WA WA - Laurie Partridge, 17, Spokane, 4 Dec 1974

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The World's Fair was taking place in Spokane in 1974. I recall vividly passing through there in early October of that year, and seeing it in full swing.

A lot of people were going in and out of Spokane back then for the Fair. Here is an article about it, along with a link:

Expo 74 Spokane World's Fair opens on May 4, 1974.

On May 4, 1974, Expo 74, the Spokane World's Fair opens on two islands in the Spokane River for a six-month run. The exposition theme is "Celebrating Tomorrow's Fresh New Environment" (Bowers). Ten nations have exhibitions that will be visited by 5.6 million people.

After the fair closes, Spokane will be left with a convention center, an opera house, and a park. In 1959, Spokane's downtown had declined because of suburbanization and industrial development. Business leaders formed Spokane Unlimited to rejuvenate the central business district. In 1963, King F. Cole was appointed the executive secretary. The organization purchased industrial Havermale Island with federal assistance for use as an open space and as the focus of a makeover of downtown.

In 1970, Spokane wanted to celebrate its centennial and a consultant suggested that Spokane try for a worldwide event. At that same time, concerns over the pollution of the Spokane River surfaced and mining companies were convinced to stop discharges into the water. The two movements came together in an environmental theme for the fair. In December 1970, the project became Expo '74. King Cole became president in 1971.

The Union Pacific, Burlington Northern, and Milwaukee Road railroads deeded real estate to Spokane for the fairgrounds. Spokane satisfied all the requirements for staging a World's Fair including federal law and politics. The Bureau of International Expositions approved Spokane for a Category II Exposition, the smallest city ever to be so honored. Canada was the first country to sign up and would later be joined by the United States, the Soviet Union, Korea, Germany, Japan, and others. The plan for the fair expanded to Canon Island, which became Canada Island.

President Richard M. Nixon opened the fair and its environmental theme. The exhibition closed on November 3, 1974. The fair structures were converted to a convention center, an amphitheater, and an opera house. The grounds became part of Riverfront Park.

HistoryLink.org Essay 5133

meggilyweggily said:
Didn't Bundy usually favor dark-haired girls, though?
Bundy's main preference was for long hair parted in the middle. I don't know if all of his victims had dark hair or not.
As far as I can tell from Bundy's known victims, Debbie Kent was killed in Bountiful, Utah around 11/8/74, and his next known victim, Caryn Campbell, was killed in Aspen, Colorado around 1/12/75.
If she was having menstrual cramps, she was most likely having her period. I wonder what statistics show about rape and the victim being on her period. Would it make the rapist more angry to the point of murder, or would they be more prone to let them go. I've not studied this scenario, but remember as a young teen being told in health class, (or Girl Scouts can't remember where) that if you where in a rape situation to tell the attacker you where menstruating.

Laurie's Myspace is very beautiful, I wish her sister would post more on here with any updates. Prayers for Laurie.
Gosh, I stumbled across Laurie's photo and I feel as though I have met her when I was young. I think we might have gone to high school together. I am almost positive that I knew her. Did she ever live in Orange County, CA. ? I am 48 now and went to Los Amigos High School and Fitz Intermediate.
You may be right. It says in one of the posts that she formerly lived in California. Maybe her sister can verify the school she went to and the timeframe.
As far as I can tell from Bundy's known victims, Debbie Kent was killed in Bountiful, Utah around 11/8/74, and his next known victim, Caryn Campbell, was killed in Aspen, Colorado around 1/12/75.

That's what I noticed too - I've been reading up on Ted Bundy the past couple days. I'd like to know a bit more about how he was ruled out as a suspect in Laurie's disappearance. On Taryn's MySpace for Laurie it says "Ted Bundy was considered as a suspect but after checking his credit card receipts it was concluded he was not in the area at that time." Did they have definitive proof that Bundy was in another state making a purchase on the exact day Laurie went missing? 'Cause from what I can gather, he moved around pretty fast. He broke out of a Colorado prison in 1977, and no one realized he was gone for 17 hours - by that time he had hopped on a plane and was already in Chicago. Within a week, he had taken a train up to Michigan, then stole a car and drove it down to Atlanta. I don't know when his credit card purchases were made, but he could have made a purchase in Utah on one day and been in Washington the next day, IMO. So I'd like to know a bit more before ruling him out.
I was 14 and living in the Silver Valley area of Idaho at the time and all got were Spokane TV stations,I remember this one.
I could be wrong but wasnt this around the same time as the Nanette Martin case?
Please correct me if Im wrong.
I sure hope some closure is finally brought to this case.
Its been too long.
Moved from LTWH board to here for discussion, originally posted by: Be Adequite!

Laurie Partridge- Spokane WA
Another sad case. Her sister runs a MySpace page for Lorie that is absolutely heartbreaking. An all-American girl with no apparent enemies, problems, etc- simply vanished.
A very odd thing about the case- her purse was found several days later- minus two tickets she had to an upcoming Beach Boys concert. Police staked out the concert- the tix were used- but they couldn't tell by whom. Odd.
A lot of missing women in Spokane over the years...
The DNA came back on that "match" not Laurie

Bundy's stomping grounds were Washington at one point and I have to agree with the poster that he moved around fast. I find it hard to believe that police would eliminate him because of following credit card receipts alone.
In November 8 1974 he attempted to kidnap Carol DeRonch in Utah. He failed. He did then kidnap and kill Debby Kent (who he snatched from a school!).
In January 12 1975, he was in Colorado killing CAryn Campbell so he was all over the place as far as I'm concerned and on quite a killing/kidnapping spree.
So for him to be in Washington in the interim is not so hard to believe since he knew the area extremely well and murdered there numerous times.
Some of Bundy's victims DID NOT have dark hair, but they were parted in the middle. I think that LE made WAY to much of that because I was a teenager in 1974 and practically everyone in the world wore their hair like that if you had straight hair..that's just the way it was.

Also,have they checked out William E. Cosden Jr. who killed Kathy Devine in 1973 in Washington. Kathy was long thought to be a victim of Bundy, but in 2001, DNA found that he was the killer. Kathy was 15.

Taryn..do you know if William Cosden was looked at as a suspect?
If she was having menstrual cramps, she was most likely having her period. I wonder what statistics show about rape and the victim being on her period. Would it make the rapist more angry to the point of murder, or would they be more prone to let them go. I've not studied this scenario, but remember as a young teen being told in health class, (or Girl Scouts can't remember where) that if you where in a rape situation to tell the attacker you where menstruating.

Laurie's Myspace is very beautiful, I wish her sister would post more on here with any updates. Prayers for Laurie.

My opinion on that would be a big No to being a deterrent to rape, to being let go, and doing any good telling them. Maybe a silly teenager, but not some adult focused crazy rapist.
This case will be 35 years old in a few months. There were a number of other disappearances of young women and girls around the country at this time frame.

See the Websleuths featured case of the Lyon sisters, Katherine and Sheila who went missing from Wheaton, Maryland on 25 March 1975. There are threads in it which mention some of those other cases. Many of them were of short girls around five feet tall who had blonde hair and blue eyes.

While LE often looks for connections with "famous" serial killers such as Ted Bundy, they often fail to look at other lesser known dirtbags who might be only caught and charged on one or two crimes involving abduction. The above case discussion also mentions possible suspects or persons of interest from around that time frame, some of whom might have been in or around Washington state in December of 1974.

Here is another link with some photos and info on Laurie:

Bumping for Laurie. She disappeared 35 years ago tomorrow. Praying for justice for her and her family. Come home soon, Laurie. :blowkiss:


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