Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #2 *Arrest*

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Anyone know how to find a news video that has poofed? I previously posted this link and the content is now missing:

I posted it on Thead #1 #316 because it was the only time I had heard the father say that he sent the sister out to look for Jenise at NOON and that's when he began to become concerned (the rest of timelines have all been something like 8:30pm).

I looked in the KIRO archives and the newscast is missing there also. Looking through them, I'm pretty sure it was Graham Johnson's interview with him on the 8/4/14 5 o'clock report. It might have been some sort of raw video though, because you had to go to mark 7:30 to start it, and 9:01 to hear father say that. The 11:00pm report is in the archives, but has been edited and doesn't show that part.

Oh well, hopefully LE noticed that he said that too, before it was taken down. But I'd love to get it back and make sure.
I respectfully disagree. I believe it does make a difference in public perception in this case, as in many others.

It is just a label. It means nothing unless people apply prejudice to it. To me trailer parks are places that have all kinds of homes, whatever they are called. Where people live, their dwelling does not make them good or bad people.. IMO.

It is just a description of where their home was.

I don't think it has any bearing on the case. IMO
No. because they are saying that she has been running around like this since she was 3. So for years now. Not that she looks 3 now.

And just how do we know that this "eye witness" isn't just a busy body or the proverbial neighbor from He!! that has animal control, LE, CPS, and Planing and Zoning on speed dial?
From what WS'ers in that area and community are saying, it is a very family orientated, kid friendly MHP.
Show me a pic of the incident and I'll believe it.
She wasn't buried. She was shoved into the bushes....I'll look for a link but I read it here.

I would love a link and still that means someone tried to hide her. If they did not know her, They would not have tried to hide her so much.. IMO
Can someone post a picture of the parents, I haven't been able to find one.

The other children being removed by social services is cause for concern- IMO.

Post 835 doesn't have a picture, BTW!

Thread #1 post 835
Unsolved - your link is broken for that video. You just need to find the correct link.
Or the teenagers? Are did you mean the teenagers?

I am absolutely including the teenagers when I say kids. If she was seen all Friday and all Saturday by 'friends' why didn't any of them come looking for her on Sunday. Just very curious about that.
And just how do we know that this "eye witness" isn't just a busy body or the proverbial neighbor from He!! that has animal control, LE, CPS, and Planing and Zoning on speed dial?
From what WS'ers in that area and community are saying, it is a very family orientated, kid friendly MHP.
Show me a pic of the incident and I'll believe it.

CPS came in AFTER she went missing. All the years she ran around apparently no one called.

I don't know why anyone would be defending this parenting method at this point.. It is absolutely horrible how she was taken care of.
I'm kinda new around here, can we post things here the mother has said on her fb?
I think LE doesn't want to deal with harassment of family while investigating a homicide.

Why would LE say the parents are incredibly cooperative more than once, when they don't know anything about their child leading up to the disappearance!! Really just makes me mad. I have an almost 5 year old and if she is quiet for 5 mins in the house I go and look and see what she is up to! I can't even fathom only noticing a 6 year old is missing because she didn't come home for dinner!! What about breakfast!!
Again, this is just MOO but I was with a family member not long after he and his partner discovered a mother and her two toddlers slashed to death from a drug deal gone bad. I knew what he'd seen but just days after, he was joking around like his usual self, cracking jokes, etc. That was his first murder scene and as all cops say, finding kids is the worst. It was for him too but he put training into practice (and was also in department counselling, which I didn't know at the time) and seemed his jovial self. Those of us who never see the stuff cops see have a hard time understanding. I'm just grateful I never have to see it, or deal with it.

I don't think for a moment that anyone is trying to be harsh to LE or anyone involved in cases like this. We know they go through UNSPEAKABLE things we can't even imagine. It's also evident they are trained in how to deal with those tragedies and still function...something most of us couldn't begin to do. We appreciate them and honor them for all they do.

