Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #4 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
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I agree, Tarika. Then there are 2 others I can think of.

I wonder if there is anyone who has aroused LE's suspicions by seemingly being too helpful? Sometimes the guilty will want to be in the middle of everything and and be overly helpful.

J may have been drugged.


Yes I pondered the idea of her being drugged as well. The poor little innocent girl!
I agree, Tarika. Then there are 2 others I can think of.

I wonder if there is anyone who has aroused LE's suspicions by seemingly being too helpful? Sometimes the guilty will want to be in the middle of everything and and be overly helpful.

J may have been drugged.


Yes I pondered the idea of her being drugged as well. The poor little innocent girl!

But couldn't they just be seeing how long it was since she had eaten last? They can do that, right??
It's my personal opinion that Jenise never went to bed in her home on that Saturday night. I believe that TOD will prove that if it's possible and that it's also possible the family knew she was missing but because of the fathers past they were to afraid to reach out. After all, the accusations hurled at him in the past came from an underage family member (which is already in the MSN so I don't think I am breaking any TOS by saying that). For the record: I am NOT saying he was involved with what happened to her. I just don't think she was in that home Saturday night like they said.
Yeah, I keep thinking & wanting to discuss, but can't. [emoji1] Need to get dinner ready, anyway. Yikes, I just found y'all last week and I'm addicted to WS already! ;D Later!

We're so glad you found us. Like Hotel California, you can check out anytime you like, but you can NEVER LEAVE! :)
But couldn't they just be seeing how long it was since she had eaten last? They can do that, right??

Yes, they could. The medical examiner would have a good idea as well through her stomach contents.
BBM. The substances in her system could relate to food etc too. But, yeah I was wondering about that statement too.

I believe blood tests and food in stomach/digestive tract would help determine the Time of Death...

What would a 6yr old child have in common with teenagers? Sure it might be fun to have the child around at times, and if you are being paid to babysit them, but everyday? I imagine the teens weren't always nice to Jenise. Wouldn't doubt if tricks were played at her expense, she was encouraged to do things to make the teens laugh AT her, and she probably wouldn't know the difference because she was so young.

I mention to above because I know my oldest sister did NOT want me or my brother tagging along with her anywhere. She would throw things at us, yell at us, and wouldn't let us tag. My sister is 6yrs older than I am. On the other hand, my brother is 8 yrs younger than I am, and I loved having him with me always. He called me "little Mom" and tagged along and none of my friends (who were only females) ever said anything mean about it.

My 18yr old babysits, and enjoys the kids she keeps, and comes home with all kinds of silly things the kids said, did, etc. HOWEVER, if one of younger cousins stays for more than a day, she's ready for them to go home. Says the constant questions, shadowing her every move, wanting to use her phone, etc., wears on her patience. And that's without her own friends being here. I know she wouldn't be mean to them, but there's time she just tolerates them more than enjoying their company.

If it were just a single teenager, maybe an outcast or loner, they may have enjoyed a 'younger sister' to play make up, fix her hair, paint nails, etc., but I'm not sure that every day would be appreciated.

Are there not kids closer to Jenise's age in that community that she could play with? I don't think I remember seeing it mentioned by anyone.

As for the entire community being fenced in, that's possible. But it's also possible that chained link fencing has had a tree fall on a part, or sagged from rust, or age. Also possible the older kids just climbed it and went about their way.

As close as most of the homes are in that community, there's not much privacy at all. Teens like that privacy, and many teens just like woods. Some find being near a creek in the woods a peaceful place to gather. Some without ill intentions, others as a means to hide their smoking, drinking, having sex, or heavy making out from their parents. Wondering if any of the kids have 4 wheelers, dirt bikes, etc that like to use the woods for fun? My daughter likes hopping on her horse and riding in the woods when she's stressed or wants to just get away for a few minutes. Doesn't look like anyone has horses in that neighborhood though.

***Sorry for my rambling again***
****Completely off topic so skip if you want****
If you believe in prayers, please say one for a dear friend of mine's son. He has terrible Crohns and has a colostomy for 5 yrs (he's 17yrs old) and today had more surgery and they removed over 2 ft of his intestines. The surgeon said he has no idea how he was still going. He is really ill. Thank you. :grouphug:
I think he said it takes 24 hrs to process, dbl check and then enter the DNA results into the database.

BUT, if the perpetrator is someone from the mobile home park LE would have the answer even without it being put into Codis. They would have it right there.

I'm sure LE used the bucle check swabs for DNA. I think the guys' swabs will be tested first, then maybe the females, depending on what was found with little J. LE may have no use for the female DNA swabs.

The database is Codis, and how long it takes depends on how many DNA samples have to be entered to be checked.

I feel like we will know something within a week with someone having stated that the State Crime Lab will be operating 24/7.

I am so angry I can't stand it about some freak murdering this beautiful little girl.

I haven't posted on this case before now. I've just been following and thanking silently since the beginning and I'm on the fence, although leaning to one side more than the other.
But, I can't help thinking that if it was a teen why would they place her in a spot that would draw attention to them?
However, if it was an adult that would be an ideal place to put the attention on the teens.
Wondering if the guilty person was supposed to be back home somewhere at certain time so they had to hurry? Or maybe snuck out while someone they live with was sleeping or ran an errand? I also keep wondering if she was somewhere else the first time they looked for her and placed there later.
So many questions and so many answers needed.
I am impatiently waiting on answers and justice for beautiful Jenice. May she receive that justice soon.

Shadylady~Thank you so very much for all of your posts and answers to questions. I appreciate you and your efforts to keep us all informed and give us a clearer picture. Wish I was there to give you a hug.

