Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #9 *Arrest*

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My DD recently had a severe anxiety attack lasting over 2hrs and requiring a trip to the ER. It was the most gut wrenching feeling not being able to help her, and seeing her in such distress. When we finally got home that evening, her brother is who she reached out to, and would finally talk to. She wouldn't speak to us, *her parents*, her grandma, her doctors, a therapist, the ambulance crew, the police, nobody. We had no idea what had happened, if she had been raped, mugged, or what. She simply stated later that she couldn't talk. It hurt too much internally, and she couldn't breath nor form words. There's so many emotions that teens deal with, and haven't the past experiences, nor skills to process. They aren't adults, their brains aren't completely formed, yet the want the adult life, or so they think. But they have no clue what the 'real world' is. And something such as a break up from a boyfriend, or death of a pet can be the catalyst for a complete breakdown they've held in too long. It's normal. It's part of growing up, and leaving the comforts of home, and juggling work, college, finances, and relationships all at once.

I feel for each of the kids in the community left to figure out their path in life after such a tragedy as they're living through now. Please parents, set up those appointments, talk to your kids, as I told my own, I don't know the all the answers, I can't define your life for you, but I'm here, and I'm willing to help you. I'm willing to listen, without judgement, without bias, and try to help you see the decisions you need to make, and talk through them. But I can't make the decisions for you. I can't read futures, I can only lean on my life experiences, my age, etc to help guide.

Yes I'm hurting for those kids today. I'm hurting for JW's siblings, and her parents and loved ones. I'm hurting for GG's family, siblings, friends, and loved ones. I've prayed for GG, and even though it's not up to me to forgive him, like him, etc., I pray for him. That's not to say I would want him anywhere near me or my kids right now. But something is wrong for a 17yr old to even have the thoughts of his actions, much less carry through with those thoughts. Something is wrong, whether it's legal insanity or not, I think we can at least agree that his brain is not as ours.

I don't even know why I'm posting this, except to say, while I can't ever understand the extreme emotions the community is feeling, as I didn't know the victim nor the perp, I am a human, and have compassion. I truly feel horrible that any child would have to experience a tragedy like this. :grouphug: to them all. Together, you will learn from this, and will grow stronger. But it's going to take time. It's not an instant snap of the finger healing. It's not a healing that a pill is going to miraculously cure. It's going to be a process. But you'll each remain in my prayers from the 'other coast'.
What a great mom and human you are! [emoji8]
I also want to add that it's not always depression as the reason for being prescribed antidepressants. They can be prescribed those for ADHD that doesn't respond to stimulant meds or oppositional defiant disorder or anxiety as well as many more disorders or conditions.

Probably totally o/t but my son is on ADHD meds for ADD and when they wear off, he can get really bad mood swings and can become aggressive and violent towards his brothers. He is normally very sweet, quiet and happy but when the meds wear off, he can just "flip". For example, he hit his brother across the face once, has grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head back and forth and slapped him. He is like a different child and its totally out of his control. When he calms down, he gets upset and confused as he feels he has no control over doing these things at the time. The aggression will be for the slightest thing, like not being allowed to join in a game.

So, if someone is taking a medication like that, which wears off after a certain amount of time, it really can lead to aggressive behaviour and a personality change, which is beyond their control. My son is only 9 - I imagine with time he'll learn how to control it (IF I let him continue it much longer).

Obviously I am NOT making excuses for this crime, or suggesting GG had any form of ADD/ADHD or even any medication, I was just picking up on the mention of ADHD and sharing the effects of the medication as I've witnessed.

Probably totally o/t but my son is on ADHD meds for ADD and when they wear off, he can get really bad mood swings and can become aggressive and violent towards his brothers. He is normally very sweet, quiet and happy but when the meds wear off, he can just "flip". For example, he hit his brother across the face once, has grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head back and forth and slapped him. He is like a different child and its totally out of his control. When he calms down, he gets upset and confused as he feels he has no control over doing these things at the time. The aggression will be for the slightest thing, like not being allowed to join in a game.

So, if someone is taking a medication like that, which wears off after a certain amount of time, it really can lead to aggressive behaviour and a personality change, which is beyond their control. My son is only 9 - I imagine with time he'll learn how to control it (IF I let him continue it much longer).