The problem I see, at least in my opinion, is the timing of the jokes and laughter. It's totally understandable that they would laugh at other times, if they are able, but in some public instances "somberness" is the appropriate mood that is to be expected.

I wouldn't laugh during a funeral, or while comforting a friend who lost someone, nor would I laugh while wedding vows are recited...even though the mood is significantly happier. And I would seriously doubt LE makes jokes or laughs when they arrive at a home to explain a family member has been killed. There are just "appropriate" times and "non-appropriate" times, and frankly, as people gather to hear the announcement that a 6 year-old little girl has been murdered, most people would consider that to be a "non-appropriate" time for laughter.

It would be a different case if it were an older person, who died naturally having lived a full life with a great sense of humor. Most people would deem it appropriate to laugh because it would be a celebration of life, and the person was ready to go, and would probably enjoy knowing people weren't crying. That just isn't the case here, and I think that is the problem. We can't laugh as we reminisce about a full life this precious girl led, because she didn't get that chance.

It's a matter of honoring one is minimizing the incredible difficulties LE faces on a daily basis.
Why would LE say the parents are incredibly cooperative more than once, when they don't know anything about their child leading up to the disappearance!!

To maintain order and the integrity of the community. Angry mobs don't present solutions.

Again, this is just opinion and maybe regional. Around here, They have some nice mobile homes.. But they are still in the trailer park. It is gated and has a guard on duty. Nice little community but there is no difference in what it is called.

Do you live in an area that only uses "ABC Trailer Park" as a name and never "ABC Mobile Home Park"? Or do you mean everyone in your area calls them "trailer parks" regardless of what they are named? (Like we say "Kleenex" even if we mean another brand?)
So far behind but I have a good excuse. We are hunkered down in the path of 2 hurricanes!
If her little body was found in the trailer park, how did they miss finding her sooner or was her body placed there recently? What a precious innocent little girl, so trusting, seeing the good in everyone not realizing the evil that lurks in this world.
What really stood out to me is that this M girl was obviously accustomed to seeing Jenise daily. Then Sunday - nothing. If M was someone who saw Jenise every day (and that's just an assumption) then did *anyone* really see her Sunday? If she was still around in the park, wouldn't her normal routine include going to see M? I would think so. I'd sure love to know reported to LE that they saw Jenise Sunday, and if *anyone* else can back that up.

I trust J's friends MOST.....NOT the parents.
Do you live in an area that only uses "ABC Trailer Park" as a name and never "ABC Mobile Home Park"? Or do you mean everyone in your area calls them "trailer parks" regardless of what they are named? (Like we say "Kleenex" even if we mean another brand?)

yes. And there are some beautiful ones. Some over 55 ones. It is just what they are called by not only the people in the area but the people who have a home in one.
#Q13FOX News &#8207;@Q13FOX 4m
Kitsap Co. sheriff's office: 'Washington State Patrol&#8217;s Criminal Investigation Division isforensically mapping' scene where body found

Parella Lewis &#8207;@ParellaLewis 12m
&#8220;a lot of what&#8217;s going to happen at this point is the recovery of trace evidence.&#8221;-FBI profiler profiler on JENISE WRIGHT case- 10pm #Q13FOX

Parella Lewis &#8207;@ParellaLewis 7m
&#8220;Somebody out there saw something that didn&#8217;t register before, but may now as being important.&#8221;-FBI Profiler talks about Jenise Wright @10
Well that's a huge problem as parents said she was in bed at ten pm that night. I had such a great day, I Hv no words to describe logging in and knowing she was found just as I suspected close to the house. Usually w most perps it's just too much freakin trouble to take their victim very far. I totally suspect the family, this was not an abduction like LE stated. She was not taken...and I'm with others, feeling she may Hv been wrapped in something from her home something that matches other decor..sheets, bedspread etc... We will know soon enough. I'm sick, so sick at heart. I'm so sorry.
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