Teens don't always think straight. Add panic and perhaps drugs/alcohol, and they really don't think straight.

ETA: My comment is about teen thinking in general, not specific to anyone in particular.
Have I missed something? Was she raised mormon? I am friends with several mormons and her family situation doesn't fit the traditional mormon situation at ALL. ??? Sorry if I missed a nuance.

Also, I would be surprised if she had internalized any caveats at all about whether she could wander a few feet out of the trailer park into the woods - there seemed to be no spoken boundaries at all for where she could wander all day long.

MSM link on previous thread. Family Bishop was quoted.
And in another MSM link, same previous thread, siblings said she had boundaries.

I was raised Mormon in a then small community, Scottsdale. The neighborhood was almost entirely LDS. All are parents felt it was a safe area, and other then telling them where we were going (in a general kind of way), and when we'd be back, we were free to go from house to house, call if we were eating dinner somewhere else. Heck, we could saddle up and ride 15 miles away, 10, 11, 12 year olds, be gone all day and return just after dark. The deal was, don't get hurt, and if you do, you better be able to make it home by your own devices or you were in a world of trouble.
You also need to take in consideration the cultures of the family, Fillipino, and Native American. The community is a large part in raising the children.
But couldn't they just be seeing how long it was since she had eaten last? They can do that, right??

But don't they usually compare the rate of digestion in correlation to their last known meal? ("She had waffles for breakfast at 9 am.")

Who's going to step forward and claim feeding the missing dead child (sorry sweet girl) what might have been her last meal, and describe what it was, I wonder.
I believe blood tests and food in stomach/digestive tract would help determine the Time of Death...


If they knew what/when she had last eaten. Since no one in her family noticed she was there in the morning, it seems like no one would be able to say what she had eaten - if anything. So if you find food, where did it come from and when? It doesn't seem like anyone has come forward and stated she had a sandwich at their house that day.
I didn't watch, but when I read the recap I read it as each sample would take 24 hours to process (with multiple being able to be processed simultaneously). I'm sure they'll start with whoever is on top of their list....

I watched and the way that I understood it is he was describing the whole process.

I'll paraphrase it - he said that they collect the saliva swab sample and then they do their fancy laboratory sciencey biologist things to it they let it sit for 24 hours. It is then ready to be matched up to whatever other DNA sample they have to compare it to.

She was precious!! There's a lot of love in those pictures.

I agree. It does warm my heart to see the family love and see the fun family celebrations and Easter baskets and Christmas decorations. I don't think the child was living in the kind of severe negligence and loveless existence that we often see in past cases. It is nice to see there was a lot of love.

But that doesnt change the jarring reality that nobody too responsibility to supervise her that weekend. She was not in her bed Sunday morning and nobody was concerned. That is a shame. And it pisses me off.
Yes, they could. The medical examiner would have a good idea as well through her stomach contents.

But it stops digesting the moment they die and we don't know when she went missing and when she ate last. She might have eaten last Saturday morning and her parents may not know what she ate. The perp may have fed her a candybar at 3 pm Sunday. The digestion would halt at death and no one would know what time between Saturday and Sunday she ate the candybar. They'd just be able to make an estimate of how long she lived after she ate whatever she ate last. I think....
It's important to remember that when we think about Jenise tagging along with older kids, it's doubtful she was the only younger child. Other older kids probably had younger siblings as well that may tag along or join in group adventures, just like Jenise and her older siblings. I do think that a fourteen-year-old at school or at the mall wouldn't want to be caught dead hanging out with a six year old. But in my experience, neighborhood gangs of kids are usually full of a wide variety of ages (i.e. 6-15) some siblings and some not. I don't imagine it was a bunch of 14-16 year olds and Jenise the lone younger child. But that's just my speculation.
MSM link on previous thread. Family Bishop was quoted.
And in another MSM link, same previous thread, siblings said she had boundaries.

I was raised Mormon in a then small community, Scottsdale. The neighborhood was almost entirely LDS. All are parents felt it was a safe area, and other then telling them where we were going (in a general kind of way), and when we'd be back, we were free to go from house to house, call if we were eating dinner somewhere else. Heck, we could saddle up and ride 15 miles away, 10, 11, 12 year olds, be gone all day and return just after dark. The deal was, don't get hurt, and if you do, you better be able to make it home by your own devices or you were in a world of trouble.
You also need to take in consideration the cultures of the family, Fillipino, and Native American. The community is a large part in raising the children.

Very interesting. This could be why her parents thought she would be safe. Thank you for the insight.
If they knew what/when she had last eaten. Since no one in her family noticed she was there in the morning, it seems like no one would be able to say what she had eaten - if anything. So if you find food, where did it come from and when? It doesn't seem like anyone has come forward and stated she had a sandwich at their house that day.


Burger King....
Evidently her father is mormon, and did take the kids to church services with him.

ETA: I know what you mean

ETA x2: I believe attending LDS church services is different than actual having temple recommend... so I believe that someone who did not follow mormon doctrine to the letter would still be welcome at church services, if not the sacraments at the temple.

Temple and Church are entirely different. You can choose whether or not to get a Temple Recommend, you have to be 18, and then you must be faithful to the teachings of the Church to get one. The Temples are used most specifically for Temple Marriages and Baptisms for the Dead. My grandfather was in the Mesa Temple Presidency back in the 1980's.
Churches are for Sunday School, Sacrament meetings, Young Adults, MIA, Primary, Relief Society, Priesthood Meetings, non Temple Marriages, Special Events, and sports, if they have a gymnasium.
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