doo-doo. Some of our kids use that site too and the questions are dumb to begin with (on purpose) and the answers (in many many many cases) are supposed to be outrageous, funny, over the top, etc. I many cases it's sort of like a "top this" to ask a more outrageous question and/or to give a more outrageous answer.

I think if anyone wants to use that aspect of Gaeta's social media life to make any kind of excuse is seriously reaching.

yes... Using that website that shall not be named (ask. something) as a tool in deciding mental competency is like using "The Newlywed Game" in deciding whether a couple should stay married...

Could his defense team be trying to get his 'adult' status removed for this case? Is that even possible? I was thinking how common delays are , so frustratingly NORMAL these days to have trail dates set and changed again and again. But I cannot recall a charging delay. So last night I was thinking of of the ' why' . Why not want your client even charged so that the process can begin? It seems like there would be nothing the defense could do after the state says he'll be charged as an adult , but maybe there is . Does anyone know ?
Paging Gitana !!! :)
Could his defense team be trying to get his 'adult' status removed for this case? Is that even possible? I was thinking how common delays are , so frustratingly NORMAL these days to have trail dates set and changed again and again. But I cannot recall a charging delay. So last night I was thinking of of the ' why' . Why not want your client even charged so that the process can begin? It seems like there would be nothing the defense could do after the state says he'll be charged as an adult , but maybe there is . Does anyone know ?
Paging Gitana !!! :)

Lol we are paging Gitana over on the Erin Corwin thread

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Lol we are paging Gitana over on the Erin Corwin thread

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I will be shocked if there is any such loophole maneuvering available to the defense ! But I just cannot see a valid reason for a delay like this right now, other than something like that. Some 'lobbying' to the state to reduce him back to a minor.... that may be why they're still covering his head in hopes he can not be charged as an adult. ( and covering the head would mean no one would know his face? idk what that is about )

Do we know if he's got court appointed attorney or private? I don't know that a court appointed attorney would do this, unless its' a little guy thinking this is a big public case that would get his name out there into the community and he's trying to pull off a hat trick.
Lol we are paging Gitana over on the Erin Corwin thread

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

She's so good to us! We need to give her a raise :giggle:

I want to see her on the Michael Brown thread :tantrum:
Gabe G. is a coward. I cannot even say what I really think. Not charged yet?? Gabe G. was in high school and on the wrestling team and did not show any mental illness from anything I have heard so far. He was functioning and had friends. I can somewhat understand why an evaluation was asked for, but why take so long? Let the mental health doctor come to the jail and evaluate him for goodness sake. <respectfully snipped>

I believe the only reason they've asked for a psyche eval is because he was already receiving treatment for an undisclosed condition. MOO
I read some ugly comments about both families on social media recently, which tells me that emotions in the MHP are still raw. A lot of people are angry that GG wasn't officially charged yesterday and the prosecution isn't doing the community any favors by making it appear like the case is stalling out.

"The family has been accused. They've been getting threats and this situation is horrible," said Gregory Ryland, a Gaeta family friend. "It's horrible for the family, and I just wanted to sit there let them know there's someone out there that still loves them."
I hate that gg's family is getting death threats. I hate it so much! I'm so sorry for them. This one person's actions have not only snuffed out innocence but put so many people through he**, including his own family. I don't know anyone goes forward from here. And to whoever is threatening his family, why don't you put yourself in check ? Why don't you see if there is anything more constructive you can do in the community to help HEAL rather than keep tearing it apart?
I hate that gg's family is getting death threats. I hate it so much! I'm so sorry for them. This one person's actions have not only snuffed out innocence but put so many people through he**, including his own family. I don't know anyone goes forward from here. And to whoever is threatening his family, why don't you put yourself in check ? Why don't you see if there is anything more constructive you can do in the community to help HEAL rather than keep tearing it apart?

Yeah, this is messed up, the threats. I do hope LE investigates this and slams the sh... out of whomever did it.
I will be shocked if there is any such loophole maneuvering available to the defense ! But I just cannot see a valid reason for a delay like this right now, other than something like that. Some 'lobbying' to the state to reduce him back to a minor.... that may be why they're still covering his head in hopes he can not be charged as an adult. ( and covering the head would mean no one would know his face? idk what that is about )

Do we know if he's got court appointed attorney or private? I don't know that a court appointed attorney would do this, unless its' a little guy thinking this is a big public case that would get his name out there into the community and he's trying to pull off a hat trick.


Can anyone think of a case where a mainstreamed (in school/and normal IQ/active school sports participant) 17 year old committed rape and murder of a child, and was charged/prosecuted as a juvenile?
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