Obviously I am NOT making excuses for this crime, or suggesting GG had any form of ADD/ADHD or even any medication, I was just picking up on the mention of ADHD and sharing the effects of the medication as I've witnessed.


I too have a son (8 ½ years) who is ADHD/aspergers. He takes a medication for ADHD. I have noticed when we have had to increase his dose, or if he goes without it then gets back on it (even if he was only without it for the weekend) he is overly emotional about everything. In addition when the medication does wear off at night, he also seems to have less control of his actions, will do something or act out without thinking, and then have no explanation as to why he did what he did. He has done pretty well with learning to control his behaviors on his own, or when the medication has worn off (usually around bed time), but there are certain triggers that set him off (unfortunately little brother who is 4 is not as incent as one would hope and likes to push his buttons just to try to get him to react). I as a parent have had to educate myself about his medication as there are some other medications and foods that should not be consumed while he is taking the meds. I monitor his behavior and we have visits every 3 months with his pediatrician to discuss behavior changes, concerns and how the medications are working for him.
I also want to add that it's not always depression as the reason for being prescribed antidepressants. They can be prescribed those for ADHD that doesn't respond to stimulant meds or oppositional defiant disorder or anxiety as well as many more disorders or conditions.

Antidepressants are also prescribed for sexual obsessive and related disorders.
He was charged as an adult. Therefore, I imagine the part you included for children does not apply JMO

Being charged as an adult is the criminal legal part.

It would have nothing to do with how he is classified for evaluation purposes
I am feeling more and more like his "surgery" was because they were afraid he would harm himself or others and he got evaluted.
<deleted incorrect info>

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I am feeling more and more like his "surgery" was because they were afraid he would harm himself or others and he got evaluted.
I hear 8 months ago. That would be the height of the season for depression. (I think)

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Possible suicide attempt?
It has not been discussed, but this family will probably loose everything. They will have to take on the full cost of their son's defense. There will be no websites for donations.

Whether they suspected the first days or not, they did allow the LE to take DNA samples. And they were concerned enough about him previous to the murder, to take him in for depression.

I pray LE is on top of this new troublesome news story.
They should let him have court appointed. In a case like this there is very little a defnese attorney can do. GG is looking at a super long time, IF not life , no matter who defends him. Now if he was the son of a movie star, or politician or sports superstar with billions and they could afford a afew million in a defense, there may be a slightly different outcome but right now I don't think any amount of money that the average family can muster will make much difference at all.
It has not been discussed, but this family will probably loose everything. They will have to take on the full cost of their son's defense. There will be no websites for donations.

Whether they suspected the first days or not, they did allow the LE to take DNA samples. And they were concerned enough about him previous to the murder, to take him in for depression.

I pray LE is on top of this new troublesome news story.


Yes, with everything going on I think we should remember that GG's family are also needing prayers and support.
As long as there is a lawyer making a defense, there will a psychiatrist from somewhere who will testify for them. Even it's not to absolve guilt, but to gain sympathy for the client.

Affluenza anyone?

Sorry I could not resist. On with catching up on reading -
Probably totally o/t but my son is on ADHD meds for ADD and when they wear off, he can get really bad mood swings and can become aggressive and violent towards his brothers. He is normally very sweet, quiet and happy but when the meds wear off, he can just "flip". For example, he hit his brother across the face once, has grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head back and forth and slapped him. He is like a different child and its totally out of his control. When he calms down, he gets upset and confused as he feels he has no control over doing these things at the time. The aggression will be for the slightest thing, like not being allowed to join in a game.

So, if someone is taking a medication like that, which wears off after a certain amount of time, it really can lead to aggressive behaviour and a personality change, which is beyond their control. My son is only 9 - I imagine with time he'll learn how to control it (IF I let him continue it much longer).

Obviously I am NOT making excuses for this crime, or suggesting GG had any form of ADD/ADHD or even any medication, I was just picking up on the mention of ADHD and sharing the effects of the medication as I've witnessed.


I have a grandson who was diagnosed with ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. And he's a lot like you describe your son. He's on meds, but every once in awhile, I guess when he comes down off the meds, he goes wild, over something that should be no problem. He acts out, he gets violent and he hurts whoever is around him. Once it's over, he is so embarrassed and ashamed of himself, and doesn't understand why he behaved that way and why he would do those things. He's 12 years old now but we first started dealing with him with this in pre-school. He was kicked out of every daycare center he was in. He threw chairs at teachers, pushed and shoved other kids, hit them, etc. It's been a trial.

When he finally got on medication at the age of 6, things improved a lot but we still have issues with him when he comes off his meds, when they quit or give out.

Again, this is in no way to makes excuses for the crimes GG committed, but it might explain some of his behaviors.
I am feeling more and more like his "surgery" was because they were afraid he would harm himself or others and he got evaluted.
I hear 8 months ago. That would be the height of the season for depression. (I think)

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Myth? There is no "season" for depression. For S.A.D. yes, for depression, no.

Would be happily proved wrong fwiw.
I have a grandson who was diagnosed with ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. And he's a lot like you describe your son. He's on meds, but every once in awhile, I guess when he comes down off the meds, he goes wild, over something that should be no problem. He acts out, he gets violent and he hurts whoever is around him. Once it's over, he is so embarrassed and ashamed of himself, and doesn't understand why he behaved that way and why he would do those things. He's 12 years old now but we first started dealing with him with this in pre-school. He was kicked out of every daycare center he was in. He threw chairs at teachers, pushed and shoved other kids, hit them, etc. It's been a trial.

When he finally got on medication at the age of 6, things improved a lot but we still have issues with him when he comes off his meds, when they quit or give out.

Again, this is in no way to makes excuses for the crimes GG committed, but it might explain some of his behaviors.
Mom, is that you? Lol. Same story here almost to a T.
Do any of our locals here know if the 3 cars have been returned to the Geata's?
Possible suicide attempt?
Who knows! I can't imagine saying you had surgery and not having a "scar" to show your friends... Tonsils? Sinus/nasal septal? Tubes? not much that you don't have proof. Even a hernia some guys are gonna show it!
Makes me really think he did have surgery, he could have broken something during a suicide attempt I guess. Passing out and falling down or wrecking or something.

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A study published in Pediatrics found that in children and teenagers who have suffered a concussion, physical symptoms such as headache, nausea and fatigue tend to appear immediately, while emotional symptoms such as frustration, irritability and restlessness may take days or weeks to manifest themselves.

Teenagers with a history of concussions are more than three times as likely to suffer from depression as teens who have never had a concussion, while some research indicates that children who have a history of concussion are more likely to develop attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and have difficulties controlling their moods.

Teenagers who have suffered a traumatic brain injury such as a concussion have a significantly higher risk of attempting suicide, being bullied, becoming bullies themselves, using alcohol or marijuana, engaging in antisocial behavior, being prescribed anxiety and/or depression medication and seeking help for mental health issues from crisis help lines.
No. in the court document the man who was asked said that GG and TW also lived in the house. It does not mean that a sibling who had moves away might not be back visiting for a little while.
Remember they took 3 cars. I'll bet one was the brothers.

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Well that or maybe one of the cars was Gabe's?? A lot of teens like to drive themselves to school around here. Maybe with senior year coming up, he was going to do that??
Is ' admitted' to Western State a strange term or am I reading more into it than there is? Seems to be a routine competency evaluation could be conducted with out patient appointments. Why the admittance?

because he's in custody courtesy of the county?? I was wondering too - maybe that way he can be processed faster and or be ''observed'' on the ward (aka overnight kind of thing) .... better sample of him if they can observe I would think over a 24 hr period several or a couple of days so that they can see how he interacts with staff etc (JMO as an amateur)
Who knows! I can't imagine saying you had surgery and not having a "scar" to show your friends... Tonsils? Sinus/nasal septal? Tubes? not much that you don't have proof. Even a hernia some guys are gonna show it!
Makes me really think he did have surgery, he could have broken something during a suicide attempt I guess. Passing out and falling down or wrecking or something.

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If you slit your wrist, there is going to be a scar. Just throwing that out there. I am not sure what to think about this. I would like to see the conversation or post for some context.
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